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NX will launch in March 2017 globally, won't be at E3 (focusing on Zelda instead)

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So this delay pretty much kills the chances that the NX will have at least a little better third party support than the Wii U right? I mean I always thought that was going to happen, but it still sucks. I juust can't see this thing be successful with just Nintendo games.
Does it? I don't know, got any reasons for this assumption? Because is sure can't make any prediction without knowing the anything of the system other than "March 2017" and Zelda NX.
Nintendo never talks about "specs". It's good to see Kimishima saying they'll talk about it this year. I think Nintendo is ready to be part of the console hardware competition.
An E3 solely focusing on a game that is being delayed until the release of the new system, and they aren't even going to show the new system until later this year. On top of that it's just going to be some pre-recorded direct anyways too, what's the point.


My favorite part is people who were super hyped for e3 saying e3 is no longer important

I'm rarely hyped for E3. Last time I was legit hyped was the Treehouse stuff cause it actually feels genuine and not some stage facade. But that can also be done elsewhere too, and has! They're more lowkey outside of E3 but it's not like they couldn't go bigger for bigger news somewhere else too.


Nintendo better have an amazing launch lineup for the NX or I am officially done with Ninentendo. I grew up with their products - the Super Nintendo was my first console I loved it soooo much - but the past 10 years things have been so poor.
Imo way to few great games to justify buying a second underpowered console.

It is really sad to see your childhood icon put on a shit show like this. This begins to remind me more and more of Segas deathspiral.
Unless Nintendo hits it out of the park this time I've got a feeling this will be Nintendos last console.


So, somebody is probably going to call me crazy, but I think it's a safe assumption that:

  1. The decision to launch NX (and Zelda) next year was a recent one,
  2. NX and Zelda were originally planned to launch this holiday up until just a week or two ago, and
  3. NX is using 14nmFF, and very likely Polaris/GCN 1.3 in some form.

That last one especially is going to get people saying that I'm wrong, but hear me out. First of all, Wii U was the only time that Nintendo was a node behind Sony on the console side (and the only time they launched before Sony). Them using the newest node they can isn't something crazy or unprecedented, so the idea that Nintendo won't use 14nmFF just because it's the newest available is silly and not supported by history. We also were told that Zelda would launch this year not very long ago, so that was obviously a recent decision. 14nmFF is quite new, which is why we've heard Q1 2017 for PS4 NEO as well. So, I think it's very safe to say that Nintendo was targeting November for NX alongside Zelda, but found that they just needed that few extra months for the sake of yields and a slight drop in costs. As for how they plan to use 14nmFF, I see three possibilities, and it might be more than one of these.

  1. NX is a handheld, and 14nmFF allows them to more cheaply make a handheld on-par with or better than Wii U
  2. NX is a very small box with power on-par XBone or PS4 Base
  3. NX is significantly more powerful than PS4

Again, I'll be called crazy, but we know that Nintendo loves their small consoles. With Polaris 11, they could make a tiny, noticeably more powerful console than PS4 without breaking the bank while still including some kind of gimmick. Or, they could just cut it down to XBone levels and get huge yields at a low cost. The point is that what's happening now and how it's being handled reeks of a delay, and the only reasons why they would delay it are software or hardware. One of the Reddit leakers did say that third-party software wouldn't be ready until 2017 though, so it's possible that they just pushed Nintendo into delaying the console and it's still on 28nm. Would Nintendo really delay it for them though?
I don't believe March 2017 for a second.

It's quite clearly a placeholder date to appease investors in the short term. Still part of the fiscal year and all.

It's not happening. This is going to be a holiday 2017 launch (in NA at least) with Zelda Wii U delayed alongside it.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Can we start taking bets on when Nintendo will actually show off this fucking device and its games?
I've read just about every post in this thread.

If I could distill the collective sentiment down to a single phrase/thought, it would be that Nintendo just doesn't understand how to generate hype.

It's worse even, they've fully demonstrated that they're capable of reversing any ounce of excitement they have going for them. Terrible.


