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Beyond Good and Evil 2 E3 2017 CG Trailer (prequel, online or solo, early access?)

What did you fucking think of the fucking Beyond Good & Evil 2 trailer?

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They literally said it out on stage. This game takes place before Jade's birth, and that female character at the end has a different name.

Unless they're pulling a Kojima, I think it's safe to assume this is a prequel :p

From Michel Ancel...right after they showed the trailer.

He said on stage it takes place before Jade was born.

Oh! Haha, gotcha. The Giant Bomb guys were yapping over it. :D


I'll give Ancel the benefit of the doubt, but it really seems like a miscalculation on their part about why the original is so beloved and why fans have been clamoring for a sequel for so many years.

I don't think its a miscalculation, but there had to be some sacrifices. I loved the story told in the first one, but I just loved the lore and setting. It also had really good characters and fun gameplay. So yea, we don't get the sequel that was wanted by the fans, but you know there are going to be connections to the deep lore tid bits from the first one that I am still interested in.


It's been 14 years since BG&E1.

Honestly, if you were expecting it to be the same sort of game you're basically setting yourself up.

No one expected it to be the same game. The leaked videos already told us that.

We just wanted more Jade and Pey'j. I don't think that's a crazy expectation, given how the first game ended...


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Yeah, nobody makes intimate, story-focused singleplayer games anymore. What a ridiculous expectation in 2017.

With how a company like Ubisoft has been directing itself in the last 5+ years? Uh, yeah.

Not to mention Ancel himself has said he believes persistent online is the future of gaming, like literally just a few years ago.
Year switch exclusive or not there is something about this game we haven't been told since ubisoft has been oddly quiet about info they readily gave out for every other game shown today.

First it looked like they were announcing a Kickstarter for this game. But you are right, there is something fishy about this game and whatever it is...it will disappoint people. Maybe it is always online or has no real campaign or is Ouya exclusive.


Suffering From Success
They first need a game framework that people actually buy. This looks like they are trying to get not only 2 but also 3,4 and five made, which I appreciate.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Original BGE thought it was gonna get sequels too.


What if this game is good in it's own right and also happens to include things that appeal to fans of the original? No, couldn't possibly be...

They just sat on this shit for 15 years and then said "Well, I guess we can make a new one, but we definitely ARE NOT going to do anything with it that the people who want it most would be interested in."


They first need a game framework that people actually buy. This looks like they are trying to get not only 2 but also 3,4 and five made, which I appreciate.

And there was no way they could do that without continuing the story? Mind you, I have no qualms about a prequel, but I would loved to see the pair back in action.


Aftershock LA
Looked really great. If the game can translate that art design to its actual in game presentation, I'll be in love. The original BG&E is one of my favorite games of all time.
The CGI was cool but they actually showcased a glimpse of the gameplay behind the presenters, which was odd but it still looked good... though why not lean in on that. (did the same thing with AC:eek:rigins off screen demo during the conference)
No one expected it to be the same game. The leaked videos already told us that.

We just wanted more Jade and Pey'j. I don't think that's a crazy expectation, given how the first game ended...

This. Just stick Jade and Pey'j in here properly and I'd be right on board. I loved the trailer.


Suffering From Success
Original Assassin's Creed came out in 2007. 10 years later, the franchise hasn't changed one bit and Origins looks like the same game, just newer.

BGE came out in 2004. 14 years later somehow we can't expect a game like that, but bigger, better and newer.



At this point I'm expecting Metroid Prime 4 to be subtitled Federation Force 2 and people will be in here to defend it with "Metroid Prime 3 was 10 years ago you can't expect it to be the same game!"


I thought the CGI looked absolutely great. Wonderful, felt fun, and exciting.

However, where is the game? Feels very empty, and I'm not sure that as a fan to what I'm contributing. Wish they waited until it was more baked.


I actually can't believe how many people were impressed by this.

I'm gutted. I love Michel Ancel and Ubisoft Montpellier, but this isn't what I expected at all.

The first game was such a gem - with a beautiful stylized art direction and whimsy that fit within that time period so well. Jade and Pey'j were terrific characters, and all the prior mentions of BG&E2 made it seem like we were getting a sequel. Instead we have some fuck-laden game with jiggle physics.

What has been shown so far isn't at all what I wanted on any level. The should call this Beyond Worse and Evil.

Hopefully a new generation of fans can love it, but for now it would appear I'm out.

Sony better pick me up from this low.

Yeah, this is probably the most disappointing E3 reveal I've seen in years. Hated the tone, hated the dialogue, and that monkey is a character I don't want to spend a second with.

I know its just a CG trailer, but it made a terrible first impression.


I've been hot under the collar for this project for years, but this trailer was a little deflating.

I don't mind the saucy language, the playful tone, or even the lack of Jade per se, but this didn't seem story driven at all, nor did it make me invested in any of the characters. The key art reinforces those questions. Are these just random options for player avatars? Black girl pirate has a very cool design but the trailer and art didn't try to sell her as a protagonist. Same with the comic relief monkey.

And then the vague description of it being online and nonlinear. Is this Souls style multiplayer or an MMO? Is there a plot?

The early concept art suggested it might be about Jade's father - a trailer selling that would have been exciting. Something to connect it to the things we cared about in the original. Anything.

At least the visual world building looks highly original.

I like Ancel's work but I'm on the fence about this for the first time in a decade of these trailers. Will have to wait until we get more info.


I love the BG & E universe and style... but come on. I'd take a small, 5-10 hour singleplayer adventure that continues Jade's story and I'd be happy. This sounds very ambitious but why even make it a BG&E game? It's not like the name has such as a pull that it will automatically make anything attached to it a success.

Also it sounds like the game is years away from release still.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Presumably the woman at the end is Jade's mother. The original game did hint at a backstory for her parents so it makes sense that this is a prequel.


Original Assassin's Creed came out in 2007. 10 years later, the franchise hasn't changed one bit and Origins looks like the same game, just newer.

BGE came out in 2004. 14 years later somehow we can't expect a game like that, but bigger, better and newer.


One series sells well, the other doesn't.


Cool, a prequel to one of my favorite games, only with constant non-stop f-bombs and none of the original characters. :|

Fixed that for you.

Might as well be called BG&E universe, because frankly the use of 2 implies a sequel and this clearly isn't that, given what's been said.

Despite having played BG&E about 3 times, I've never once concerned myself with worrying about the origins of the various animal inhabitants. I just rolled with it and enjoyed the narrative and gameplay.

Honestly what was shown in that 2009 proof of concept leak is what I wanted: -



Sorry but that was an horrible re-reveal, I don't like any of the details we got on it, this isn't what we've been waiting for at all.


Yeah, this is probably the most disappointing E3 reveal I've seen in years. Hated the tone, hated the dialogue, and that monkey is a character I don't want to spend a second with.

I know its just a CG trailer, but it made a terrible first impression.

I think it is probably my biggest E3 disappointment ever. I'm usually a fairly optimistic person, reserve judgement, and easy to please, but this had almost no redeeming qualities by comparison to what I liked with the original.

The only hope is that whenever it's shown next, hopefully with gameplay, it can start to turn me around.


I don't think this is the game fans of the first game wanted, but I am sure as hell interested now. I didn't care for the first game at all.
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