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Her Story |OT| Type M for Murder


I'm actually happy they didn't do horror. Mystery is an underused genre in gaming; horror is overblown.

Also, I'm a scaredy cat and I wouldn't have played this if it was a horror game.

I mean, like I said, I'm happy that it didn't go there. I love mystery stories/games and this was excellent for that, and I wouldn't have wanted it to lose that. I just think a horror game could use similar concepts in some neat ways, is all.


Anyone play this on ipad mini first gen. Want to play it but unsure my ipad is suported. iOs is a mess to know if you can play a game or not at times

Ninja Dom

Alright, I've played long enough to get the credits.

Got to say that I feel pretty underwhelmed. The game is superbly done and well presented. But all you have to do is type in words that bring up videos you've yet to see? And once you've seen enough videos then you're done?

I'm not really feeling a sense of accomplishment. Hmmm 😕


Alright, I've played long enough to get the credits.

Got to say that I feel pretty underwhelmed. The game is superbly done and well presented. But all you have to do is type in words that bring up videos you've yet to see? And once you've seen enough videos then you're done?

I'm not really feeling a sense of accomplishment. Hmmm 😕

That's why I think presenting this as a "game" is dangerous; there is no direct "win" or "lose" state so if you approach it wrong, you might feel underwhelmed. Think of it more as an interactive story told through this particular interface and you might enjoy it more.


But all you have to do is type in words that bring up videos you've yet to see? And once you've seen enough videos then you're done?

I'm not really feeling a sense of accomplishment. Hmmm 😕

Ideally, the words come up because you are personally discovering aspects of the story that aren't readily apparent and then gradually expanding on them to fill out the order of events. I'm curious your interpretation of the story if you ended up typing random words and watched the clips without context of the actual narrative.


Been avoiding all previews of this to save it for a Saturday night + bottle of wine, but I think the wine might actually be a detriment here. Such a neat premise to search on keywords for exposition, a very cool idea.

Those Win 3.1 UI + glare effects are fantastic, and those hard drive sfx when doing a search are a really nice touch too. I'm only about 1.5 hours in so far but I'm going back in now.

Sadly "<3" doesn't turn up any search results.
I can't get any of the videos to play. The game appears to be working just fine, I validated the game file through steam, but I can't get any of the searched videos to actually play.

Am I missing something?


I can't get any of the videos to play. The game appears to be working just fine, I validated the game file through steam, but I can't get any of the searched videos to actually play.

Am I missing something?
So, the game uses AVWindowsMediaPro as a Unity playback system (as Unity's video textures are fucking horrible), which is what I used in There Came an Echo. Basically it uses Windows DirectShow for decoding, which is a way of saying "If it'll play in Windows Media Player, it'll work in-game", but if they encoded the movies with certain codecs or containers, and you just have vanilla video support on Windows, it won't work. I'd recommend downloading a codec pack like CCCP.

If that doesn't work, I'd completely redownload the game.
Just found a support message from Barlow saying it won't work on mac 10.7.
I guess I'll just go install on my bootcamp side.

Thanks for the help, Feep!


Finished it, really interesting story. It went into places I didn't expect.

Alright, I've played long enough to get the credits.

Got to say that I feel pretty underwhelmed. The game is superbly done and well presented. But all you have to do is type in words that bring up videos you've yet to see? And once you've seen enough videos then you're done?

I'm not really feeling a sense of accomplishment. Hmmm &#55357;&#56853;

Basically an interactive video novel, imo. No different than VNs except the story is told through small pieces that you need to uncover to find the truth.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
how do you use the unlock command
Just type admin_unlock

That's why I think presenting this as a "game" is dangerous; there is no direct "win" or "lose" state so if you approach it wrong, you might feel underwhelmed. Think of it more as an interactive story told through this particular interface and you might enjoy it more.
Unlocking videos is a form of a puzzle in this game. You have to piece together in your mind what's going on and based on that try logical search terms. The "win state" is when you
reach the chat window
. I'd say that if I had to classify it, it's an FMV puzzle game. I mean, getting to see the
ten video streak of lie detector test certainly requires some creative thinking,
and I have so far only seen one or two of them.
Picked up the game yesterday due to the Giant Bomb QL (only watched the first minute) and played through it today in one sitting. What a great little game. I'm not sure I've ever played anything like it.
Bought it yesterday, after hearing the hype but knowing absolutely nothing.

It is rather excellent, I kind of loved the idea.
I got a lot of story, but had not gotten credits by the time I had to leave, so I will go back to it later today.

Ninja Dom

Ideally, the words come up because you are personally discovering aspects of the story that aren't readily apparent and then gradually expanding on them to fill out the order of events. I'm curious your interpretation of the story if you ended up typing random words and watched the clips without context of the actual narrative.

I typed in the odd random word here & there. But most of the words I typed were carefully thought of before I typed them. I have made an assumption in my mind as to what happened with the story, based on watching enough video clips to get to the credits.


I typed in the odd random word here & there. But most of the words I typed were carefully thought of before I typed them. I have made an assumption in my mind as to what happened with the story, based on watching enough video clips to get to the credits.

you should keep looking up for clips if you haven't discovered them all. check the database folder to see how much you're missing. i went back to 100% it and the story is far more interesting than what is revealed if you only found some and stopped playing after the credits.
Just finished this. I really liked it. Thought the actress was brilliant. I think the gameplay setup makes piecing together the story confusing enough so the story itself being open to interpretation, even though I think the answer is clear, is probably unneeded.

In any case, pretty satisfying for something so simple. Very cool, if not initially overwhelming to have all the power to search for tags.

