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GAF: Let's discuss the likes and dislikes of the first year of XB1 and PS4's life.


Let's start a healthy discussion between both these consoles. I know Xbox One still has a week but it has been basically a year.


Xbox One

Constant Updates
Great First Party Support
Xbox Live Gold Value Increasing
Phil Spencer

Slow load times
Slow install speeds
PR was a disaster
To much focus on 1080p/60fps


Simple UI Design
Games are a little prettier
Great advertising
PS+ is still awesome

Slow updates to service
PSN can be dodgy at times
The controller still doesn't feel ideal to me

Now GAF, these are opinionated so try and play nice. :)


My only significant complaints (PS4 here) are slow updates (they really should just do monthly/every 2 months, the single HUGE update of the year thing was silly) and PSN's occasional flakiness.

UI could be snappier though, the Share process is a bit clunky. There's a few loading screens that feel a bit unecessary (when sharing an image it first loads the game list, THEN automatically digs down to the "share photo" layer). This might just be PSN flakiness, but loading messages occasionally takes ages or fails on the mobile app...I never check on PS4 because ideally that's what the mobile app is for, no leaving the game to check messages.


Likes: My go to console this gen so will always have something to play on it.
Controller for general use I'm one of those that prefers the PS controllers.
Sony WWS are making games for it.
From is making a game for it.
Enjoy the library thus far though exclusives aren't home runs yet.
Prefer in general it's share functionality over Xbox's version of game sharing by a lot.

PSN can be butt and let's get this OS up to par soon pls.
Likes: D4, KI (this week hopefully I like MCC and Sunset Overdrive as well), snap, DLNA, well built controller and console.
Dislikes: it's pretty big, the controller I just am not loving it as much I know I'm weird, won't own a multiplat for it.


Gold Member
Phil Spencer was still there when the console was a mess, and he probably had a huge role in the DRM and launch mess as well. But the console is on the right tracks, I can agree with that.

Slow install speeds on the Xbox One is what I dislike the most though.


Phil Spencer was still there when the console was a mess, and he probably had a huge role in the DRM and launch mess as well. But the console is on the right tracks, I can agree with that.

You are right, but how much power and influence did he have?


Playstation 4:


Decent controller (better than the DS3)
Great visuals.
Quick install times.
Persona 5 being announced.
Dat Guerrilla Games RPG concept art.

PS+ going downhill
Lack of OS functionality (hello suspend/resume!) and intuitiveness.
PSN spottiness
Weak exclusive lineup.
Ugly trophy display app (I can't even sort by order unlocked, the hell Sony?)

Xbox One:

Functional and versatile OS, also very snappy.
Frequent updates
Great controller
Fun exclusives (Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive)
Great looking achievements app.
Those E3 announcements (Phantom Dust, Scalebound, Crackdown)

I don't trust the suspend/resume
Weaker visuals
Slow install times
Fable Legends


Phil Spencer was still there when the console was a mess, and he probably had a huge role in the DRM and launch mess as well. But the console is on the right tracks, I can agree with that.

Slow install speeds on the Xbox One is what I dislike the most though.

He spoke a few times on this matter already. Suggest reading or listening to the reviews.


Xbox One

Monthly updates
Weekly sales
EA Access
Snap - Don't use it for much really but it's very handy for things like achievements.

Download/install times
No screenshots yet
Play and charge kit - Been really on and off with me, for about a month up until a few days ago it wouldn't hold a charge at all and would die in 15 minutes, but the past few days it's been fine. Seems to have been very flakey ever since they introduced the battery %. Though this could be a problem with my P&C kit rather than the kits themselves, I just find it weird that it starts randomly working as it should after a month of the battery dying quick.




Remote Play
Superior game quality
Download speeds


Lack of games I have taste in
Paid multiplayer (coming from PS3, at least)
PSN not being ideal

Xbox One


Suspend Play
Games I have more interest in (at the moment)
Controller (I couldn't stand the 360, now the XB1 is one of my favs)


Slow installs
XBL not being ideal
Inferior game quality


I'm now an owner of both.

Xbox One:
First party games
Great controller minus the shoulder buttons
Timely updates

Horrible install times
Sluggish UI
The UI is not intuitive, snap sucks donkey.
The price / value of gold

Great and fast simple UI
Super fast install times
Share play is incredible
First party games
The fact all third party games will generally be best
The controller is amazing.
PS+ is an amazing value

Not enough first party games
Media capability is sub par.
Horrible wifi

That about sums it up for me.


Only having a PS4 so far my dislikes are:

* not being able to view trophies offline. Like what?!?

