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Where will the Revolution get a WOWing title?


I think this wow factor is a moot point in the end, however. It's much more important to have a game that plays really well and has longetivity. Neither of those things were delivered in a single launch game for the GC. As beautiful as Rogue Leader was, it wasn't nearly as fun as the first Rogue Squadron. Luigi's Mansion need to be as big as Mario 64 or SMW but that didn't happen.


Revolution needs a hyped up game. I'm talking hype here. Halo 2 kind of hype. No -- Mario 64 kind of hype. NO! Nintendo Entertainment System Super Mario Brothers 3 KIND OF HYPE.

neo2046 said:
I think Sega will choose either the console which has the most market share, or the console has the most power
will Rev suit to either one of the both above??
Well, neither did GCN, and they've done pretty well there.

quadriplegicjon said:
um.. the first post has a non-answer from nintendo.. and im not going to sift through that entire thread to find a link confirming this supposed news.
Later on it gets to a new story where IGN talks to Perrin Kaplan and she says they aren't supporting high definition. That doesn't seem to make a lick of sense, though, so we'll see how things pan out.
The problem with Nintendo is that they're playing catch-up with getting games to their systems, as well as console hardware and they have been since about the SNES era or so. Nintendo was late to the game with disc-based format. They were late to the game of going online when it was turning from a fledgling niche to a viable market. And it looks like they'll be late to the game with HD.

Software wise, they seem to be a generation back; MGS and RE were big hitters in the PSX/64 era, so they grab an exclusive MGS:TTS and RE's, granted RE4 was absolutely amazing. While that's all well and good for the N-fan that hasn't had anything but Nintendo consoles, Sony and Microsoft are getting GTA's and Halo's. Now, Nintendo's saying "We need games like GTA and GT" once again falling behind.

Nintendo needs to stop this perpetual loop of retrospect, and see what's going to be the next big thing; take a shot and invest in it, both hardware and software wise. Every once in a while they'll give out something that's legitimately really cool (the Wavebird) but I don't think anybody saw the Wavebird and went "holy geez! I gotta buy a GC for that!"

Which brings me to Revolution; the "Revolution" part of it needs to be something that actually progresses gaming, not something that's going to be looked where people go "cool" and move on like an Eyetoy or something. I'm rooting for Nintendo to succeed and not go the way of Sega... but not much confidence has been given to me yet.


IAmtheFMan said:
They were late to the game of going online when it was turning from a fledgling niche to a viable market. And it looks like they'll be late to the game with HD.
I only agree with the optical disc being late to the game. But I think, next-gen, online will be a viable market. They're not late with online, they've got the perfect timing.

I dunno about the other stuff though.


Ruzbeh said:
I only agree with the optical disc being late to the game. But I think, next-gen, online will be a viable market. They're not late with online, they've got the perfect timing.

Nintendo was so late with on-line. They totally got caught with their pants around their ankles, then made the lame excuse about it costing consumers too much money and that they wanted to do it for free. Of course, die-hards, such as yourself, defended their decision and their $40 network adapters went unused.

Now, not only is Nintendo forcing consumers to buy a wireless router, but they are also charging fees for downloads. So much for the consumer...

Nintendo can still have a wow game, but they'll have to do it without graphics. Everything will look better on PS3 and 360 simply because it will be at a higher resolution. It can still happen... GTA happened without graphics... but GTA also had the advantage of debuting on the console with the largest userbase and got tons of media exposure for beatin' hookers.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
jedimike said:
Now, not only is Nintendo forcing consumers to buy a wireless router...

and Sony was forcing you to buy an adapter (until the release of the PStwo), and MS is STILL forcing you to pay 50 dollars a year to play mostly Peer 2 Peer games online which should be playable for free. Well, unless you want to be able to play only on the weekends.

jedimike said:
...but they are also charging fees for downloads. So much for the consumer...

They're charging fees for downloading OLD GAMES, just like MS is going to be doing with a select few Xbox games. Hell, MS has been doing it already with Xbox Live Arcade this generation! And MS is going to be charging micropayments for unlockables in new games. Personally, I don't have a problem buying old games, but I do NOT like the idea of paying a few bucks to get a new level, and then another few bucks to get a new character skin, and other small extras in a game which I've already spent fifty dollars on and which I feel I shouldn't have to pour any more money into to get the full experience.

