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#GAMERGATE: The Threadening [Read the OP] -- #StopGamerGate2014

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"to be truly tolerant, please be tolerant of the intolerant!"


Yea I can't stand that kind of soapbox-on-a-soapbox. Calling out intolerant people doesn't make you as intolerant as them. It makes you intolerant of intolerance. Sounds silly, but it is needed to keep crazy people closed minded people at bay.

Are you honestly fuckin' saying that people should be tolerant of bigotry and hate, and not try to stamp it out or ignore it?

Trust me, you do not have the Moral Highground here.

Arthur Chu said it best on Twitter:

"Holy crap I just realized #GamerGate is the crappy town where they built a statue of Jayne bc they mistakenly think he's a hero"

Far as I see it, you people been given the shortest end of the stick ever been offered a human soul in this crap-heel 'verse. But you took that end, and you - well, you took it. And that's - Well, I guess that's somethin'.


I kind of wish all the posters on GAF who sympathize with GG and who espouse the same illogical and contradictory arguments as GG in other threads would come in here and discuss and listen.

Just so we can debunk this stuff once and for all for current members so we dont have to repeat the same stuff weeks and months from now.
I kind of wish all the posters on GAF who sympathize with GG and who espouse the same illogical and contradictory arguments as GG in other threads would come in here and discuss and listen.

Just so we can debunk this stuff once and for all for current members so we dont have to repeat the same stuff weeks and months from now.

I have the feeling a lot of them aren't in here is because they're incapable of arguing rationally and would rather look to line their 'cause' with new members instead.
I kind of wish all the posters on GAF who sympathize with GG and who espouse the same illogical and contradictory arguments as GG in other threads would come in here and discuss and listen.

Just so we can debunk this stuff once and for all for current members so we dont have to repeat the same stuff weeks and months from now.

They're too frightened of the cultural shift which has been happening in gaming for the past few years to listen to reason, or discuss anything more than slogans. Fight or flight mode is in full effect.


They're too frightened of the cultural shift which has been happening in gaming for the past few years to listen to reason, or discuss anything more than slogans. Fight or flight mode is in full effect.

Seriously, just searching #GamerGate at any given time will turn up dozens of responses of people who think this is their last stand against feminism and that they'll win.
Sums up the idea of those "Gamers are over" articely very succinctly
These pieces are, in essence, celebrations of the success of gaming, arguing that it is now enjoyed by so many people of such diverse backgrounds and with such varied interests that the idea of the gamer—a person whose identity is formed around a universally enjoyed leisure activity—now seems as quaint as the idea of the moviegoer.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It's honestly astonishing to me that he is that much of an asshole, I need to try harder to remember that just because someone played one of my favourite characters says nothing about who they are.
It's rather ironic that while Jayne Cobb is an amoral asshole, he's actually far, far more likeable than the actor portraying him. xD

Honestly, his behavior over the years has made it so I'll never watch Firefly again, not that I was ever planning to. He's just fucking gross.
Nooooo that's going too far. Joss Whedon, the creator, is a really cool guy and an outspoken feminist, after all. He's like the anti-Baldwin. <3

Arthur Chu said it best on Twitter:

"Holy crap I just realized #GamerGate is the crappy town where they built a statue of Jayne bc they mistakenly think he's a hero"

Hahahaha perfect
Interesting little tidbit: Maddy Myers decided to check up on a few of her past harassers.

The ones that weren't banned from twitter are all extremely pro-GG.

(She's someone who accidentally riled up the fighting game community a while back.)

I just woke up, but is something about the new Borderlands angering the goobygabbers?

Something about it set off their SJW alarms.


I just woke up, but is something about the new Borderlands angering the goobygabbers?
It has some pro-women messages in it, so naturally the movement that is Totally About Weeding Out Corruption in Games Journalism and Not Hating Women At All has a big issue with it. They're mad about stuff like this:

It has some pro-women messages in it, so naturally the movement that is Totally About Weeding Out Corruption in Games Journalism and Not Hating Women At All has a big issue with it. They're mad about stuff like this:


Lol, just played that part last night. Glad I preordered the special edition!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It has some pro-women messages in it, so naturally the movement that is Totally About Weeding Out Corruption in Games Journalism and Not Hating Women At All has a big issue with it. They're mad about stuff like this:


Borderlands 2 had tons of pro-woman messages in it too. Did they hate that one too?


I just woke up, but is something about the new Borderlands angering the goobygabbers?

People forgot that a lot of people who used to be games journalists now actually make games. Games they like. Games they've championed. And we can't have that now, can we?


