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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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Jesus, even Carolyn Porco, a very kind, sensible scientist, has kind of lost it earlier...

Carolyn Porco ‏@carolynporco 2h2 hours ago
Carolyn Porco Retweeted The New York Times
Fuck you, Florida. You will get what you had coming to you when you disappear into the ocean.

I feel incredible sorrow knowing I cannot object to her hostility. The fact a planetary scientist is calling for planetary chaos is remarkably dark..

What the hell even happens with the American left now?

Maybe they can admit Neoliberalism has failed? Our Left are Centrists.

We need a real Left.


This makes Brexit look small
Trump makes Teresa May seem like a completely different species of intelligence.

The only saving grace is that the USA somehow managed to survive Bush, so I'm sure they can survive Trump.

I'll just remind everyone that trump means fart in the UK.


Oh god, I just realized Game Marriage is as good as fucked. Those poor people.

We can stop him right? Please tell me there is some way we can obstruct them the way they did us the last 6 years.
We're going to get through this, just have to fight for the next 4 years to get a dem back in there.

Dude this will have effects that go beyond 4 years. We're talking decades upon decades.

So much shit is about to be fucked that people aren't aware of

Social Welfare? Gone
Affirmative Action? Gone
Voter's Rights Act? Gone
Net Neutrality? Gone
Abortion Rights? Gone
Expanded War on Drugs
Marriage Equality? Gone
Minimum wage? In some states gone
Mass Deportation
Racial Profiling
Expanded corporate influence over the government
Even more tax breaks for the 1%

It goes on and on.


So everyone post Obama Part 1 has to go right?

I mean that list for DNC chairs is literally Tim Kaine, Donna Brazile, and Debbie Wasserman Shultz. They've been epic fail basically since 08, and many say Obama got reelected inspite of them.

Time to clean house and start all over from the top.

Yup. Audit the DNC and find out what you did wrong.


In other news, Washington state elected a Socialist to Congress...

Not that it matters, but I'm proud to be representing, I guess. ;_;


The Brexot analogy doesn't fly, still, beyond 'unexpected stuff can happen!'

The point is that there is an angry white class driven largely by nativist sentiment and a feeling of economic disenfranchisement in first world nations. Their influence has been increasing over time and its led to both Brexit and Trump. These people want change no matter what even if the change is burning things down. They ultimately don't care if things negatively affect people that don't look like them because those people are part of the problem.
A President doesn't have total power to do what he wills. You're acting like the world ends tomorrow. We had loons before!

We don't get checks and balances after tonight though, not exactly or at least not to any degree which anyone should be comfortable. The stars have aligned tonight to throw all three branches under one banner.

Maybe it should have been that congress can't stonewall on SCOTUS nominations? Too late now.


I think your right. Otherwise the polls.wouldnt have been so far off. I don't think Trump and Co. could have hoped for this in their wildest imaginations.

It's exactly who they played to because they saw they were the biggest demographic, the common denominator, and he played every note he knew the desperate and gullible needed to hear. He learned early on that he didn't need to explain in detail to them how he would deliver on any of his promises, because these are the type of people who don't ask smart questions. It didn't matter that Clinton's plan showed better job growth for them, all he had to say was his was better and they bought that BS.

It pains me that we're leaving the progress of our country up to folks who want to see it backpedal. Who are scared of progress because they are the least equipped to adapt and thrive. Who don't know how to process the bigger picture of the greater good.


It's this kind of thing that makes white people vote for Trump. I encourage you to reconsider your perspective, because it is harming all of us.

People vote for Trump because their privilege blinds what little empathy they may have.

If you vote Trump because a few people pissed you off, you are damning an entire group based on the actions of 1 or 2. If this is enough for you to say "fuck them" then you were never going to be an ally.

That boondocks picture is so extremely true. We as minorities have done nothing but fight, act better and push for equal rights and what do we have to show for it? Trump leading.


