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The state of NeoGAF

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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I welcome the change. The mod and culture of the OT was absolutely toxic and it bled over into the gaming forum.

I hope threads will focus on games and general entertainment and less about politically charged witch hunts.


Games are political. Art is political. It's a US centric form, the bulk majority of the political discourse will be US related. 99% of the threads on the gaming side aren't political, it's very easy to avoid

And for the few threads that weren't you could just use the Greasemonkey script to block 'em.

Hell, if you wanted to never see a Trump thread again in your life, you could filter them out easy peasy.


If you thought this community was worth saving, you would step down, but we all know that's not going to happen. Your only real concern is your income and your pride.

Also, why aren't mods paid? Modding such a huge site is time consuming. So you get all the money while the team that helps you gets none? Selfish


Unconfirmed Member
If you came to a video game site to get your fitness advice, then your not serious about getting in shape.

this is the garbage-tier posts this site is going to be left with now there's no ot.

I hope you're prepared for the sort of community this will build.


Then leave, brah. If Tyler is serious about restoring order, I'm happy to say i'm back.

Never, I going to forever call out Tyler BS. Cuz guess what this for storing or their stuff only really started when he got called out for being a creep, he trying to change the discussion m


To be honest I'm just glad it's back. The only issue I have is supporting Evilore financially by visiting as long the allegations haven't been cleared up. If it turns out to be true, I'm out or would want Evilore to give up the forum to someone else, if it turns out to be bogus then all is fine.
I don't get people who believe the allegations 100% without any proof. I know it's hard for women to come out when it comes to these issues, but just assuming someone is guilty because someone else said so isn't something reasonable people do.

The mass banning of threads is somewhat fishy though and I believe that at least some of the mods also left because they don't believe Evilore.

Closing OT for now is a good decision though. Over the years and especially since Trump has been elected and racism is on the rise people started to jump down each others throats as soon they didn't share the exact same position. I realise it's only natural for a progressive place to react to the radicalization outside that affects PoC and in general minorities inan equal radical manner, but it had gone too far at some points.

I just hope this place can strive with or without Evilore. I don't see why it has to be shut down completely even if the allegations are true if Evilore takes the proper steps.

Also can someone tell me what all those alternate forums are? First GeoNaf which doesn't exist anymore, now i read something about ERA. I'm on Waypoint and Gaf for now, if someone has a place where a lot of people are migrating because they don't want to spend time here can someone PM me to what places that are? I'd appreciate it.

I can understand people who just say fuck it and won't come back, but I'd advocate for staying calm and see how things turn out while we can still share the passion for our hobby.

this is the garbage-tier posts this site is going to be left with now there's no ot.

I hope you're prepared for the sort of community this will build.
I mean gaming side was alright most of the time and I don't think OT influenced gaming that much most of the time. It just needs proper moderation.
Believing in victims/accusations enough to investigate their claims makes sense. It's the reasonable thing to do. Harassing someone and trying to destroy their livelihood without any actual investigation taking place is just witch hunting mob mentality. IMO, the more miscreants who account suicide here, the better. We'll be a better community for it.


theyre likely all the special ones who made this place shit anyhow.


Neogaf should be about the games as far as I am concerned. This is way I started reading (and sometimes posting) here all those years ago. Finally back to the real Neogaf. Thanks.

That's how I feel really. I come to a gaming forum to talk about games.


Ten years of an amazing community down the drain because of the act of one individual. Truly sad...

Going to miss this place.
I feel like some of you guys are being overly aggressive over something that's not confirmed and that's the only thing i'm going to comment on this subject.

So glad gaf is back just in time for MARIO ODYSSEY!!!


This exactly. It's none of my business what goes on in others personal lives, I'm here to talk about games first and foremost and other forms of entertainment such as movies and sports. Like you, NeoGAF is my #1 source for gaming news and reviews and would like it to continue to be.

you can have that, and also other discussions of a more serious nature. it's not hard to ignore what you don't want to read.


Normal for you maybe. This site has literally thousands of lurkers and former banned members who just wanted a place to have fair and balanced discussions about games/movies/nerd culture in general. NOT be preached at by holier than thou, sanctimonious types and told they are Nazis because they are to the right of Joseph Stalin.

