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1st Revolution pic

RE4 vs. SH4 said:
There would be hope for that interpretation, if Perrin hadn't compared the other consoles as having "turbo power" to Revolution.

Could also be a reference to sheer clock power vs. intelligent design. You know, like Gamecube vs. Xbox. We'll see soon enough. If it's not delivering visuals at least on par with Xbox 360, I will be disappointed too.


DirtyHarry said:
Kaplan could easily just mean that the system will have graphics 2-3x better, not equating it to 2-3x more powerful.

Remember diminishing returns and all that.

2-3x more than the GC is still VERY underpowered.

Say the Xbox is 1.5x as powerful as the GC in terms of graphic output. The Xbox 360 is 4x more powerful than that.

So the Xbox360 is 6x the power of the gc where as the GC is 2-3 times as powerful, the GC is not even half as powerful as the Xbox 360. That's terrible.
neo2046 said:
Nintendo signed contacts with IBM and ATI to develop a next gen console
and that is only 2-3x more powerful ??? definitely not make sense to me
It's certainly a possibility, the DS uses current components to mimic ancient N64 hardware.


Jonnyram said:
We haven't seen any Revolution games, and most of what we've seen of 360 and PS3 is not running on proper hardware, yet here everyone is saying "OMG Nintendo is doomed". I'm not surprised, but come on Gaffers... you're one of the smartest forums around, what's with all this stupidity late at night?

true, but reading a perrin kaplan quote that puts the the revolution at 2-3x's more powerful than the cube just reinforces my notion that nintendo is playing by their own rules. i guess they may still have something else up their sleeves, but i find it hard to imagine how the majority of gamers will spend their time playing something other than a revolution. doesn't mean nintendo's doomed...just more of what we're seeeing now.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Is there any chance Matt @ IGN is just drunk and bullshitting us? That's where all this info is coming from isn't it? Why would it be released before the E3 conference? JUST BEFORE the conference?

And also I can't imagine the company that called N64 "project reality" would be modest about the power of their new console if it is going to be more powerful than X360 and MS are calling X360 "the most powerful console".

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Monk said:
2-3x more than the GC is still VERY underpowered.

Say the Xbox is 1.5x as powerful as the GC in terms of graphic output. The Xbox 360 is 4x more powerful than that.

So the Xbox360 is 6x the power of the gc where as the GC is 2-3 times as powerful, the GC is not even half as powerful as the Xbox 360. That's terrible.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
neo2046 said:
Nintendo signed contacts with IBM and ATI to develop a next gen console
and that is only 2-3x more powerful ??? definitely not make sense to me

Yeah and didn't ATI do xboxs as well..... they must have been sitting round a table and nintendo was all "make it, I dunno, 2 or 3 times more powerful"

ATI Execs: "DONE That'll be millions of dollars!" *while hiding x360s specs.....

Is there any chance Matt @ IGN is just drunk and bullshitting us? That's where all this info is coming from isn't it? Why would it be released before the E3 conference? JUST BEFORE the conference?

Nope it's front page at IGN they even went to the trouble of saying what the other guys said

microsoft: Xbox 360 roughly 15 times the power
sony: PS3 35 Times the power !!!!! *blinks, sniffs, rubs nose*


Dot Hacked
Monk said:
If you dont even like the wavebird, you need your head checked.

I got a Wavebird and am genuinely unhappy with it so shutup! There's 2 parts to controller grip. The handles and the wire. The handles are obivously where the hands go. But the overlooked part it the wire which helps keep controller position in check so you're not flailing the thing around all over the place. Get that wire between your knees or something and you got stability, it's sorta like those steering wheel controllers in a way. I won't even get into lack of rumble and all the problems that come along with being battery powered (rechargable or not).

Also, screw you Nintendo. If I didn't want to re-buy NES & SNES games on the GBA why in the world would I want to now?! Not to mention the point that the trillions of 56kers out there will get left in the dust so we couldn't download this stuff even if we wanted cause Ninty's already stated wi-fi broadband no oldies.


Rage Bait Youtuber
byproduct said:
Is there any chance Matt @ IGN is just drunk and bullshitting us? That's where all this info is coming from isn't it? Why would it be released before the E3 conference? JUST BEFORE the conference?

And also I can't imagine the company that called N64 "project reality" would be modest about the power of their new console if it is going to be more powerful than X360 and MS are calling X360 "the most powerful console".

No, the information is coming from a USA Today article by Steve Kent.


Johnny Nighttrain used to work for Got-next.com(i dont know if he is still working there) so he may have contacts.


Back to reality. Does anyone really think Nintendo, who've never sold new versions of their older games cheaply, will start selling classic game downloads for a buck each? Or, for crying out loud, free? Hey, I'd like to see it, but that would be one hell of a change in philosophy.


