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Konami seeking new main staff members for development of new Metal Gear series

Screw Metal Gear. At least we know MGSV is coming. Bombard them with SILENT HILLS questions... P.T. made be buy a PS4 goddammit ;_;


So many depressed view at here.. what if they got fresh talent like Itsuno or Hashino like Capcom/Atlus when passing these baton.
While I don't think it's going to be very hard for Konami to find a more talented writer than Kojima, it's Konami. They're a shell of their former selves. They were always smaller than the big Japanese publishers but still managed to leave an impressive mark on the Japanese industry. Now... not so much. I can understand that there isn't much positivity surrounding their decision-making.
It all started with getting rid of David Hayter. How's that for karma? j/k. Maybe Kojima and his staff wanted to be done with the series and Konami said, "Keep making Metal Gear or there's the door."


I guarantee it was konamis decision to put exclusive in-game camo skins in the special editions.

They'll look for a puppet for new director of metal gear. I'll expect the worst...

"Use your nanomachinebucks to buy snake more rations."

Then I can be not as sad when it turns out mediocre.


I probably won't hop in because it's basically Kojima's creation. Unless they really nail things perfectly, but I wouldn't bet any money on this.

No Kojima, no buy.





I'm not inherently opposed to Metal Gear games developed by different people. It was always going to happen, and Rising proved that it can be done well.

I'm more bothered by the shady way this is all going down. It would be one thing for Kojima to just leave because he wanted to, but the whole studio being liquidated and the name being stripped from their products?

It also sucks for all the people at KojiPro out of work, and who are going to have a harder time finding new jobs than Kojima himself.

It's just bad blood all around, not the way anybody wanted the torch to be passed. And for that reason I definitely understand why people are skeptical about how Konami will treat this series in the future.


Who knows, maybe Kojima will start a new studio and (re)hires all the KojiPro staff...

Here is hoping he can afford to do this or finds a guy who is willing to do it.

And hopefully he will get the gang all together, like Shinkawa and the lot...

Man fuck Konami...

PS: Thanks to immortal-joe for the avatar! Much obliged :)


It's such a shame it went down the way it did.

The series will not be the same without Kojima, but I'm just glad he can finally work on something new.


Stormy Grey
I've been perfectly open to the idea of a Metal Gear without his involvement, and I think Revengeance showed that there are still paths the series can walk down outside of Snake's story. Kojima has been preparing fans since MGS2 for the day when he'd walk away, either ending the series entirely or having someone else take the helm.

But the way Konami is handling this seems so strange to me. They're trying to wash his name off of his own project, his pride as a creator. Very disrespectful way to treat the man who has given them so many hits, even with a few blunders along the way.

MGSV is one of the only games I'm looking forward to this year. Completing it will be a bittersweet note for the franchise. Konami already destroyed my favorite game series and hung it out to dry in front of everyone (Silent Hill RIP ;-;) so it comes to no surprise they'd dismantle one of the only good things going for them.

I'll follow Kojima wherever he goes next.


After years of Metal Gears, Contras, Suikodens, Castlevanias, Gradiuses...

...followed by years of them tearing apart each one of these...

...Konami has finally managed to make me say they're now dead to me.


I don't know what to think.
What is Metal Gear without Kojima.

Resident Evil without Mikami I guess.

There are talented people working in the Japanese games industry and many of them will no doubt flock to Konami for the opportunity to work on a Metal Gear game. Konami will also be confident about spending money on this series so long as people continue to buy it in droves.

There's also no reason why Konami wouldn't hire Kojima to return to supervise or write for them unless their relationship is truly strained.

I don't doubt for a moment that quality Metal Gear games will continue to happen, although they might be without Kojima's characteristic quirks.


I still can't get my head around this.
Why are they handling this in such a horrible way?
It's 2015 and they can't release a statement that would not be a joke?

To be fair Kojima wanted people to continue after him, but this is a bit soon, no?

He also wanted his own team to continue the series without him, he's tried to pass down the baton to his team on multiple occasions.

It sounds like they're just going to form a new team entirely (I'm assuming a lot of Kojima's team left with him if Konami has to hire a bunch of staff for MGS).


Feel bad about Silent Hills. After 4, I generally stopped caring about Silent Hill games. However, P.T made me a believer. Awful shame what this could mean for the game.


So many depressed view at here.. what if they got fresh talent like Itsuno or Hashino like Capcom/Atlus when passing these baton.

I'm getting more of a "violently ripping the baton out of their hands and flinging it in the air out of spite" vibe. I imagine if it was under better circumstances that Kojima would at least have a hand on choosing the series successor. I hope that if they carefully do choose someone that they won't be too afraid to do their own thing with what's already established without constantly feeling that they're under Kojimas shadow.
There's also no reason why Konami wouldn't hire Kojima to return to supervise or write for them unless their relationship is truly strained.

They removed his name from every promotional material available, I think their relationship is strained at best.


Aw, c'mon. Just let it die.

It's already Metal Gear Solid V, after, like, 3 games of Kojima claiming were his last.

If Kojima doesn't want to make the games, just let the series die with dignity - I don't deen *another* another Metal Gear Solid.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Can they really do nothing about it? at least get the "A Hideo Kojima Game" and Kojima Productions logo back to show some fucking respect for the people who gave them so much.


Stupid Konami, I'm sure Kojima would have helped them transition into making their own MGS title while he worked on his new titles, I would have bought that game now sadly MGS dies on Sept 1. :'(


Feel bad about Silent Hills. After 4, I generally stopped caring about Silent Hill games. However, P.T made me a believer. Awful shame what this could mean for the game.

Yeah, the real tragedy here is Silent Hills. It was finally an opportunity to reboot the entire series and bring it back to relevance.

I'm a big Metal Gear, and it's sad that Kojima won't work on the next one, but he's been saying for a long time that he wants to move on and work on non-Metal Gear stuff.


What dismal news... really the only gaming news story that legit upset me when I started reading about it.

It's like some legendary band who signs a bad record deal back in the day, they do the work of their lives, they get dropped, and now we're in the era where some group of guys is going to tour under the same name. Just sad.
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