* mandatory installs. Yes I don't like them. Just today in order to play GTA I had to delete 2 games. And with them goes the updates, at least I think. So for something like Battlefield 4, that's a big ads file to reupdate. This wouldn't be a problem could I not delete the updates.

Everything else I pretty much love.


Dislike for both: charging $60 for most games.

In the era of F2P esports, steam sales, and great yet cheap mobile games; I'm not paying $60 for games or anything close to it. I paid it for one game this year and I probably won't ever again. That era is over for me. Both consoles need to catch up to 2014 (and soon to be 2015) before I consider buying them because right now they are both stuck in the past.


Dislike for both: charging $60 for most games.

In the era of F2P esports, steam sales, and great yet cheap mobile games; I'm not paying $60 for games or anything close to it. I paid it for one game this year and I probably won't ever again. That era is over for me. Both consoles need to catch up to 2014 (and soon to be 2015) before I consider buying them because right now they are both stuck in the past.

Not to derail the thread or anything, but do you not buy new games for any platform then? Most games on all platforms are $60 new.
Dislike for both: charging $60 for a game.

In the era of F2P esports, steam sales, and great yet cheap mobile games; I'm not paying $60 for games or anything close to it. I paid it for one game this year and I probably won't ever again. That era is over for me. Both consoles need to catch up to 2014 (and soon to be 2015) before I consider buying them because right now they are both stuck in the past.

F2P titles exist on PS4 and XBO.
Game sales always existed, and so does price drops.
Cheap mobile games is where you win. Console counterparts of mobile games are more expensive. That said, there are a lot of smaller titles on their digital store which cheaper price tag that rivals mobile titles.
Steam charges $60 a game too, you know.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Dislike for both: charging $60 for a game.

In the era of F2P esports, steam sales, and great yet cheap mobile games; I'm not paying $60 for games or anything close to it. I paid it for one game this year and I probably won't ever again. That era is over for me. Both consoles need to catch up to 2014 (and soon to be 2015) before I consider buying them because right now they are both stuck in the past.

I guess you'll just never go to next gen cept PC then. The 3 X1 games I have already are packed with content and totally worth $60(Even though I paid $40 for each).

Only have X1, cant speak for PS4.

1st Party output
F2P games
Multimedia features

UI sometimes doesnt work at all
UI is clunky, unorganized, 360's is currently better
Giant installs and patches


This is sort of a different issue but I've noticed this in KZ SF (noticed it on day 1 launch) and CoD games. My right stick (look around stick in FPS's) will just go wonky and not let me aim properly. It does whatever it wants for a second or two and then goes back to normal. Definitely got me killed a few times in multiplayer.


PS4 (6 months)
- Controller. Love the built-in battery, despite its batter life. Love the built-in audio adapter for headphones. A
Great ergonomics. Sticks could be better.
- Hardware design. It's looks fantastic, and it's very compact. I can move it from room to room with just the power cable and the hdmi cable.
- OS. I like the simplicity of it, stable and to the point. Needs more media functions.
- Games. Likely to have the best version and 3rd party titles because of he superior hardware specs compared to the competition.

XBO (2 weeks)
- Controller. Excellent ergonomics. They nailed it IMO. Fits almost every hand size. The sticks are awesome, but a little too loose. Microsoft charges $25 for the charge kit and $25 for the audio port. Big turnoff, greedy bastards. If the XBO is $350, in reality it's $400 because of these two things.
- Hardware design. Very lousy. It's a big sized console, and it has a brick for an external PSU. Was it designed by engineers from the 80s? It's a bit annoying moving it from room to room.
- OS. Great OS with a lot of features. No surprise, MS is a software company. A lot more apps than the PS4. A tad sluggish, just a tad and not as concise. Too many forced updates. I've updated it more than 5 times since I got it.
- Games. It's all about the exclusives (not cock-blocked). Most 3rd party games will be inferior to PS4. Personally, I'm OK with that.

Ive had similar experiences with PSN and XBL, so no differences here. Both great consoles for the true gamers (company policies aside). I'd pick the PS4 over the XBO without any hesitation, any day.


Don't have a PS4 yet...

Xbox One:


*Great games (Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, D4, Titanfall, various other games/multiplats)

*Controller (excellent build quality & battery life)

*Instant/fast to use (alongside kinect); turn on my whole A/V setup just by saying "Xbox On"; Can start any game by simply saying its name (after I'm done playing a different game, watching a TV show, or a movie) -- suspend/resume helps with this too.

*Frequent updates that have greatly improved the console since launch.

