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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Delayed Indefinitely for Xbox One [Up: Released]


Neo Member
Especially when the movie it's based on looks like shit. Sony isn't that stupid.

lol, the reason the game got delayed may be trivial but the amount of butthurt is astounding :D

Keep the salt coming.



As someone else here already said, they probably just fell behind on the XB1 version for whatever reason, which was then compounded by the fact it's a licensed movie game that is surely being rushed to coincide with the theatrical release.

We need to wait to hear more before we suggest anything more sinister.


My theory is that since it's a Sony IP they are contractually obligated to release on the big Sony consoles. Hence most of the time went to optimizing the PS4 versions, with the XB1's QA falling behind, perhaps a game breaking bug was found in the X1 edition.

Now the X1 version will come when the Blu-Ray of the movie comes out. That's when they would be targeting it.


The movies just came out.
Do you think maybe Sony maybe secured an exclusive deal (timed exclusive/permanent) at the last minute, since The Amazing Spider man 2 is through Sony pictures i'm pretty sure?

It just doesn't make sense to throw away working on a platform, so close to sales unless something else has popped up.

Thinking out loud is all,lol
My theory is that since it's a Sony IP they are contractually obligated to release on the big Sony consoles. Hence most of the time went to optimizing the PS4 versions, with the XB1's QA falling behind, perhaps a game breaking bug was found in the X1 edition.

What a load of old tut, XB360 is getting copy of the game, and that's sold a few more consoles than xbone. And why on earth would they want to limit the amount of consoles you can buy the game for? It's a movie tie-in, they get a release onto everything.


Ask yourselves why Sony would mandate this be delayed on the X1, as if this game is going to do gangbusters on sales. That a horrible theory.

Then we have the other side of the coin where people are doom and glooming it when it's likely some cert issue or something (Beenox mentioned just a few days ago that is was running at 1080p, 30fps on X1 & PS4).

Come on people lol.

Yeah i don't think Sony would make some kind of deal, the game is hardly a AAA game in hype or potential sales.
I also very much doubt that its a problem with the X1, the game wouldn't be 1080p if they were struggling with the hardware and the game is hardly a looker to begin with.


Neo Member
huh? where's the salt in that statement? If anything, it's directed at the movie. but keep grasping for straws

sorry my fault, I thought you were discrediting the game because the movie you never saw was looking "shit", in order to downplay the fact, that this game is not coming to xbone any time soon and thus the owners of said console are not missing out. May bad :)
Wonder if this is anything to do with compatibility issues with the latest Xb1 firmware. Something in the game conflicting with the os perhaps. Thus it not paswing certification


sorry my fault, I thought you were discrediting the game because the movie you never saw was looking "shit", in order to downplay the fact, that this game is not coming to xbone any time soon and thus the owners of said console are not missing out. May bad :)

So you're saying that anyone who isn't bothered about this must be an Xbox fanboy?, we are hardly talking about the next GTA here.
Oddest move I've seen in a while. Xbox owners buy games, hard time understanding why activision didn't at least force out a bad port in time


sorry my fault, I thought you were discrediting the game because the movie you never saw was looking "shit", in order to downplay the fact, that this game is not coming to xbone any time soon and thus the owners of said console are not missing out. May bad :)

Making something out of nothing.


My theory is that since it's a Sony IP they are contractually obligated to release on the big Sony consoles. Hence most of the time went to optimizing the PS4 versions, with the XB1's QA falling behind, perhaps a game breaking bug was found in the X1 edition.

Now the X1 version will come when the Blu-Ray of the movie comes out. That's when they would be targeting it.

I can definately see there might be something wrong that might warrant a delay but an indefinite delay is quite overkill.


Neo Member
So you're saying that anyone who isn't bothered about this must be an Xbox fanboy?, we are hardly talking about the next GTA here.

Absolutely not. My reply was directed at a comment of a particular user. In any case it was not meant to be a generalisation :)


I thought Microsoft had a policy where if they don't get a game the same time as everyone else, then the game couldn't be release on their console?

