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Sony is officially helping with funding and development with Shenmue 3


Sony deserve a standing ovation for this. Fuck the haters.

1. Sony is financially backing 14 year old dead franchise that NOBODY was willing to pick. IF you don't know what is big deal about this, think this way.

MS in their 360 hayday when they basically poured endless money into Japanese market, ignored shenmue. Yeah. shenmue was THAT DEAD, mother fuckers.

Sony didn't have to back this. Hell, if Sony basically ignored all the pleas from shenmue fans and gamers, no one would blame Sony for it. Sony instead can spend that money to make their own IP or resurrect their OWN DEAD IP. But instead they listened to their fans and making bet that they can make profit out of this.

2. Sony doesn't even OWN the IP after financial gamble such as this.

You guys know what this means. Basically if Shenmue3 becomes smashing hit and profitable to make a sequel, there will be dozens publishers (even Sega, LOL) who want to make side project or sequels. Sony can lose entire privilege for console exclusiveness, but they are still willing to take that risk.

If this is not showing good will to gamers, I don't know what it is.

3. Sony doesn't block PC, this is huge.

Basically this. They are allowing it on PC too. Props to Sony for doing this.


Well Sony tricked you into giving them a 2 year interest free and non refundable loan.

I know everyone is excited to get the game they want but it is sleazy by Sony.

100 dollars to have my name in a game shrouded by myth for 14yrs?
Yeah, they can have that crappy interest rate and present valuation of my dollars.


I can see why they did this. It's one thing to start a hashtag and sign an online petition. It's another to put down real money on it. And Sony can only really know interest based on the latter.


Man they need to send out an update! Not even a full day in and we are well over the goal. If they want to keep the momentum going they really need to get on top of this and say "HEY WOW! We are funded! More tiers and stretch goals coming very soon! We didn't expect such a fast response! We are working on the next steps, hang tight!"
Very happy that Sony is behind this; not that I don't trust Yu and his team, but certainly having a major develop behind the game will help.

It'll help the game not turn it...well, the video on the kickstarter.
Just pledged $50 despite never having played the previous two, my reasons though are quite peronal (posted in the other shenmue 3 thread) Hoping to see an remastered version of the first two but not counting on it really, hopefully Ill get to play em before this.
Not a fan of this using kickstarter to essentially have people preorder the game before it's made. Like it's one thing if you need the funds to make your game but that $2 million isn't going to make a dent in this project. What happens if the game falls through or gets stuck in development hell for years? Nobody gets their money back which makes this a pretty scummy move imo.


Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Kickstarter (I'm an expert), but transparency and honesty are huge parts of it. It's not like it was with Bloodborne where you can become successful by help funding and publishing it. If you help fund a game in Kickstarter, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the fans, after hearing about this, is not going to want to back Shenmue at all, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games they help fund in the future. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, remove all your funding or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Great insider or Greatest insider?
Well Sony tricked you into giving them a 2 year interest free and non refundable loan.

I know everyone is excited to get the game they want but it is sleazy by Sony.

Tricked? They are openly stating their involvement in the game in the very first press interviews less than 24 hours after it was revealed. Non-refundable? You can easily remove your kickstarter pledge at any time until the kickstarter ends.
Sony deserve a standing ovation for this. Fuck the haters.

1. Sony is financially backing 14 year old dead franchise that NOBODY was willing to pick. IF you don't know what is big deal about this, think this way.

MS in their 360 heyday when they basically poured endless money into Japanese market, ignored shenmue. Yeah. shenmue was THAT DEAD, mother fuckers.

Sony didn't have to back this. Hell, if Sony basically ignored all the pleas from shenmue fans and gamers, no one would blame Sony for it. Sony instead can spend that money to make their own IP or resurrect their OWN DEAD IP. But instead they listened to their fans and making bet that they can make profit out of this.

2. Sony doesn't even OWN the IP after financial gamble such as this.

You guys know what this means. Basically if Shenmue3 becomes smashing hit and profitable to make a sequel, there will be dozens publishers (even Sega, LOL) who want to make side project or sequels. Sony can lose entire privilege for console exclusiveness, but they are still willing to take that risk.

If this is not showing good will to gamers, I don't know what it is.

3. Sony doesn't block PC, this is huge.


I'll take it a step further. Remember how Microsoft was bragging about spending $1 BILLION dollars at E3 2013 on games? Nope, Shenmue 3 wasn't worth their time. Hell, if it really turns out that FF7R really is PS4/PC only, then Microsoft didn't bother to secure what has a real chance of being the game of the generation.


