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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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Maybe it's like Vita.

An independent handheld, that can also be a second-screen controller for the home system. Or in this case, IS the controller for the home system. But scalped of physical buttons.

I'm not seeing the 'totally new' here that Nintendo teased. On the surface this concept would be one of obvious refinements to the same ideas they've already explored. Unless there's 'one more thing' that puts a totally different spin on it.

I note that this device - if it is also their handheld - would allow a neat route/accommodation to touchscreen only mobile games, if that's where Nintendo's portable strategy is headed. Or if they want to keep that door open.

Thanks, I was beginning to think no one was going to reply. This thread has been moving at the speed of light. You probably won't see this though :p


To be fair to Nintendo, this is the most I've been interested in future hardware.

This is MGS level forum activity going on right now hahahaha


It's so tiny looking maybe 6in across but the oval shape makes it have less real estate.

Need to hold and try it. looks like really made for asian market first.
I hope Nintendo makes more touch enabled games
They could successfully please the younger mobile demographic if they incentivize the device
The most obvious way is through introducing the audience using their mobile efforts
Of course getting them to buy whatever this is proabably the bigger hurdle


Nintendo are usually extremely good about ergonomics, so I really don't know why they would go with the shape of 1

when 2 would be nicer to hold *and* offer more screen real estate

(shitty mockup)

#2 literally looks like a SNES controller. I mean the oval design that this and the Vita(moreso) have were done before with SNES.
I......actually....like it......sorry guys!
ok no phyical buttons but cmon how much longer is the world gonna need phyical buttons? eventually tech will move away from certain older tech. Iphone is trying to get rid of 3.5 head jacks where nintendo is tryin to get rid of traditional controllers. Lets see what they do with this controller if it feels great and the hypaic feedback feels great and it works then hey? who cares. so my first thought is wait...what? then im thinking of the possiblities in what ninendo can do with this and it might just work. I do like the look of the controller.

There's a reason why keyboards still have buttons. It's actually the very same reason why there are still buttons in gaming hardware.

For certain applications that use physical buttons, the intended user experience involves the user looking at the screen while simultaneously manipulating a device in their hands. Keyboards need to be actual keys that press downward because of touch typing: we have trained our brains to feel the keys. We feel their locations once we memorize where the keys are, and we rely on the button push and associated sounds as feedback to tell us whether or not we pressed the intended keys. The result is that we can fixate our eyes to the screen and type for hours on end.

The same principle applies to buttons in video games. Our attention is fixated exactly on the screen, and once we have memorized the button layouts we rely on the physical aspects of said buttons (being able to feel them, having the physical feedback of pushing them, etc.) to tell the buttons apart and know which ones we're pressing. The result is that we can play for hours on end without looking down at the controller.

Touch removes it, and even with haptic feedback we're still getting a half-way simulation of touch-typing/buttoning that won't be a suitable substitute. Touch SORT OF works with smartphones because the buttons and the game screen are one and the same, but even still the lack of buttons makes many traditional games completely unplayable in this format and there's always the issue of thumbs being all up in the screen you're trying to play off of. In other words, the most successful application of touch in gaming still has enormous drawbacks and won't replace traditional controllers any time soon.

tl;dr older tech isn't inherently inferior just because it's old. There's usually very good reason why it's still around.
Of course not, why would they have to address a potential leak false or not? They want to reveal by themselves, no some random internet photo.

Sure, I meant more of moving the announcement up further. The longer they wait to communicate efficiently, the longer misinformation swirls. This was one of the issues the Wii U had early on when people thought it was an add on to the Wii. They waited to communicate and it was DOA before they even knew it.

Astral Dog

That's nothing to worry about because sentiment for Nintendo overall has plummeted since the Wii era and it took a nose dive with the Wii U.Nintendo has alot of convincing to do with the NX.
You should read the hopes and dreams people are putting on this NX, it shall save us from the monstruos Wii U or something.



1. We don't know if this is the console controller. Could just be the handheld that doubles as a controller or something.

2. It looks like the screen doesn't extend all the way across past the sticks.



I think it looks amazing but no buttons is just such a bizarre move. I guess they are really doubling down on mobile after all.

Unless this is a phone I don't even see how it's "doubling down on mobile", and it'd be a terrible phone. The primary problem with phones for gaming is they're "good enough" for a lot of people to not buy a dedicated system at all. Just adding a touch screen didn't do much for the Vita or Wii U. It's not the input method, it's the convenience.


This is my concept of the Nintendo NX and how it could be done to solve the lack of
a button input:


I think there are solutions to the problem being had right now.

I think it is obvious at this point that every Smash game on a console until the end of time will have the option to play with a Gamecube controller.