I'd love another game like this with a more clear cut story or a cast of characters (whodunnit)

Ninja Dom

you should keep looking up for clips if you haven't discovered them all. check the database folder to see how much you're missing. i went back to 100% it and the story is far more interesting than what is revealed if you only found some and stopped playing after the credits.

Yes I will do. I need to get my £3.99 worth and I want to be sure the story is what I think it is.


needs 2 extra inches
Question about user session:
- Is there are any purpose to it other than organizing/ordering a sequence of videos for the sake of my understanding?
- Is there a way to remove videos?


I just about shit myself the first time I saw
the reflection

Just had this happen and immediately closed the game.



Question about user session:
- Is there are any purpose to it other than organizing/ordering a sequence of videos for the sake of my understanding?
- Is there a way to remove videos?
These are the exact two things i want to know.
Question about user session:
- Is there are any purpose to it other than organizing/ordering a sequence of videos for the sake of my understanding?
- Is there a way to remove videos?

It has no other purpose, and there is no way to remove videos.

On the Steam forums the developer said he might add a way to remove videos. Of course, most people will have finished the game by then...


King of Gaslighting
This game is perfect for me. I'm the guy who went into Fight Club and was knocked on my ass at the end while everyone else was like "Called it!" I'm a good number of videos in and I'm still discovering things.

The ONE frustration I have:
How the fuck do you not cover up the tattoo?

Overall really well done, and the glare got me to turn on all my lights and put reruns of SEINFELD in the background. Shit was getting. . .unsettling. Also (the glare):

Totally the daughter right? 20 years on has to be her.


This game is perfect for me. I'm the guy who went into Fight Club and was knocked on my ass at the end while everyone else was like "Called it!" I'm a good number of videos in and I'm still discovering things.

The ONE frustration I have:
How the fuck do you not cover up the tattoo?

Overall really well done, and the glare got me to turn on all my lights and put reruns of SEINFELD in the background. Shit was getting. . .unsettling. Also (the glare):

Totally the daughter right? 20 years on has to be her.

thing gets explained if you find more of the videos

The tattoo outfit is July 1st, and there's another, earlier July 1st video where she's wearing much more concealing clothes. Haven't discovered what happens but she changes clothing for some reason.

There's like a 2 minute difference between the covered outfit and the earliest tattoo outfit that I've found
Bah. This game was exhibiting alongside mine and a bunch of others in the Leftfield Collection at EGX Rezzed this year. One of the few games I didn't find time to try out, but was constantly intrigued by it every time I looked over. I'm also sort of glad I didn't, seems like the kind of game you want to go in cold with no primer beforehand. Real excited to dive in!


I'm about 75% of the way through the clues, but I'm pretty stuck now.
I'm going to use that trick of 'tagging' all videos and using BLANK to make some progress.

I expected to dislike this game.

This is turning out to be one of my favourite games of this year. Can't wait to keep on playing. Stupid work-day.


so I hit the IM button and answered
then answered
. Now
the IM app is gone from the desktop. Will it come back after a while? I've played a few new clips since then but I'm curious what happens if you answer Yes and then Yes again.


Is the point of the game is to find all the videos with the keywords? I guess the story makes sense once you see it all?

Not all of it really. Most people will get the full story without needing even half the videos I bet. You can look for more if you want more background and character development though.

But yes, the story will make sense once you've investigated enough leads.


Any information on whether this game will come to other platforms?

Don't think he's talked about it.

Given how typing heavy it is though I can't imagine it'll expand much further.

Might actually be an okay fit for Wii U now that I think about it.
Man, I can't help but feel like a screamer would go off at anytime.

Edit: OMFG I thought that delete option would just get rid of those saved session things at the bottom. crap


Man, I can't help but feel like a screamer would go off at anytime.

Edit: OMFG I thought that delete option would just get rid of those saved session things at the bottom. crap

I don't blame you for thinking that. Isn't it worded 'Delete Session'? Very unfortunate wording.


Does the chat app actually explain anything? I'm worried because I answered no I am missing some exposition
answered yes to the first part so I know that little twist about who I am
. I've watched most of the videos by now but I'm still not entirely sure what is going on - have a few theories running through my head but none of them really add up completely.

edit: I have 31 clips not watched according to the database, including a big chunk of 10 near the end (starting three rows up, right hand side - I think that is the
lie detector section but for the life of me I can't get anything in there - tried what/where/when etc


thing gets explained if you find more of the videos

The tattoo outfit is July 1st, and there's another, earlier July 1st video where she's wearing much more concealing clothes. Haven't discovered what happens but she changes clothing for some reason.

There's like a 2 minute difference between the covered outfit and the earliest tattoo outfit that I've found

She spilled coffee on herself


Does the chat app actually explain anything? I'm worried because I answered no I am missing some exposition
answered yes to the first part so I know that little twist about who I am
. I've watched most of the videos by now but I'm still not entirely sure what is going on - have a few theories running through my head but none of them really add up completely.

edit: I have 31 clips not watched according to the database, including a big chunk of 10 near the end (starting three rows up, right hand side - I think that is the
lie detector section but for the life of me I can't get anything in there - tried what/where/when etc

About the chat:
if you answer no to the second question you get "that's okay sarah, you can always come back to take another look" or something. If you answer yes it's "I'm glad, Sarah, log off and meet me on the other side of the road" So not that different.

About the clips:
The lie detector stuff can be found by typing "yes" and "no" WITH the parentheses! Other "tricks" to get videos are "tag every video and search BLANK" and "finish the game and use admin_random"


Finished it yesterday. Liked it a lot.

I'm hoping for similar games down the road. Are there similar experiences that uses FMV in such a way?

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
This experience is amazing. It would make for a terrific mobile port.
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