Guys i think we all know what the real important questions are.

Will there be forklifts?

Will there be Bikers?

Will there be Warehouse No. 8s?

These are all important questions.

From all the work AM2 was doing at the end of Shenmue 2, working on generating enormous, organic forests, and what they said in the livestream about taking place in smaller villages, I think it's pretty obvious this one takes place in rural, wooded china.

I am curious to see what Yu Suzuki's forest simulation algorithms look like. Shenmue I and II were awesome because they did 2 very different things - Shenmue I was an insanely intricately detailed tiny city, where everything was scripted for months upon months down to the smallest detail. Shenmue II was, of course, a full simulation of one of the largest cities on the planet. It's neat that they're doing something different yet equally ambitious with Shenmue III. There are videos recently of Yu Suzuki talking about how they generated forests at the end of shenmue II and where the tech would have eventually gone, and how he had created this system to store ridiculously huge, detailed forests into tiny pieces of code that resided a very little space in memory. Crazy stuff, especially for 2000.

I have no idea what type of odd jobs they'll have this time. But man I can't wait. This is going to be so freaking cool.


Not a fan of this using kickstarter to essentially have people preorder the game before it's made. Like it's one thing if you need the funds to make your game but that $2 million isn't going to make a dent in this project. What happens if the game falls through or gets stuck in development hell for years? Nobody gets their money back which makes this a pretty scummy move imo.

Oh well.
Tough luck.
We all know the risk, but we still throw the die.


What ? You know that Games at Kickstarter are mostly an idea. You have no guarantee whatsoever and you know that. A lot of those games get canned and your money is lost. You do not have to fund anything. Your choice. Thats why this is just for hardcore fan. And if you like it their fee is the financial risk they take and that they give you a game that will most likely be 60$ for 30.

I buy stuff on Kickstarter all the time so I understand how it works. Generally i buy board games from small creators so I understand the Risks.

I would be pissed if I funded a game and then found out the developers were backdoor funded by Milton Bradley or some other large games company and just used by goodwill and money of donating for "market research."

The ends do not justify the means and this was Sony manipulating gamers because if it was an official Sony kickstarter for Shenmue and they did not trot out the creator the board would have a different tune.


Guys i think we all know what the real important questions are.

Will there be forklifts?

Will there be Bikers?

Will there be Warehouse No. 8s?

These are all important questions.

If there aren't forklifts in this game, I am completely withdrawing my pledge
Console producer gets an exclusive game that they're financially backing...and you're upset about it? Halo 5 looks tight as hell, but I have a PS4 and PC, am I mad bro? Not at all.

Sony did us all a favor. Anyone who's upset about this can fuck off.

My comment wasn't made to get a response like that. I'm glad that it's getting made, and will be buying a ps4 in order to play it. I do think it's unfortunate that it has to come down to that, and the people who played the first two on a non Sony consent (like me) have to buy a new system for it. But yeah, I'm just as excited as everyone. I just wish it would be a wider release. Sorry if that didn't come across in my first post.
Games aren't made off of just the amount donated to kickstarters. Not even close. I thought everyone pretty much knew these things were to try to get publishers, especially for some of the more ambitious and higher budget games.


What I don't understand - Where is Sega in all of this? Did Sega sell the license?

Sega is just letting it happen. They've agreed to let Yu Suzuki use the license and IP if Yu Suzuki funds it entirely himself.

And, being the baller he is, Yu Suzuki has done just that. I wonder how many at Sega honestly ever thought he would pull this off.


Gold Member
Really not a fan of this approach.

I have no problem with it. If you don't want to back it don't back it. If you do you get some cool bonus content. Games get made that otherwise wouldn't. There's less risk for Sony and their backing will allow the game more budget to potentially be better. The economics of today practically force this type of game creation for mid tier budget games.
Well, would you look at that. Almost 2.8 million now. It's almost as if all the naysayers didn't pull their pledges because they never really gave a fuck about this in the first place.


Not a fan of this using kickstarter to essentially have people preorder the game before it's made. Like it's one thing if you need the funds to make your game but that $2 million isn't going to make a dent in this project. What happens if the game falls through or gets stuck in development hell for years? Nobody gets their money back which makes this a pretty scummy move imo.

THEN you can blame Sony.
Til then sit down, be quiet and enjoy the greatest thing to happen to video games in years.


All the people going "I am not a fan of this approach" need to pull their heads out of their asses. There have been countless times when fans clamor for a game to come out and when it does come out no one buys it. I prefer this approach and actually invite more companies to go this way if it means we get more classic IPs coming back.


