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Resident Evil 7, Monster Hunter XX, and Dead Rising 4 all below Capcom's expectations


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
this. tired of waiting for shit.
The delay seems almost delivered because the Monster Hunter franchise is far from being a text heavy game and it shouldn't be taking nearly 1 year to release the games in the West.


Over the top action and co-op RE apologizers disgust me. Just play Gears of War or whatever the fuck you want with monsters on it, let RE alone.

Gears is a cover shooter.

RE didn't even have a proper cover system until 6 and it's pretty much pointless.

Disgust lol


Am I reading that list that SF4 sold the same amount as SF5 last quarter?

They don't update the sales figures until every 100K. So SF4 might have sold 95K, been sitting there for awhile and just finally pushed 5K more copies.

So SFV still sold better having 100K copies of being the newer game and at a higher price. At least when comparing the 100Ks of both from this quarter.


RE7 will probably reach the 6th best selling Capcom game next quarter.
I hope it can enter in the TOP5 before end of next fiscal year.
It will probably ending outselling RE2.



RE7 will probably reach the 6th best selling Capcom game next quarter.
I hope it can enter in the TOP5 before end of 2017.
It will probably ending outselling RE2.

Gonna all depend on the legs. Could be argued that the whole Twitch/YouTube horror scene slows sales. But it should see good bumps when Not A Hero, the second DLC, and Halloween come around.

Also if Scorpio and PC both get VR support next year (Sonys exclusivity ends in January) that bump it up as well. So it's possible.

You can't really compare them since they're both doing something radically different. Its a disservice to them both.


Capcom games never seem to meet expectations to the point I'm assuming they know they won't. My only guess is that these projected numbers are to keep stockholders happy so they stay invested.

Of course, I imagine what I'm alleging is illegal so probably not.
Good riddance if this is the only Dead rising we can get in 2016. Game was a shit show.

Maybe they can retool it for a ps4 release with some added difficulty and variety.
I said this before, the marketing for RE7 was terrible. Hiding what the game was like. People didn't know what it was, if it had action. It was a confusing mess to a lot of people. It sold about what I expected, it should reach 5 million one day with sales and rereleases.

Stop trying to pretend it's something totally different and embrace the RE name. Bring back some classic monsters, characters and campiness.
Since it is RE? Last game that got shit on by the whole universe sold 6.7 million.


Even with shit reception RE6 got it wont affect the sale of the next iteration so it sell half less. This is more aboutvthe direction that no fan wants except some small niche audience. And dont get me wrong. I like RE7.

3.5 million after 4 months is not the same as 6.7 million lifetime (I believe RE6 is actually up to 7 million now thanks to steam sales).

Resident Evil 6 sold 4.9 million after the first 6 months. That is comparable to 3.5 in 4, in my opinion. https://www.destructoid.com/resident-evil-6-fails-to-meet-sales-projections-again-253379.phtml

Also, quite frankly I do believe there is something to the idea that the previous installment's reception has an affect on the sales of the next installment. RE4 was crowned GOAT, and then RE5 knocks it out of the park when it comes to sales. RE6 is deemed a bloated mess by critics, and RE7 sales take a dip (no where near half, btw). I'm not saying its the only factor, and I think the multiplayer aspect of RE5 and RE6 contributed to their higher sales, but I do think it is a factor.


I hope Capcom continues in the direction of Resident Evil 7 with Resident Evil 8. I hope they don't get cold feet, panic, and revert back something like Resident Evil 6. If they do, that will likely mean that Resident Evil 7 is going to be the last great Resident Evil game. Oh well, after years of trash we got one last true Resident Evil experience. That is more than I ever expected...


You guys do realize that their "expectations" (at least on the current gen titles... not monhun) are based upon what those games require to have a profit margin on the expense of bringing them to market (dev + marketing + COGs + distribution expense)?

Doesn't bode well. Likely leads to increased risk aversion in product decision making.


RE6 (Oct- Mar) = 4.9 million
RE7 (Jan- Mar) = 3.5 million

Not really. Lets see how RE7 carries itself.

That's gonna be the biggest question of all. Will be interesting to see how the rest of the year plays out.

maybe zombies & bows are getting tiring.
if only they had something else

Hell Yeah, it is time. Especially from what the look of things Dead Rising won't be getting another sequel anytime soon.
This is good news for me as a consumer because there is hope that the company will change and cater more to my taste again. I feel they have lost that touch. Since Dead Rising 3 the series has been dead to me. With this crushing failure may they reflect on their missteps and deliver a new Dead Rising like the first two, one worthy of my interest.

As for RE7... all I can say is... FUCK YES. I'm sure those who liked the game are upset or disappointed. That's too bad because when there are conflicting interests we can't all have what we want. Hopefully RE can rise from this stumble to return to the golden age of third person action with exciting boss QTEs and kickass shooting without wasting effort on things like horror. The only horror I want to see in RE is the horror on the face of the zombie before it gets its skull crushed in by my boot in a melee kill QTE. :)

Bring back Dead Rising 1
Bring back Resident Evil 4
Bring back Onimusha
Bring back Dino Crisis 2
This might be the worst thing I've read on here, I hope a GOTY edition releases, sells great during the holiday and they double down on horror. RE7 is easily in the top 3 best released games this year so far.


TBH , i fell that DC fits survival action more too.