Son Of D

Pressure from Sony maybe? There is a Spiderman movie coming up too.
360 version can eat into Ps3 sales. Wii U version could make a (very) small dent in PS3 sales as well. No Vita version but there is a 3DS version. PC version could make a small dent in Ps4 sales as well.

I'm going with an issue with the Xbox One version coming up and they delayed it so the other versions could release near the movie's release.
Is this why Bish got into his bunker?

Seriously, how odd. Unless Microsoft were to announce that they were pulling the One, I just can't figure this.

Could this be why Bish retreated into the bunker?

Highly unlikely, and we don't even know the full details about this game yet, but maybe there's some more 3rd party
Xbone version cancellations coming?

Nah, probably not.

lol come on, guys!


It's even available on mobile device. Now I have to edit the OP lol.

Totally different game though, it's one of those Gameloft jobs: amazing engine, sticky play.



Haven't played it, but it's crazy what you can do with a phone these days. If you have an Xbox One and love Spider-Man, you might want to free up some space on your phone...



By Tom Phillips Published Thursday, 17 April 2014

UPDATE 16.00pm: Activision has confirmed the postponement of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on Xbox One to Eurogamer but said it will collaborate with Microsoft "in an effort to release" the title at some point.

There's still no reason for the delay - and whether the game will actually release at all still seems in doubt.

“We are working with Microsoft in an effort to release The Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game on Xbox One," an Activision spokesperson told us. "Currently, the game will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and the PC on 2nd May, 2014 as previously announced."

I'm surprised people seem to be writing off the game already. Sure it's a movie tie in game, but it honestly looks like a whole lot of fun.

As for Xbone losing it, that's very odd, especially with 360 version coming. My only guess would be that Acti is tweaking stuff for it...maybe extra features or something.

THe ps4 version looked like a below par graphically, so I'm going to guess the xbone version was even worse. Lots of pop up. Maybe they couldn't get it fixed before going gold and it was so bad that it affected gameplay.

The swing mechanic looked good though. No more webs attaching to the sky.


Does this mean that if they do get around to releasing it on XB1 it'll be the 'best version'? Since they basically get more time to work on it instead of having to cram it before the movie


Nothing of value was lost, the gameplay vids looked like every other movie tie-in game. Hopefully this generation we finally get a good Spider-Man game again


"The Reason for the delay is not known at this time but could it have something to do with the fact that Sony is producing The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie?"

Do people still not realize that SCE and Sony Pictures are basically two different companies?

No, they don't. See all the posts in SCEA threads yelling "rootkits!!", which was SonyBMG.
Sounds like something had blown up in Q&A.

I reckon that sounds like the case, something came up in QA they looked at the movie release and dev. cycle and thought 'This will be out too long after the movie, screw it just cancelit'. I doubt this game is likely to be good enough to sustain sales past the movie hype so fixing it would represent a lost investment, of course if I'm proved wrong and it's amazing then this is just stupid. In the meantime I'll take it as a hint that the game itself isn't good enough to last without the movie hype.
They are probably just trying to get it up to 900p, no worries it will come out when it comes out. It's not like it's a highly anticipated title anyway.


I don't believe this is performance related when the game is available on mobile and portable devices, in addition to last gen. They clearly know how to cut stuff to get things working, so that idea is out.

The Sony money hat idea is also preposterous. Sony want sales of a game related to an IP they own the film rights for, on as many platforms as possible, clearly. Never mind its out on 360.

I think the most likely cause is the release date parity. For whatever reason they had to push the Xbone version by a time, but are not allowed to do that, so it is on hold until they can sort that out with MS, if at all.

What that delay reason could be if not performance, I have no idea.


They are probably just trying to get it up to 900p, no worries it will come out when it comes out. It's not like it's a highly anticipated title anyway.

They confirmed on Twitter that both the PS4 and X1 versions run at 1080p/30fps, its very doubtful that this delay is hardware related.
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