Bernie Sanders was never going to appeal to them. His position would never promise "I'll bring back your jobs", in fact Hillary tried to address those people.

Trump just flat out lied to them to get his way.

Bernie has a message for rural Americans. Hes a politician from a rural state, who understands rural people, their problems, their concerns, and can talk to them in a convincing way. Hillary cannot play that game convincingly, and it shows. She can't talk to rural, lower to lower-middle class white people in a convincing way. Shes actually a pretty shitty retail politician across the board, who often comes off as inauthentic.

She has lost counties and states that Obama won in an country with more registered Democrats and more brown people than 2012 and 2008. Plenty of people, here and elsewhere, cheered the idea of a voting coalition thst was exclusionary to poorer, rural white Americans. But for better or worse you can't build a winning coalition in 2016 that writes off all of the white people that don't live in big cities.

Plenty of people saw this coming during the primaries, but were also happy to be seemingly proven wrong once polling started rolling in showing Clinton with a comfortable lead. I count myself among them, but the fact of the matter is my lifelong Republican Dad and Grandma were talking to me this summer about how they didn't like Trump or Hillary but they sure liked that Bernie guy. I dismissed it as anecdotal at the time... But maybe there was something to it.


The takeaway from this election, and the thing we all probably underestimated, is how easily and fiercely stupid people can be mobilized, as evidence by the sudden surge of Trump supporters popping up in this thread. I would love for anybody who supports or voted for Trump but swears they aren't ignorant and/or a racist to give me one policy or position of his, just one, that you agree with or support that A) isn't rooted in some kind of hate, bigotry, or racism or b) is an ACTUAL position, and not just him saying "it'll be great I'll fix it i promise"

Go ahead, I'll wait.
Easy. pulling out of nato.

We spend way to much money defending other nations.

qcf x2

Hillary fucked up.
The DNC fucked up.
The campaign and the combination of vote-against-not-for & public shame tactics backfired.

To argue otherwise is to continue to subscribe to the same kind of general ignorance (blissful initially, not so much now) and hubris that led to this outcome.

Anyway, I don't think it's good for the country to have the same party in the white house for more than 8 yrs so as somebody who doesn't like Hillary or Trump and felt we would be fucked either way, I'm okay with this outcome for that reason.



I'm pretty sure this sentiment is part of the reason why Trump won.


Trump won, so apparently we can?

I mean get ready for the racists to be emboldened in ways you've never seen in your lifetime.

We experienced it in UK after Brexit so will you.

Buckle up buckeroo's.
Yea this will be so fun.

It's probably going to be even worse considering how vocal so many of them are.

Fake edit: actually if it's already this bad maybe it won't get worse.


David Frum is making a lot of sense of the CBC coverage about Foreign policy and French/Germany/Japanese armies. Not good


At least Sheriff Joe Arpaio (R) lost to Paul Penzone (D) in AZ.

Small victories for my American friends/ family. As someone who falls into multiple minority categories I have never felt more scared and will now not be visiting any relatives in the states for the foreseeable future. I'll be here in Canada trying to help any friends who genuinely need to move for fear of their safety.
Seeing the increase heated racial divide only shows how Trump was able to capitalise on this win.

Other than that, thanks for fucking up America
America is finally America again, its been a long 8 years of bullshit.
Please explain what this means. How is Trump any good for the nation as a whole? What was so bad about America before that he'll change and make great again? I'm genuinely curious if one supporter can explain it to me.
I'm not American, but GAF has been telling me for months there was "literally zero chance Trump would win", so what's happening?

Clearly GAF has no idea how probability works, since it was never zero to begin with, but is Trump really gonna win or is there still a chance for Hillary?


2016 has been a pretty shitty year all around.

A buddy of mine was trying to convince me Trump has a chance to win. I joked I'd circumcise myself with a kitchen knife on camera if that happens. We shook hands on it. I'm good, right? I'm pretty fucking sure Trump has no chance.

...You gonna be alright, man?
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