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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Uh... he's saying he already owns a PC and a Pro. How is it "sad" that Scorpio will need good exclusives for him to want it?

Because it inevitably means that Microsoft should stop their Play Anywhere program which is great for all parties involved. Why would anyone want exclusives? In an ideal world you could also play all Sony and Nintendo exclusives on PC and the world would be better.


Won't be a dollar over $399. As I've been saying since last June.

Have anything to back that statement? Because listening to Osirisblack and the video when they talk about it's custom SOC, and the advanced cooling solution that is similar to the gtx 1080 cards which are expensive says other wise.

12gb of GDDR5, expensive cooling solution, UHD player, sounds like it's going to be minimum $499.

Which if it does ring true this thing is dead in the water without some kind of killer app or hook to justify the price.

Only people buying this thing are hardcore xbox fan's, and tech enthusiasts who want 4k gaming in their living room.


And jags aren't even suppose to get to 2.3ghz

It's not a simple jaguar cores in this. They clearly said they spent a lot of time customizing the CPU with AMD. Or else not much work needed if just using Pro CPU
lol, yes I know. I never said otherwise.


It's expected. It's a PS4Pro with the improvement you can expect from a year's delay.

That's what I'm expecting.

If it released this past fall then absolutely $499. With a year gap it should be able to match the Pro's launch price.
So as someone who isn't familiar with tech stuff, will this be able to hit 60 fps easily? Or will that still be up to the devs?

For 1080p? Should do handily, though how much of a downsampling benefit you'll receive from it will vary game to game. Above 1080p is where things will be uncertain, varying by game, developer support, and engine. Forza is visually stunning but not actually one of the most outright demanding games around, so while it provides some idea of system capability, it is not a clear indication that it will run everything equally well.
I wonder if this will effect the console generation. Will MS create a new machine soon with Scorpio out? Or would this just extend it?


I respectfully disagree with your opinion. As stated, just read this thread. Better yet, read any thread with a positive MS topic.

But let's stay on topic in this thread. I started it so I'll get back on topic.

My problem is, will third parties take advantage of the boost.

I have. You're not correct. There are fanboys of both companies. GAF leaning 360 last gen is kind of a fact. Again, it reflects how the rest of the world leaned.


If you care about MS franchises (specifically multiplayer) then an xbox is totally worth it even if you have a PC.

Why the fuck would I want to play gears 4 on PC with no online population?
I don't like online multiplayer games for the most part, and only play Gears and Halo for the SP.


I don't give a shit if games are on PC or not. I just want them to pump out more Microsoft exclusives and they will still be exclusive to me in the same way PS4 exclusives are.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
He's not wrong, why would he buy a console to play games he can play on PC/PS4.

He's not wrong, but that mentality existed before the reveal and outside of the parameters of this reveal. There is nothing that can be offered to the topic in that statement other than, I can play 1st party on My PC. This thread is about Specs. That said, a console will always be underpowered vs. a PC and MS made it possible to play 1st party on PC so, this comment will never change in its accuracy regardless of topic in regards to a Microsoft console.


I think he was talking about the CPU difference between the Scorpio and the Pro.

Seems like he's clutching at straws then. Arguing about difference of a component then using that to make a claim about overall power difference is an impressive error in logic, almost embarrassing seeing how desperately hes trying to avoid meaningful facts for his argument.


The $499 guess turned me off...
But otherwise it sounds pretty awesome. Especially Forza 6 at 4K60gps with 66% GPU usage! Can't wait to hear more about it!
They need to trim down that price though... Even if it's just a guess so far it still make me frown. And launch it simultaneously worldwide this time!! I har to wait a full year extra for XB1 in Sweden!
I asked a few pages back but it got buried:

MS is saying this thing has FreeSync yet it's HDMI 2.0. Since when is 2.0 FreeSync capable? I thought that was the big addition coming in 2.1??

Scorpio is HDMI 2.0

Edit: Corrected. Its HDMI 2.0

"On the display output, of course, HDMI 2.0 - we need that for the additional frame-rate for 4K and also HDR and the wide colour gamut," says Nick Baker. "In addition, we have always believed in having flexible output processing with three output planes so you can have your render target, your overlay dash and video playing. Each one of those has symmetric capabilities in terms of being able to run sampling, so we have a high quality multi-tap filter. As an example, if you render at 4K and you're going to a 1080p TV, you can use that to do a high quality sample."


All the people saying SonyGAF at the middling impressions, need to look back at Pro reveal threads.

No 4K blu Ray drive, not high enough specs, not real 4K and a sea of other complaints.