It works well as both much like RE does.
Still say if capcom wants to really hunker down on Horror RE, then action Dino Crisis is the way to go. You can make that series basically the spiritual successor to RE4-6 games.

guess they didn't expect RE6 to tarnish the brand as much as it did

With the remaster of RE6 on PS4 and XB1 doing 1 million, I don't think it tarnished things as much as people think. Especially when you factor in that they made it loud and clear that RE7 was quite the departure from it. At the end of the day there are people who bought RE for action and/or coop and RE7 doesn't have that.
Maybe its time for MH to grace other platforms so it can actually have an impact in the west MH5 PS4 main platform down ported for the Switch.


You guys do realize that their "expectations" (at least on the current gen titles... not monhun) are based upon what those games require to have a profit margin on the expense of bringing them to market (dev + marketing + COGs + distribution expense)?

Doesn't bode well. Likely leads to increased risk aversion in product decision making.
It already made money.


RE6 (Oct- Mar) = 4.9 million
RE7 (Jan- Mar) = 3.5 million

Not really. Lets see how RE7 carries itself.
Yeap... it is selling at better pace than RE6 taking in consideration it lacks a holiday period yet.

But I don't believe it will beat the 6.8m of RE6 without include the HD remaster.


The funny part is that there's still a question mark as to whether RE6, at least in its original release, actually made a profit for Capcom when measured against its enormous 600-person budget.

RE7 was far cheaper to develop and they got a brand new engine out of its development.
There are games made for people with your tastes: Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Resident Evil Umbrella Corps. Hope you enjoy them.


The perfect game for my tastes... and sold far better than 7
Same for RE4.

REmake is classic style(pure horror as well) perfected, its over I don't need more besides REmake 2, 3, Outbreak.
Guess the VR hype for RE7 didn't do much in terms of sales after all.

I haven't played RE7 yet but I'm holding off because I want my first run through to be in VR, since I have heard a lot of good things anout how well done it is. There probably some people like me who can't drop money on PSVR at the moment but willing to try the game eventually.


It's a shame to see Resident Evil 7 under performing, but it's nice that Dead Rising 4 sold poorly with how much of a turd it was. If they can't even make the newer Dead Rising games as good as the first one in terms of interactivity they should just let the franchise die and work on something else. Dead Rising has gone from top tier entertainment to something I view in the same light as Sniper: Ghost Warrior as this sort of trash tier bargain bin game.
RE7 will probably reach the 6th best selling Capcom game next quarter.
I hope it can enter in the TOP5 before end of next fiscal year.
It will probably ending outselling RE2.


no Resident Evil 4 on that list? I thought it would be number one being ported to almost everything that runs Doom too.


Stop releasing Monster Hunter on an outdated piece of hardware or a single platform and maybe Capcom can have safer bets on how much they expect/want to sell.

I still don't know why they are bothering to bring Monster Hunter Stories to the West when the game majestically bombed in Japan and it's going to do even worse in the West.

I don't like that we're getting Monster Hunter Stories in the West not because I have something against the title but because this pretty much guarantees were not getting Monster Hunter XX in the West until February/March 2018 if we're getting it at all by that point because by than the Switch will be 1 year old and we have a long history of loosing out on localizations just on the simple notion that the "Next Gen" hardware is already released and I fear Monster Hunter XX will be the next Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.

Pretty much this. There is no reason to hold MH back the way Capcom does. Yes i know the US doesnt buy MH in the numbers Japan does, but they are always saying how much better the series is selling outside of Japan, and yet they refuse to give a shit about other territories outside of Japan.

And the Switch was right there. I think a LOT of people would have jumped on MH on the Switch.


The funny part is that there's still a question mark as to whether RE6, at least in its original release, actually made a profit for Capcom when measured against its enormous 600-person budget.

RE7 was far cheaper to develop and they got a brand new engine out of its development.

I want to say that there was an interview (or maybe it was dusk golem) saying that team wise RE7 had the same amount of staff working on it all around. We'll never know full specifics unless Capcom divulges them.


MH needs a a full console version, again. The Wii U version of 3 was the best thing I'd ever played in that series and I can only imagine how sweet it would be on PS4. I mean the PS4 install base alone is so high that Capcom are being kind of dumb keeping it as a niche 3DS title.


RE7's paid DLC content was not very appealing to buy considering how close both DLCs were to the game's launch. It could have been in the full game. Not surprised that it failed to meet the target.


MH needs a a full console version, again. The Wii U version of 3 was the best thing I'd ever played in that series and I can only imagine how sweet it would be on PS4. I mean the PS4 install base alone is so high that Capcom are being kind of dumb keeping it as a niche 3DS title.

Niche 3DS title? When was a WW 4m seller a niche title?

Most Japanese PS4 exclusives struggle to get anywhere near that.


Stop releasing Monster Hunter on an outdated piece of hardware or a single platform and maybe Capcom can have safer bets on how much they expect/want to sell.

I still don't know why they are bothering to bring Monster Hunter Stories to the West when the game majestically bombed in Japan and it's going to do even worse in the West.

I don't like that we're getting Monster Hunter Stories in the West not because I have something against the title but because this pretty much guarantees were not getting Monster Hunter XX in the West until February/March 2018 if we're getting it at all by that point because by than the Switch will be 1 year old and we have a long history of loosing out on localizations just on the simple notion that the "Next Gen" hardware is already released and I fear Monster Hunter XX will be the next Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.
The western release of Stories seems like something that Nintendo pushed for. I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out that Nintendo is funding its localization 100%, just so they could have at least one fall title for the 3DS in what will likely be its final holiday season. In any event, I don't think Stories being localized will have much impact on whatever plans Capcom has for MHXX, especially after the not-so-subtle hints they gave not that long ago about a Switch port.
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