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Zelda BOTW and Mario Odyssey in the same year seems insane


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
You can't understand why people would want to correct misinformation or push back on clearly intended belittling? Your post reads like someone conceding the point while trying to appear that he's not conceding the point.

Actually, no, I don't understand why someone would care if someone else belittles a video game. It's not like my enjoyment of the game is impacted in any way. Nowadays when people say "ew mobile games are touch control junk games", I just smile and nod.

when people post bullshit typically people will call it out as such

that's really the long and the short of it, surely you can understand

92% of posts on GAF are bullshit though :p It's all I would post about!

First off, you gave some flat out wrong information. There was always only a single returning map. That's not something that a previewer would contradict.

Second, your point about calling it a port could make sense if anyone ever called Destiny 2 a port of Destiny 1 (which is probably a poor example, something like CoD or Battlefield or Titanfall would probably work better), but that's not a thing that happens. That only happens with Splatoon. And there is really no good reason to say that because it is just as much a sequel as any other mutliplayer focused shooter is.

The only reason people call Splatoon 2 a port is out of some anti-Nintendo bias. Or just plain ignorance, but typically if it's ignorance they'll own up to it when they're corrected.

Fair, if I was wrong about the maps. I honestly haven't been following the details of the maps and weapons too closely - I'll be picking it up regardless, so the details like that don't matter. 1 recycled map, 10 recycled maps, etc. Doesn't matter. I probably wouldn't say all FPSs/MP focused shooters are like this - I think BF4 and Battlefield 1, for example, are very different. I can't say that I agree that someone calling Sp2 a glorified port has some sort of anti-Nintendo bias. Like I said, I can link to 10 previews that all comment on how similar it feels to the first and that it feels like the first with some new DLC. Everyone agrees that it's going to be awesome, so who really cares in the end?


Guys, really, a rose is a rose is a rose. If someone wants to call Splatoon a first person survival horror game, I say, "Yup." If someone wants to claim Super Mario Odyssey is a remake of Bubsy 3D, I say, "Absolutely." If someone wants to claim Mew can be found under that truck in Red and Blue, I say, "There are no wrong answers." Everything is true and nothing is false. Once you have reached full enlightenment like me, then you will understand that anything goes on a video game message board.

Console wars are officially over.


Hope Valve cancels their room scale VR projects because nobody's interested unless it's on a Nintendo console.


Actually, no, I don't understand why someone would care if someone else belittles a video game. It's not like my enjoyment of the game is impacted in any way. Nowadays when people say "ew mobile games are touch control junk games", I just smile and nod

Why do you care that people care enough to correct misinformation and false impressions?

Renna Hazel

You're seriously pointing to the Kinect, a device that succeeded on the back of it being a new Xbox, despite how rarely it was supported, and literally has been removed from future iterations of the Xbox because no one gives a fuck about it?

You said only Nintendo fans could be sold on motion controls, Kinect sold a ton.

It also wasn't a new Xbox? I mean, what?


Neo Member
I guess the endgame is pushing the hardware sales year 1 and than crossing fingers for 3rd parties to swoop in and fill the gaps the coming years.
I can't say that I agree that someone calling Sp2 a glorified port has some sort of anti-Nintendo bias.

When a label that those same people would never apply to any of their favored shooters is applied to a game they're not interested in solely because of their ignorance re: the game, it's pretty telling.
When the only shooter sequel that constantly gets called a 'port' this generation is Splatoon 2, it's pretty telling.
I guess the endgame is pushing the hardware sales year 1 and than crossing fingers for 3rd parties to swoop in and fill the gaps the coming years.

I have a strong feeling that Nintendo plans to give us this level of support for the life of the Switch. They have the talent and franchises available to readily support the thing at this level going forward. If they were banking on third party support to take the place of first party that would be extremely short-sighted.
You said only Nintendo fans could be sold on motion controls, Kinect sold a ton.

It also wasn't a new Xbox? I mean, what?