*Nice looking interface/dashboard. Enjoying using snap when watching TV to see what my friends are doing and/or playing and then being able to jump into a game with them straight from the menu (all of my games are digital).


*Install times

*500 GB; Should have came with more space at launch (using a separate 3 TB hard drive now though).


Dislike for both: charging $60 for most games.

In the era of F2P esports, steam sales, and great yet cheap mobile games; I'm not paying $60 for games or anything close to it. I paid it for one game this year and I probably won't ever again. That era is over for me. Both consoles need to catch up to 2014 (and soon to be 2015) before I consider buying them because right now they are both stuck in the past.

Thats why I end up preordering games nowadays since there are always $10-15 gift cards or something. If I don't preorder, I tell myself to wait until the price is $40 or below.
I HATE language restrictions on Xbox. I'm from Mexico so I'm restricted to movie rentals in spanish with no fucking option, I just rented Edge of Tomorrow with no hability to change from spanish.

Also with games, I have to state that I'm from the USA in order to play my games with original english voices (Sunset Overdrive is awesome in english, bit it's pure shit in spanish).

Who do you assume I'm a dumb idiot, Microsoft? I KNOW YOUR LANGUAGE.


I only own a Ps4 and while I love it more than my PS3, my main complaint is God awful battery life of the original controller. My lasts for maybe 3 hours or so if I'm lucky. No idea if the new colored controllers last longer or not but it's very annoying.
I'm going to be blunt, i hope its not a bannable offense?, if it is mods just let me know and i'll modify my post accordingly.

Likes: PS4 existing and being succesful

Dislikes: XBO existing and being succesful

The speaker in the ds3 is nice.
The controller is way better than the ds3
I really enjoyed War Thunder. First Free-to-Play I thought was good.
Remote play on my tablet will be nice once I can use the ds4.

PS+ is a shell of its value on the ps4 compared to the ps3 (yes I realize ps3 didn't launch with +).
I want some games dammit!
Man am I sick of 32bit retro games. I want some other PC indie games like 7 days to die (I realize this is a dev thing, but still my point remains).
Sony needs to get their online up to par for a paid service.


PS4: Dislike:
The unreliability of PSN. Will probably buy online heavy games on XBO based on this.
PS Plus is getting worse. Hope this reverses, not confident that it will.
Not excited about their upcoming VR tech. I'm worried that since I don't care about Morpheous it will have a Kinect-like effect on games for me.
Sony's lack of money, seems to be using Playstation profits to help the overall company rather than put it back into the Playstation ecosystem.
Exclusives so far to this point have been underwhelming.

Exclusives next year appear to be getting a lot more interesting.
Features like Shareplay, Remote Play on Vita are just awesome.
I feel like they have the better digital sales.

I feel like with every multiplat title I have to wait a week or two to see if it's going to run signifigantly worse than the PS4 version. I would rather get a 900p game that runs well than see them get a 1080p game that runs poorly just so they can match the bulletpoint on the box.
Games with Gold is very underwhelming. One XBO game a month is dissapointing, I almost never care about the 360 games.

No more Kinect, games will be developed that aren't forced to use it at the expense of games I actually want.
More unpredicatility. Acquiring exclusives like Tomb Raider.
Because they are behind due to their own screw ups, they have to try harder now, which is benefiting me.
Snap Play, great way to play games while watching sports. news

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I'm going to be blunt, i hope its not a bannable offense?, if it is mods just let me know and i'll modify my post accordingly.

Likes: PS4 existing and being succesful

Dislikes: XBO existing and being succesful

At least you're transparent, which is more than you can say for a lot of folks here.


I'm going to be blunt, i hope its not a bannable offense?, if it is mods just let me know and i'll modify my post accordingly.

Likes: PS4 existing and being succesful

Dislikes: XBO existing and being succesful

I know I said these will all be opinions but ouch. I love my Xbox One. You done me wrong, son. You done me wrong.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Xbox One

Some interesting exclusives
UI aesthetics
Controller battery life

Slow install speeds
UI crash/freeze issues
Unintuitive UI
Phil Spencer
Dew and Doritos marketing mentality
Weak hardware


Snappy, intuitive UI Design
Fast install speeds
Better multi-plats

Network issues
Slow to update/upgrade
Controller battery life
Sony's lack of focus
Weak hardware


I'm just going to post thoughts, instead of fors/againsts, etc.

As a PS4 owner, I think it's been a bad first year. Essentially every game has underwhelmed me, with the expectation of TLoU. Obviously this isn't all Sony's fault, most of those games were multiplatform, but I still played them on PS4, so they factor in to my opinion of the platform. The OS is in serious need of reworking. I think PS+ has sucked. However, next year is looking to be pretty amazing in terms of exclusives (especially if you count console exclusives), so while it's been bad, I've not lost any excitement towards the system, because the future is extremely bright I think.

