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What's the Latest with Mistwalker?

L Thammy

XSEED didn't have to translate The Last Story, so that's probably a big reason why it's their most successful game.


XSEED didn't have to translate The Last Story, so that's probably a big reason why it's their most successful game.
Xseed hasn't translated several of their published titles (Ys Chronicles, Ys OiF, Pandora's Tower, Solatorobo). That wasn't thecreason.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Here ya go

The Last Story did sell better on day one, but Xenoblade had the better legs. At the end of the years they came out in, they had both sold around 160,000 units, with TLS having an extra 6 months on sale. That includes the bundle for TLS.
Also thanks and also for the correction. The important thing to take out of this however is that both games sold well in japan(hopefully pandora's tower did aswell)


For those mentioning it, isn't it really unlikely that Lost Odyssey would get a sequel? Microsoft owns the IP, right? They made that game as a part of their (totally failed) attempt to get some market share in Japan. I don't believe they're going to try that again.
I hope what they do next is like The Lost Odyssey (minus the dumb kids). I really liked it. I thought The Last Story was so boring. I lost interest pretty quickly due to the combat/characters.
It would be awesome if Nintendo contracted them for Last Story 2. Hell, with all the ex-Square people running around Nintendo's offices, I'm sure they could easily set Mistwalker up with a temporary studio to do the development.
He met with Yasumi Matsuno last month. I .... I can't read any more into this or else I'm going to get myself hyped over nothing again.


Sakaguchi posted on Facebook today that he had a meeting with his Mistwalker staff today. Who knows if it means anything, but it's nice to know Mistwalker isn't totally dormant and is still employing people.




Aren't most of Mistwalker's games codeveloped with other developers?

I found a lot of their games to be average or sub-tier since most of them failed to impress or were just flawed.

I have yet to play The Last Story and I'm unsure if I should give it a chance considering most of their other games fell flat.

I hope they can prove me wrong and show me something good.


Neo Member
Last time I heard from Mistwalker, they were working on a big mobile game, more ambitious than Party Wave and Blade Guardian. Should be announced and released this year.
As down as some people are on the Mistwalker titles, I really enjoyed Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and The Last Story. If Microsoft is open to having the first two ported to PC, I'd even double dip for sure.

Last murmurs I heard they were working on another iOS game, but I don't think we've had a concrete announcement yet.


For those mentioning it, isn't it really unlikely that Lost Odyssey would get a sequel? Microsoft owns the IP, right? They made that game as a part of their (totally failed) attempt to get some market share in Japan. I don't believe they're going to try that again.
If Phantom Dust of all games can make a comeback, i dont see why LO couldnt.
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