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Splatoon Global Testfire Demo Schedule and Info Thread (https://youtu.be/l4UFQWKjy_I)

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So... I disliked Splatoon a lot. The concept didn't really intrigue me and despite people saying that it looks fun, I didn't see how this could be truth. I'm not into games like this anyway.

And then I played this demo. It's actually real fun! Simple game and this actually makes it better. The controls are better than expected and I got the hang of them really fast. I didn't manage to try out the roller but I found killing people that had it really easy, so for now, not a fan of it. The big gun was bad too as it ran out too quickly. The two splattershots were the best, especially the bigger one. Surprisingly, in like 6-8 games, my team lost only twice. At first, even when we won, I was last points-wise but at the last couple of games I was first and I was really comfortable.

Definitely considering buying this now. The fact that's it's really cheap helps too I guess.


Enjoyed my time with the demo immensely, definitely looking forward to the final product.
Paint roller gets rekt from above, easy as that.


I had matches where there was someone using a paint roller but not leaving a paint trail behind when they obviously weren't out of ink.

Also had a game where the paint roller kill me despite not being touched by it so there was some lag in the game.


All those people going for kills instead of paint?

You've got to be squidding me.

Me and my roller laugh at you and your losses.

I was routinely laying the most ink and getting the most kills on my team with my trusty splattershot. Kills are still important since they delay the enemy and prevent superjumps.


Woke up 30 minutes ago so I only got to play a few rounds, but it was super fun. Wish there was proper dual analog though. Had to recalibrate the gyro on my Game Pad at least once a round, sometimes twice. Still happy I pre-ordered my physical copy though! :)


Oh one thing that was annoying was jumping and landing after spawning and getting killed immediately. I think there should be a second of invulnerability when you jump right after respawning. All though they probably want you to actually be aware of where the enemy is I guess.

You can attack like half a second before you land. I ended up getting few kills with some squid jumping roller flicks


Neo Member
The most impressive thing, is playing with Japanese peoples and 0 lag, what kind of magic is this?

It's mostly the paint that's affected it seems, so it's harder to tell. Worst I've had is shooting at 1 spot for 10 seconds before it changes to my colour.


from first impressions this game is a marvel of game design. helping yourself get points (painting territory) helps your team in like three or four different ways - making paths, refill zones, and getting points - so you're always doing it and feeling good towards your teammates! if you get splattered respawn time is like 5 seconds so you don't really have time to get mad, you can jump right back into the action and AS YOU'RE SPAWNING you can see over the entire battlefield to see what needs to be done because you can see where new paint is being laid!

Even the thing where the squid spirit flies to heaven is useful - I was running back to deal with a spawn camper when I saw his ghost spirit and turned around cos I knew he'd been dealt with!


Ah, didn't have time to try out the last weapon! Man, aiming feels weird in this game. I'm sure it's more about getting used to it. I'll be playing for the next hour too for sure. The roller was definitely my favourite weapon. Not only does it cover ground fast, like you guys are saying, but that also means that you charge your special attack quickly as well, and it's a really good weapon.

EDIT: Lol at everyone in this thread bragging about the amount of times they've won, hahaha.

I know right, the last shooter I played was CS - this feel so different.
It's not just the aiming, travelling is weird as well.

I only had about 20 minutes of the Online, had no idea what I was doing most of the time and was especially useless with the charger on the warehouse level.


Kneejerk reactions:

+Movement feels wonderful once you understand how to chain your shooting and swimming. It feels like you are completely changing the layout of the map and you can do some impressive things with your maneuvers. I love jumping over people and then splatting them from behind.
+The levels have some creative gimmicks and layouts. The warehouse has some grates you can fall through as a squid, and also sections that block you climbing up. The sea level has some risky jumps that help you traverse the stage even faster, plus some good high points. Hopefully every stage can be distinctive from each other.
+Games are typically quite close. Yeah, I had a few stomps, but I think the nature of the game and the size of the maps allows games to be closer than most other shooters. I won a match by .4% and lost one by 1.8%.

-The lack of communication really hurts the game. Even the in-game commands are sorely lacking. Half the time I have no idea where my teammates are.
-The sniper rifle is so awful. I can see how it could be situational, like supporting your teammates from behind and taking out attackers, but the charge up is so long and the ink splat is so little that it's totally not worth it.
-This game needs more controller options. Gamepad only for online? I really like to use the classic controller, or heck even the pro controller. After Nintendo provided so many options for Smash it's hard to go back to just a single controller for the Wii U.