I don't have an XBO. There's literally not a single game on there so far that I'm interested in, and in terms of announced titles, I can't see that changing until Scalebound, or Tomb Raider if they move to full, eternal exclusive, and confirm that. Of the HD twins, and their children, the second one you buy always has a much tougher time, because presumably you bought the first one based on preferring the exclusives, and you now already have a system for all the multiplatforms, so the secondary purchase needs to be justified purely on exclusives, which is tough.

WiiU has been the system for me this year.

Pros - Snappy OS, games look pretty good.
Cons - Lots of game delays, battery life on the controller is terrible.

I still play my Vita a lot more than my PS4, but it sounds like things are going to improve dramatically in the game department in the next year. Bear in mind I don't purchase games right when they come out, so my opinion is slightly behind the times, i.e. I'm not playing Shadow of Mordor despite wanting to.

no time for a flamebait war, about to go enjoy some current gen GTAV!
Then why bother posting?


I'm going to be blunt, i hope its not a bannable offense?, if it is mods just let me know and i'll modify my post accordingly.

Likes: PS4 existing and being succesful

Dislikes: XBO existing and being succesful

Let me also be blunt: grow up. I also hope that's not bannable. I don't mean it as an insult, just a suggestion that maybe you're taking this all a bit too seriously.
Let me also be blunt: grow up. I also hope that's not bannable. I don't mean it as an insult, just a suggestion that maybe you're taking this all a bit too seriously.

I'm fine as i am thank you. I despise MS/XB something fierce, nothing and no one will ever change that :D


PS4 likes

Decent library first year, lots of variety from big AAA to indies
Like the controller - the speaker is often used well in games with Alien Isolation being highlight with tracker beeps
Share play and remote play are good features
Fast installs and ease game data management
Share/streaming quite fun - even if I only peek at the odd "show"
Simple, fast OS very clearly laid out

PS4 dislikes

Definately took too long for some basic OS stuff to come like pause downloads

That's it I guess. A great first year with favourite games of mine like LBP just starting to arrive so I'm expecting an even better second year


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
My main dislike is that XBO and Microsoft has pretty much cut the value of consoles in half. Getting 3 games for free with a €100 cut at the launch price after a year on the market speaks volumes about who can compete in the space. This is going to affect the rest of the generation and I don't think it'll be in a good way.

What I like is that there are tons of games available. With 177 games currently available for PS4 I've pretty much have enough to play for the coming year. There's never been a better time to be a gamer. I'm looking forward to seeing what can happen when developers both get their catalogues and new releases out on the consoles. Looking forward to 1080p re-releases of last-gen games and indies. Some games have really been excellent. P.T. leads the new generation.
PS4 likes:
-Graphics, even cross gen games look good
-Console is sexy and has no overheating problems, controller +1

PS4 dislikes:
-worst 1st party line up ever, even PS3 and Vita exclusives were better
-Sony therefore relying too much on timed exclusivities and boring us with "exclusive debuts"
-slow PSN
-slow menus
-XMB is useless without internet, turn off the connection and see all the icons requiring PSN to display their content

Controller - Natural progression from the XB360 controller
Exclusives - Titanfall is by and far the best FPS in recent memory.
Instant On
Half decent headset - compared to the one that came with the 360 it's a remarkable improvement.
Price - Not falling to temptation and getting a day one console really paid off.

UI - seems very bloated and hard to navigate in places
Install times are extremely annoying (Halo:MCC took over 4 and a half hours to install)


Surprised to see people favour X1 OS. I agree it has more functionality, but since I've been playing MCC a lot, I'm finding the OS to be unstable and not as quick as I would expect at times.

PS4 likes

Fast and simple UI

Share play

Controller (specifically speakers and touch pad, though even light bar is impressing me for GTA V atm)

Fast install times

The better performance (when devs try)


Not as many exclusive games I was hoping for year 1

Messaging and friends list can be really slow at times

X1 likes

Snap (when it works well)

Exclusives (as of late)

Gold value increasing

External HDD support

Media support

Rumble triggers

Resume from standby


Slow install times

OS being unstable and slow at times

Achievements seem to rely on servers to pop now, which sucks compared to how 360 handled them



Likes: Love how the controller feels. Looking at it, it appears to have a lot of edges, but when playing it feels great .

Online is smooth as butter as well.

On the store page you can see a live twitch stream of the game you are looking at

Dislikes: The UI outside of the home screen. Get lost in the menus sometimes.