This USED to be a place where EVERYONE could have a voice as long as they weren't being pricks or arguing disingenuously. It CAN be that again.
Hell yea dude free amirox



This place is a shell of what it was without OT. Really, gaming discussion here is no different than reddit.

Good luck with whatever this is.


It's not true, the individual making the accusation isn't credible, the story doesn't reconcile logically with the facts, and there's plenty of evidence and witnesses to corroborate that. It'll be a process.

Then surely you could've presented even a small sample of evidence that would somehow prove your innocence rather than having us take you at your worthless word?


I don't know what to believe, but I believe the forum is bigger then one person. Still think Evilore has a right to defend himself as does woman making the aligation to make their case. Genuinely hope it's not true what came out. I Wont leave but will be taking a quiet approach for the time being until more becomes clear.
I welcome the change. The mod and culture of the OT was absolutely toxic and it bled over into the gaming forum.

I hope threads will focus on games and general entertainment and less about politically charged witch hunts.

OT became a complete and total shit show the past few years. I would like to see it return someday sooner, rather than later. But a concentrated effort needs to be made to make the mod team an EQUAL mix of left and right leaning people who will support discussions and not sanctimonious preaching and dog piling.


You really lack any sort of self-awareness or empathy, don't you? This woman accuses you of sexual harassment -- not the first accusation leveled your way -- and your first public response in three days is to throw her under the bus and call her crazy? You realize how much of douchebag you come off as in saying that? Not that you care. Or do you?

You always have had a tendency to project your insecurities and failings on other members of this community that you like to brag that you created and help cultivate. How many have you permanently banned here because of your insecurities? How many good posters have you run off? It wasn't the atmosphere that was created by the OT that ruined GAF. It was you.

The OT was a place for so many people to gather -- those who may or may not still have a place in their life for video games, but could connect with others of equal interests or lifestyles. You want to say GAF was all about video games, but it's always been much more than that. And your hypocrisy -- your ignorance -- your unwillingness to take any sort of personal responsibility in light of these accusations and do the right thing -- will be the downfall of this great community.

So you can sit around your swanky apartment, and perhaps even convince yourself that you were in the right all this time and it was everyone else that was wrong. It wasn't you, it was the OT. It wasn't you, it was the thousands of posters who saw through your bullshit. You can collect those fat checks that will still be coming from your malicious malware advertising on here. But as long as you sit atop NeoGAF, then NeoGAF is not a place I want to visit.


I'm glad GAF is back and the community shouldn't have to suffer. This is a really poor way to handle this situation, though, and I hope a better path forward is in the works.


I think elimination of the political and social threads is a good idea, at least for now. In the last year, many, if not all of those threads, became toxic. No one could speak their minds. God forbid you had a slightly different viewpoint, everybody would turn against you. It wasn't civil, it was ridiculous. I would rarely post in any of those threads and would just watch the chaos ensue. Crazy.


The answer to people having issues with mod accountability is not to make moderation anonymous. That’s the exact opposite of what should be happening if you actually wanted to address people’s concerns on that front. It’s entirely tone deaf.

Modding was already anonymous. Unless a mod specifically responded to you in a thread, you had no idea who banned you. Topics are closed with mod bot. Enforcing guidelines and best practices is best left behind closed doors.

Hopefully some lessons were learned.


You know what I've always hated most about Neogaf?

I rarely felt like I could speak my mind. You risked being called something terrible for simply asking a question, or asking for more evidence, or simply being on the fence about something. I realize people hate toxicity, but the ban culture here -fostered- toxicity because the bandwagon attack mobs were allowed to shower insults at will... even if the insults themselves were hate driven ['cunt', for example].

If you asked a question, you were accused of baiting. Do you guys realize how toxic that is? People should always be allowed to ask questions. If you asked for more evidence, you were done. Heck, I fucking hate Trump. But if I mention that? Then clearly, I'm lying... right? I'm just setting up for something else. Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I've been far more left than almost every one here for longer than most here have been alive... but just because I don't agree with their agenda I risk being painted as a fascist, which is absurd. That's a culture of fear. That's censorship through ideology shaming. I guarantee my anarchy trumps your fucking Clinton loving nonsense, but god forbid I say anything against Clinton, because I get painted as a Trump loving fascist. That's sick. Sick, sick, sick. Broken minds led by broken ideology ruled by broken moderation that can't handle being questioned.