The bubble shield should protect you from slowing down in enemies ink, it covers your entire body including feet for god's sake.


Totally sold.

I played the entire hour, but it never felt like the steam rollers were OP or anything. If anything, they felt kind of limited in terms of what they were sacrificing.

They're fun to use and cover a lot of ground but they've got shitty range in a melee and its harder to use the verticality of some maps by swimming up platforms if they're not already covered in your ink.

Game is fantastic, I'm picking my girlfriend up at 4pm so I can't play the final round ;_;


Oh one thing that was annoying was jumping and landing after spawning and getting killed immediately. I think there should be a second of invulnerability when you jump right after respawning. All though they probably want you to actually be aware of where the enemy is I guess.

I'd be okay that. Also you can start shooting again as you start approaching the ground in human form. It's only a small window but it has helped me get ready and take them out as soon as I land.

You can!
I noticed it too when my thumb slipped an landed on the touchscreen and I suddenly jumped to that person. That's pretty nice to know and can turn matches around pretty quickly, I guess.

That's awesome! I'm going to have to try that in the next round.


Strangely, at the end of the First Hour, I was like "Meh, these levels are going to get quite stale fast if we have to play the same 2 for 4 hours."...

...at the end of the Second Hour, I was like "Wait! I want to play those 2 levels some more!"

...I think I might be okay somewhat with the slow rotation. And with there being 10 Combinations in which the 2 Maps Chosen can be (what with 5 maps only being at start), there could be some variety in the ones chosen.

And that combination only extends with more maps (6 = 15, 7 =21, 8 = 28, 9 = 36 etc.), it seems like it could work maybe.

But I still think they should change every hour or at least when we have more maps, 4 Maps every 4 Hours.

What about you guys, what do you think about the Map Rotation Time after playing it a bit?



Gonna have to try this out tonight (and also look on my minimap more often, besides after death).

the gamepad really is a game changer. you can see where your teammates are, if they're in your ink or enemy ink, and if your ink is being covered be enemy ink. even more you can see if your teammates are running around enemy ink and suddenly the enemy ink stops coming down (meaning they took care of business) or if your teammate dies. you can basically decipher what's happening across the entire map and super jump to the most beneficial spot at that moment.


It's been posted already but I think it's so poignant


The way the Jr burns up less ink is a big plus for it, I think. It feels like the most balanced, easy to use weapon, and is good for everything except long range. I was using it for killing and painting in equal measure, wheras the regular Splattershot was definitely better at killing.

the gamepad really is a game changer. you can see where your teammates are, if they're in your ink or enemy ink, and if your ink is being covered be enemy ink. even more you can see if your teammates are running around enemy ink and suddenly the enemy ink stops coming down (meaning they took care of business) or if your teammate dies. you can basically decipher what's happening across the entire map and super jump to the most beneficial spot at that moment.

Yep, it adds a lot. They thought it through really well.


Played with the charger for the last few games. Pretty hard to get a decent score with it, but I think it's a great supportive weapon, if you're sniping into the front line from behind. What was great was that I had no nauseae for the time I played, since I'm normally pretty sensitive. Some network problems occurred though including during matchmaking with a boring white error dialog in the gamepad. This stuff should be on the TV screen.


3. People aren't super-jumping enough. I feel like when an area is fully covered by your team, you should be jumping to a new area almost immediately (unless you are a sniper).

Yep this is most important. Have people split up, cover a territory. Then check if teammates need help on other sides of the map. Super Jump at any time is pretty crazy


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Most of the rollers I play against roam around like mindless attack drones. I just back up or strafe while shooting them in the face. For the more cautious rollers, I just squid slide through the ink and flank them before they know what hit them.
I really loved it when I finally got in battles with people who knew how to play. Trying to paint each other in, turning into squid form to try and flank, etc

That's when the game really shines IMO. Ranked should be interesting.


Are these all the weapons in the final game? I haven't been following it at all.