Microsoft said "THIS IS THE XBOX! KINECT IS THE FUTURE" and then proceeded to do nothing with it and abandon most of their first party efforts for the 360. The Xbox itself wasn't different, but the addition of the Kinect was literally supposed to be a generation extension, which they could've run with due to the amount they sold. But they didn't. Then they released a terrible new version of Kinect with the One and everybody rightfully rejected it. So yeah, people were suckers and bought into motion controls with Kinect....and then realized once again they are garbage.

Renna Hazel

Microsoft said "THIS IS THE XBOX! KINECT IS THE FUTURE" and then proceeded to do nothing with it and abandon most of their first party efforts for the 360. The Xbox itself wasn't different, but the addition of the Kinect was literally supposed to be a generation extension, which they could've run with due to the amount they sold. But they didn't. Then they released a terrible new version of Kinect with the One and everybody rightfully rejected it. So yeah, people were suckers and bought into motion controls with Kinect....and then realized once again they are garbage.

So in short, Xbox fans were sold on motion controls.

And as you said, MS didn't do anything with Kinect. consumers were sold on it but MS didn't support it much (even less so on XBO). Perhaps they should have released a game like Arms or Splatoon.
My contention was that if it originally came out for PS4 it wouldn't have sold 5 million. Nintendo threw a ton of marketing behind it because it's all they had that year.

I have never stated that ARMS or Splatoon are bad games, simply that they are inflated for their console. I will fully admit I have less than zero interest in either. Motion controls and any game using them will never be used by me again(multiplayer makes it even less likely). My second contention was that if you tried to sell anyone other than a Nintendo audience on a motion control based game, they wouldn't give a damn. I stand by it.

My third contention is that threads like this one are completely annoying because Nintendo has set such low expectations for it's release schedule that (for argument's sake) 6 GREAT games a year is now INSANE.

My fourth contention (and I sincerely hope I am wrong) is that Nintendo will have next to nothing ready for next year, and the drought will return. Their pattern has yet to be broken.

Name the 6 great exclusives that Ps4 or Xbox One had in the first year. It's definitely a good thing.
Name the 6 great exclusives that Ps4 or Xbox One had in the first year.

PS4 has some great exclusives right now, but damn, did it lack some good games during the first two years. Really, until Bloodborne, it was a fairly barren system, even compared to the Xbox One.

The fact Switch is getting two heavy hitters its first year is pretty damn good. Most people seem to be comparing the Switch's library to what is currently available on Xbox or PS4, which is a bit unfair.


Neo Member
Actually, no, I don't understand why someone would care if someone else belittles a video game. It's not like my enjoyment of the game is impacted in any way. Nowadays when people say "ew mobile games are touch control junk games", I just smile and nod.

Developers, in addition to sales, pay attention to what fans have to say. We all want the things that we like to continue to exist and improve. If someone or a group makes a negative comment, that may stand out to a developer as a change maybe they should make. But to the fan that likes something as it is it's important that they defend and show support.

So your enjoyment does have a chance to be impacted in the future by what someone says.
My contention was that if it originally came out for PS4 it wouldn't have sold 5 million. Nintendo threw a ton of marketing behind it because it's all they had that year.

I have never stated that ARMS or Splatoon are bad games, simply that they are inflated for their console. I will fully admit I have less than zero interest in either. Motion controls and any game using them will never be used by me again(multiplayer makes it even less likely). My second contention was that if you tried to sell anyone other than a Nintendo audience on a motion control based game, they wouldn't give a damn. I stand by it.

My third contention is that threads like this one are completely annoying because Nintendo has set such low expectations for it's release schedule that (for argument's sake) 6 GREAT games a year is now INSANE.

My fourth contention (and I sincerely hope I am wrong) is that Nintendo will have next to nothing ready for next year, and the drought will return. Their pattern has yet to be broken.