I kind of wish all the posters on GAF who sympathize with GG and who espouse the same illogical and contradictory arguments as GG in other threads would come in here and discuss and listen.

Just so we can debunk this stuff once and for all for current members so we dont have to repeat the same stuff weeks and months from now.

A mod is free to take my list and modify it, add to it, edit it, or do whatever with it, and put it in the OP of this thread.


Really agree with this part in particular:

There is a reason why, in all the Gamergate rhetoric, you hear the echoes of every other social war staged in the last 30 years: overly politically correct, social-justice warriors, the media elite, gamers are not a monolith. There is also a reason why so much of the rhetoric amounts to a vigorous argument that Being a gamer doesn't mean you're sexist, racist, and stupid—a claim no one is making.

The demands for journalistic integrity coming from Gamergate have nothing at all to do with the systemic corruption of the gaming media. They've centered instead on journalists purportedly pursuing social-justice agendas and on ridiculous claims that the press sees gamers as vectors of social contagion. Some of the complaints, like the idea that outlets ought to reconsider their editorial positions if enough readers disagree with them, even stand in direct opposition to traditional journalistic ethics.

One line of thought claims that the gaming press—the same one that is functionally an appendage of the game makers' marketing departments—has grown so influential that it can now dictate to developers what kinds of stories and characters and philosophies are acceptable, and that once the feminists have taken over, their first order of business will be to do away with all the space marines and all the orcs. Someone has to stop them.
How does anyone in gamergate not see how laughable it makes them look to vigorously defend "friendzoning" as an idea? There's no better way for them to telegraph that their views on sex politics are derived from frustration over not getting laid.
How does anyone in gamergate not see how laughable it makes them look to vigorously defend "friendzoning" as an idea? There's no better way for them to telegraph that their views on sex politics are derived from frustration over not getting laid.

I think we need to stop acting like these people think their views on women are abnormal.
It has some pro-women messages in it, so naturally the movement that is Totally About Weeding Out Corruption in Games Journalism and Not Hating Women At All has a big issue with it. They're mad about stuff like this:


Bloody serious? It makes a Friendzone joke and people go crazy?


I'm still furious that they had the character model, the voice actor, and had implemented Phasewalk but never made Lilith playable.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I'm still furious that they had the character model, the voice actor, and had implemented Phasewalk but never made Lilith playable.

Bah, Maya was so much better than Lilith! Actually, in borderlands 1, I had renamed Lilith, Maya. This was long before BL2 came out. I must be a prophet!


To what extent can criticism be fairly criticized? What's the line? Does the reception of reviews follow a different set of rules than the games being reviewed? For example, can one say "find a different review", but not "find a different game"? Of course, this isn't limited to the more extreme notion that such criticism shouldn't exist, but what about the less extreme point of views, that the review is merely bad (based on bad ideas/trends) or contains problematic elements (in a comparison to games, this sounds familiar).


If there was still that second thread just on gaming journalism, these comments would make for an good discussion by themselves (if you could do it without veering off into gamergate):

As a rule, games journalism is inherently compromised. From the top down, publishers ranging from AAA behemoths like Electronic Arts to the IndieCade crowd do in fact enjoy symbiotic relationships with gaming media outlets, and if it came down to nothing more than sex and petty corruption, that would be nice, because the problem would certainly be a lot more easily solved.

At one end of the spectrum, you have press outlets that barely even feign autonomy from marketing departments. IGN's "IGN First" features on upcoming games and Game Informer's monthly cover story rely on deep access to upcoming games&#8212;access granted to no one else in the industry. Invariably, the stories produced from that access are positive. It's a win-win for game studios and press outlets, and a loss for anyone who'd like to read something other than thinly veiled advertorials about big upcoming games. These kinds of relationships are what makes programs like Kotaku's embedded gamers&#8212;wherein writers play four or five series extensively post-release, dive deep into the community, and report back&#8212;important for players looking to read coverage outside the marketing cycle.

There are conflicts of this kind all over the place, right out in the open. (Do you know if your favorite columnist paid for his consoles, or accepted them from Microsoft and Sony?) For the usual reasons of professional courtesy or decorum, a lot of this goes unreported or commented upon, but it matters. These conflicts may be common in many fields, but they are especially bad in gaming journalism, partly due to its nature.


Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
To what extent can criticism be fairly criticized? What's the line? Does the reception of reviews follow a different set of rules than the games being reviewed? For example, can one say "find a different review", but not "find a different game"? Of course, this isn't limited to the more extreme notion that such criticism shouldn't exist, but what about the less extreme point of views, that the review is merely bad (based on bad ideas/trends) or contains problematic elements (in a comparison to games, this sounds familiar).

