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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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These rallies are proving exactly the monuments and celebrations of the confederacy need to go, and shouldn't have been made in the first place.

That this scum is on twitter complaining about "normies" seeing them for who they truly are speaks volumes.


If only....
I laugh every time I see the tiki torches.

Even when invoking white supremacist imagery from years past, they totally fail at it.

Why are those people responsible for the bad choices and hate of other Americans?

I personally hold them responsible for pushing that obscene and damaging "post-racial" America mythology during Obama's first term.
I vividly remember them crucifying Eric Holder's "nation of cowards" speech because it wasnt the sort of thing they wanted to hear at that time.


I personally hold them responsible for pushing that obscene and damaging "post-racial" America mythology during Obama's first term.
I vividly remember them crucifying Eric Holder's "nation of cowards" speech because it wasnt the sort of thing they wanted to hear at that time.

And were these all the same people? Or are you just blasting a random assortment of liberal personalities?
And were these all the same people? Or are you just blasting a random assortment of liberal personalities?

White liberals are the only ones with the power to stop the spread of white supremacy.

White supremacy has flourished for all of American history.

So yes, they are culpable.

Late Flag

These rallies are proving exactly the monuments and celebrations of the confederacy need to go

I completely agree. At this point, I don't think anybody can deny that these things are NOT just about "remembering history" or whatever. There are a disturbingly large number of people who see folks like Jefferson Davis as heroes, not just historical figures. This sort of thing belongs in a museum, not a public square.
I've stopped in Charlottesville a few years back and , while I had few interaction with people in the area, it seem primed fir an Alt Right gathering. Town wears it's confederate history as a badge of honor.
As a german seeing the similiarities between what our people did in the 20s and 30s and what's happening in the US these days makes me feel really uncomfortable.

As an American whose mother was a college history professor I'm right there with you.

And unfortunately I don't think it will get better anytime soon because of racial demographic changes. If current trends continue white people will be a plurality rather than the majority pretty soon. Racial tensions will get worse before they get better.

The educated among us have to be vigilant and do whatever we can to stop things from spiraling out of control.
To think that minorities demanding equality is somehow "white genocide" shows how deeply entitled these people are to white privilege.

These white supremacists are the enemies of equality, the enemies of equality and the enemies of freedom.
They are enemies of the US constitution and the most fundamental ideas the nation was founded on.


I'm in Myrtle Beach right now... leaving in an hour or so. My GF's parents are stopping half way back and staying in Charlottesville. Hopefully things are calm now.
I laugh every time I see the tiki torches.

Even when invoking white supremacist imagery from years past, they totally fail at it.

Why are those people responsible for the bad choices and hate of other Americans?
Because they don't make an effort to actually hate to task. Obviously the racists are worse but the people who claim to be on the side of sanity but keep enabling these groups by shaming those that try to speak out against them are what give hate a cover.

This is how we end up shocked when people across the country do things like say the confederacy just stood for state's rights, or voting by the millions for the nost openly racist man to become POTUS in generations.


I'm not even sure what you are trying to say. Even ignoring the part about that it was never the national anthem.

Sorry, co-national anthem. I'm sure this distinction is VERY important to you. The fact that your entire contribution to a thread about white supremacy is to stan for the sanctity of your country's white supremacist past is not a good look, PdotMichael.


It's crazy because before Hitler was elected we also had these marches from Nazis and a lot of people seem to underestimate the power nazism has when you have a decent figure to follow. Now at the moment i don't think Trump is that person but i could easily see someone worse get elected who isn't as stupid as Trump.

Hitler only got 33%(12 million votes) of the vote in the last free election in germany and then started to dismantle the state.

I guess what i'm trying to say is people shouldn't underestimate or laugh them away because they seem to be a minority at the moment.
The state had already failed. Weimar Germany was effectively in civil war with paramilitaries of the parties openly battling in the streets. The government was so divided it ruled by decree as it could not form legitimate governments with two anti-democratic parties in the Communists and Nazi's holding a majority in the legislature. This had further tarred the democratic parties as they weren't governing through democratic means anyway and were active forces in the street battles rather than upholding a neutral rule of law.

The Nazi's essentially won the civil war then retroactively put a legal stamp on it.

The American state is quite strong and supported by a system of distributed power bases that never existed in Germany. The continuance of state power from W. to Obama to Trump has been quite remarkable especially as the government and its central personnel have swung wildly about.

The Nazi Party was a powerful force operating as effectively a counter-state in waiting. These disorganized and easily identifiable pockets of racism arming themselves at Pier One are hardly a comparable threat.

They are certainly not worth starting a counter paramilitary to first deploy coordinated and extensive violence, especially aimed obliquely against the government and state, as members in this thread happily advocate from the warm glow of a fairly stable society.
As someone who is directly targeted by these people, I still disagree. You really want this US government to decide what is legal to say? That's even scarier.

Fuck these nazis and the fact they are finally confident enough to crawl out of their holes. This shit upsets me deeply, but I'm not convinced this is anything new.

Neo-nazis and KKK have never gone away, they just went deeper underground. The internet has given them a new voice, but I believe they are still a very small minority.

You’re debating different things now. The ACLU is going to defend the laws and rights in US law currently revelant.

They’re no hate speech restrictions here so you wanting them to pick and choose goes against their mission.

Personally, I want nothing to do with hate speech laws here. Mostly because I don’t want the government, one so in love with locking people up, criminalize more aspects of society. This what people who bring up Europe and Canada seem to miss.

Then what do you two want done about this? Because they are still growing in numbers and influence.


Governor and 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Terry McAuliffe is telling people to stay away:
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe urged Virginians to stay away in a statement released hours before a planned “Unite the Right” rally that could bring thousands of white nationalists, neo-Confederates, alt-right activists, and counter protesters to Charlottesville.

“In advance of [Saturday’s] rally there have been communications from extremist groups, many of which are located outside of Virginia, who may seek to commit acts of violence against rally participants or law enforcement officials.

“In the event that such violent or unlawful conduct occurs, I have instructed state public safety officials to act quickly and decisively in order to keep the public and themselves safe,” Governor McAuliffe’s statement read. “I want to urge my fellow Virginians who may consider joining either in support or opposition to the planned rally to make alternative plans.

“Many of the individuals coming to Charlottesville are doing so in order to express viewpoints many people, including me, find abhorrent.

“As long as that expression is peaceful, that is their right. But it is also the right of every American to deny those ideas more attention than they deserve.

“Men and women from state and local agencies will be in Charlottesville tomorrow to keep the public safe, and their job will be made easier if Virginians, no matter how well-meaning, elect to stay away from the areas where this rally will take place.”

The governor said Virginia State Police would handle police planning and response for rally and that the Virginia National Guard was on stand by if needed.
This disgusting shit and some of the response to it have been infuriating. These people would want to see me run out of the country or dead, but yeah, let's meet them halfway. The fuck.


This makes me extremely sad, angry, disappointed all at once. We as society should be better than this.


You do know a lot of these people are Trump voters right? They did robo calls for him during the election. It makes up a good size of his base. Fact.
On a Twitter video I saw, several of these d-bags had shields with the Detroit Red Wings logo on them. I can't imagine these were on sale next to the tiki torch summer blow-out, has the alt-right appropriated that logo?
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