PS4 likes:
Better multiplatform games, e.g. more P's, better AA, better framerate
DS4 is a massively improved controller compared to DS3
Nice UI
Ability to plug earphones into controller

PS4 dislikes:
Terrible controller battery life
Looks a bit cheap
Light on the controller (I really would just like to turn it off)

Xbox One likes:
Better exclusives
Great controller
Great controller battery life
Silent console
Looks like a premium product
Nice UI
Kinect voice control

Xbox One dislikes:
Kinect motion control
Facial recognition (doesn't work!)
Achievement interface

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I had an Xbone briefly around Xmas for all of a few weeks so won't be putting in and Pros and Cons for that.



Ability to download updates while still playing.
Simple and effective UI
Quick installs
Disc in tray preloads to title screen when turning on the console (Is this some games or all?)
Controller is a massive improvement over the previous DSes.

Controller battery life, light bar, and the edges of the triggers (feels like I am going to cut my finger over time)
Can't view trophies offline.
Trophy options EG: Sorting
Slow download speeds from PSN despite my 30mb connection.


PS4 owner

Controller..especially the touchpad.
Games n visuals
UI is simple and effective enough
Love Live with Playstation.

Almost everything to do with the infrastructure is lackluster. Constant nat type problems. Messages take forever to send...apps are buggy and the updates pretty disappointing.


Let's start a healthy discussion between both these consoles. I know Xbox One still has a week but it has been basically a year.


Xbox One

Constant Updates
Great First Party Support
Xbox Live Gold Value Increasing
Phil Spencer

Slow load times
Slow install speeds
PR was a disaster
To much focus on 1080p/60fps


Simple UI Design
Games are a little prettier
Great advertising
PS+ is still awesome

Slow updates to service
PSN can be dodgy at times
The controller still doesn't feel ideal to me

Now GAF, these are opinionated so try and play nice. :)

I'm someone who owns neither a XBO or PS4. But looking at those lists, things like Phil Spencer, PR disaster, advertising, focus on 1080p/60fps are not things that I need to know about to evaluate a potential purchase.

Important things to know are, for me at least:
System stability
Quality of build of the hardware and controllers
Update reliability
Update speed for games
Install and loading time
Value for money (Games for Gold vs PS+)

To date, both systems have too many problems for me to consider purchasing just yet. Things like dodgy firmware and slow updates/installs are massive issues that need to be addressed before I consider buying.


Xbox One

In no particular order :

  • multitasking (games and apps)
  • Kinect interface
  • Smartglass
  • Kinect games :)
  • Great original IP (Titanfall , Sunset Overdrive,...) and all around diversity
  • EA Access
  • constant addition and support of new features
  • downloading/updating everything as a background task

  • menu/commands translation in French can be terrible and seem created by Google(Bing) translate
  • not allowing custom language configuration (attached to your location)
  • not enough Kinect support
  • voice recognition could be improved towards more natural language
  • OS still needs some polish (online games crashing when trying to resume from standby)
  • going full digital is a bit expensive
  • no support for 360 arcade sticks (not that I would have use for them right now)

- PS store is messy
- The system is quite noisy
- Not many must have games (but more than XBOne obviously)
- Web browser is not very good
- system instability and inablity to pause downloads before the latest update. But looks like both are fixed now.

- PS Plus has been pretty decent
- Some free-to-play games are pretty good, War Thunder probably being the best game on PS4 at the moment.
- Full HD games look great
- Ports of older games have been great
- controller is better than old dual shocks
- the UI is pretty good and fast, even though a grid like design would be better


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Since most positives / negatives are sahred, I'll first list the individual ones:

Xbox One positives:
Fantastic controller

Xbox One negatives:
- The Kinect show was bothersome and hurt developers who trusted in the new peripherial (Harmonix)

PS4 positives:
- Clear vision of what to do with the system

PS4 negatives:
- The controller still is bad, just not as bad as Dual Shock 1-3

Overall positives:
- Did not went overboard with tech, they seem more reliable than PS360

Overall neagtives:
- constant dicsussions over resolutions
- forced installs before playing a game
- every damn game gets released in a state that a huge day one update is needed
- the visual jump over last gen is incredibly small
- ... and further dilluted by the horrible framerate issues in many games (at least on Xbox One? Almost all games I've played have issues, none run as fluid as most Wii U games)
- despite the few exclusive games, the line up is quite boring so far, mostly direct continuations of yearly franchises and up-ports from previous gen that sometimes don't even run that great

Yeah, I'm not too happy so far, but of course things can change.
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