For me, personally, the built in WiFi is a blessing, because there isn't a phone jack in my living room. Plus, I was already planning on getting a $30-$50 wireless router for the DS, so it'll be useful for the revolution, as well. I can see why you'd be upset at having to spend an extra 30-50 dollars for a wireless router JUST to bring your system online, (if you don't already have a wireless connection) but it's not like you'll have to pay 50 dollars per year to play p2p, or 13 dollars a month to play an MMORPG. (no offense to any MMORPGers out there. Again, I just don't like subscription-based gaming or gaming where I have to pay money to download a new level or two in a game which I've already bought).

I guess if you don't have a wireless connection and you want to be able to play a console online without having to spend any more money to do so, then the only system which will satisfy that desire is the PS3 (assuming it has a built in modem).

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
jedimike said:
Nintendo was so late with on-line. They totally got caught with their pants around their ankles, then made the lame excuse about it costing consumers too much money and that they wanted to do it for free. Of course, die-hards, such as yourself, defended their decision and their $40 network adapters went unused.

Now, not only is Nintendo forcing consumers to buy a wireless router, but they are also charging fees for downloads. So much for the consumer...

Nintendo can still have a wow game, but they'll have to do it without graphics. Everything will look better on PS3 and 360 simply because it will be at a higher resolution. It can still happen... GTA happened without graphics... but GTA also had the advantage of debuting on the console with the largest userbase and got tons of media exposure for beatin' hookers.

actually, nintendo has been messing around with online for quite a while.. and i dont think they gave the excuse that it was costing consumers too much money, i think their excuse was that the current online model is not profitable. i think thats why they are banking on the sales of their back-catalogue to support the free rev online..


GaimeGuy said:
and Sony was forcing you to buy an adapter (until the release of the PStwo), and MS is STILL forcing you to pay 50 dollars a year to play mostly Peer 2 Peer games online which should be playable for free. Well, unless you want to be able to play only on the weekends.

They're charging fees for downloading OLD GAMES, just like MS is going to be doing with a select few Xbox games. Hell, MS has been doing it already with Xbox Live Arcade this generation! And MS is going to be charging micropayments for unlockables in new games. Personally, I don't have a problem buying old games, but I do NOT like the idea of paying a few bucks to get a new level, and then another few bucks to get a new character skin, and other small extras in a game which I've already spent fifty dollars on and which I feel I shouldn't have to pour any more money into to get the full experience.

For me, personally, the built in WiFi is a blessing, because there isn't a phone jack in my living room. Plus, I was already planning on getting a $30-$50 wireless router for the DS, so it'll be useful for the revolution, as well. I can see why you'd be upset at having to spend an extra 30-50 dollars for a wireless router JUST to bring your system online, (if you don't already have a wireless connection) but it's not like you'll have to pay 50 dollars per year to play p2p, or 13 dollars a month to play an MMORPG. (no offense to any MMORPGers out there. Again, I just don't like subscription-based gaming or gaming where I have to pay money to download a new level or two in a game which I've already bought).

I guess if you don't have a wireless connection and you want to be able to play a console online without having to spend any more money to do so, then the only system which will satisfy that desire is the PS3 (assuming it has a built in modem).

I guess you missed the hypocrisy of it all... Sony and MS never used price as an excuse not to support online. Sony and MS never insinuated that online gaming should be free.

I don't care about paying for online gaming. I'm on my 3rd year of XBL. I was just pointing out how Nintendo used price as an excuse for GC, but yet price is not a factor for Revolution... and that people will still support Nintendo no matter what they say.


olimario said:
All of the impressive N64 titles belonged to RARE and they are no longer with Nintendo.

The most impressive GC game for over a year after launch was Rogue Leader and Factor 5 is no longer with Nintendo. Hell, Rogue Leader sold me on a GC.

Capcom is still Sony focused. I doubt we'll see anything like RE4 on the system until late in the console's life, if ever.

Who does that leave to show off what the Revolution is capable of? As much as I like Retro, they don't seem to push hardware like the above developers.
Nintendo knows how to make a pretty game, but they don't do it by pushing technology.

