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PLayStation VR listed on three swiss site for price between 450€-500€


Gold Member
You need the camera and they won't bundle cameras with all PSVR so a 400~450 with camera

350~400 without camera and ~500 with camera and a move is my guess


I doubt the BOM would be much higher, of course, things like R&D also have to be taken into account.

R&D costs on these things must be sky high... they'd be best to eat that bullet and not factor it in. Unless they use GEN1 to mitigate most of that with a higher cost, I guess. But that won't do VR many favors, they need to keep the price down thanks to the super cheap alternatives out there.
R&D costs on these things must be sky high... they'd be best to eat that bullet and not factor it in. Unless they use GEN1 to mitigate most of that with a higher cost, I guess. But that won't do VR many favors, they need to keep the price down thanks to the super cheap alternatives out there.

The super cheap 'alternatives' are trash compared to PSVR, Oculus, and Vive.


You need the camera and they won't bundle cameras with all PSVR so a 400~450 with camera

350~400 without camera and ~500 with camera and a move is my guess
I agree Sony should have a sku that is headset only, but I can not see that working well at retail. The last thing you need is for someone to walk into best buy, purchase the cheap sku, take it home, take it out of the box, start to set it up, and then realize that they need the camera, so they go back to best buy and then best buy is out of cameras. That's a horrible customer experience especially for new tech. If Sony sold it direct online they could warn you that you need the camera in order for it to function. From my understanding the camera has sold pretty well, it's also not the expensive. If they have multiple SKUs I can see a headset and camera bundle, a headset camera and move bundle, and a headset camera and ps4 bundle.hell they could have the camera in the box with its regular packaging and then people could return that or something.


Pricing looks about right but then what the hell would I know. Hopefully Sony will have some really compelling experiences on release.


The thing people need to keep in mind with VR is that it's significantly different than launching something like a home console. Consoles are a known quantity - they've been around long enough that people know what they're getting and you can push for mass market faster.

VR is an experience most people haven't tried and the tech is significantly more expensive. You can't compromise the headset quality or profits to reach a mass market early when there are so many unknowns. Sony/Oculus/Valve are not trying to push this to the masses yet....that's a few years down the line. If they were trying, they would either go bust by selling units at a huge loss, or they would have built a lower-quality headset. Unfortunately, you don't get the same effect from VR below a certain quality theshold, so they are playing the long-game by prioritizing experience over all else.

Sony just isn't going to take a huge bath on the PSVR price. They will price the headset at least $399 IMO and it will sell out very fast just like Occulus did. Somy just got to a point of profitability and their shareholders would not be happy if they price it below cost (keep in mind there are years of R&D sunk costs they have already invested). They could price at a break even point but anything lower just isn't realistic. Even Occulus - backed by Facebook which has huge financial momentum and has shareholders that are very willing for it to spend a ton of cash for growth areas - didn't price it's headset below cost.

All the doom and gloom if they don't have a $299 headset shows a lack of understanding how new technologies launch. HDTVs, laser disc, the first iPhone, etc all launch at high prices that don't compromise quality and it takes years for the price to come down to a mass market level. I get that some people don't want to pay that much for a VR headset with so many question marks...but there are enough people willing to pay that they're going to sell it at a higher price early and wait until demand subsides and parts are cheaper to lower it.


Gold Member
I agree Sony should have a sku that is headset only, but I can not see that working well at retail. The last thing you need is for someone to walk into best buy, purchase the cheap sku, take it home, take it out of the box, start to set it up, and then realize that they need the camera, so they go back to best buy and then best buy is out of cameras. That's a horrible customer experience especially for new tech. If Sony sold it direct online they could warn you that you need the camera in order for it to function. From my understanding the camera has sold pretty well, it's also not the expensive. If they have multiple SKUs I can see a headset and camera bundle, a headset camera and move bundle, and a headset camera and ps4 bundle.hell they could have the camera in the box with its regular packaging and then people could return that or something.
So is better to return something you already have "used cause its opened" than buying something you need? Really??

