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Games you absolutely hated that were well received?


On mobile so I don't want to elaborate too much.

Ni No Kuni
The Wonderful 101
Majora's Mask
Fallout 3 and NV

Immediately come to mind.


Watch_Dogs. I can't possibly understand how that is an 8/10 type of game when they're are so many infinitely superior entries in the exact same genre.


we all knew her
pretty much everything that came out on the Wii. I know Galaxy 1 and 2 are supposedly the greatest games of all time, but I can't play them because the Wii is a piece of garbage and I hate everything about it

You're not making any sense. This isn't my way of disagreeing with you. I mean you are making no sense and I have no idea what this even means.

I say in advance that I'm practically a DS-Fag... Nonetheless, I don't think it is difficult. It just requires a good dose of perseverance. Enemies need to be studied and understood. Basically the antithesis of most of the games that are out there today.

Excuse me?


Hate is a strong word.

However, I think there were games that were so fucking blatantly flawed that some of the scores baffled me. Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword and Brawl fall into that category. 10s everywhere... I don't get it.
Dark Souls.

Art and monster designs are good, everything else is trash. Clunkiest, crappiest "combat" I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

Red Mage

Not absolutely hated but I generally do not like Mario 64. I find it nearly as bad as Sunshine and have never understood the love that game gets. I really like Galaxy 1 and 2, however.


Hate is a strong word.

However, I think there were games that were so fucking blatantly flawed that some of the scores baffled me. Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword and Brawl fall into that category. 10s everywhere... I don't get it.

There would be a huge backlash for anyone that gave the newest Zelda less than the highest scores. That's the only reason I can see for giving TP a 9 or a 10.

Not absolutely hated but I generally do not like Mario 64. I find it nearly as bad as Sunshine and have never understood the love that game gets. I really like Galaxy 1 and 2, however.

Same here.

Edit: Oh wait, you called Sunshine bad. I liked Sunshine. The worst part of Mario 64 was falling to your death because of the lousy camera angles. Sunshine fixed that with the water jet. The stages were also bigger in Sunshine. The small square areas in Mario 64 felt claustrophobic.


You're not making any sense. This isn't my way of disagreeing with you. I mean you are making no sense and I have no idea what this even means.

basically, i've talked about this in the past, the Wiimotes and the Wii hardware destroy any kind of fun I can have in a video game. I enjoyed the first hour or two of Galaxy and could never play it again after that because my hatred for the wiimotes > my love for the game

I guess I could've tried with a classic controler or something but I never got around to it, I just gave up on the Wii after a while


Mass Effect 2 - Critically acclaimed, but started the death of the series for me. Won't play 3.
Skyrim - Bland, boring, empty world. Subpar combat. Homogenized stats.
Pokemon - If it was more like Monster Rancher where you can work on powering up one monster, maybe I'd enjoy it.
Majora's Mask - I could never see this as a Zelda game. There is so much here that is a complete departure from the series.
Minecraft - Creating things with pixelated blocks for hours on end. I just can't see the draw.
Modern Shooters - Lumped into one, since as a whole are everything wrong with shooters these days. Regenerating health, limited weapon carrying capacity, cover systems, waist high walls, set piece combat, slow movement, and ADS.


Neo Member
I wouldn't say I hate these games but I don't understand why they're so hyped and so loved.

The Demon/Dark souls series.

I could never get into them and I personally think they play clunky and disjointed.

Red Mage

There would be a huge backlash for anyone that gave the newest Zelda less than the highest scores. That's the only reason I can see for giving TP a 9 or a 10.

Same here.

Edit: Oh wait, you called Sunshine bad. I liked Sunshine. The worst part of Mario 64 was falling to your death because of the lousy camera angles. Sunshine fixed that with the water jet. The stages were also bigger in Sunshine. The small square areas in Mario 64 felt claustrophobic.

The parts without the FLUDD were awesome.


