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Laura Dale: NX battery 3 hours max on dev kit, dock improves performance, touchscreen

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I think the trailer showed USB charging when on the plane. Could be wrong and it could be propietary format like they've done before. Would suck


The Nvidia Shield gets around "3-4 hours of intensive gaming."


The iPad Mini 4 lasts about 5 hours under heavy load. (BaseMark OS II benchmark)


And the iPad mini is freaking tiny.

Nintendo better get creative and fill every nook and cranny of that thing with extra battery. Because 3 hour max battery life is going to go over very poorly.


They better have some battery case or equivalent. If you play an intensive game on an iPhone for 3 hours it's gonna mostly likely be close to dead as well so it's not that surprising. Unless it bleeds battery heavy when asleep


Neo Member
I was expecting 4-5 hours. I'm hoping that the final build will get a bit more battery time with WiFi turned off and lowest brightness setting.

I'm intersested to see how they will deal with touchscreen controls while docked.


3 hours battery life doesn't sound great but since I will be using it on my lunch break and places that have outlets I should not have an issue. If I play games on my phone for 3 hours straight my battery would die too.


Neo Member
3 hours is fine. As they stated this is a home console with mobile capability. 3 hours covers most travel times and daily commute times. And its not like you can't plug it in and use it.

Fox Mulder

Why 3 hours isnt enough. I dont understand. Do u take 3+ hour trip everyday? Because Where else would u use the portable part?

Three hours max likely means it's really less than that in actual use and depends on the game. Taking a portable and having it die in like an hour and half due to an intense game is awful.


so much complaining in a single thread!

this is similar to the original 3DS battery life, I don't see why the panic.

I personally don't have much problem, if it needs charging, I'll use one of the many plugs I have around me when I use it, it isn't like I'm going to use it on a forest or something like that.

I really would like to use a portable charger on it, though. that would ease a lot
Japan won't be happy with this, and I'm not sure if Nintendo realizes what they are doing (especially after the OG 3DS backlash)

They will buy portable battery packs like everyone on Earth who uses portable devices while traveling does.

Also, I am now getting Anker ads on the bottom of this thread. ;)


3 hours running stuff like Breath of the Wild and Skyrim Remastered actually sounds better than I'd expected. People really seem to be overestimating battery life when it comes to pushing decent 3D graphics.

I'm surprised people are shocked at battery life.

Isn't it common knowlege that in the portable world one part of technology that has received the least amount of improvement is battery life.

There's a reason fast charging has become a thing.

Were people expecting Nintendo to create new battery technology? Go and game on your state of the art phone and tablet and see how your battery does.

How long did the vita last?


Neo Member
Wow, 3 hours isn't much. Hopefully they release an extended battery like they did with the Wii U gamepad. My Wii U gamepad gets about 6-8 hours of runtime with the extended.


3h can be ok-ish, if
a) it's guaranteed time regardless of the game, screen brightness, controller use etc.
b) it has effective "sleep" mode.

As for dock: cheap and effective idea would be to use it as dedicated cooling unit, allowing console to draw more power from the main and dissipate heat more effectively.

BTW, what about the controller(s) battery life? Do they use batteries or do they charge from the console?
I don't fully understand the PS4 Pro checkerboard upscaling, but couldn't they handle some of that in the dock? Presumably the tablet is 720p max, so on TV you'll expect 1080p. We'll see.
The Nvidia Shield gets around "3-4 hours of intensive gaming."


The iPad Mini 4 lasts about 5 hours under heavy load. (BaseMark OS II benchmark)


You are using the wrong benchmark. When running GFXBench, the battery lasts less than 4 hours.

Edit: and the FPS it gets is 25% lower than the Shield tablet.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I was prepared for the worst case of it matching the 3DS battery life. HOW DO YOU GST WORSE THAN THE WORST CASE SCENARIO?!

Also doesn't sound good that the dock have better performance than portable mode. Uncompromised console gaming on the go is the selling point. If games end up running worse in portable mode that's bad.


