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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump is going to be our president.


what a
time to be alive
Nah, don't play the blame game guys. Truth is, something historically crazy just happened that no polls even came close to capturing.

The autopsy will be very interesting.


as a floridian: old white northern floridians did what they do, but shoutout to the 55k or so bernie-or-busters that came through for jill, ya'll the real MVP's

Trump. The president the US deserves. Cause it's full of women-haters, racists and fear-mongering idiots.

kinda hard to argue this point right now, yeah
You kid but I think this is actually exactly what will happen in 2020. It is typical "end of an empire days". First Trump, then people who stood against him lose faith in the system, don't go vote, or vote for a clown candidate for shits and giggles. He wouldn't win, but from here on out people will be very likely to not bother to vote or throw their votes away on vanity candidates. I don't see Trump out in four years.

I seriously see peril for America with this man in control of our military and basically, the supreme court.


As I am not completely clear on the obstruction on Obama's SCOTUS nomination, is there any possible way for him to push his SCOTUS nominee in hard and through the current road-block or is it impossible for him to do anything about it?


People would rather vote for someone than against someone. Sanders was so well liked he would have won because he was loved by the people. He wasn't seen as the lesser of two evils but the DNC fucked the entire world tonight. I hope you sleep well tonight Debbie....
ACA is dead. People with pre existing condition will now not get healthcare. Don't have money? Tough shit. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, if you can even stand up. Potential for Medicare to be turned into a voucher program.

Immigration reform is dead. Some form of increased border presence will absolutely happen. Even if it is just an expensive ineffectual wall. Deportations of some measure will happen. Anti-immigrant sentiment will become more accepted and normalized. If you are hispanic you are going to have a rough time. Muslim? Good luck.

Conservative SC for a generation or more. Expect to see more rulings in the vein of Citizens United. Corporations will be cemented as people and they have more money and power than you. Oh and forget about restoring the VRA. Voter suppression of minorities will continue throughout the country. Gay marriage is probably unlikely to be affected but negative rulings against transgender rights may be common place at least at the state level. Republican gerrymandering will continue further cementing control across the country.

Foreign policy wise expect the US to get more heavily entangled in the middle east and a George W. Bush level x 100 of general disrespect toward our allies. Also expect to see a level of nationalist fervor unprecedented in American politics. Putin will be given free reign. We will also see unnecessary and potentially massive increases in military spending. Potential is also here for American forces to support goals that more align with Putin's than the overall wishes of NATO. Any hopes for "small" government will be eradicated by money thrown away in foreign entanglements.

As for the economy Trump is not going to help working class people in places like Michigan. Their jobs are not coming back. The Republican party will not spend the money necessary to help them retrain and enter new fields. Creating a green manufacturing industry was one possible way for this happen. It won't. Trump believes global warming is a conspiracy created by the Chinese.

Taxes will be cut drastically for the 1%. This will further exacerbate the divide between the rich and poor. There will not be an increase in the minimum wage. Government will continue to subsidize the wages of companies like Walmart with food stamps, medicaid and other welfare programs. The people that voted Trump will be the ones most affected by this and they will just blame minorities. Many will also now go without healthcare as the ACA will be destroyed, leaving those that qualified for medicaid or subsidized care without options. They will just blame minorities and many will blame Obamacare long after its dead.

As far as the American political climate Trump's election will make the white nationalist candidate commonplace. You will see many mini-Trumps at the state level across the nation. Qualifications for office like experience in law or politics on some level will now be considered as not required. Celebrities will more likely to run and more likely to win. The American people will reward Republicans for a functioning government not caring that the only reason it is functioning is that Republicans are in full control and no longer obstructing everything.

Following this in 2020 America will re-elect Donald Trump
Don't forget that every problem that results from these will be spun as an after-effect of the Obama administration.
The positive that can be taken from this is that America survives the next 4 years, the GOP controlled government runs everything into the ground and shits the bed badly and publicly. In the meantime the DNC cleans house, learn very hard lessons and liberals get their shit together and stop being complacent and come back strong in 4 years.

Who knows if we will be here in 4 years if Trump has nuclear launch codes and control over the military


The Dems should not have pushed such a fucking unlikable candidate. They had to know how stupid Americans, on average, are.


Wow, this goes to show how much people hate Hillary. Fucking Donald Trump beat you for President of the United States. That's some next level hatred of her.

I can't believe Donald Trump is our President. Holy shit. LMAO


Remember when the republicans were never going to win the presidency again because of the electoral college and changing demographics? Those were simpler times.
If Trump wins I want white middle class families to feel the most pain. I want the uneducated whites that feel cheated and want to take their country back to feel even more desperate after four years.

I would understand Jeb or Rubio. But this man has no qualifications and sold snake oil.

They're honestly too simple to have any self reflection and feel cheated.


Rachelle Lefevre ‏@RachelleLefevre 30s30 seconds ago

Trump voters, you are my fellow man, I will love you tomorrow; tonight I'm too consumed with how much you hate me. #woman #Jew #Immigrant


Congratulations America you did it.

Buy the way, currently I think in Canada we have a limit of about 300,000 immigrants we take in every year. You can apply for refugee status, but...You know...
Even if she wins, the fact that Trump came this close to become president should be an embarrassment for this country and also for both parties which couldn't do better.

I feel extremely disappointed of my country. We could do better than this. We are better than this.

What the fuck.
Something that I truly worry democrats will forget if she wins by a measly ten or twenty points tonight.


Pardon me, it's 5:30 am and I just woke up, so please excuse me sounding like an idiot. You told me this wouldn't be like Brexit and yet I have a bunch of notifications on my phone notifying me of the impossible probably happening.

I'm kinda terrified. I'm sorry for you guys living in the US, apparently having to deal with this monster for the next 4 to 8 years, I'm dreading how Trump's success will empover the European right and I feel this is a kick in the nuts of the Western world at the most unfortunate of times.

Don't really know what else to say. Stay strong, USGAF, I assume. You'll somehow survive this.
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