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What exactly is a "drive-by," post?

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One of my favorite subsets of drive-by posting is when a topic is brought up by some prolific personality like TotalBiscuit, Cliffy B, Anita Sarkeesian, etc. and a bunch of people will just swoop in, completely ignore the topic/subject at hand, and just make some quick and usually demeaning remark about the person in question.

There are quite a lot of different ones. The ones that are most annoying are usually people voicing their uninformed opinion about a topic they don't really care or know much about, which usually leads to pages of derailment and people trying to "correct" the person, the dogpiling and the drive by posts are both equally annoying because the person isn't going to respond anyway but they can go on quoting it for pages.

That gets irritating when it drowns out the genuine discussion happening in the thread.


Okay but like, what exactly makes this post a "drive by"? If the poster elaborated on why the thread sucks, would it be a "drive by," post? If it actually contributed to the topic in some way, but was still short and written by a poster who would never return to the topic, would it be a "drive by," post?
They aren't there to discuss the thread or topic. They posted to shit on the thread or topic and won't stay for the reaction.
This thread confirms my belief that this forum is actually just run by Sony/Nvidia devs and it's all geared towards forcing us to buy shit they make.

Ever seen those digital foundry threads? Sony fanboys nuff said.
Well, this was probably a pretty good example.

EDIT: Well, post and subsequent comments got removed from the transgendered woman thread.


Well, they're both drive-bys, but one is more likely to get you noticed and/or banned. If we banned everyone who ever did a drive by, Mumei and Opiate would be talking to each other in every thread. But if your drive by gets quoted a hundred times, and is clearly intended to inflame, rather than engender discussion, a mod is more likely to notice and present you with a hammer full of ban.

On the contrary; when Opiate and I have discussions it is usually on IRC. :)


I tried to do a drive-by but then I crashed into a tree and a bird fell out which broke its wing so now I gotta adopt it and nurse it back to health. Shit!


I also hate when people come in a drop a link (Say if a subject is already been posted), but they post nothing else. Drives me fucking CRAZY.


"My wife got me a PSP for Christmas"

"Break up with your wife and get a DS!"

"My friend just got Destiny, any advice to how to start?"

"You can start by returning the game, Destiny sucked donkey balls"


"Lets talk about Creep shots why are they terrible"
*Jack Nicholson nodding gif*

This are the notable examples I've seen so far.
Knowingly post a controversial post and don't follow up after people try to discuss the issue.

In a nutshell. Dropping a controversial or vitriolic opinion or one that requires substantial explanation and sourcing, and just bailing on the thread without reading any challenges to your train of thought.

Or just dropping in to say "this thread/topic sucks" which adds nothing to the discussion. Or derailing a discussion because the original post makes you uncomfortable. Thread shitting/drive by posting is the equivalent of "dropping the mic" before anyone even hears your opponent.
Anything from randomly threadshitting to sharing an opinion contrary to the norm without sticking around long enough to let everyone gang up on you. The definition isn't consistent.

I think this was my last 2 bans. The last ban I made a very short post coming back from my lunch break and it set everyone in the thread off. I was unable to respond because I was now back on the clock at work. I was thinking up a post to clarify my obviously misunderstood post when I got off work, but reading further in that thread I saw the insane amount of dog piling and gaslighting happening to the other posters and I was like "fuck that noise" why even bother? I was banned before I left work for "threadshitting", so I never would've had a chance anyway.


When someone leaves a short comment designed to dismiss a thread, a poster, a comment, or an opposing position; often with phrasing implicitly designed to create the illusion their own position is both unquestionably true and respentative of popular opinion; without providing any argument or sources of their own to be attacked or questioned by those they dismiss; and by immidiately leaving the topic to deny their opponents any subsequent posts to find any further statements that could be critiqued while also creating the impression that those they dismiss are so unworthy that they do not deserve responses.

And then there's the low-effort drive-by hit posts that attack the thread, poster, comment, or general position without sources because they don't have any sources; have no argument because they can't make a good one; and they leave because they can't or are afraid to defend their comment. They just wanted to leave something to steer the greater audience towards their side and then quickly move one.


In a nutshell. Dropping a controversial or vitriolic opinion or one that requires substantial explanation and sourcing, and just bailing on the thread without reading any challenges to your train of thought.

Or just dropping in to say "this thread/topic sucks" which adds nothing to the discussion. Or derailing a discussion because the original post makes you uncomfortable. Thread shitting/drive by posting is the equivalent of "dropping the mic" before anyone even hears your opponent.

When someone leaves a short comment designed to dismiss a thread, a poster, a comment, or an opposing position; often with phrasing implicitly designed to create the illusion their own position is both unquestionably true and respentative of popular opinion; without providing any argument or sources of their own to be attacked or questioned by those they dismiss; and by immidiately leaving the topic to deny their opponents any subsequent posts to find any further statements that could be critiqued while also creating the impression that those they dismiss are so unworthy that they do not deserve responses.

And then there's the low-effort drive-by hit posts that attack the thread, poster, comment, or general position without sources because they don't have any sources; have no argument because they can't make a good one; and they leave because their can't or are afraid to defend their comment. They just wanted to leave something to steer the greater audience towards their side and then quickly move one.

A combination of these, plus also:

When people come into a topic, and just post a response either just to the OP, or just to the topic title, when that post has been made plenty of times in the topic already, but for some reason they think it's new/clever/worth posting.

If a topic has 300 posts in it, and you're posting a random comment to something from the OP, there's a good chance that thing has been said and discussed already.

And, since I checked and don't see this part of the OP replied to specifically:

Like, it seems to mean someone who just reads the OP and then makes one post and leaves, but I don't really see how that's any different from typical forum behavior. I mean, this site is set up to respond to have topics that you respond to. On other forums the majority of posts that I've seen would probably be categorized as "drive bys".

If every other forum jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?
Just because something is common/accepted elsewhere (or even here) doesn't mean it's good practice/conducive to good conversation.


I like the "I don't like thing" comic. It makes me chuckle every time. Someone posts a new thread saying that they hate something that is massively popular, then someone posts the comic, then the next 2 pages are people complaining about the comic. Good times.


This should be gone from human consciousness as well as the forum.

I agree. I hate all the fucking memes that stick around and just get posted over and over. Makes the internet feel like its just one person on the other end rehashing all the same shit.

I got banned for a "drive by shitpost" one time and no other explanation than that. Was 24hr I think.
I agree. I hate all the fucking memes that stick around and just get posted over and over. Makes the internet feel like its just one person on the other end rehashing all the same shit.

I got banned for a "drive by shitpost" one time and no other explanation than that. Was 24hr I think.

Guess what? Every new thread that pops up with someone saying "I don't like (popular thing, usually Marvel movies or something else that has been discussed ad infinitum)" is basically the "new thread" equivalent of shit-posting. All it does is dredge up the same arguments again and again.

I think posting that comic strip is well-deserved.
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