I disagree. Retro very much so pushed the GCN hardware. Their priority though was to keep it 60fps. I feel Metroid Prime and Echoes were pristine examples of game design done right IMO.
Now, not only is Nintendo forcing consumers to buy a wireless router, but they are also charging fees for downloads. So much for the consumer...

I think it's been understood that their statements have always been in regards to the service to connect gamers, not preparing to give their past games away for free, or even offering broadband service (which you can chalk up as another fee for consumers if you want I suppose...) or equipment itself, so I don't see those ideas as necessarily being opposed to offering a matchmaking service without charging for it.

And of course we don't know exactly how they plan to distribute the games anyway. They might charge $20 for a download, they might include downloads with Revolution games, or they could go with a number of other alternatives. So I think it's a little premature
to complain about the unknown way they're going to handle this feature.
Kulock said:
Super Smash Bros. Revolution.

Melee was leagues above almost everything in the GC's early years in terms of graphics, audio, and presentation (the only argument against that might be Rogue Leader II, depending on your opinion), and I trust HAL with delivering yet another dynamite, polished product. This time Nintendo knows just how important the title truly is (top seller on the GCN, bar none, STILL sells big numbers and they refuse to uniformly drop it to $20), and will make sure their resources are completely behind it (Melee already had a ton of support, but you can tell that Nintendo started to panic at the delays and had it rushed, when a month or so more of tweaking might've cleaned up a few small problems that still dwell in the title). And they're even proclaiming it as their first big "Yes, this is online" Rev title. Iwata just came right out and said it at E3, unrelated to anything else really being said.

That's going to be their polished showpiece for the standard capabilities of the platform. Mario Revolution (no point in calling it 128 anymore, that was in reference to the GCN, and Nintendo completely missed that boat, it seems) will probably be an off-kilter showpiece for the unique features the Rev will offer, but maybe underachieving in some of the more traditional fields. (Comparing what was first shown about Mario Sunshine to what ended up at E3 much later on, to then getting a home release and finding out the framerate was halved because they couldn't lock it at 60 for the later levels with the amount of time left they had to finish it...)

Yeah, that'd be jawesome, but it's a side title. Metroid's been rumored to be on the Rev; now that would be a nice title during that first big push of launch. SSB:R in a tag-team with Metroid Revolution would be even better.

It would also help immensely if it was a hat trick with a 3rd party ringer franchise, but then we'd have to fumigate for the catch-22 of "machoor doesn't sell on Nintendo systems, let's not release any" first.

Mario 128/whatever the final name would be, if it's real, I'd hope would be held off for a few months afterwards until it was polished till it shined, like you alluded to about some GC 1st party titles. Seeing things like that in a big time title like Wind Waker chilled my view of that game.


I'd rather play a fun title than be wowed.

I don't give a shit about HDTV and probably won't for many years to come.

I'm not going to download games online with Revolution. Free or paid. Buying an NES or SNES and all the games that are good are dirt cheap nowadays. I see many pawn shops selling NES cartridges for 50 cents and a couple of dollars for SNES.
jedimike said:
Now, not only is Nintendo forcing consumers to buy a wireless router,

Didn't Nintendo briefly mention something about a USB solution as well, previously? Maybe their own proprietary DS router, cheaper to make and buy than a full one designed for all sorts of PC technology...


I just can't honestly comprehend how people can honestly believe that Nintendo won't be on the level of the PS3 and X360.

Iwata himself has always stated the graphics offered would be on the level, it's just that they'd offer something else to entice gamers and developers...


jedimike said:
Nintendo was so late with on-line. They totally got caught with their pants around their ankles, then made the lame excuse about it costing consumers too much money and that they wanted to do it for free. Of course, die-hards, such as yourself, defended their decision and their $40 network adapters went unused.

Now, not only is Nintendo forcing consumers to buy a wireless router, but they are also charging fees for downloads. So much for the consumer...