Tricked? They are openly stating their involvement in the game in the very first press interviews less than 24 hours after it was revealed.

They verbally distanced themselves from Shenmue when they unveiled the Kickstarter, and admitted financial involvement after it had been 100% funded. I dunno what would have happened if it was taking longer to get things off the ground though.
So now to more important questions.. Are any of the tech gods at Sony Worldwide Studios going to help this game? It would be amazing if GG or ND or SSM can lend a technical hand.


Sega is just letting it happen. They've agreed to let Yu Suzuki use the license and IP if Yu Suzuki funds it entirely himself.

And, being the baller he is, Yu Suzuki has done just that. I wonder how many at Sega honestly ever thought he would pull this off.

None of them, that was why they gave Suzuki the permission for 3.
They were probably laughing their ass off behind his back.


Guys i think we all know what the real important questions are.

Will there be forklifts?

Will there be Bikers?

Will there be Warehouse No. 8s?

These are all important questions.
What? NO sailors.....?

Thank god that pop-in in the warehouse will be no more.

Sjay said:
Hell, I never even played Shenmue 1 or 2, and I backed this, because I would like to see this game made for the people who really want it.
Good form, many need to learn from you and see the bigger picture, well done.


Just pledged $50 despite never having played the previous two, my reasons though are quite peronal (posted in the other shenmue 3 thread) Hoping to see an remastered version of the first two but not counting on it really, hopefully Ill get to play em before this.

The first stretch goal that's been passed is a I&II recap vid, similar i'd imagine to the one that came on the extra disk of the XBox version of II.
Hope you're doing ok though, i saw the post in the other thread. I'm not 100% sure on the best way to play the others if you're getting them in the US as i'm PAL based, but good luck whichever way in the end.


Well, would you look at that. Almost 2.8 million now. It's almost as if all the naysayers didn't pull their pledges because they never really gave a fuck about this in the first place.

They got about 1 more hour to raise $200k to wind up with a cool $3 million in 24 hours.

What an absolutely insane start to this kickstarter. This has to have obliterated even their wildest expectations. I honestly don't think they saw this coming.


This Thread represents modern Fanboyism and Gaming in a nutshell and it is disgusting to see and it makes me sad.

Y's and Sony give you a opportunity to have a Game "Fans" always wanted and people are bitching that Sony wants prove that it can get to a break even point.

People have to realize that this game is not for the main stream audience or gamers. The Kickstarter is just and only for the Fucking Hardcore Shenmue fans, so they can get a game out, that is most likely a financial disaster or not a game publisher want to fund. And it seems likeFans do not give a shit how this games is done. On average people are paying more than 80$ to get this idea of a game, which is insane.
40.000 Backers for such ,most likely, expensive game is not very much tbh, but it shows that some hardcore people really want that game and really go all in for this.

And now people blame sony to want some kind of security, that they do not lose a shit ton of money ? Ask yourself a question. Why did Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, Acti, Ea or any other publisher try to get the game or try to fund it or even try help Y's? Because they know, that today this game is so niche and so exotic, that it will not be a main stream success and most likely a very high financial risk, that nobody wanted to take or even consider in 14 years. Sony is willing to take this risk, but wanted proof that people do not only demand that game on Twitter, but also that they are ready to back it up financially and take a little bit of Sony's risk. How is this bad ?

People are getting this game cheaper, when they back it up with 30§, but most people just went crazy backing it up. But as I said it is only the most hardcore niche fans and not the main stream.

Sony gets blaimed for not taking a financial enormous risk and not giving a Niche game to all of you without some kind of security. The most people, who back Shenmue III do not give a shit about how, they are in heaven, that Sony even considers the idea of Shenmue III and they where kind enough to give this exotic game this grand stage.

This is all very logical, and I agree. But Sony took advantage of hype to manipulate it's audience. You can see that as bad or not, but it's true. One can see why Sony revealing they would help back the kickstarter themselves would dissuade rabid fan-pledging. So they opted out of revealing this fact. Even though this scenario was obvious to a lot of us, myself included - it doesn't stop the fact that a little dis-ingenuity was at play.