This is a much better Reception.
A lot of you guys need to stop with the constant "oh, well I can play those games on a PC"

Not everyone can or wants to spend the $700 just to get a 1080 Ti to play most things at 4k60 max.

I just built a new PC with a 1080 Ti, and there are plenty of games that I will be playing on Scorpio because of the 25 or so people I play games with on Xbox/PS4, two have gaming PCs. Step out of your bubbles and understand that there is an entire population of gamers who will never play games on PC.

The Scorpio is for anyone who wants the best version of multiplayer games. That includes things like Battlefield, COD, and everything going forward.


Uh... he's saying he already owns a PC and a Pro. How is it "sad" that Scorpio will need good exclusives for him to want it?

Maybe Scorpio is just not for him. I mean, I actually don't see the point of owning neither a PRO if you have a strong PC nowadays. Except if you're REALLY into some PS4 titltes and have both time and money to afford all of it.

Thing is... we all know MS won't stop releasing their games for UWP. If that makes an Xbox a no-buy, no issue, just move on.
For 1080p? Should do handily, though how much of a downsampling benefit you'll receive from it will vary game to game. Above 1080p is where things will be uncertain, varying by game, developer support, and engine. Forza is visually stunning but not actually one of the most outright demanding games around, so while it provides some idea of system capability, it is not a clear indication that it will run everything equally well.
Thanks! I'm assuming it will still be up to the developer tho
I imagined your voice breaking a few times while reading that out to yourself.

'S'OK, 's'OK... Shhh...

I used only 1 exclamation point. :) I'm totally OK with this system. It's just a hard upgrade for me personally to justify. My frustration is only with those people who for some reason can't understand why I'm having hard time justifying Scorpio purchase when I already got Pro...


aka Mannny
dude gaf is not a hive mind
It's very easy for an entire forum to become an echo chamber on certain topics. Hive mind just seems like you're being hyperbolic. No one is saying everyone always thinks the same thing all the time on here. There is clearly a majority bias for certain stimulus here on neogaf whether it be social issues, products, or companies.
Yeah definitely. I don't have a gaming PC but I think it's a great initiative. It's just a shame for MS that it kinda undermines the Xbox at the same time.
It really doesn't. There's not much of an overlap between console gamers and PC. They'll be more than happy if PC gamers pay $60 for their games. Console gamers will buy consoles regardless.


The bigger difference will be what Scorpio can do IN ADDITION to resolution. The RAM, memory bandwidth, and CPU power should make the gap even bigger than what we saw between XB1 and PS4.

XB1 had a better CPU than PS4 but PS4 had a considerable GPU boost. However, both consoles had the same RAM amount and similar memory speeds (although XB1's ESRAM kinda hurt it there).

This will be a big advantage for the Scorpio across the board. CPU, GPU, and memory.

I think one thing that people are forgetting though is that the numbers are not the same as how they're perceived visually. There's a point of diminishing returns. 50% hardware increase does not always mean games will look 50% better.

I'm guessing there will be a lot of situations where it's hard to tell the difference between 4k and checkerboarded 4k. Either way, as a Pro user, I won't be losing any sleep over the great fanboy war and how someone out there could be playing a game that's prettier than mine.


I think what is being lost here in the myriad of fanboy BS is the Scorpio is delivering what an actual mid-gen upgrade should look like.


Honestly I have a PS4 Pro and its shit, too early, not powerful enough, Microsoft make it right but I'll still play multiplats on PC and exclusives I care about on Pro. Good Job on the hardware Microsoft though.
Obviously it was an unrealistic expectation, but part of me was hoping Microsoft would brute force performance improvements with new tech and not by Macgyvering existing. So my main disappointment is with the CPU, the 60fps dream is in jeopardy as it sounds like the improvements are restricted to DX12 enabled titles.

I guess ultimately, we'll just have to see how effective the secret sauce is.

This is an old school console focused on games and with many tricks to improve performance..

Like for example the dedicated dx12 command processor that reduces the amount of instructions needed from dozens of thousands (and in some game to hundreds of thousands) to just a dozen per frame. This essentially frees up a major amount of cpu time to the game.

And they apparently improved latency of the cpu to improve throughput and dunno how has solved the memory contention problem that was a bottleneck on Ps4, that causes this issue:


So even on the CPU side, there's potential for it to offer a lot of grunt.
Mid Cycle refresh is pretty much a straight role reversal. Xbox One had 900P vs native 1080p for Sony.

Scorpio has native 4K vs checkboard for PS4 Pro.


Yeah definitely. I don't have a gaming PC but I think it's a great initiative. It's just a shame for MS that it kinda undermines the Xbox at the same time.
It's the one thing that actually makes me consider getting games digitally. As it allows me to play on two platforms, with shared save data.
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