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Eurogamer: NX = portable w/ carts, detachable controllers, Tegra, TV Out, no BC, Sept

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Okay here is my prediction based on this rumour

Nintendo Go


×1.5x better than Wii U in docked mode

System Features

Handheld Mode
System is basically a small 7" tablet with a 540p capacitive touchscreen. Can be used as a iPad. Can add attachments on each side of the unit for traditional controls. System also has camera and gyro for AR features

Console Mode
There is a docking station that has a HDMI passthrough and charges. Once the system is on this docking station system overclocks for higher resolution graphics it allows this to happen as system does not have to worry about battery life in this mode. The 2 control attachments can be attached together to form a regular controller. The docking station also has wireless video streaming for instances you want to use the 2 screen features for some games like the Wii U.

That's a good guess for the name. From a marketing perspective, "Play/Fun on the Go" writes itself.


meh.... supremely underwhelming. But let's see how they debut it but I don't know if I'll buy one now.

It's pretty much what everyone thought and feared. Even though they spent so much time deflecting and denying it turned out to be a shitty underpowered hybrid after all.


After thinking about it, I'm on board with this idea. A third console that does the same thing as PS4 and Xbox One would be unnecessary.


If this is primarily a handheld, anything above 200$ would cause NX to become a nice flop. Experience tells us that people aren't interested in expensive handhelds - and if the reports are true I'm very doubtful that people will regard the NX as a hybrid and not just as a handheld with a TV out.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
This is going to be a bust. It's not going to attract console gamers who want a powerful console with full third party support, it's not going to appeal to people who want to play games on the go because they'll go with their smartphone. All this new hybrid console does is consolidate Nintendo's two shrinking markets. This device perhaps solves Nintendo's dwindling market share problem, it wasn't created from a consumer's perspective.


Now that I'm thinking about price I have no idea how this thing is supposed to sell. 3DS still manages to sell decently because it's cheap, but if the only option is now $300 the only people buying are the Wii U market.

I suppose they could sell the portable part separately but then that'd make "upgrading" to the full version difficult.


My only takeaway from the OP is this line:

Nintendo is not chasing graphical parity
So once again, we won't be getting much if any third party support because devs don't want to have to build lesser versions of their games/engines for lower-end hardware.

So they have learned nothing from the Wii U whatsoever... I can't say I'm surprised.

But I'm there day one because I love the abuse.


is it really a "hybrid" if it just puts out video? I mean there were a couple of PSPs and Vitas that did that, no?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I expect the system to launch for max 200-250€ - no way they will go higher than that, WiiU was a mess because of its price.
My only takeaway from the OP is this line:

So once again, we won't be getting much if any third party support because devs don't want to have to build lesser versions of their games/engines for lower-end hardware.

3rd partys go where the customers are and where money can be made....just because Nintendo isnt going for state of the Art hardware doesnt mean that publisher cant sell CoD and co. on the system.

I remember people really liking CoD on the WiiU via Off-TV play - so portable Online CoD that can be hooked up to a TV sound like something NX owners could buy....in general Online games ala Overwatch/Diablo could be big on this thing. Pretty much anything tha requires a lot of grinding for ranks/lvl etc.

Being able to bring over your portable and the Dock to friends for Smash, Mario Kart, Fifa, Just Dance etc. - i if marketed right i could see it performing well especially for younger audiences.


I am extremely disappointed I at least hope it can run Zelda at 1080 with a vastly improved draw distance. If it can do that then it will be OK


Disagree with everyone saying it will not be "backwards" compatible with the Wii U.

It will in a sense. You'll get those games digitally from the eshop and will able to play them on NX(crazy if they don't do this). Also, someone mentioned that this system could be backwards compatible with the 3DS. I agree with this. I think they'll announce the system as backwards compatible with the 3DS(you may not get the 3D but you'll still be able to play the games). 3DS could be cartridge or digital download. Thoughts?

I think they will want you to buy remasters/ports hence no BC for Wii U.
I don't know why but the no backwards compability thing is really irking me. MS and Sony have made the hugely pro-consumer choice to support all old games moving forward, while Nintendo is still stuck in the past, and will force you to re-buy all old games. Doesn't sit well with me.
Tegra X1 is already a lot more powerful than Wii U.


Even the last-gen Tegra K1 is more powerful than Wii U.


NX is using Tegra X1 for development. So it's either using that, or maybe the new Tegra that Nvidia is going to unveil in August.


As for the nx, i'm pleasantly surprised by its form, if Eurogamer is right. I don't really play with handheld, so I'm hoping there is some kind of to only get the "home console" form.


Okay here is my prediction based on this rumour

Nintendo Go


×1.5x better than Wii U in docked mode

System Features

Handheld Mode
System is basically a small 7" tablet with a 540p capacitive touchscreen. Can be used as a iPad. Can add attachments on each side of the unit for traditional controls. System also has camera and gyro for AR features

Console Mode
There is a docking station that has a HDMI passthrough and charges. Once the system is on this docking station system overclocks for higher resolution graphics it allows this to happen as system does not have to worry about battery life in this mode. The 2 control attachments can be attached together to form a regular controller. The docking station also has wireless video streaming for instances you want to use the 2 screen features for some games like the Wii U.