My favorite part is people who were super hyped for e3 saying e3 is no longer important

Agreed on that, E3 is still rather important. Well actually the DAYS before E3 are important :p all the conference are done before E3, but is usually the week everyone expect big news and such on.

It would be best to start during E3 some hype and have a more in-depth reveal later on or something.


Nintendo could release 10 games for the Wii U this fall and it would still flounder. It's dead. It's over. Nintendo would be wise to cut their losses and not spend resources that could go towards NX instead. What are the risking? Pissing off the minuscule Wii U userbase, who is mostly made up of hardcore Nintendo fans who will buy whatever they are selling anyway?

I feel its less of spending money on nothing but more so not burning your bridges with the people that bothered supporting you. If the Wii U really has no big game this fall, then I could easily see people just saying "Well, guess I will get PlayStation/Stick with my Nintendo handheld instead of their pointless consoles".

But who really cares anyway, if Nintendo does not want to make their fans happy with games, they can always get other platforms on the market or invest more in the 3DS library.
That doesn't feel as low as I thought it would be? Biggest stock drop still feels like the time when they had to delay their first mobile game.
People who invested money (like me), won't sell it now, because they wait for the NX / mobile strategy to actually start.

Makes no sense to sell now actually because we still don't have the details.

It's like turning off a movie before you see the end (which you anticipate).


Felium Defensor
No NX at E3!? What in the flying fuck man...that's was pretty much my only reason to watch the Nintendo E3 crap. Disappointed. :/
My favorite part is people who were super hyped for e3 saying e3 is no longer important

Yup. It's hilarious, and so transparent. E3 is more important than ever. Nintendo failing to deliver the goods and cowering away from it speaks to their own incompetence, not the apparent lack of relevance E3 currently holds.
So this delay pretty much kills the chances that the NX will have at least a little better third party support than the Wii U right? I mean I always thought that was going to happen, but it still sucks. I juust can't see this thing be successful with just Nintendo games.

What are you talking about


The funny part is, even with how barren Nintendo's E3 Direct will be, Zelda and Pokemon being present will probably still garner a better reaction than last year's E3.


Unconfirmed Member
One could think it'd be Nintendo's ambition to unveil NX prior to the 76th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held on June 29, 2016. But that's rather close to E3, so it would be strange.

Hopefully Mr. Kimishima will provide further details on this matter during the 2015 Fiscal Year Financial Results Briefing happening on April 28, 10:00 AM (JST).

Is there another briefing on tomorrow at some point? I'm sure I read that this was only the first briefing and that there's a second planned for tomorrow.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Goddammit. Why did I plan a whole damn E3 trip this year if the only playable game at Nintendo's booth is gonna be Zelda? Wonder if I can cancel my air-bnb reservation. The whole reason I was going was because I thought there'd be a new Nintendo console there. Zelda is awesome and everything, but it's not gonna be able to fill up my whole week...
Yup. It's hilarious, and so transparent. E3 is more important than ever. Nintendo failing to deliver the goods and cowering away from it speaks to their own incompetence, not the apparent lack of relevance E3 currently holds.
Being hyped for something means it's important? E3 is fine, but you act like the other 300+ days don't even exist. Sony and MS never revealed their system at E3. Get over it.

Red Devil

This is hilariously bad. Nintendo's E3 stuff last year was a 6/10 that people shit all over (I thought it was absolutely one of their weaker years, but not every year is insane, splatoon was good tho)

It'll be interesting to see how Nintendo spins only having ONE playable game releasing a year away into good thing. Clearly Color Splash must be a warm turd if they're not even making it playable.

Also, I can't really see Nintendo announcing much at all. The best case scenario is that they have trailers for NX launch games without making them playable. Or the Wii U is getting a massive price cut this winter and Nintendo doesn't want those six people to not buy it in favor of waiting for the NX.

Unless there's a ton of 3DS or Wii U games coming out for some reason, it seems like Nintendo will have next to nothing to show off this year. That could shake out alright, if March comes and the NX drops with a sick launch lineup and a kickass e3 shortly after. We'll see. I doubt that much at e3 could have topped my Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE hype

I guess they don't care about E3 anymore and now it's just another game show for them, for the better or worse, in 2014 they had a good showing but that didn't change anything for Wii U. Anyway, for me at leat interest on E3 has reduced a little.