Alan Wake: Great premise, horrible execution. Characters are incredibly unlikable, Alan Wake is one of the douchiest protagonists in a video game, the gameplay is boring and repetitive, the monster design is bland and forgettable (shadow people and random floating objects, really?), and the writing is just so stupid.

Super Meat Boy: The game is alright for the first two worlds, but then by the third world they begin to introduce things that just annoyed the ever-loving shit out of me. Also I never got the acclaim for the controls. To me, they felt extremely slippery and awkward. The later stages in the game seem to go against its own philosophy as well by having stages that are way too long to be enjoyable. Also the game looks pretty damn ugly.


Neo Member
All the Assassins Creed games. They were kind of fun for a few hours but are all the same terrible game play with a horrible convoluted story for no reason. The only passable one was Black Flag because it stepped away from the standard formula a bit but it was still bad. I honestly can't see how people are so obsessed with those games and love the boring one dimensional characters.


I've warmed up to Skyrim after modding to fix mechanics and such. The world can be very flat at times but I like it more than I liked vanilla.

A lot of AAA fits the bill for me. I don't like cinematic-heavy action/hallway shooter titles, and that seems to be the bulk of what we get with it. GTA5 and SA did nothing for me (GTA4 didn't either) despite my love of 3/VC.

Demon's Souls/Dark Souls. Loved the concept, respect From for making them, but ended up really disliking them when I sat down to play them.


I don't "hate" any video games, because they're just... video games. Hate seems like a really strong word to use for that (to me, at least).

Resident Evil 5 sucked.
Guess I'm the first in the thread to mention Borderlands.

I tried to like this game so much. It came out during a time in my life when I was broke so it got passed up for 2 years. Finally bought the GOTY edition when some friends were praising it up and down and bugging me to get it.

Game was dull as dishwater to me. Played the first area solo and couldn't get into it at all. It's a routine loot-driven RPG that happens to be guns instead of the usual fantasy-RPG weapons...big deal? Which character you pick means nothing since all that changes is a single useless power-up. The combat just revolves around shooting bullet sponge enemies. Quests mostly boiled down to "go to location, shoot everyone, pick up quest items. return to turn in quest." Game had no interesting plot at all.

After chewing my friends out for convincing me to buy this turd, they insisted I play with them, because the classic excuse from Borderlands fans is "well, you played single player. This game is sooooo much better in co-op!"

It's not. The annoying bullet sponge enemies just turn into bigger sponges! So the dull combat takes longer, but now you have the added benefit of your friends hoarding all the good loot...

Saw the game through to the end with them trying to find some redeeming quality. Some of the characters were funny I guess. It's about all the game has going for it from my perspective.

I'm convinced that the reason this game was successful is that it came out during a time when 4 player drop in/drop out co-op wasn't a standard thing yet. Many more games have done this better since. I just get annoyed when the co-op crutch gets used to excuse the dull gameplay. I had fun getting drunk with a few friends and watching Sharknado, but it sure as shit doesn't mean it's a good movie. Doing anything is better with friends, and that includes bad games.


Tomb Raider 2013
Mass Effect 2

Not hate but didn't enjoyed those games as most people seemed to. Greatly overrated imo.


Tomb Raider 2013. I still don't understand why the hell people likes this game. Way too many QTE's and stupid emotional scenes. Unnecessary gunfights and zero classic TR gameplay. Just piece of crap.

Ronin Ray


I hate these games. I think there overrated beyond belief and don't understand why they sell so much. I don't hate halo but never got into it. Feels so good to get that off my chest


Fable I: Lost Chapters. I hear people talk about it so highly, but it's a joke of a game to me. Not a single aspect of the giant turd is worth a damn.


I don't understand why the Elder Scrolls series is so loved.
The concept of enemies scaling to your level is ridiculous and takes away the feeling of gaining power.
Especially in Oblivion where near the end of the game you're being interrupted by a gang of thieves on the road all wearing glass armor.