1st contention: I don't think Splatoon became the huge hit in Japan (possibly surpassing DRAGON QUEST of all things) solely because it was on a Nintendo console. The game itself did that.

2nd contention: Are you aware that both Splatoon 2 and ARMS are fully, 100% playable without motion controls?

3rd contention: 6 great games as a single publisher is what we're talking about. And 10 games published for a single platform in its first 10 months. If you count multiple platforms they are publishing plenty more.

Nintendo has not solved their third party issues clearly, but that's not at issue here. We're discussing the quality and quantity of Nintendo's own output.

4th contention: We don't know yet, but considering they clearly are consolidating development onto a single platform (as if the Pokemon announcement didn't signal that clearly enough) and they have been sitting on several finished games (SMO, Pikmin 4) I think 2018 will be good.

Fair, if I was wrong about the maps. I honestly haven't been following the details of the maps and weapons too closely - I'll be picking it up regardless, so the details like that don't matter. 1 recycled map, 10 recycled maps, etc. Doesn't matter. I probably wouldn't say all FPSs/MP focused shooters are like this - I think BF4 and Battlefield 1, for example, are very different. I can't say that I agree that someone calling Sp2 a glorified port has some sort of anti-Nintendo bias. Like I said, I can link to 10 previews that all comment on how similar it feels to the first and that it feels like the first with some new DLC. Everyone agrees that it's going to be awesome, so who really cares in the end?

I haven't been following the details of BF4 and Battlefield 1 too closely. That doesn't mean I believe Battlefield 1 is a port.

I'm wondering if the problem here is that Splatoon pretty much created a sub-genre of TPS games, such that the sequel in this sub-genre being similar in gameplay but with some new nuances makes it hard for some people to catch on that it's actually a sequel and not a port. Like, if FPS games were brand new, and CoD 2 has the same multiplayer as CoD 1- shoot as many people as you can- would people consider that to be a port?
Name the 6 great exclusives that Ps4 or Xbox One had in the first year. It's definitely a good thing.

I'm not getting into console wars. Of course it's a good thing. It's just not INSANE. I'm saying that if Nintendo puts out two games next year, Nintendo fans shouldn't be saying "Well, we six last year, which is INSANE AND IMPOSSIBLE".


I am SUPER concerned about what 2018 looks like on the Switch, considering how many heavy hitters we're getting in 2017.

- New Zelda
- New Mario
- New Splatoon
- New Xenoblade
- New Franchise Entry: ARMS
- Definitive Mario Kart
- Definitive Pokken
- Premium Mario Spin-off (Mario + Rabbids)

Like...shit...what's left for next year? Metroid won't arrive in time. Maybe they'll surprise us with Wave Race/F-Zero. I feel like DKC would have been announced if it were happening.

Pokemon and Fire Emblem will both be huge, but are they enough?

Kirby/Yoshi I totally forgot about, but I mean, are they even as big as the others, even when put together?

If Pokemon comes in 2018 it will definitely be enough by itself. Honestly


What is even going on in this thread? lol

To the op:

No i think Nintendo is pretty smart with this. although there is portion of gaf who thinks wiiu was the best thing ever, nintendo burned a lot of bridged with that system. By placing Zelda and Mario "back to back" nintendo is showing they are fully behind this plattform rather then a lukewarm support.

As for your question how they are gonna contuinie this, assuming there is no 4ds hidden in kimishimas desk i think nintendo is capaple of putting enough games on one plattform with a little support of third party cross overs and buyed in exlusives
My contention was that if it originally came out for PS4 it wouldn't have sold 5 million. Nintendo threw a ton of marketing behind it because it's all they had that year.
Japan alone would've guaranteed its success, this also assumes that the vast majority of people that bought Splatoon didn't have another console and that they really were starved for games due to only owning a Wii U, which I rather doubt that many people only had a Wii U.