It's safe to say that they killed my hype. Not even going to give a shit until they finally announce it and show some quality software. Until then, bring on the games for PS4 and Xbox One.
Yup. It's hilarious, and so transparent. E3 is more important than ever. Nintendo failing to deliver the goods and cowering away from it speaks to their own incompetence, not the apparent lack of relevance E3 currently holds.

Ehh not really. Yes E3 is obviously still important, but not it's not more important than ever. In fact it's importance is slowly diminishing, which is why all these console manufacturers are unveiling their consoles outside of it at their own events.


So, we're good for another year of rumours & speculations :]
Let's start right now.


What really caught my attention was this:

Not very "casual" Nintendo to emphasise this, and to put it first, before the "how it works" (concept).

Nintendo never talks about "specs". It's good to see Kimishima saying they'll talk about it this year. I think Nintendo is ready to be part of the console hardware competition.

Sorry to burst your bubbles, but...

April 25, 2011
To whom it may concern:
Re: Wii’s successor system
Nintendo Co., Ltd. has decided to launch in 2012 a system to succeed Wii, which the company has sold 86.01 million units on a consolidated shipment basis between its launch in 2006 and the end of March 2011.

We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more
at the E3 Expo, which will be held June 7-9, 2011, in Los Angeles.

Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012.

It's meaningless. We may find out if AMD is working on the system and maybe the process node, but that's it.

Rösti;202030059 said:
One could think it'd be Nintendo's ambition to unveil NX prior to the 76th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held on June 29, 2016. But that's rather close to E3, so it would be strange.

Hopefully Mr. Kimishima will provide further details on this matter during the 2015 Fiscal Year Financial Results Briefing happening on April 28, 10:00 AM (JST).


My money's on September.
Being hyped for something means it's important? E3 is fine, but you act like the other 300+ days don't even exist. Sony and MS never revealed their system at E3. Get over it.

The big difference being they announced them before e3

So they had something to show/say at e3 other than "please understand"


It was expected. I assumed that Nintendo had maybe a good CPU and ram speeds to battle the PS4, but with the Neo and Xbox 1.5 rumours, which I'll assume Sony and MS purposely set out to dehype the NX momentum, made Nintendo go back to the drawing board and refine their specs. If the rumours were true that Nintendo tried to one up Sony and MS on specs, then expect Nintendo try to one up them again. I also see that they want to have a steady stream of games out with NX and don't want long droughts like the Wii U generation.


A few thoughts:

People are acting as if Nintendo had already announced the NX launch for holiday 2016 and have delayed it. This was never the case, and for all we know they had always planned a March 2017 launch. Furthermore, a holiday launch isn't a necessary or sufficient condition for a console to be successful. Case in point: the Wii U had a worldwide holiday launch. There are any number of potential reasons (both in terms of hardware and software) why a March 2017 launch might be more favourable to Nintendo, and we have no idea what any of them are. Contrary to what many people would like to believe, Nintendo isn't staffed entirely with gawk-eyed morons who choose release dates by throwing darts at a calendar. They're a multi-billion dollar company who research every minute implication of a decision like this before going forward with it.

Aside from that, the decision not to show NX at E3 is a strange one, but there may be a few different reasons for it, off the top of my head:

1. NX isn't ready to show at E3

I think we can throw this one out of the way pretty quickly. The Wii U was playable at E3 almost a year and a half before release. This is 10 months before release, and they could certainly show off a handful of games, even if they leave more unveils for post-E3 directs.

2. They simply don't think E3 is the best place to reveal a new console

This is what I'd put my money on. Why reveal your new console within the few days of the year when you don't get near 100% of the gaming media coverage? Nintendo have been moving away from an E3-centric PR schedule for a few years now, with more games announced throughout the year during Nintendo Directs where they can have a lot more space to themselves. Furthermore, with PS4K, PSVR and perhaps an XBO revision due at E3, they don't even get the exclusive "new hardware" coverage. In a modern, internet-driven world, it makes a lot more sense to have your own reveal show in your own time, when you can dominate the news cycle.