Lindsay said:
Also, screw you Nintendo. If I didn't want to re-buy NES & SNES games on the GBA why in the world would I want to now?! Not to mention the point that the trillions of 56kers out there will get left in the dust so we couldn't download this stuff even if we wanted cause Ninty's already stated wi-fi broadband no oldies.

If you're on 56k, Lindsay, you're not going online with the PS3 or XBox 360 either.

Sho Nuff

How will this work for 3rd party games with licensed properties? For example, let's say I smoked too much crack and wanted to play Judge Dredd by Acclaim?

-Who owns the Judge Dredd license?
-Do the NES/SNES licenses give Nintendo the right to redistribute the titles?
-Do the companies maintain the rights to the game data/code? (i.e. Chrono Trigger PSX is a SNES emulator)


catfish said:
actually, if you can download their entire catalogue, that is simply amazing. The price better be frikin right though. as in FREE for snes and shit. Either that or do like dollar downloads, crazy crap like that. Think about it nintendo. if you do dollar downloads, like itunes, you just made 40 bucks off me that you would otherwise never get.

Good god man, how friggin' cheap can you be? I bet you're talking in New Zealand dollars too, ya tight bastard. ;)

Personally I'd be happy with (all in US dollars, of course) $2.50 for NES games, $5 for SNES games and $10 for N64 games. Hopefully they'll work with ISVs like Square-Enix, Capcom and Konami on this.


Hail to the KING baby
Maybe the REVOLUTION is that they'll sell different versions.

2X Power= $200
3X Power= $250
10X Power= $400

Game & Watch Power= $1

Consumer choice GET!

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Lindsay said:
Not to mention the point that the trillions of 56kers out there will get left in the dust so we couldn't download this stuff even if we wanted cause Ninty's already stated wi-fi broadband no oldies.

I eagerly await your X360/PS3 bash


People, the key thing about rev is this:

The increased accessibility to developers and players.

Knock yourselves out.
Monk said:
Say the Xbox is 1.5x as powerful as the GC in terms of graphic output. The Xbox 360 is 4x more powerful than that.

So the Xbox360 is 6x the power of the gc where as the GC is 2-3 times as powerful, the GC is not even half as powerful as the Xbox 360. That's terrible.

Let's say that Drinky Crow is a 10 on the successful trolling scale, while Raoul Duke is a 3. Now, if there are four Raoul Duke posts in a thread, and one Drinky Crow post, how many bananas will I eat in the next-gen?


Shogmaster said:
You forgot to add a 1 before the 4. And that's being conservative IMO.

the Xbox is 125mmps, the Xbox 360 is 500mmps, that's 4x. I don't give a shit about pr.
Yeah, we'll see. Like I said earlier in the thread, I had major doubts. Then I read the Kaplan quote. I mean, Kaplan is PR for cryin out loud, we shouldn't have to decipher her quotes to end up with something positive. But we'll see.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Sho Nuff said:
How will this work for 3rd party games with licensed properties? For example, let's say I smoked too much crack and wanted to play Judge Dredd by Acclaim?

-Who owns the Judge Dredd license?
-Do the NES/SNES licenses give Nintendo the right to redistribute the titles?
-Do the companies maintain the rights to the game data/code? (i.e. Chrono Trigger PSX is a SNES emulator)

I think the Rev means access to Nintendo games. The third parties (ie acclaim) would have to offer they backcatalog and/or secure licenses for defunct companies.


Dot Hacked
olubode said:
I eagerly await your X360/PS3 bash

I did that longgggggg ago man.

I thought everyone wanted online gaming to take off but I must have somehow stumbled into bizzaro Earth! :lol


Catchpenny said:
Let's say that Drinky Crow is a 10 on the successful trolling scale, while Raoul Duke is a 3. Now, if there are four Raoul Duke posts in a thread, and one Drinky Crow post, how many bananas will I eat in the next-gen?


Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
mrkgoo said:
People, the key thing about rev is this:

The increased accessibility to developers and players.

Knock yourselves out.


Li Mu Bai

Johnny Nighttrain said:
Nintendo is just being being modest.

As they always are regarding their hw. Remember when they first released their real-world specs? The uneducated masses thought that the PS2 was far superior, little did they know...........


I've had low standards this whole time about the Revolution...but even this is alot lower than I expected. This thing probably won't be much more powerful than the XBox.


mrkgoo said:
People, the key thing about rev is this:

The increased accessibility to developers and players.