I have never stated that ARMS or Splatoon are bad games, simply that they are inflated for their console. I will fully admit I have less than zero interest in either. Motion controls and any game using them will never be used by me again(multiplayer makes it even less likely). My second contention was that if you tried to sell anyone other than a Nintendo audience on a motion control based game, they wouldn't give a damn. I stand by it.
First of all as already pointed out the kinect sold very well, it's not just Nintendo audiences that like motion controls, second of all you don't have to use motion controls in either ARMS or Splatoon. and while you may not have said they were bad you did say they were B-tier "at best" which makes it abundantly clear you've not touched either.

My third contention is that threads like this one are completely annoying because Nintendo has set such low expectations for it's release schedule that (for argument's sake) 6 GREAT games a year is now INSANE.
I think it's fair to say that the legend of zelda series and the 3D mario series are, objectively, two of the most critically acclaimed series of all time, that's what the OP is talking about, not only that, but they both are doing what many fans have been begging Nintendo to do with the series for years now, mixing up the formula in Zelda and going back to sandbox style for Mario. basically it's not only insane that we're getting a new title in both of these fantastic series in the same year, but that they knocked it out of the park with one and it looks they very well could with the other as well. Which is a great turnaround from the last entry in both these series which, while good games, largely disappointed people compared to the other offerings in the series.

My fourth contention (and I sincerely hope I am wrong) is that Nintendo will have next to nothing ready for next year, and the drought will return. Their pattern has yet to be broken.
they've already announced 3 games for 2018, 4 if we assume pokemon is coming in 2018, and recently they don't tend to announce things until we're less than a year out, maybe Zelda taught them a lesson, not to mention having both the console and handheld teams focusing on one platform? they'll be fine.
Guys, really, a rose is a rose is a rose. If someone wants to call Splatoon a first person survival horror game, I say, "Yup." If someone wants to claim Super Mario Odyssey is a remake of Bubsy 3D, I say, "Absolutely." If someone wants to claim Mew can be found under that truck in Red and Blue, I say, "There are no wrong answers." Everything is true and nothing is false. Once you have reached full enlightenment like me, then you will understand that anything goes on a video game message board.

…you have my sword.
I am SUPER concerned about what 2018 looks like on the Switch, considering how many heavy hitters we're getting in 2017.

- New Zelda
- New Mario
- New Splatoon
- New Xenoblade
- New Franchise Entry: ARMS
- Definitive Mario Kart
- Definitive Pokken
- Premium Mario Spin-off (Mario + Rabbids)

Like...shit...what's left for next year?
Given how quick they seemed to be able at putting stuff out for the Switch, I'm not particularly worried, even if we aren't going to get any exclusive, fully new BIG Nintendo franchises.

Hopefully at some point next year we'll start getting some VC games on the Switch and if they at least go to N64 I'll be happy (assuming they have the games I want available early enough).

And my fingers are crossed that we'll get either Smash Bros or Mario Maker remasters, hopefully around the summer time like MK8D and Arms were this year.
sounds like a great thing tbh. great launch year for the switch, with no doubt that nintendo has a few other tricks up their sleeves we know about (metroid prime, pokemon rpg, kirby, splatoon 2 etc) and don't know about (maybe new smash or deluxe port, new IP, new star fox, new f-zero etc etc)
I'm not getting into console wars. Of course it's a good thing. It's just not INSANE. I'm saying that if Nintendo puts out two games next year, Nintendo fans shouldn't be saying "Well, we six last year, which is INSANE AND IMPOSSIBLE".

It's pretty insane for us Switch owners man. Especially after the dry launch years we've had in recent times.


Uh huh.

Your post in regards to the Switch's potential cost -

Remind me again, can the average person find it in stock at it's MSRP of 299.99 in the US?

And oh, and looky here. Your response in a thread asking people why they're not getting a Switch at launch.

I don't think you get to judge me on making "delusional sweeping statements".

Haha. Did you seriously just dive into my post history to try and dig up some dirt. I'm sorry that my post hurt your feelings so much.