Just because Sony is the massive corporation and we are the fans - seriously, in this day-and-age of consumer entertainment - doesn't mean we should be OK with not being told the whole truth. If only because this may be the first of many big-company funded Kickstarters. Sure its ok with Shenmue, but what if (to take it to the impossible extreme) next year Activision are asking fans to fund Call of Duty with the same premise? #SaveCoD
Not a fan of this using kickstarter to essentially have people preorder the game before it's made. Like it's one thing if you need the funds to make your game but that $2 million isn't going to make a dent in this project. What happens if the game falls through or gets stuck in development hell for years? Nobody gets their money back which makes this a pretty scummy move imo.

That is a risk taken when backing every game on kickstarter?


Sony deserve a standing ovation for this. Fuck the haters.

1. Sony is financially backing 14 year old dead franchise that NOBODY was willing to pick. IF you don't know what is big deal about this, think this way.

MS in their 360 heyday when they basically poured endless money into Japanese market, ignored shenmue. Yeah. shenmue was THAT DEAD, mother fuckers.

Sony didn't have to back this. Hell, if Sony basically ignored all the pleas from shenmue fans and gamers, no one would blame Sony for it. Sony instead can spend that money to make their own IP or resurrect their OWN DEAD IP. But instead they listened to their fans and making bet that they can make profit out of this.

2. Sony doesn't even OWN the IP after financial gamble such as this.

You guys know what this means. Basically if Shenmue3 becomes smashing hit and profitable to make a sequel, there will be dozens publishers (even Sega, LOL) who want to make side project or sequels. Sony can lose entire privilege for console exclusiveness, but they are still willing to take that risk.

If this is not showing good will to gamers, I don't know what it is.

3. Sony doesn't block PC, this is huge.

Right on, sir. This is the ultimate fan-service move. Luckily, the fans are like the fucking North and WE NEVER FORGOT. We've been here, waiting for the path to open so we could put all our support into it.

Sony already made me fall back in love with them with all the cool things they've been doing since they got hungry again some years back. But this, this is just over the top amazing. Above and beyond. I'll always be so grateful to Sony for making this happen.


Gold Member
My comment wasn't made to get a response like that. I'm glad that it's getting made, and will be buying a ps4 in order to play it. I do think it's unfortunate that it has to come down to that, and the people who played the first two on a non Sony consent (like me) have to buy a new system for it. But yeah, I'm just as excited as everyone. I just wish it would be a wider release. Sorry if that didn't come across in my first post.

And I apologize if I unfairly grouped your post in with the mountains of salt coming from unreasonable people in here. It's like nobody understands return on investment or good business sense.

Bro hug.


I buy stuff on Kickstarter all the time so I understand how it works. Generally i buy board games from small creators so I understand the Risks.

I would be pissed if I funded a game and then found out the developers were backdoor funded by Milton Bradley or some other large games company and just used by goodwill and money of donating for "market research."

The ends do not justify the means and this was Sony manipulating gamers because if it was an official Sony kickstarter for Shenmue and they did not trot out the creator the board would have a different tune.

Not it is not a Sony game, the do not own anything. They take high risk.


Neo Member
I don't think this is "The Man" trying to screw us. I don't think the Kickstarter is designed as a mere means to gauge interest for the game. The Kickstarter is more likely a means to eliminate financial risk for the investors, such as Sony. Perhaps $2 mil dollars is how much Sony expects to lose if they invest and the game flops commercially, or the difference between what they project the game will cost to produce and what they expect they will make from it. Us paying that amount gives them the security they need to move forward. I believe they are serious that they would not proceed with the game's development without our contributions to the Kickstarter. Any way you slice it, everyone wins. The Kickstarter donors get the game of their dreams for a significantly reduced cost, and the other investors get to contribute to an awesome game with reduced financial risk.
Oh so assumption and PR belief?

Mad is too strong of a word, I'm not mad at anyone, and this is not about people either, people can do whatever they want, I don't care. It's not about the backers, it's about Sony taking advantge of the backers' money to get themselves a console exclusive. Want me to explain it again?
Yes, please explain how Sony advertising a kickstarter for less than 10% of a project's cost in which people can choose to buy exclusive goodies (or just the game at a heavy discount) along with investing millions of their own money on a project that is unlikely to make a sizeable profit is taking advantage of backers. I'm waiting eagerly for your doubtless well-thought-out and amazing response.


What I don't understand - Where is Sega in all of this? Did Sega sell the license?

As someone mentioned, SEGA owns the IP but have given the license to Yu Suzuki to make Shenmue 3.

This was Suzuki in 2014 - “About Shenmue, Sega is not a problem at all. For Shenmue III, we need to define a specific budget and if I can gather enough for it, Sega will allow me to do it.”


So SEGA probably knew in advance he was going to have the cash to do this.
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