Nice to see that you come along so well informed for these discussions:
1. Nintendo has, in fact, offered online capability of one form or another in every console they have released since the NES. Granted, this has gone nearly completely unused (and in some cases unreleased), but until now it was essentially just a big hole to throw money down.
2. The reason that Nintendo decided not to release any first party titles with online play for the Gamecube is that they didn't see it as a profitable venture, however, just like Sony, they provided the hardware and allowed third-parties to use it if they wished. And given the sort of profits that Nintendo still make in the industry, I'm going to trust them in their assertion that it would not have been profitable.
3. Actually, it would have been the die-hards who would be paying for any sort of subscription-based online service, and only the die-hards. And in this lies Nintendo's profitability argument, if the service is going to have to be supported by a wide variety of games and is only to be used by 5-10% of Gamecube owners, then it's simply not worth investing in.
4. The reason that the Revolution is the first console that Nintendo sees being profitable online is because of their retro game download service. By providing a completely free online gaming platform which is open to all they can both attract new customers and bring existing ones into Nintendo's online network, a network which is payed for by the retro games for sale over it. You will find quite quickly that the majority of casual gamers have a big problem with paying subscriptions for online gaming which they see as an added expense for a console and game they've already payed for, but have little to no problem spending a few dollars on a one off payment for an old NES/SNES game they used to love from their childhood. This is the mentality that Nintendo are going in with, and the one which will turn online console gaming into a profitable, worthwhile business.
5. Nintendo have never said that they would not include a 10/100 ethernet port in addition to their wireless connection in the Revolution. In fact, they have mentioned numerous times that the Revolution would act as a router for the DS to connect to the internet, which certainly implies that the Revolution would have wired as well as wireless network access.

Now that that's cleared up, we can actually get back to the purpose of the thread. My two suggestions are Metroid Prime 3 and Resident Evil 5.

Metroid Prime 3
Quite an obvious one, really, it's already been announced that it's in devlopment, it likely to debut close to the system's launch, and is following on the heels of two very impressive predecessors. A number of people have commented in this thread that, technically, the Metroid Primes are not the most graphically impressive on the Gamecube. Which, technically, is true. But wow factor is not only about polygon pushing (in fact it is becoming increasingly less so), it is about the artistic virtue of the game's visuals, and in this regard Metroid Prime, in my opinion, stands well above pretty much anything we've seen this gen. The art direction of Metroid Prime simply astounded me when I first played it, and is still just as impressive today, and without the limitations of the Gamecube's innards I have no doubt that Retro could perform an even more impressive feat on what will be brand-new hardware, and I would probably bet a considerable amount of money on this being the best looking near-launch title for Nintendo's next console, unless...

Resident Evil 5
This is tricky (and most likely depends on platform-specific sales of RE4), but there is a small possibility that Nintendo will be able to wrangle Capcom into releasing Resident Evil 5 as a Revolution exclusive near-launch title. And if they do, given what Capcom have done with RE4 on the Gamecube hardware, a next-gen sequel will certainly be something to look out for.


jedimike said:
Nintendo was so late with on-line. They totally got caught with their pants around their ankles, then made the lame excuse about it costing consumers too much money and that they wanted to do it for free. Of course, die-hards, such as yourself, defended their decision and their $40 network adapters went unused.

You ever stop to consider Nintendo's target market? You don't think the cost of a game, and an adapter, and monthly broadband access isn't too much for the youth market? Shit, you must have had a real priviledged childhood...

Now, not only is Nintendo forcing consumers to buy a wireless router, but they are also charging fees for downloads. So much for the consumer...

How about you provide proof that they're going to make the customer buy anything? That EA exec that Gamespot had an interview with last year said all three consoles would act as wireless routers...

Nintendo can still have a wow game, but they'll have to do it without graphics. Everything will look better on PS3 and 360 simply because it will be at a higher resolution.

Try going to ATI.COM, and looking at their Mobile Radeon processors. Maybe then you'll get a clue as to what "low power consumption" actually means...
I love the fact that better graphics mean more sales for a console...oh wait.

Sure the portable and Console arenas are diffrent. And yes Nintendo would be foolish to think that graphics dont help con people into buying a game. But we are all forgetting this is nintendo we are talking about. Sure the mess up a lot but they still make a profit in everything they do. Lets not forget how we were all predicting a horrible death for the Ds because of its so called gimmick, non-games, and lower quality graphics. Look at Japanese market to see that the Ds is doing great and may infact be able to resurrect it.
With 25+ years in the gaming market i would think Nintendo knows what they are doing.
We know too little of the revolution to judge it already. Give it time guys.

