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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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More publishers should take down revenue for anything Let's Play related and I don't know why people here always defend Let's Play peoples' "rights" for internet money. The OP video, what is this even. Some talentless edgelord in chat with another edgelord filming himself consuming an ugly videogame that someone else created. There's nothing "transformative" about this or whatever braindead argument people from that genre use as a defence when they are threatened with less income. There's zero talent involved with this particular kind of gaming video. And when people that have zero talent and the mental state of a 14 yo accidently strike gold with their videos, they start thinking that they are just "like South Park, because I'm saying outrageous shit - I kill jews XDDD". Cut the money, so the internet isn't further flooded with such worthless content that's open for children.
Calm the fuck down, why don'tcha?

People absolutely should be able to earn money entertaining over video games. Get over yourself.
But it's not a slippery slope. Because the things at the end of the slope literally already happened. Abusive developers did try to silence criticism, precisely by using DCMA strikes.

Ideally, this would prompt Youtube to actually consider and properly review content and how it is used. To distinguish users caught up in a situation like Jim Sterling, where devs try to smear him for his criticism of their business practices under the auspices of damaging their business, vs developers not wanting their game to be associated with someone who can justifiably found to be either offensively apathetic of their use of racially charged language, or just outright racially hateful.

Unfortunately, we do have to factor in that youtube will not be smart about this.


I can already hear the pitter-pattering of "If you stop racists assholes from making money off video games, where does it stop???? Slippery slope! Both sides!".

It's definitely not a "both sides" situation. The only racist here is PDP. And Campo Santo's intentions are 100% good. I just worry about it setting precedent for other publishers with less than noble intentions. Last thing we want is a situation where a company like WB gets to determine who's allowed to review their games on YT based on who's been favorable to them in the past.


Ok dude. Let me elaborate.

Given the context of this thread I was referring to the frequency at which the word "Nigger" is encountered on the internet and specifically Online Multiplayer Games.

Because in comparison the frequency that you would encounter the use of this word in Real Life/Out in Public is less. (Especially here in Dallas, there are places that would get your ass shot or stabbed).

PewDiePie the person in which is the perpetrator in this case is who? A Internet personality. Who specifically was doing what? Playing a online video game.

My (rhetorical thought) question was more about the ignorance and the casual use of racial words used in the mutliplayer gaming community at large.

PewDiePie is a person who lives in Sweden. How the hell can he understand the legitimate grievances of Black People here in America?(Which I doubt he cares anyways.) He hasn't grown up in America to experience first-hand the racial division that exist here in this country. He will never truly understand the evil, hateful, painful, wicked, and miserable legacy that the word "Nigger" has carried throughout American history.

You can tell someone how bad something is, but until they experience it first-hand they will never truly understand.

They use the word in Europe too . Where they had colonies for centuries. It's not just American history you would have to be beyond ignorant to not know.


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

Why did whyman think this post was a good idea?

Not okay at fucking all. As far as I'm concerned this is just as blatant an abuse of the DMCA as the shit Alex Mauer was doing. Maybe it is within their rights, but it's an asshole thing to do and sets a terrible precedent if they get away with it, both in a literal sense and in the court of public opinion.

Not a fan of Pewdiepie either, but two wrongs don't make a right.


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

It's always the fault of black folks.

Every fucking time.


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

So it's my fault PDP called someone the n word out of rage? Lol. If the internet becomes more heavily moderated and things like LP's being monitored to a higher degree the community has no one to blame but themselves for not standing up against human refuse like PDP.

I can't believe people are upset about this action being taken rather than being upset that minorities, including young children, have to navigate an online venue where the worst racial slurs are used with impunity.


Using a racist slur doesn't make you a racist. It's a stretch, but it's possible. Context is often important but, this is someone using the term out of anger and it's being a synonym for "asshole". It's part of his developed English lexicon because he wouldn't have grown up exposed to the word via family members saying it.

If this had been once incident of PewDiePie saying something like this, I think people might be willing to see it as a mistake and accept an apology but it's not. It's not the first and it won't be the last. This isn't a kid trying to look like a big man online, this is an adult and he should be treated the same way any adult who finds Nazi jokes and racism funny. Treat them with utter contempt.

Nope, not that word. If that word leaps from your mouth in getting mad at a video game. Chances are you use it pretty freely, which he goes on and admits in the video. So yes he is a racist.

Folks just trying to make being called a racist worse then actually being a racist

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Even took it a step further by indirectly confirming how natural it is for him by pointing out he forgets he streams sometimes.

Ironically, I first heard of PewDie Pie when he was streaming P.T. ahead of release.
I was thinking to myself: "How'd he get first dibs on that?" Then I was introduced to the YouTube Influencers explosion.

