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Which purchase do you regret the most so far on the PS4 and Xbox One?


No huge regrets but:

Watch dogs - didn't click and only played through main missions quickly as a result - felt average - paid full price

Thief - wasn't great although I oddly enjoyed just being back in even a weak their game - got it cheap mainly to try it out myself

PS4 - love it now but bought it 6 months too early - but all's well that ends well


Both systems.

I haven't played my Xbone yet (beyond setting it up) and I bought it during... black friday week.

I barely play my PS4 because I'm mostly gaming on my PC now or playing either my 3DS or my WiiU (girlfriend loves the various party games on Nintendo's systems).

Because Bungie gave me a free copy and I couldn't be bothered to cancel my preorder. That $60 still haunts me occasionally, though.


All of them.
At this very moment, this. I can honestly say that I have not enjoyed any of my purchases so far. Sold my day one X1 cause it did nothing for me. Have 20+ physical PS4 games that I just can't bring myself to play. I'm actually enjoying my Vita and PS3 more. Man, would have saved a fortune if I'd just stuck with last gen...
Far Cry 4 full price

It improves on everything Far Cry 3 did, but the game is just too same and boring. It feels more like Far Cry 3.5 than a proper sequel.

I think Franchise fatigue has set in, or fary cry 5 will have to do something mind blowingly amazing.


Almost Halo Master Chef Collection, I bought it on release to get the Best Buy $10 reward cert and gcu discount so didn't open it right away. Well after seeing people say how broken it was, quickly sold it for near full price on Amazon and probably came out a couple bucks ahead. Now that its been patched will likely pick it up again when on sale for under $20.


To everyone who said their regret was buying the consoles, what was your alternative?

Would you have stayed with PS360? Jumped to PC? Or stop gaming completely?
Whats wrong with staying with PS360? Yes I would have loved to & I mostly uses them instead of these. Moreover upgrading the pc would have been a better option.


I'm a physical collector. So far my biggest regrets are watchdogs and destiny. I kept watchdogs to help me remind myself not to jump the gun buying a title I'm not to sure about getting at full price. Destiny I got at release because well, I enjoyed halo a lot and I was hoping I would somewhat get the same experience. Boy, was I wrong. I traded in destiny for the evil within tough.


Halo MCC. Bought it day one for the sole reason of having halo on dedicated servers! What a load of bullshit! 6 months later, I am finally getting said servers more than p2p (they kept that quiet until they had to admit it) , but in typical 343 fashion, the matchmaking just dumps you into any server no fucks given for your ping! Which means I get games with horrible latency more than I dont.... smh 343.

Destiny. I wasn't going to buy it after the beta, but I let my mates talk me into it. Enough said.

Watchdogs. Played it once and got rid of it. Shit game.

BF4 + premium. Need I say more?
Pre-ordering the Destiny+ DLC digital package on PS4 was a bad idea.

I only had an Xbox for a month, but the one game I bought was D4 and I was so disappointed that buying one season did not equal buying one complete story.
Watch_Dogs PS4 Digital, Full price, ugh. Not that it was a bad game I actually enjoyed it but it wasn't worth the full price I paid for it.


FF Type-0 HD. Paid full price and to rub salt to wounds it's coming to Steam with improvements PS4 version will never see because I don't know.


Not much so far. The Crew and Metro on PS4 because I haven't had any time to play 'em since I bought them months ago. Driveclub because I just don't like the game. Wolfenstein on XBone because I should've bought it on PC instead. Apart from that, I'm good.

I guess if I had to pick one, it'd be Driveclub. That's the only one that actively disappointed me, the rest were victims of circumstance.
Most of my purchases this gen have been quite considered, so thankfully I don't feel like I've bought anything foolishly. Stuff like the OP is exactly the reason why I don't buy digital unless it's a bargain.


My answer is a little bit different. It is The Witcher 3 on XBone.

I regret buying it on XBone instead of PS4. The reason for the regret is because I am travelling tomorrow and the PS4 is much easier to carry compared to XBone (smaller, lighter, & no power brick). Now I will be 2 weeks Witcher free :(


FF Type-0 HD. Paid full price and to rub salt to wounds it's coming to Steam with improvements PS4 version will never see because I don't know.

Dito. :( I bought it like every Final Fantasy immediately... Motion blur kicked my ass and Bloodborne was another reason I didn't really play the game up to now.
I bought Shadow of Mordor after every gaming site was giving it glowing reviews, and hyping it into their GOTY coverage - but I put it down after less than six hours. It just did nothing for me. Combat was sub-par, story was boring (though I have that overall issue with LOTR), visually dull, and the Nemesis system got old fast.

At first I just thought I didn't care for Assassin's Creed style games, but I started playing Black Flag recently - and I'm loving it. It's just Mordor I don't care for.

A close second place finish goes to Resident Evil HD. That game has aged like milk.
I was so looking forward to Halo: MCC. I bought an Xbox One for it. What a disappointment. Halo: MCC is without a door my worst game purchase of this generation, and maybe ever.


Definitely Destiny. I have no idea why I bought it since I honestly wasn't even hyped for it. Must've spent too much time on Gaf around its release.


Dragon Age: Inquisition - the fighting system where you command each individual character is a cool idea but found it frustrating. fetch quests were boring and just really didn't enjoy the gameplay at all.

Driveclub - Just doesn't feel right for me. Don't like how the cars handle.

Bloodborne - Had it for a few weeks now and maybe I just suck at it but I'm getting nowhere with it. I like a challenge in video games but this is just ridiculous. Still at the first lantern. Done the same thing over and over again countless times. Might go back to it but right now just don't care for it.
Killzone Shadowfall. But I'm actually glad that's my biggest regret because 1) it was a launch title that helped me immediately justify the PS4 purchase with its "next-gen" graphics, and 2) that means every following game purchase hasn't let me down like KZ eventually did.


Rugrats: Scavenger Hunt (N64) back in 1999. ~$100...
In my defence, I was young and all games were expensive in Norway back then.

DIdn't read the title properly.
Fuck me


Infamous Second Son - was just a really average game and wasn't worth the money I paid at launch.

Guilty Gear Xrd - because like a week later it was in a flash sale for less that 50%


Last of Us Remastered.

I played it for about 30 mins and thought "yup, this was a good game, but I never want to experience it again"


Watch Dogs.......Unity wasn't that great but I was able to play through it at least. I just could not bare any more Watch Dogs after 4-5 hours.

Edit: I even bought it used and I felt like I just burned my money. 40€


advanced warfare on ps4.

bought it only because i thought my destiny friends are all going to move to it.

played a max of 2-3 hours and never touched it again....


LBP3 and Legend of Korra.
LBP3 was a gift so it wasn't really a big deal, although LoK just got repetitive for me.
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