There should be at least two bundles. With and without camera. Since move is optional and the camera is required and with all the next gen streaming a lot of ppl already have the camera


...lacks reading comprehension.
I think the $299 comes from wrongful assumptions based on DK1 and DK2. Not too long ago people thought it could even be $199. 399 would be on the low end. It's possible but only for the headset. I am expecting 499 for the headset with one Move controller and the camera. And no, Sony is not in the situation where they can bleed money from VR.
I'm definitely in the will likely have to wait category (although i'm enthused by the possibilities after finally trying a cardboard) but am really interested to see how this plays out price and adoption wise. I find myself agreeing with both camps in this thread, I don't envy Sony in trying to find the right balance.


PSVR's vanilla sku will be at least $200 cheaper than the Oculus. Period.
That would still put the package at a pretty similar price.

I don't have a problem with PS VR being $300-$500. My concern would be that Sony is rightfully developing PS VR within the confines of PS4. Every 'first-gen' consumerVR headset is living on borrowed time, but that further complication exacerbates this issue. Sony is more than capable of building a better controller than PS Move and a more technically advanced headset. The console market isn't accustomed to this kind of rapid obsolescence. Something will have to give.

Well that's enough about PSVR2. Bring on PSVR1 :D


Won't you need two move controllers? Yeesh, this thing will be expensive.

My body is ready for deceptive "starting at xxx.99" advertisements.
No, for the "regular" experience you don't, that's why there is an unswitchable lightbar on the controller.

That's why there will probably only be 2 skus, one with headset alone (imo $299 to $399 possible) and a sku including the camera for maybe $50 more.

The Occulus at $599 includes: headset with two high res OLED screens (the PSVR has one 1080p one), a controller, a camera, a remote, a headset.

Imo $299 is indeed possible, even if I find $349-$399 more likely.


You people saying "299 or bust" are crazy... you know that, right? That's simply impossible... IMPOSSIBLE.

I'm personally hoping for 399, but I'm worried that would need to be the headset alone (no game, no controllers, no camera).

Keep in mind that this thing has an external CPU box that connects between the PS4 and headset... that won't be added in at no extra cost... OCULUS doesn't come with something like that.

Can someone confirm to me once and for all that the breakout box does nothing performance wise for the console. I've read so much either way now that I'm no longer convinced that it doesn't.


No, for the "regular" experience you don't, that's why there is an unswitchable lightbar on the controller.

That's why there will probably only be 2 skus, one with headset alone (imo $299 to $399 possible) and a sku including the camera for maybe $50 more.

The Occulus at $599 includes: headset with two high res OLED screens (the PSVR has one 1080p one), a controller, a camera, a remote, a headset.

Imo $299 is indeed possible, even if I find $349-$399 more likely.

I hope you're right. $299 would be great and I would buy this without hesitation at that price. $399 is the cap for me and I need to see more ways to use this at that price before I bit the bullet.


That's why there will probably only be 2 skus, one with headset alone (imo $299 to $399 possible) and a sku including the camera for maybe $50 more.

No, the camera is required, not optional. It has to come with at least the camera. It would be bad for Sony to sell a SKU without the camera, have someone buy it, and then not be able to play a single game because of the camera requirement.

Can someone confirm to me once and for all that the breakout box does nothing performance wise for the console. I've read so much either way now that I'm no longer convinced that it doesn't.

All the breakout box does it unwarp the image for display on the TV, and some 3D audio processing. It's not going to be expensive (from what we know at this moment).


No, the camera is required, not optional. It has to come with at least the camera. It would be bad for Sony to sell a SKU without the camera, have someone buy it, and then not be able to play a single game because of the camera requirement.
Given that the camera has been sold separately on the market ($60 Msrp) for more than 2 years now, they HAVE to release a camera less Sku imo.
There's no way they won't. That would be market suicide, especially if that is something driving the price up.

They have to, I'm sure many of those early PS4 adopters who bought a camera back then will be there day one for the PSVR, why piss them off? And I'm sure some will buy a PSVR without even owning a PS4, because why not, it could be a stand alone device??
I don't think $299 for the headset is pie in the sky. I highly doubt the BOM would exceed $200 as is, and a huge chunk of R&D is probably deeply sunk by now considering they've been working on Camera tracking since the PS2. The move also sold somewhere in the ballpark of 15 million units, and I'm sure much of the profits went into the division developing PSVR. They also have a market all to themselves regarding the hardware, so they can afford to sell it at razor thin profit margins, if at all.

There's also the fact that many people already own moves, and or a camera. So an HMD / Breakout box only option will probably be on the table. No controller / Camera necessary.