Metal B

I trust Nintendo would only abandon buttons if they had a solution that was 100% functional and comfortable to use. They aren't just going to copy phone touchscreen controls and leave it at that.
I believe the same. No Nintendo controller every felt truly bad, the problem was always more the lack of buttons. Now developers properly can have as much button as they want.
There is no appeal

It will sell to a handful of hardcore Nintendo fans and then die

Who is this aimed at? Core gamers? Mobile gamers? Just people who both love Nintendo games but hate buttons? That must be a pretty small demographic

There are not 10m people in the world who will pay several hundred dollars for this when they own a console with a proper controller and/or a smart phone

Even the number of people who put up with Nintendo's crap because they love Nintendo games, will fall

Nintendo make great games, that is why they are loved, the last few systems have been great in spite of the controls, not because of them, it's insanity they're doubling down on the one thing no one gives a shit about

It's really shocking that they are doubling down on the Wii U (if that's indeed what we are looking at) considering how overwhelmingly that product was rejected. Were they under the impression that the Wii U wasn't well received because it just didn't look modern enough, so we get Wii U Brookstone edition? Are they just out of ideas? If this is the controller I just don't see how it doesn't fall into the same traps the Wii U did. Too strange and unfamiliar for the core crowd, and no novelty for the casual crowd who have been using slick looking touch screens for years and have cheaper options readily available in both hardware and software. Nintendo better have more guns in their arsenal.
This is the worst looking piece of hardware I've seen in decades.

I am a hugggge Nintendo fan. I want to want NX. I was sure I'd buy it no matter what. These "leaks" have me doubting very strongly that I will want this.

How is the average person, not so predisposed to want NX, going to react to this if it's real?

My guess? They'll avoid it.

Even if it's great. It does not look remotely good. Hard obstacle to get past.
how does that shit feel, anyway?

It also sounds like it'd break a lot easier.

Stuff like this or cost is a legitimate concern, and one we can't really judge from what we know now. But that's why my stance is wait until we know more, rather than panicking about no buttons right now
To be fair to Nintendo, this is the most I've been interested in future hardware.

This is MGS level forum activity going on right now hahahaha

Honestly this is the most interesting design they could have made. They could have been boring and made the Wii U Gamepad again. I like innovative Nintendo.



1. We don't know if this is the console controller. Could just be the handheld that doubles as a controller or something.

2. It looks like the screen doesn't extend all the way across past the sticks.


Guy on reddit says it IS the console controller


I think Nintendo has something here. It may not be what the hardcore wants, but it may still be something.

It just looks like something you want to try.


The reveal of this thing is going to be insane. An abundance of popcorn and beer will be ready when the time comes.

1. We don't know if this is the console controller. Could just be the handheld that doubles as a controller or something.

2. It looks like the screen doesn't extend all the way across past the sticks.


In the OP it mentions that this is specifically for the console.
Maybe they don't intend to stream the game onto the controller at all. That makes way more sense. If the controller has a display only to act as a secondary thing to the game that's on the TV, then I can see it working well. I mean, we're only assuming the controller will run the game off-TV because the Wii U does that. Maybe this controller can do that, but it isn't the main function. Maybe Nintendo learned that having a Wii U-esque second screen for a console doesn't make sense. Think about how many games actually used it well. Hmmm.
It was running the mobile demo. Which now I will gloat about for saying this will use mobile architecture. Will wait for how I am obviously wrong lol

No i think you may end up right.

Nintendo may be going full on, full blown casual on this thing. I'm expecting lots of Mobile type games on this thing if thats legit the controller


So, what are the chances of the face buttons actually being haptic feedback onscreen buttons like you find on smartphone emulators.


There's obviously going to at least be an option for a control method with buttons. Nintendo isn't just going to randomly abandon their 35+ year back catalogue of games.


Good Guy Nintendo helping me save hundreds of dollars. I will never buy a console that has a controller with no real buttons lol
Nintendo always had the youngest gamers in their pocket

All kids started with a Nintendo and moved on to the PS or Xbox. The young adult gamer and older audience are enthusiasts. They want the AAA games. They like VR tech and cinematic adventures, online raiding, or competitive MP

This demographic has no competitor.

But while Sony and MS still have their audience, where are the young gamers?

They dont start on a Nintendo anymore. They start on a phone.

Sony and MS and PC did not. Those mobile kiddies eventually get a PS4/xbox or play on PC. That's where Minecraft and COD and Destiny is.

So what does Nintendo do? They need the kids back. So they appeal to them by making a touchscreen. It looks familiar to phones. It helps them ease in to console gaming. They cant beat phones to the punch, but they can help transition and mould a new audience.

I genuinely cant see how the brainstorming wasn't based around this kind of thinking. Am I wrong? :/
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