To be fair, that first statement was made before we knew the NX was a capable hybrid, and I'm not sure how stating that the Switch had no games that interested me at launch is in any way delusional. Do you know what that word even means.


My contention was that if it originally came out for PS4 it wouldn't have sold 5 million. Nintendo threw a ton of marketing behind it because it's all they had that year.

I have never stated that ARMS or Splatoon are bad games, simply that they are inflated for their console. I will fully admit I have less than zero interest in either. Motion controls and any game using them will never be used by me again(multiplayer makes it even less likely). My second contention was that if you tried to sell anyone other than a Nintendo audience on a motion control based game, they wouldn't give a damn. I stand by it.

My third contention is that threads like this one are completely annoying because Nintendo has set such low expectations for it's release schedule that (for argument's sake) 6 GREAT games a year is now INSANE.

My fourth contention (and I sincerely hope I am wrong) is that Nintendo will have next to nothing ready for next year, and the drought will return. Their pattern has yet to be broken.

You haven't played the game; you don't understand game nor its appeal; therefore, no one really cares about your market analysis.

Maybe it would've sold 5 million, maybe not. The one who has that answer is surely not you.


I am SUPER concerned about what 2018 looks like on the Switch, considering how many heavy hitters we're getting in 2017.

- New Zelda
- New Mario
- New Splatoon
- New Xenoblade
- New Franchise Entry: ARMS
- Definitive Mario Kart
- Definitive Pokken
- Premium Mario Spin-off (Mario + Rabbids)

Like...shit...what's left for next year? Metroid won't arrive in time. Maybe they'll surprise us with Wave Race/F-Zero. I feel like DKC would have been announced if it were happening.

Pokemon and Fire Emblem will both be huge, but are they enough?

Kirby/Yoshi I totally forgot about, but I mean, are they even as big as the others, even when put together?

Fire Emblem Switch will destory all in 2018!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Console wars are officially over.

Wouldn't that be a great thing? To see the end of the console wars! No more bloodshed. No more mothers, losing their children to the netherworld that is the console war battlefield.

Why do you care that people care enough to correct misinformation and false impressions?

I don't. You can make it your life's mission to correct each and every incorrect thing someone posts. Knock yourself out.

Which, of course, reminds me of this classic:

I'll be really curious to see what games we get from Nintendo in year two for Switch. Kirby and Yoshi seem like early 2018 titles based on how early they're talking about them. Personally, I'd love to see Animal Crossing, Pikmin 4, Luigi's Mansion 3 and a super beefed-up port of Smash 4. Not sure if we'd get all that in the same year but I can dream!
1st contention: I don't think Splatoon became the huge hit in Japan (possibly surpassing DRAGON QUEST of all things) solely because it was on a Nintendo console. The game itself did that.

No clue, but very little is selling big in Japan lately, so they definitely hit their mark there.

2nd contention: Are you aware that both Splatoon 2 and ARMS are fully, 100% playable without motion controls?


3rd contention: 6 great games as a single publisher is what we're talking about. And 10 games published for a single platform in its first 10 months. If you count multiple platforms they are publishing plenty more.

Nintendo has not solved their third party issues clearly, but that's not at issue here. We're discussing the quality and quantity of Nintendo's own output.

Since they have completely mangled their third party relations, they had better be ready to churn out the hits. Of course due to popularity, now they'll probably get a few third parties back, but the Switch isn't capable of parity with the other consoles, so it remains to be seen if that really matters.

4th contention: We don't know yet, but considering they clearly are consolidating development onto a single platform (as if the Pokemon announcement didn't signal that clearly enough) and they have been sitting on several finished games (SMO, Pikmin 4) I think 2018 will be good.

I doubt Pokemon or MP4 are 2018 games. Their 2018 is Smash, Pikmin, Yoshi and Kirby. My last opinion is that is a pretty thin gruel. And yes, I'm SURE many will feel differently, I have no problem with you loving it.