I like RPGs but scaling enemies is beyond stupid. Oblivion is one of the very few games that I traded in because I despised the game by the end and knew I would never ever touch it again.
Rogue Galaxy. I don't understand how this game has a following. Such a horrible, horrible game.

Oh and I didn't think Phantasy Star IV was anything special. II had magnificent, huge dungeons, and III had a battle system that didn't waste your time. I'm not really sure what, if anything, IV offered.
Most Ubisoft AAA productions. AssCreed 3, Far Cry 3 etc. I find them bland and soulless. Gameplay was about as exciting as to go shopping in the grocery store.
Saints Row 3 and 4. Even if you didn't compare them to the far-superior first two games, they're absolutely terrible games devoid of any real humour.

I'd much rather have the map from the first two games and the actual decent customisation they had as opposed to the shitty, tiny Steelport and "hey guise look at these randum fart and dildo jokes lolol xdd". It's just a shame that SR2 was awful on PC, otherwise I'd still play it.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Hate is a very strong emotion. I'd like to see it used less when describing games that just annoys us at best.

A game I'm playing right now that's annoying me is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's just these little things constantly. Not being able to walk for more than 5 seconds without something interupting gameplay, the incredibly stiff animation, the need to explain everything several times, how unnatural gameplay flows, etc. I understand what people like but it feels like they're copying the Zelda-formula more than they're making a Zelda-game.
Fallout 3.
There's something about fallout 3 that makes me nauseus, it gives me headache and make me wanna puke.
I couldn't even keep on playing for an hour or two.
Maybe because how the game look, the tone and the atmosphere.
Never played it again.


I'm a long time fan of Resident Evil since the PSX days and I liked 6 a lot, even if it was very different and well, not RE at all.

But I couldn't stomach Revelations for more than ten minutes. It felt clunky, awful and unfun.

Bioshock Infinite. I think reviewers forgot that they were reviewing a video game and instead chose to gush about the world/social commentary.
Haven't played Bioshock Infinite enough to agree or not with you, but it seems these days doing 'social deep critical commentary' is a excuse to design a boring video game. I like the whole thing of Spec Ops: The Line being critical of violence and whatnot, but the game itself is a chore.

I think I even read that "it's designed to be tiring and not fun". Well shit, I'm not that into video games that aren't fun. Guess I'll go and read a book instead I guess.


war of titties grampa
Gone home

A buddy told me that it was worth 20$ and was so awesome! I got it and was so disappointed. What a boring "game". It was completely unentertaining and I could not believe how many people loved it. I played for like an hour or so before I decided to not waste my time on it anymore. I asked that buddy what he liked about it and he said he hadn't played more than 30 min but LOVED the whole nostalgia bits since it was in the 90s (pulp fiction, nirvana, ect.). That stuff was cool I guess but man, it was so boring to me.
Mass effect:
contender for worst ai in any videogame

awful story pacing, total lack of character exposition for key characters (asari matriarch etc)
Talk her up for the first dreadfully boring hours of the game, then kill her off before you have any reason to know who that character is or to give two shits, yet act like it's a heavy and meaningful event

save the puppy/rape the puppy 'moral choices'

Dumbed down conversation system
Awful gunplay
one of the worst UI's/menu/inventory systems in an rpg ever
Endless asset copy pasta
5 minutes in udk terrain tool planets and too lazy to even use a smoothening brush

3 copy pasta micro dungeons (in which the ai also constantly gets stuck) on the planets

Broken self shadows that were patched out instead of fixed

and the fact that it's the exact same stale bioware story formula that we've already played many times before

Every single aspect of the game is lazy and half baked/poorly executed , despite being the same by the book formulaic shit they 've done several times before (it's just a lazy worse reskin of kotor)

But hey you can have space sex and there's a cool looking space ship (that serves as a shitty quest hub) wooo 10/10 goty
I've never absolutely hated a game before, but there are a few games that I didn't really like that got a lot of praise. The Halo series and Call of Duty are the only two I can think of at the moment. I tried to get into Halo, but other than the multiplayer, it just bored me.
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