Knock yourselves out.

now there's an interesting take. it would be cool to see independent developers flock to the revolution because it's cheaper to make games on it. if nintendo's got a plan to attract these types of developers, that could be pretty cool.
Monk said:
Johnny Nighttrain used to work for Got-next.com(i dont know if he is still working there) so he may have contacts.
i worked for Got-Next for about....2 days. i can assure you, every single last contact i have, was done through mingling, not from working.
Monk said:
the Xbox is 125mmps, the Xbox 360 is 500mmps, that's 4x. I don't give a shit about pr.

And you quote PR numbers. :rolleyes

Show me ONE XBox game that does more than 50 million polys. Hell, show one that does more than 25 million! Add to that any kind of complex shader routines, XBox is lucky to do 10 million pps.

XBox 360 can do 500 million pps with none trivial shaders. The kind of shaders that would make XBox choke at even 10 million.
I'd like to remind people, that while the GC figures were modest, they still gave the impression that the machine was in the same ballpark as its competitors.


Unconfirmed Member
So do you still stand by your info that it should be at least (or relatively) as powerful as the x360?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
DirtyHarry said:
Good god man, how friggin' cheap can you be? I bet you're talking in New Zealand dollars too, ya tight bastard. ;)

Personally I'd be happy with (all in US dollars, of course) $2.50 for NES games, $5 for SNES games and $10 for N64 games. Hopefully they'll work with ISVs like Square-Enix, Capcom and Konami on this.


I mean, for their old old shit. also, I was just trying to further liken it to itunes. obviously I wouldn't expect a pikmin 2 to go for a buck :lol But yeah, things like Zelda Packs, all that, as long as they don't try and milk gc games for their current going rate.

Oh, and even though George is slamming the US dollar into the ground and doing his best to get it 1 to 1 with the nzd, (currently 1 of mine is .7) I'm still paying 110 to 130 for a new game :( I have 14 GC games, thats 1300 bucks of US money right there. Somebody owes me a frikkin handout! :D I'm not cheap, I'm just very very stupid....


ManaByte said:
I don't know if there's something else big about it, but remember the things said about the "revolutionary" feature? They said it's something that has been done but not with games in such a way. A Nintendo iTunes like service would be pretty unique.

It's not really unique.. This sounds a lot like Xbox Live Arcade to me, but with Nintendo games. They can do it better then XBL Arcade though if they offer the games real cheap, and have a huge library of classic 3rd party games instead of just Nintendo-developed games.

I just hope the revolutionary feature is not a classic-game download service. It is a cool little extra, but not something to base a console strategy on IMO.

As for the design, looks cool from what I can see. It looks small which is good. I wonder what the controller will look like.
I think the bottom line is this: Perrin had no simple frame of reference, and so she tried to be as honest as she could. She probably had no clear idea what MS and Sony were going to say to the same question (and come on, the PS3 is nice, but 35x the entire power of the PS2?), and so she probably went with what seemed right from an observational role.

Just because she didn't blurt out, "A Million-Jillion!" doesn't mean the console is weak. I really can't imagine them doing anything less than the 360, because MS seemed to low-ball it pretty far this time.

Hell, if they're squeezing the new LoZ out of the GCN, I think some of their next-gen work is going to blow us away.

Red Scarlet

I doubt the numbers of people still using 56k outnumber those using Cable/DSL/T/broadband.

I live in Wyoming, and have cable, and DSL is an option. Where the HELL do you live to not have them if I do?
Li Mu Bai said:
He's a freelance photographer currently, & you will not be disappointed by the Rev tomorrow. (err, in 7.5 hrs or so)

Not sure if I'll get much sleep now. I'm itching to know what the deal is.


Tomorrow's press conference will be interesting if the whole 2-3x GC power thing is true, although in the end I don't really care how powerful Revolution is or isn't. I'm looking to PS3 for my next-gen graphics fix. Revolution will be there as a secondary console for the Nintendo fix. If it can play old NES, SNES, N64, and Gamecube games via downloading/BC for free or a small fee, then that's a fantastic feature (provided the games are stored permanently on a HDD; not a "rental"). I'm also liking how compact the Rev is in that pic. Hopefully it'll be $200 or less too, just like every other Nintendo console.

Li Mu Bai

SomeDude said:
I've had low standards this whole time about the Revolution...but even this is alot lower than I expected. This thing probably won't be much more powerful than the XBox.

You'll be eating crow shortly my friend.
The Revolution doesn't look like a Nintendo machine, which is a good thing. They finally learned how to design consumer electronics that are appealing.

As for this talk about power and all the comparisons that are flying, we should all know that numbers don't matter. Some of the best looking games of this generation were on the PS2, the most underpowered of them all.

It's also important to note, that Nintendo's Revolution titles will be played in stereoscopic 3D, so the systems' power is less of an issue. You'll see. Like Kaplan said, it's what you DO with the power. ^_-
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