Li Mu Bai

It amazes me that all these armchair analysts know what both Hollywood & Broadway are capable of technically, as well as what 3rd parties will be onboard supporting Revolution. I have, as well as J. Nightrain have said that any japanese developer worth their salt will support the Revolution. (to a greater degree & extent than the GC) EAD cannot "WOW" you with visuals Gary? Have you seen game 1 yet? Oh that's right low poly-textures & pop-up haven't plagued any games this entire generation. (btw, you're exaggerating TWW's pop-up, & simply being ignorant as all software this generation was & has been RAM limited thus inhibiting texture quality) F5 did push the technical envelope, though the games both generally lacked intuitive gameplay mechanics, RSIII glaringly so. IMO Capcom & Studio 4 outdid F5, albeit not from a comprehensive technical standpoint. Is this possible? There's quite a few PS2 games that would attest to this fact.

So all Nintendo had was Rare & F5? You just got through berating Kameo's visuals on the 360, & now you're elevating them as devs as it suits you? Try not to be hypocritical, (tough, but attempt it) & while I abhor the idea of not playing in HD, (I'm on an e-mail crusade currently) the more lines of resolution does not equate to better graphics, sorry. Simply superior clarity. So if I play Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon (XBX) in 1080p, it enhances the graphical & artistic aspects incorporated as well? Gameplay too? No, try & be more intelligent when you post.

The platform will still be capable of some jaw dropping visuals. As far as low heat, low power consumption is concerned, look at its predecessor the GC. The Gekko is dissipating around 5W at its 485MHz operating frequency. Versus triple that amount (or more) vs. the XCPU. Nintendo has invested in further refined "cuting edge" techology obviously, (what Iwata was referring to) as even the GC's design could've been much much smaller. Maximum efficiecy for both the GPU & CPU is what Nintendo seeks, the main advantage of high efficiency is that less power is wasted as heat, converting a higher % of input power into usable CPU/GPU tasking. Should I expound upon these technologies for you Gary?
Looking at the size of the Rev, surely they must be able to now get GC tech into a handheld?

Rev will do more than we think.
stop worrying and buy a colour TV


I have, as well as J. Nightrain have said that any japanese developer worth their salt will support the Revolution.

Well that's a relief. I knew there was something big planned after that "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and more..." bit at E3. The floodgates should open any time now.

It won't be just Nintendo that has a problem with the next generation. As a general rule, if a company doesn't develop games with the textures, polgon counts, lighting, and effects to live up to this generation's standard, that company will probably be behind next-generation. Heck, there's a whole new wave of qualifications for next-generation games. We've seen it already.

Li Mu Bai

akascream said:
It's funny that your thread title mentions nothing about graphics, but your post assumes that is the only way to impress anyone. Either way, graphics on revolution aren't going to 'wow' anyone. The revolution isn't a next gen machine, and will even be less capable than the gamecube in some respects (HD resolutions).

Where the Rev will wow, if anywhere, is if Nintendo gets off thier ass and makes some grade A quality console games instead of farming thier franchises out to be shit on by third parties. I'm not entirely sure thier Revolution gimmick will be that impressive either. We'll see.

The amount of ignorance in this thread is quite astounding, resolution again results primarily in what result? Clarity. It has nothing to do with the art assets, scope, or graphics implementation. Hi-res textures will not make an ugly generic game beautiful by any means. The hideousness will simply be viewed in all of HD's glory. The Revolution will be quite capable of impressing visually, don't let your fanboyism blind you.

You guys are just setting yourselves up for dissapointment if you think the revolution is going to compete with the PS3 or Xbox360 in terms of graphics, or have any kind of high definition support.

Nintendo has been hinting at a weak, low power consuming system, and have confirmed there will be no HD support. I dunno how they could let you down any easier.