More on topic:

Either he needs to get his shit in order, or it's better for everyone that he leaves YouTube. He did say he was going to retire or was that a troll?


If someone wants to start a thread about DMCAs and Fair Use vis a vis Let's Play videos, I encourage that. But let's not turn this thread into that, please.


Not okay at fucking all. As far as I'm concerned this is just as blatant an abuse of the DMCA as the shit Alex Mauer was doing. Maybe it is within their rights, but it's an asshole thing to do and sets a terrible precedent if they get away with it, both in a literal sense and in the court of public opinion.

Not a fan of Pewdiepie either, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Or maybe they don't want their content to be associated with a man using racial slurs. At the very least they can get the shit demonitized


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

lol. For everyone using the 'black people use it too!' excuse maybe its because they seem to be the only ones able to differenciate between "nigga" and the hard -er word.

Im a black person in hip-hop NYC proper and if I rolled up to a black stranger using the later I expect at best a curse out and in the way PDP used it, a punch in the face.



Unconfirmed Member
Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

Excuses like this have always blown my mind. Everyone in America (especially black people) isn't running around and saying "nigger" all of the time. It's not a thing that happens in objective reality. "Nigga" is said more frequently, but even then it's not said by everyone (not even all black people).

"Nigga" != "Nigger" and PDP made sure to emphasize the hard-R. It's weird to me that you seem to be able to distinguish the difference between "to" and "too" in your post ("it's" and "its" is a different story), but somehow you just can't accept that a word used by racists to say racist things is different than a word used by members of the black community (not everyone)


Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.
What type of logic is this?
How did you think this ignorant post was a good idea?


I don't get "this isn't too bad, but it's a slippery slope that can lead to something bad!!!"
If that ever happens, you can protest against it. Until then, it's fine.
Yeah, bemoaning potential "what if" slippery slope DMCA scenarios when we have an established white supremacist spreading racist and intolerant viewpoints to his audience of children... yeah, I can see which issue should be generating more concern here.

I won't begrudge ANYONE for using ANY means at their disposal to punish PewDiePie and punish YouTube until he is forced to stop. He has exhibited a flagrant lack of responsibility on a repeated basis for his stature as a role model to his audience of kids.


This is truly disturbing. And dangerous. Kids watch this. Can we please stop normalizing racism?
I dont get it. What the fuck pdp. Why? Why did it come so naturally for you? You talk like that off stream a lot? I feel so bad for all his poc fans. What a fucking spit in the face.


Using a racist slur doesn't make you a racist. It's a stretch, but it's possible. Context is often important but, this is someone using the term out of anger and it's being a synonym for "asshole". It's part of his developed English lexicon because he wouldn't have grown up exposed to the word via family members saying it.

If this had been once incident of PewDiePie saying something like this, I think people might be willing to see it as a mistake and accept an apology but it's not. It's not the first and it won't be the last. This isn't a kid trying to look like a big man online, this is an adult and he should be treated the same way any adult who finds Nazi jokes and racism funny. Treat them with utter contempt.

hey just so you know, using racial slurs to refer to other people makes you a racist

hope this helps


maybe learn that this isn't the subject to whine about perceived DMCA abuse

To be fair. If you believe in something that strongly, any subject is the subject to bring it up. For the same reason I believe in freedom of speech, and if people were calling for his arrest I would say that was wrong.

Saying that, YouTube should drop him, and even though I don't like the fact that DMCA's can be used to hit streamers and let's players arbitrarily - if companies are using the system for business reasons, I wholeheartedly support anyone DMCAing Pewdiepie for being blatantly racist.
It's almost like he's been a piece of shit for a while now.

In a perfect world, other major YouTube personalities will call him out on his shit and condemn him. Realistically they'll invite him on a podcast and pepper spray him for charity.
Not okay at fucking all. As far as I'm concerned this is just as blatant an abuse of the DMCA as the shit Alex Mauer was doing. Maybe it is within their rights, but it's an asshole thing to do and sets a terrible precedent if they get away with it, both in a literal sense and in the court of public opinion.

Not a fan of Pewdiepie either, but two wrongs don't make a right.

They don't want their game associated with a racist piece of human garbage.
Pewdiepie should get banned from Twitch or Youtube or however he streams, but I hope the CS DMCA request fails. I don't think companies should be allowed to dictate which content creators get to use their products.


How is this going to help? Pretty sure you cant abuse the youtube system like this.

Ps. This is not me defending PDP, this is just me wondering if they can actually do this and make it stick.

Youtube is private servers can can make any interpretation of copyright as long as it doesn't run counter to actual law.

edit: goddamnit didn't see the mod post
Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.
He didn’t use the word that black people say, he used a hard r not a so miss me with this nonsense.
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