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Techradar: Leaked Red Dead sequel map is real, takes place before Redemption


I'm a bit disappointed I would have liked to see it set after Redemption so we could see the transition from the Wild West. It's Red Dead still so automatic day one though.


Take this with a grain of salt too...

I have a good friend that is a stuntman living in NYC. Has done work on Daredevil season 2 and Blindspot. He told me he met a guy who said he has been doing some mo-cap work for the game. Also confirmed that the game takes place before RDR and that he was doing mo-cap for a character who is half-Indian half-white. Never stated if he was the main character/characters or not though.

I'm sure we will hear about this game sometime this summer.

Do not like prequels, just hope has great gameplay as RDR. Hope you can swim now.

I am doubtful about swimming, at least unlimited swimming, but we'll see. You'd need a bunch of invisible wals to stop you swimming odd places, like to Thieve's Landing for example.
I would guess most of the bayou is swimmable or waist high, and full of alligators :((


I'm a bit disappointed I would have liked to see it set after Redemption so we could see the transition from the Wild West. It's Red Dead still so automatic day one though.

Red Dead was the transition. After that we are getting into grand theft auto 1920s.

Do not like prequels, just hope has great gameplay as RDR. Hope you can swim now.

You know we could be play entirely new characters. GTA all have different protagonists and stories, not sure why Red Dead would be different. The first Red Dead and RDR had different stories and protagonists as well.
I know it's not the Rockstar way, but I would fucking love it if this was close to completion and they announced a release this year at E3. The wait for Redemption was painful.


I still dont see how the maps connect.

Bottom left hand corner of the new map is the east end of the old map. It shares that modern town and the plains to the west from RDR, and then instead of going south west towards mexico it goes northeast.


Triple protagonist again please!

An Outlaw, a Native American and a Bounty Hunter or G Man. Maybe even have a woman protagonist this time out.
Starting to sound like there will never be DLC for GTA V SP anymore, but honestly....it's ok, i really want their new game now.

I wonder where and how they are going to announce it. Will it be like GTA V that was announced on the internet with a trailer? Will it be during E3 at probably Sony's show?

I really hope they will let us swim this time around though, that was some stupid shit in RDR. Especially now with so much water. Rather have lots of land with things to see and do then water, but maybe they have so much water in there for a reason.


I think the chances are not bad, Take two said several months ago that they were impressed by Bethesdas plan with Fallout 4 (reveal & release period was really close)

So why not.




My hype is a little bit tempered now that we know how central the Benz was to pulling these games together from a gameplay perspective, but still, I want this so fucking bad.


Hmmm people mentioning possibly seeing Marston again and whatnot, but the voice actor quit the industry right after RDR was released. I think it was Polygon but they did a really great story about the actor on how his attempt to get into Hollywood, how he got the job for John Marston and life after Red Dead.

I'll have to try and find the link.

I wonder if we would get the game this year, they prob dont want to put Mafia III and a new RDR too close to each other!

Crap yeah, I hadn't thought of that and Mafia III is scheduled for later in the year too isn't it? If Red Dead is revealed this year then, I think it'd be hopeful to look towards a Spring 2017 release but we'll see! lol

As long as they have the posse option in free roam I am sold. RDR had the best free roam multiplayer expierence ever. The Map looks amazing though

Hell yeah it did! One of the best and most fun online experiences and contributed to one of my favorite gaming moments. Myself and 5 friends went to the midnight release for Red Dead Redemption at GameStop and when we all got home nobody jumped on single player, we all immediately hopped online in the public free roam to form a posse and headed out to get a look at the game world. We were blown away and started doing some of the Gang Hideouts and one of them was a pretty fair horse ride distance away so we took off towards it.

All of a sudden we start seeing the ominous rolling black clouds, little flashes of lightning and hearing the little murmurs of thunder. I thought it was outside my house at the time because of the surround sound on but as we rode further on the storm intensified as well as the thunder and I just remember everyone going "HOLY SHIT!" into their mics as we passing through this fucking awesome weather system Rockstar had created. Totally immersive and just so fucking cool to look at....

....imagine that now on their new RAGE engine..!!!


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Why not?

The game before that was Red Dead Revolver... so thematically it would be RDR.

I mean, it should not be called "Redemption" I don't want a direct prequel to Redemption and it should star a new cast and story. Especially if its decades away

Mr. F

Not sure how I feel about a prequel. The framework of the dying west and the taming of the frontier was a huge part of what made RDR interesting to me. I feel like returning to a straight up western is a wasted opportunity (not that I have an alternative suggestion).

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Oh, new thread? Didn't notice it.

The map looks fake as shit. The map we put together on GTAForums was more detailed than this. There are three glaringly obvious facts that this map is fake.

1) Apparently it's an early "build/Devs" map, usually used to hide the fact that it's been made by an amateur and any mistakes can be brushed off as "it's an early build bruh" excuse.

Look at the logo in the bottom left of the map, (they forgot to photoshop out the pic) it has a picture of what looks like an elk, I cannot find any similar pictures anywhere else. Oh but look, the original Tall Trees area has the elk... The excuse has to be "we can only hunt elk bru".

Also look at the red outline around the map and then look at the line just below Black Water, it's clearly been eraser tooled away... How come the rest of the map boundary outline is consistent but then miraculously goes tits up at that point? The point where this supposed new map meets a section of RDR's map? A section that has clearly been photoshopped.

The seemingly stupid mistake of a cross reference to Mafia 3 just kills any credibility for me, we didn't only just find out the name of Mafia 3's city. It was always known.

Sorry but I spent too much time on GTAForums staring at "insiders maps". There's loads of mistakes that scream fake. This guy should be banned just for not looking at the map he was "given"/ being blind..

I usually don't care for wall of shaming posts unless they're within good reason, and boy did this one fill the criteria.. calling for a ban even.
How stupid do you feel? Because it sure made you look all sorts of stupid.
But hey, I get that you're an expert on Rockstar's mapping and that being on gtaforums is a big part of it. This is huge, it's not like the gtaforums were you can be successful by being an asshole, so OP did good to cancel his pic and should ask for forgiveness or else say goodbye to his Gaf's account.

I'd tell a mod to lock the thread and forgive you though, the map is fake as shit, the more I look the more amateur mistakes I see. Honestly dude, best to save your GAF account while you can...



I know it's not the Rockstar way, but I would fucking love it if this was close to completion and they announced a release this year at E3. The wait for Redemption was painful.

They may change that because of the delays of GTA V and RDR, they want to announce and launch the media plan when they are sure the game is coming out at the date they say. All they need is 5-6 months. May->November for example. Release 3 to 5 trailers, screenshots, one preview (behind close doors at E3?), and that's all. They don't need the spring windows anymore, even if they could still use it. If it's not at E3, I don't see them announcing before september-october, like they did for GTA V. But that would mean an april-may release anyway, they can't be that late in development.
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