And if you still think that every console has to be revealed at E3, consider this: neither PS4 nor XBO were revealed at E3. In both cases Sony and MS decided they were better off having their own reveal show than sharing the stage at E3. Now, both of these were pre-E3, but both consoles were scheduled for holiday launches. With a March launch the optimal reveal time may well be post-E3.

3. They want to wait until after the PS4K reveal so they can adjust their strategy if necessary

I wouldn't see this as being the main reason behind skipping E3, but in combination with point 2 it might make sense. They may want to adapt how they present the hardware, what their pricing strategy is, and other aspects of their reveal and pre-launch campaign in order to best position themselves in the market.

In a more unlikely scenario, they may wish to even adapt their hardware slightly to respond to PS4K. There won't be any chance of wholesale changes, as the SoC would already be taping out around now, but they could make a few more minor adaptations if they really felt it necessary. A simple example would be increasing clock speeds to squeeze more out of the SoC (as MS did with XBO pre-launch). If Nintendo had been targeting, let's say performance in between XBO and PS4 in a small, low TDP console, they may be able to switch to a larger case and a more capable power supply and cooling system and push up the clock speeds to match or even slightly exceed PS4 performance. Another possibility is to increase the RAM quantity, which can be done quite late on (as Sony did with PS4). With PS4K seemingly limited to 8GB of RAM, Nintendo may decide to move up to 12GB or even 16GB to have at least one spec where they can trumpet their hardware as superior.

The most unlikely possibility, although still theoretically an option, is to enable the full number of CUs on their SoC. I would assume that, like on the PS4 and XBO SoCs, AMD and Nintendo will have intended to leave two or more CUs disabled to increase yields. Enabling these two (or more) CUs could give them a performance boost, but would leave them with a higher cost per chip due to the decreased yields. As I say, it's a very unlikely option, due to the added cost, but it's technically available to Nintendo if they decide that PS4K's existence forces them to squeeze as much as humanly possible out of their already-designed chip.

Separate from all of the above, this does slightly increase the likelihood of a 14nm SoC in the console. I'd still count it as pretty damn unlikely, but it's perhaps a little more likely now.

Another interesting thing to consider is that if Nintendo's entire E3 2016 floor presence is dedicated to Zelda, then that would be by a huge margin the most E3 floor space ever dedicated to a single game, and the game it's dedicated to is one of NX's big launch titles. It'll be a little strange showing it off running on Wii U after the NX version has already been announced, but it makes a bit more sense than having the first game they show off running on NX hardware being a last-gen port.


Goddammit. Why did I plan a whole damn E3 trip this year if the only playable game at Nintendo's booth is gonna be Zelda? Wonder if I can cancel my air-bnb reservation. The whole reason I was going was because I thought there'd be a new Nintendo console there. Zelda is awesome and everything, but it's not gonna be able to fill up my whole week...
You could always play the games other companies have on the show floor. I'd kill to play Shadow Warrior 2 if that's there.


Maybe this is me trying to spin this situation, but surely they cannot launch in Holiday 2017, right? It feels like 2 full years of no titles to release is fucking madness, and would trouble me more than anything else said today.


Nintendo seems hell bent on failing, why the f don't they give us information about NX at E3 to build excitement, I'm baffled.


Maybe this is me trying to spin this situation, but surely they cannot launch in Holiday 2017, right? It feels like 2 full years of no titles to release is fucking madness, and would trouble me more than anything else said today.
If it did itd mean a massive hardware issue
I feel that Nintendo had some momentum building, people really interested to see what their next console was going to be, waiting anxiously for E3 to roll around, they had all eyes on them. All of a sudden this news just sucks all the air out of the room... no E3 and just Zelda info that's almost a year out? I certainly hope there's some surprises for the rest of the year, though my gut tells me there won't be anything to get excited about.

Very disappointing news.
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