This sounds pretty important from the article.

The “More info before investor call” Tweet
Source A (Nintendo) told me that the price, release dates for regions, launch software and spec press releases are essentially ready for release. They did not know for certain, but they suspected that information would release before the upcoming October investor call.

This was later denied by Nintendo. I believe their official statement on this matter that they are holding further info for January.

Most likely waiting to perceive reactions to adjust the price.


I was figuring 3-4 hours of heavy gaming, based on what other tablets get. Hell, my iPhone 6S chews through a frightening amount of battery playing games for any length of time, and it's nowhere near as powerful as an X1 GPU.


No bald cap? Lies!
Yeah 3 hours is what I was expecting.

A 6 inch 720p screen isn't going to last long now matter how to slice it. That's a big reason why I was hoping for a ~5 inch 540p screen instead.

I really hope they improve things, but yeah not a whole lot you can do there without increasing the weight and size with a much larger battery.

I will be totally pissed if there is no charging solution outside of docking it though.
dudes remember the dev kits uses an overclocked Tegra 1 chip, and the final product will use a customizable Tegra chip from Nvidia than I'm pretty sure it will optimize the battery life, but dont expect much, probably same battery life as the 3ds.
3-5 isn't bad as,
A.) I foresee being nearing plugs
B.) I'm sure if this thing becomes a hit juice packs will be available immediately

Par Score

3 hours would be fine for me, but something closer to 5 would be the sweet-spot for most people I imagine.

I guess that rules out the newest Tegra architecture then.

Nintendo probably cheaping out on the SoC as usual, hence the need for active cooling, hence the shit battery life.

5 hours would be ideal, and achievable given what we knew about the Tegra X2. Now I'm thinking this is closer to the X1...

It's an Ubisoft source, so presumably talking about what they see on dev kits.

It's possible dev kits are some up-specced X1 gubbins, and the final hardware will be X2, or closer to it, but we're getting a bit late in the day for that.


- 3 hrs. max. battery life
- dock provides extra power

These 2 points together don't make much sense.
If you are able to provide extra power through the dock, why aren't you designing the hand-held in a way that you can actually use it as a hand-held?

What are you talking about?


Japan won't be happy with this, and I'm not sure if Nintendo realizes what they are doing (especially after the OG 3DS backlash)

Why? Most Japanese commuters aren't commuting for 3+ hours. You aren't going to play it at work, and you are probably going to play it a lot at home.


I would bet for a downclocked version while portable, in orther to save battery and a full speed while docked, once the power is not a problem


First of all I'm not surprised at the battery life, the technology just isn't there. Secondly since it's a comment from Ubisoft, it's not the final product and perhaps the final version could have slightly better battery life.
Well I guess this answers my question:

Additional hardware it is :)

3 hours battery life is likely taken from a devkit, which may not have final battery configuration and certainly will not be optimised towards portable use (devs aren't going to be taking this thing out on the go...)

Besides, if the retail unit can even push to 4-5 hours then thats pretty great imo. My smartphone can barely hit 5 hours of solid gaming. Not really sure what people expect from a big screen and actively cooled hardware....

It doesn't say anything about additional hardware.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Btw, can we have a more "official" complation of battery lenght under stressing conditions (i.e. running heavy games) for the latest tablets and phones? The comparison could give a better context.
Great, so it's a hybrid between two form-factors, yet it utterly fails at both.

Taking this with a grain of salt. Might as well not make it portable at all if this were the case.

lol. what are you talking about?

utterly fails at both? ...how?

might as well not make it portable? ...why?


Perhaps a 3rd party controller will be made that adds another battery.

But that is exactly what I expected honestly.


I'd also like to know what are those people that wanted a 1080p screen (minimum, as their phone is 4K) and PS4 graphics thinking right now.
In theory Nintendo could release thicker Joy Cons with expansion batteries. That's how the Nvidia Shield Portable manages to get good life.
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