I don't. You can make it your life's mission to correct each and every incorrect thing someone posts. Knock yourself out.

But you do care, as shown by the fact that you are posting, which is the same metric you are using to suggest the people you are responding to care. You just have a profound lack of self-awareness.


I am SUPER concerned about what 2018 looks like on the Switch, considering how many heavy hitters we're getting in 2017.

- New Zelda
- New Mario
- New Splatoon
- New Xenoblade
- New Franchise Entry: ARMS
- Definitive Mario Kart
- Definitive Pokken
- Premium Mario Spin-off (Mario + Rabbids)

Like...shit...what's left for next year?
Metroid won't arrive in time. Maybe they'll surprise us with Wave Race/F-Zero. I feel like DKC would have been announced if it were happening.

Pokemon and Fire Emblem will both be huge, but are they enough?

Kirby/Yoshi I totally forgot about, but I mean, are they even as big as the others, even when put together?

New stuff is what I'm hoping.

I don't think it's very risky to assume that Odyssey is 100% complete for quite some time now, so the devs are working on something new already. It's also quite possible that some idea came up during its development that will be spun off to an entirely new game, like they did with Captain Toad.

The Mario Kart people just launched ARMS, so that will take a while.

Zelda people are working on the DLC. Aonouma mentioned some time ago a game about a thief. So that could be coming maybe.

Pikmin 4.

But there are many other teams left to fill in the gaps. I'm excited for 2018. Could be a lot surprising stuff.

And where the heck is Retro.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
But you do care, as shown by the fact that you are posting, which is the same metric you are using to suggest the people you are responding to care. You just have a profound lack of self-awareness.

Okay, then I care greatly? I'm really not sure what your point is, tbh.

with your help we could get it down to 91% though!

Nah, I don't want to impact Evilore's ad revenue :p
Since they have completely mangled their third party relations, they had better be ready to churn out the hits. Of course due to popularity, now they'll probably get a few third parties back, but the Switch isn't capable of parity with the other consoles, so it remains to be seen if that really matters.

But your earlier posts seem to be arguing that 10 games from a single publisher in 10 months, 6 of which can be considered great and 2 of which might be the best in their respective 35 year franchises is great, but not amazing. I'd say it's pretty amazing.

I doubt Pokemon or MP4 are 2018 games. Their 2018 is Smash, Pikmin, Yoshi and Kirby. My last opinion is that is a pretty thin gruel. And yes, I'm SURE many will feel differently, I have no problem with you loving it.

If the 2018 schedule literally just consisted of Smash, Pikmin, Yoshi and Kirby I would be massively disappointed. I know however that Nintendo announces games on a much shorter timeline before release. Retro's game for instance shouldn't miss 2018. There is likely plenty more that we don't know of.

I'm almost positive there will be a mainline Pokemon on Switch in 2018. I agree MP4 is unlikely to be there though.


Nintendo fans contention that anything released for a Nintendo system is somehow special or great is their own private delusion. Arms, Splatoon, 1 Fucking 2 Switch, FE warriors and Snipper clips would be at MOST b level releases on any other platform.

One of the most imbecilic shit post I've ever read. You must be proud.


Zelda wasn't developed for the Wii U and then ported to Switch. It was developed concurrently on Wii U and Switch, beginning when the decision to release the game on Switch was made, and necessitated the retooling of gameplay elements and changes made to the overarching story scenario as well.
Mentioning that Mario Kart 8 is a port is the truth, even if it's still a silly thing to point out (as though people owned or gave a shit about the Wii U in real numbers), but Zelda ain't no port

Well, it's basically the same game isn't it?


There is a pattern here. Those that claim that Splatoon 2 is a port do so in order to serve some narrative about Nintendo's output. Splatoon 2 is often mentioned in the same breath as a list of other titles, to serve as an evidence to some argument about Nintendo as a whole. Whether it's that Nintendo are lazy, don't actually have that many games, or aren't exceptional when compared to Sony or Microsoft. It's not at all surprising to see heavy bias in the way they perceive these games, when furthering that narrative is their end goal. Nor is it surprising when they are mistaken, often gravely, concerning Splatoon.