I always think of Etrian Odyssey's "Fight and Heal" review when the question of "bad reviews".
To what extent can criticism be fairly criticized? What's the line? Does the reception of reviews follow a different set of rules than the games being reviewed? For example, can one say "find a different review", but not "find a different game"? Of course, this isn't limited to the more extreme notion that such criticism shouldn't exist, but what about the less extreme point of views, that the review is merely bad (based on bad ideas/trends) or contains problematic elements (in a comparison to games, this sounds familiar).

I think the moment criticism falls in the camp of "this shouldn't exist" or "this should not ever be mentioned in criticism" an absurdly thin line is being walked.

I honestly do believe that reviewers should be extremely *informed* and if they voice opinions that don't seem particularly informed or well-argued it's fair to be critical of criticism for that reason.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
And some of the Reddit comments boggle my mind.

They're forcing the player to go along with their own political or social beliefs, whether the player agrees with it or not.

Hahahaha OH NOES

B-b-but wait, what about that sacrosanct CREATIVE VISION? Guess it only matters when it comes to writing bigotted stuff, eh?
Regarding the "objective" reviews what I think is that while every review should be based on the personal opinion of the reviewer I also appreciate when the reviewer mentions if they think that other people with different preferences will like the game more or less than themselves. The problem is obviously that the reviewer can only give a single score but things like "if you have played a lot of games of the same genre you may find it unoriginal even if it is well done" or "if you don't like X please stay away" are nice.

A good reviewer knows if something bothers some people even it doesn't bother him/herself and vice-versa. Sometimes the best you can do is compare with other games the readers may have played.

I rarely read reviews because I find them too spoilerish, not only about the game story/levels but also about the gameplay mechanics, I prefer to discover what I can and I cannot do in the game while I am playing it. A short opinion would be better for me.


This fuckhead in Utah is threatening to shoot up Utah State if they have Anita speak tomorrow:


What is wrong with people. Why did this have to come to my state too.
“feminists have ruined my life and I will have my revenge, for my sake and the sake of all the others they've wronged.“

I don't even know what to say except this is what people support when they back #GG.



Finally! I posted it here a while back because there's no Game Journalism thread anymore, but the Gamespot/Blizzard thing completely flew under the radar. Was starting to think I imagined it:

However, their other games site, Gamespot, is very problematic, especially considering their history. They have two editorial hosts making advertorial content for Call of Duty and another editor hosting Blizzard events and hyping their (unreleased) product.

Would really like to see that thread come back. This one seems to be going in circles as there's almost nothing to debate - it's a group of women being subjected to horrible, criminal harassment.
They're forcing the player to go along with their own political or social beliefs, whether the player agrees with it or not.

Hahahaha OH NOES

B-b-but wait, what about that sacrosanct CREATIVE VISION? Guess it only matters when it comes to writing bigotted stuff, eh?

Guys... this gives me an idea... we need to write a gaming script that will utterly make #GG think we are on their side but in a dastardly plot twist we show the hero to actually be a bad ass female.


i find it amusing (and by amusing i mean absurd) that the "NO CENSORSHIP" schtick goes out the window as soon as a game says something that gaters don't want to hear in a video game
i find it amusing (and by amusing i mean absurd) that the "NO CENSORSHIP" schtick goes out the window as soon as a game says something that gaters don't want to hear in a video game

No but see, sometimes language itself can be censorship.

Don't you feel censored when people joke about the friend zone? don't you?


Guys... this gives me an idea... we need to write a gaming script that will utterly make #GG think we are on their side but in a dastardly plot twist we show the hero to actually be a bad ass female.

You need to pull a MGS2 advertise a game with all male leads voiced by Nolan North, David Hayter and Michael Ironside and then at the end of the tutorial have three female characters kill the men and takeover as playable characters. Gender swap all the roles so women have all the powerful positions in the game and make men the strippers, waiters and weak characters who have to be recognised. As a side game you could include a port of Depression Quest.


If there was still that second thread just on gaming journalism, these comments would make for an good discussion by themselves (if you could do it without veering off into gamergate):


Just read. Pretty solid encapsulation of everything wrong with GamerGate and he made solid points on the real things wrong with gaming journalism. Wasn't a fan of how preachy he got at the end.


Bloody serious? It makes a Friendzone joke and people go crazy?

It should not surprise you that a lot of the statements made by GamerGate are mostly people one step from breaking character while discussing ethics to tell Jessica to fuck off for not going to that Weezer concert with me.
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