I don't think Sony will sell the equipment for a loss, but I don't think it's anywhere near as expensive as people assume.


All the breakout box does it unwarp the image for display on the TV, and some 3D audio processing. It's not going to be expensive (from what we know at this moment).

What are we thinking, bumps cost up by $10? $20?

$50 would go fairly un-noticed. $100 would be eye-opening however.


Given that the camera has been sold separately on the market ($60 Msrp) for more than 2 years now, they HAVE to release a camera less Sku imo.

There's no way they won't. That would be market suicide, especially if that is something driving the price up.

Sony probably knows exactly how many online PS4's have a camera connected to them... and I bet that number is very. damn. low. If it's 5% or less (what I'm thinking), it is not worth it for them to have a SKU without a camera only to appease that < 5%

The Move controllers could be sold separately, or in a game bundle and/or console SKU with a game that would require them. And they will hopefully sell them in sets of two, since you would never need just one. Personally I already own two Move controllers. (Hopefully their batteries are not toast from going a couple years without recharge...)
No, for the "regular" experience you don't, that's why there is an unswitchable lightbar on the controller.

That's why there will probably only be 2 skus, one with headset alone (imo $299 to $399 possible) and a sku including the camera for maybe $50 more.

The Occulus at $599 includes: headset with two high res OLED screens (the PSVR has one 1080p one), a controller, a camera, a remote, a headset.

Imo $299 is indeed possible, even if I find $349-$399 more likely.

That's good. I was wondering about that because all the London Heist demos used multiple Move controllers in conjunction with the VR set-up. So your saying it's similar to the Oculus system where the Xbox controller is the "standard" set-up?


Way too high. Sony has to hit $299.

lmfao not gonna happen sir not gonna happen.

VR is new not old. Id say 400-500$ thats a good price for them if they are gonna be competitive. 400 would be more Ideal

Oculus Rift is at 600 I think Vive will hit 700-800 Im thinking more 800 than anything from what im hearing.
Sony probably knows exactly how many online PS4's have a camera connected to them... and I bet that number is very. damn. low. If it's 5% or less (what I'm thinking), it is not worth it for them to have a SKU without a camera only to appease that < 5%

Well the advantage would be to hit the floor running with an attractive price point. If they're already anticipating targeting the enthusiast market, that's a no brainer to me.


Well the advantage would be to hit the floor running with an attractive price point. If they're already anticipating targeting the enthusiast market, that's a no brainer to me.

PSVR for $399.99!!!

*Required PS Camera not included. Retails for $59.99

I don't think that would go over well either...


You mean wanting things like "mass consumer adoption?"

I agree.

This fantasy of mass adoption in the next year or two needs to die. I'm hopeful Sony targets performance over cheap price, or at least a good balance. A cheaper but worse headset isn't better for adoption than a more expensive but better headset.


This fantasy of mass adoption in the next year or two needs to die. I'm hopeful Sony targets performance over cheap price, or at least a good balance. A cheaper but worse headset isn't better for adoption than a more expensive but better headset.

I find it pretty clear that Sony is aiming for mass adoption right out of the gate... while OCULUS is not.


I'm still betting on $399. They said it would be the price of a console about, so I really don't see them making it more expensive than the PS4 was at launch

That's what I'm expecting, too, but who knows? I certainly would consider being an early adopter for $399, but no more.


Doubtful of these prices. I just can't see it succeeding if it's more than the console itself. I'd say $400 tops, ie pre-PS4 price break price.


lmfao not gonna happen sir not gonna happen.

VR is new not old. Id say 400-500$ thats a good price for them if they are gonna be competitive. 400 would be more Ideal

Oculus Rift is at 600 I think Vive will hit 700-800 Im thinking more 800 than anything from what im hearing.

It is new tech, but sony isnt playing with the same rules as their competitors. As Far as I know oculus and vive only make money on the vr units, so they have to build in a healthy profit. Sony makes money on every game sold, and they get additional revenue sources such as psplus. So they can and will price the unit much closer to cost. A $500 price tag would be insane considering ps4s are selling between $299 and 349. It will not be more thN $399, but really in my opinion they have to get it lower than that if they expect people to bite. A $400-500 accessory to a $299-350 system is a really hard sell. It will take quite a while to grow the user base at that price.
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