Shooter guns:
Aerospray MG
Jet Squelcher
The Blaster

Charger guns:
Splat Charger
E-Liter 3K

Roller guns:
Splat Roller
Dynamo Roller

Sub Weapons:

Splat Bomb
Splash Wall
Suction Bomb
Burst Bomb
Pointer Sensor
Ink Mine
Squid Beakon


Killer Wail


Kneejerk reactions:
-The lack of communication really hurts the game. Even the in-game commands are sorely lacking. Half the time I have no idea where my teammates are.
-The sniper rifle is so awful. I can see how it could be situational, like supporting your teammates from behind and taking out attackers, but the charge up is so long and the ink splat is so little that it's totally not worth it.
-This game needs more controller options. Gamepad only for online? I really like to use the classic controller, or heck even the pro controller. After Nintendo provided so many options for Smash it's hard to go back to just a single controller for the Wii U.
1. Look at your minimap ro see where your team is and you can actually jump when you can to join a teammate on it.
2. I've to disagree, my team got rekt by snipers.
3. Controls can be difficult to handle but man, some players seems to have already mastered them.


I know so many swear by gyro here, but having played with them off this time vs on last time, definitely prefer non-gyro. So much smoother and so much less hassle. I did much better this time around than I did yesterday. I may try gyro again with the next hour, but I don't know, think I'm fine without it.

Some observations:

-With or without the gyro, the sniper gun is just something I can't get the hang of. It doesn't really seem to shot much paint, and it just seems like it's harder to get a good shot off than the other guns. I feel like I just don't get it.

-I'm going to echo with people who think the roller isn't OP. It can really suck when you turn a corner and one is just in your face there, and you don't have time to react. But in general, I don't think there that bad. I was in a team that had two Jrs, one sniper, and a Splattershot against a team of three rollers and a sniper, and we pretty much wrecked them. I think that was actually the game where I scored the highest yet.

-By chance, is there some kind of ability or something that I'm missing that allows you to see where the other team is super jumping? I'm wondering, because there was these two games back-to-back where I just kept getting killed wherever I super jumped. It got to a point where I just stopped using it. Felt like it was way too often to be coincidental.

-Another thing that may just be coincidental, but am I crazy or are the games almost always lopsided? It always feels like I'm in games where one team just stomps the other. I can only think of one game of all the sessions I played between today and yesterday where the win percentage was within like 15%.


So played 2 hours today. What an incredible game. SOOOO much fun!

Using the Gyro was a pain. Kinda annoying to go through the tutorial twice without the option to turn it off. As soon as that tutorial finishes though BAM off it goes and straight into the action. I personally found the Splat Roller to suit my play style but I alternated weapons after games to try and get used to the other weapons. Tearing up the whole enemy team with the Splat Rollers super (Killer Wail) is incredibly fun and can really turn the tide of battle.

The Splat Charger pretty much one shots the enemy but it has a narrow ink path which makes balanced IMHO. Getting up high is a must to use this weapon efficiently.

Overall I had a great time playing and can't wait to check out the full game when it launches.
Most of the rollers I play against roam around like mindless attack drones. I just back up or strafe while shooting them in the face. For the more cautious rollers, I just squid slide through the ink and flank them before they know what hit them.
shhhh. Let them believe that the roller is OP, lolol.

Dr. Buni

-The lack of communication really hurts the game. Even the in-game commands are sorely lacking. Half the time I have no idea where my teammates are.
It doesn't, though. Annoying people saying shit on voice chat is what would hurt the game. I am glad the game isn't designed around voice communication.

Also, look at the map on the Gamepad and you will know where your teammates are.


Wow, I did not like the gyro controls at all on test 1 and switched to analog, but on test 2, they some how came natually. o-o


lol, all the roller needs is a counter move.

Yea it's called get outta the way. Everytime I used a roller people came directly at me like retards. A few people would back off while firing and you dead by the time you squash or shake paint at them. The normal splatgun is perfect roller counter, nades gun with distance. I prefer the jr myself though.

Plus everyone crying isn't even considering all the upgrades and new weapons come release day. Nerf nerf nerf it's kiddie CoD.


I got some time in and I like it. One of the things I quickly learned was to tap the icons of my teammates on the map and start painting the area I warped to. It's really cool. You get to the action a lot quicker and since the game isn't really about shooting someone down, you can run around with your teammate and cover the area together.

You don't have to communicate so much which kind of forgives the lack of voice chat in a way. I won most of my matches covering the area and making sure I was always next to somebody else. I also had way more success with the splatter jr than I had with the roller for whatever reason.

Mechanically, the game is sound. Now I'm wondering the progression system is going to be like. That's going to be key in how long I stay playing the game. If I'm unlocking things at a good pace and there's a lot of things to unlock, I could be playing the game for awhile. It's a lot of fun.
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