Yah. Probably the mobile mode will reduce the clocks on the APU and thus have a lower performance than in docked mode. Makes more sense than an extra computing device.


Day fuckin one, Ninteno. The hybrid concept of gaming has been around since the early 90's. Anybody remember the TurboBoy?? It was supposed to play equal quality graphic with your Turbografx 16 and all it took was one cartridge. It failed because the tech for LCD Display wasn't advanced yet. I always envisioned that if somebody can create on machine to do both, then game, set, match console and portable industry. I wanna see the graphics and if they can squeeze all that goodness from LOZ: BoW into a portable machine, my gaming needs are set. I portable game more than anything nowadays, as kids, RL and family don't leave much for TV gaming, but now Nintendo can play some old ports of last gen on a handheld. Imagine Skyrim on a portable device or Titanfall 2 on a NX. Also it'll be cheaper to upgrade once chip and GPU technology get better that it won't cost an arm or a leg compared to Neo or Scorpio. I think, Sony and MS will try to head in that direction. Well played, Nintendo, well played.


Disagree with everyone saying it will not be "backwards" compatible with the Wii U.

It will in a sense. You'll get those games digitally from the eshop and will able to play them on NX(crazy if they don't do this). Also, someone mentioned that this system could be backwards compatible with the 3DS. I agree with this. I think they'll announce the system as backwards compatible with the 3DS(you may not get the 3D but you'll still be able to play the games). 3DS could be cartridge or digital download. Thoughts?

Due to the radical change in hardware design and internal technology, we've been told by one source that there are no plans for backwards compatibility.

The article mentions the internal hardware is radically different so i doubt you can just run the digital versions of WiiU/3ds games without extra work put in to port the games to the NX. Unless they plan on emulating WiiU/3DS i don't think backwards compatibility is happening.
It honestly does not make sense for the North American market. No one will bother carrying a large portable device with them when they have their phone. And it will undoubtedly be severely underpowered as a home console, which means they lose what few customers they still had in that market as well.

the wiiu was underpowered why would they lose those few customers?


So it's as many of us expected. Sounds cool, but I don't expect this to turn around their console business. We'll see if/how they tie in their mobile games and Amiibos.

Looking forward to seeing it.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Based on that Eurogamer video, the X1 gpu has shown:

- Doom goes from 720p/60 fps on PS360 to 1080p/60 fps.
- Trine gets bumped from 720p/30 fps to 1080p with much less stable and more variable frame rate.
- Half Life 2 is at 1080p but with the same inconsistent frame rates.

Doesn't sound too impressive. Zelda will be lucky if it got a 1080p bump on NX.
Those are all android GLES ports. Think console os + vulkan.
Nintendo also said no worries about game drought. Between their own output, and to make the device look better, I wonder if it'll have access to android store games and apps. I'll admit to generally disliking android and its ecosystem so I'm not sure how I'd feel of Nintendo's next console also played/ran android games and apps. Maybe if they pulled select games over into their own store...
It's going to be such a hard sell imo. Selling an Nintendo only device where the hardcore gamers get a mobile console and the casual gamers an expensive mobile device where they have an iPhone that plays almost everything (and mostly for free).
Some say a hybrid can be the best of both worlds, but to me it seems that no substantial gaming audience will be excited for this.


So a handheld that needs to recharge every 3 hours and a console that plays upressed mobile games "-_- Just quit your crappy hardware and give us your great games Nintendo!


Based on that Eurogamer video, the X1 gpu has shown:

- Doom goes from 720p/60 fps on PS360 to 1080p/60 fps.
- Trine gets bumped from 720p/30 fps to 1080p with much less stable and more variable frame rate.
- Half Life 2 is at 1080p but with the same inconsistent frame rates.

Doesn't sound too impressive. Zelda will be lucky if it got a 1080p bump on NX.

Right. But the console apparently has a 540p screen for a start (so thats a lot less of a power hog than 720p). Plus when plugged into the 'base' unit it no longer needs to be limited by battery power - ie the TDP can be alot higher than when in 'handheld' mode.

Basically the above figures are likely not comparible to NX.

So a handheld that needs to recharge every 3 hours and a console that plays upressed mobile games "-_- Just quit your crappy hardware and give us your great games Nintendo!

Why would it only play 'upressed' mobile games? It will be plugged into the mains when hooked up to a tv, meaning far more TDP to play with than when mobile.


I always assumed it would be some sort of hybrid. How does it function as a handheld though? Are the controllers completely detached from the screen? Is it a touch screen? If this is all true, how it actually works is still a big mystery. Though 32 GB carts pretty much tells you everything you need to know about Western third party support on this thing.


And once again we learn that pre-release speculation threads and Nintendo detective-GAF are batting a zero. Shocking!
This thing sounds like the worst of both worlds, not sure people will even bother hooking up that kind of hardware to a TV. Handheld people should be happy though.

Has Neoxon weighed in yet? He's the AceBandage of a new Nintendo generation.
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