Low power consumption has nothing whatsoever to do with a system's comprehensive power. All PCs & laptops strive for this aspect. Weak? That definitely conflicts some of Iwata's & Miyamoto's comments. The Revolution will definitely be very technically competent, you don't spend as much as MS did on GPU development for "marginal improvements." Not a next-gen system? Yet another foolish statement, you're on quite the roll. Regarding the Rev's CPU? Again I post this directly from IBM:

Customizable chips also were important to all three game makers because each has a slightly different objective with its machines, Su said.

Microsoft is emphasizing Internet connectivity with its new high-definition Xbox 360, as well as other entertainment features such as the ability to connect to home computers to play music and show movies.

Sony's new PlayStation is expected to introduce a new high-definition DVD technology, called Blu-ray, along with all sorts of ways to connect with other Sony electronics such as MP3 music players and digital cameras.

Nintendo, meanwhile, is sticking fast to the gaming business. It was looking mainly for ways to better display graphics, speed up the processing power of its GameCube successor, and make it more user-friendly, with wireless controller connections and other features.

"All of these [companies] are looking for a way to differentiate themselves from each other," said IBM's Su. "What we offered them is sort of a bag of tricks in terms of processor technology ... that they could pull from to differentiate their products."

Either way, my intention wasn't to mince words, but to point out that the GCN is capable of 480p (if you got a unit in the first few years anyway), while we aren't sure the Revolution will be. Nintendo confirmed no HD for Rev. Whether nintendo considers 480p to be high definition or not seems to be the question. But given thier current track record, I think it's safe to err on the side of dissapointment heh.

Err on the side of intelligence instead. Nintendo does not consider 480 progressive scan to be an HDTV resolution.

I agree here too. I'm a big Metroid fan, and I need a break. Retro should work on some new ip imo. I'd be happy if they stuck to the fps genre though. They have a lot of talent in that area compared to say an rpg or racing combat game heh.

But no problems with the massive tactical & fpser breeding ground that the XBX has become? And the 360 appears headed down that path as well, albeit they are attempting to make jrpg. inroads which is commendable & needed. There was a 2yr. difference between MP iterations btw, nice try though. This isn't the Splinter Cell, J&D, R&C, nor the PoP series.


Li Mu Bai said:
The amount of ignorance in this thread is quite astounding, resolution again results primarily in what result? Clarity. It has nothing to do with the art assets, scope, or graphics implementation. Hi-res textures will not make an ugly generic game beautiful by any means. The hideousness will simply be viewed in all of HD's glory. The Revolution will be quite capable of impressing visually, don't let your fanboyism blind you.

I am a Nintendo fanboy you twit. That doesn't mean I have to be blind, although you wouldn't know it to read one of your replies. I'm not saying HD is required for a technologically capable machine (a competative machine however...). I think Revolution will be weak because Nintendo has said as much time and time again. I don't know how many times they have to tell you that they are focusing on 'other' kinds of technology and don't think graphics is the answer before you will catch on. Ignorance indeed.

Low power consumption has nothing whatsoever to do with a system's comprehensive power. All PCs & laptops strive for this aspect. Weak? That definitely conflicts some of Iwata's & Miyamoto's comments. The Revolution will definitely be very technically competent, you don't spend as much as MS did on GPU development for "marginal improvements." Not a next-gen system? Yet another foolish statement, you're on quite the roll. Regarding the Rev's CPU? Again I post this directly from IBM:

Umm, my centrino machines are great at battery life, but no, they don't compare to their P4 equivalents in power.

Err on the side of intelligence instead. Nintendo does not consider 480 progressive scan to be an HDTV resolution.

Where have you been? Erring on the side of intelligence IS to doubt Nintendo.

But no problems with the massive tactical & fpser breeding ground that the XBX has become? And the 360 appears headed down that path as well, albeit they are attempting to make jrpg. inroads which is commendable & needed. There was a 2yr. difference between MP iterations btw, nice try though. This isn't the Splinter Cell, J&D, R&C, nor the PoP series.

I'm not a big fan of SC, J&D, R&C, and I only own PoP1. I don't get tired of different games in the fps genre, just because they are fps. What a ridiculous notion that this type of game is different. I am however a Metroid fan that just got blasted with a bunch of Metroid games this generation. Yes, I want a fucking break...from 3D and 2D alike.