Look through all this 'splatoon 2 is a port' bullshit of the past half year, and see how many are associated with a list of other titles that prove X Y or Z about Nintendo.


There is a pattern here. Those that claim that Splatoon 2 is a port do so in order to serve some narrative about Nintendo's output. Splatoon 2 is often mentioned in the same breath as a list of other titles, to serve as an evidence to some argument about Nintendo as a whole. Whether it's that Nintendo are lazy, don't actually have that many games, or aren't exceptional when compared to Sony or Microsoft. It's not at all surprising to see heavy bias in the way they perceive these games, when furthering that narrative is their end goal. Nor is it surprising when they are mistaken, often gravely, concerning Splatoon.

Look through all this 'splatoon 2 is a port' bullshit of the past half year, and see how many are associated with a list of other titles that prove X Y or Z about Nintendo.

I'm not even sure how all this "splatoon 2 is a port" thing got started in this thread.

This thread was about how crazy it is that mainline zelda and mario are coming out so close together and how nintendo can hope to follow that up.
BotW, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Mario + Rabbids, Mario Odyssey and all those Neo Geo games. Even if that was everything released in 2017, the Switch would still likely be my favourite console of the year.


Wii U games were great, you don't know what you missed.

The Wii U's library is one of the big reasons I'm still not quite all-in on the Switch yet. my Wii U library is at least 50 games strong at this point and I still have to finish half of it.


I'm not even sure how all this "splatoon 2 is a port" thing got started in this thread.

This thread was about how crazy it is that mainline zelda and mario are coming out so close together and how nintendo can hope to follow that up.

Optimism and hype surrounding the Switch has been pissing people off for a long time. They keep seeing new and, to them, superfluous threads pop up about every little thing about the Switch. So, they take it upon themselves to knock Nintendo down a peg.


A publisher releasing two GOTY contenders, 2 big sellers, or 2 games with really high metacritic averages in the same year isn't unusual either. Multiple GOTY contenders arriving on the same console in a year isn't unusual. The Wii got Wii Sports and Twilight Princess (and Wii Play) all at launch. The N64 got Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, and Goldeneye 007 within a year. The GCN got Smash Bros Melee, REMake, and Eternal Darkness within 9 months of launch, plus Metroid Prime within the first year. The 360 got Orange Box, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo 3, and COD4 within a 4 month window. The PS2 got DMC, GT3, GTA3, and MGS2 within 6 months of each other.

If you're of the opinion that Mario and Zelda represent the pinnacle of console franchises, this is obviously an exceptional achievement, but to like, everyone else, it's just two more good/great games, spread out over 6 months, making them easily affordable and playable to the average player.

BOTW is one of the highest rated games in history, while the jury is out on Odyssey if it ends up like some in the past, it could also be as such. This isn't about 2 games that are super good or, really fun, it's about 2 games that could define entire generations in the span of 8 or 9 months.

Outside of that, there are plenty of other really good games on Switch. In relation to some other posters, I don't really see how you can buy a Switch and be angry, when the entire years lineup sans maybe Rabbids was announced prior to the systems launch. I personally think this is a great ass year to be a Nintendo fan, and it helps that the PS4 is also having a strong year as well.


That what happens when you decide to kill your console (and customers) mid-cycle to support your next business move right from the start. Insane, right ?
That what happens when you decide to kill your console (and customers) mid-cycle to support your next business move right from the start. Insane, right ?

SNES (1991) -> N64 (1996): 5 years
N64 (1996) -> GameCube (2001): 5 years
GameCube (2001) -> Wii (2006): 5 years
Wii (2006) -> Wii U (2012): 6 years
Wii U (2012) -> Switch (2017): 5 years

Wow dude yeah they really changed it up for the Switch! Insane, right?
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