Take your damage control elsewhere. I ain't buyin.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
akascream said:
I am a Nintendo fanboy you twit. That doesn't mean I have to be blind, although you wouldn't know it to read one of your replies. I'm not saying HD is required for a technologically capable machine (a competative machine however...). I think Revolution will be weak because Nintendo has said as much time and time again. I don't know how many times they have to tell you that they are focusing on 'other' kinds of technology and don't think graphics is the answer before you will catch on. Ignorance indeed.

Umm, my centrino machines are great at battery life, but no, they don't compare to their P4 equivalents in power.

Where have you been? Erring on the side of intelligence IS to doubt Nintendo.

I'm not a big fan of SC, J&D, R&C, and I only own PoP1. I don't get tired of different games in the fps genre, just because they are fps. What a ridiculous notion that this type of game is different. I am however a Metroid fan that just got blasted with a bunch of Metroid games this generation. Yes, I want a fucking break...from 3D and 2D alike.

Take your damage control elsewhere. I ain't buyin.

When has Nintendo ever said that Revolution would be weak? I think you're misinterpreting Nintendo's statment about "graphics not being enough" as "graphics don't matter whatsoever," which takes on a completely different meaning from what they've actually said.

Li Mu Bai

akascream said:
I am a Nintendo fanboy you twit. That doesn't mean I have to be blind, although you wouldn't know it to read one of your replies. I'm not saying HD is required for a technologically capable machine (a competative machine however...). I think Revolution will be weak because Nintendo has said as much time and time again. I don't know how many times they have to tell you that they are focusing on 'other' kinds of technology and don't think graphics is the answer before you will catch on. Ignorance indeed.

You certainly wouldn't know it by the tone of your replies. Other "kinds" of cutting edge technology is somewhat of what I mentioned above. (efficiency, heat dissipation, etc.)Nintendo has said their platform would be both compact & powerful, but technological advances alone cannot enhance the gameplay experience. I can provide quotes if you like.

Umm, my centrino machines are great at battery life, but no, they don't compare to their P4 equivalents in power.

Regardless, the designers' goal doesn't change. (power consumption, heat, efficiency) Let's not compare two different processors while we're at it, it makes for even a less relevant rebuttal. This does not matter, as you obviously do not understand efficiency's direct correlation to power.

Where have you been? Erring on the side of intelligence IS to doubt Nintendo.

To say that they are unaware of the of the resolution differences between 480p, 720p, 1080i, & 1080p? You're right, Genyo Takeda & Satoru Iwata are both fools, & you're smarter than both.

I'm not a big fan of SC, J&D, R&C, and I only own PoP1. I don't get tired of different games in the fps genre, just because they are fps. What a ridiculous notion that this type of game is different. I am however a Metroid fan that just got blasted with a bunch of Metroid games this generation. Yes, I want a fucking break...from 3D and 2D alike.

The 2D & 3D Metroids are completely different gameplay experiences, but to each his own.

Take your damage control elsewhere. I ain't buyin.

This isn't damage control, do you recall that both ATi chips would cover minimally the full spectrum of DX9 specifications (or DX9 level effects in the case of Broadway since it's Open GL based) & then some? You probably didn't, consider yourself educated. I have already stated how I felt regarding non-HD support. But you are in for quite the surprise come next E3, how would you like your crow prepared?

Li Mu Bai

GaimeGuy said:
When has Nintendo ever said that Revolution would be weak? I think you're misinterpreting Nintendo's statment about "graphics not being enough" as "graphics don't matter whatsoever," which takes on a completely different meaning from what they've actually said.

Exactly, they've said repeatedly that graphics alone wouldn't be sufficient to deliver a different "type" of gameplay experience. Iwata said that he wasn't ignoring the importance of technology, but he felt that there should be more. People like to run with terms like low power consumption, different direction than our competitors, etc. to mean a much much weaker machine that cannot compete visually. Miyamoto said basically that anyone can create great demos, brag about theoretical specs, but Nintendo wouldn't until they could verify what the system could do when introduced to the degradation of real world gaming scenarios. Doing otherwise would be a disservice to the consumer is what he said iirc.
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