Now, you know what? I don't know if you're guilty of anything. I don't know if what was said to happen happened, and honestly, even if it did, I don't know what signals were or weren't sent, or what level of miscommunication happened. So I don't particularly like that you were summarily executed by mob. My guess is you're full of shit... but I know that's just a guess. I know I have no idea. And I won't execute you for it, just like I wouldn't execute Naughty Dog, even though it was so much fun for people here to leap to ridiculous conclusions based on a single tweet.

But you know what? You fostered an environment that summarily executes with no evidence. So while I hate it, and I'll -always- be on the side of 'wait for more information' regardless of the topic, I can't say I can't see the sick humor of it all. Some people need to learn by example, and if you're truly innocent of all charges, then I hope next time someone gets accused of something you support the presumption of innocence. This is not saying I don't think horrible things happen all the time - they do... my wife has been sexually harassed at work and I know how hard it is to come forward and rock the boat.

If you're guilty, then I hope you learn. Evolve. Grow. Become a better person. Everyone can change, even though some swear no one can.

If you're innocent, then also learn. Evolve. Grow. The culture of 'no proof needed' you fostered is sick... it flies in the face of everything our collective cultures have learned and fought for over the past few millennia. You reaped what you sowed, and it's either ironic, or horrifying, based on your guilt... which I can never know.

I'll probably get banned for this post. I don't think I said anything worth being banned for. In fact, I think this is a pretty fair assessment of both your actions, the accusations against you, and the general culture of this site. If you ban me, fine. If you don't, I'll still be here, posting, because, honestly, I don't judge a community on a single individual member. Heck, I don't judge -you- based on actions of a previous you, because I know people change over time.

People learn. People grow. People evolve. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Now it's time for you to do so, and in the process, evolve this site so it doesn't become an echo chamber of toxicity against anything deemed toxic.
Fuck this shitty website lol, I could run it better than you have and my experience managing communities amounts to running a discord server with 16 shitposters in it.

Can't imagine what you're feeling, but frankly I don't want to. Hope you take a long, hard look in the mirror every morning until you realize what you need to fix about yourself to get everyone to respect you again, but the chances of that happening are equivalent to Donald Trump realizing what a pile of feces he is before kicking the bucket.

Time to live up to my namesake and rage quit.


So glad to see GAF back up and running. I was really lost without it. The gaming content here simply can't be matched, and that's ultimately what we're all here for.


This site hasn't been what it used to be for a long time. The decision to shutter OT and political discussion is ridiculous.

I get that you're waiting for this to 'die down' but it won't.

The site is scarred and your presence is a reminder. If you care about the community, you should give up ownership of the site.

There's no weathering this storm. GAF is bigger and more meaningful than you and it's the right thing to do.
My primary reason for joining this site was because of the tight moderation, which led to more reasonable discussion compared to the majority of video games sites out on the web. It wasn't perfect by any means, but I feel it allowed for discussions that, on any other site, would get derailed immediately. That said, I never trusted Malka, and I regret supporting a website owned by such an awful person for so long. It's hard to believe that his ex was lying, especially when he's gleefully bragged about sexually harassing women before. If anybody's ever brought it up in recent times, he buries it. There are so many people like him, that act like everyone should just forget what they've said in the past, and make no effort to prove they've changed. It's just sad when somebody in such a high position within the industry could care so little about others. The worst part is, there are so many others just like this. He's a hypocrite, a dangerous individual, and I sincerely hope he ends up miserable and alone. Nobody deserves to be stuck with a person like that. I wish I had left sooner, and I'm happy to watch this site burn. The best aspects of this place had nothing to do with him. Also, huge props to the people who hopped off early last weekend without hesitation. We have to stop letting people like this go unchecked.


It blows my mind so many people are ok with Tyler’s statement and kneejerk reaction to remove OT simply because “I just wanna talk about gamez”. This is way bigger than fucking video games.


Hoping to see OT back and a more targeted strike on the incendiary material that was apparently a problem. I'm here all day every day and manage to avoid it.



This is literally some trump like shit; blames ot and people "doxxing" for the mods leaving instead of looking at himself in the mirror. Fuck looking at what i could have done different im going to blame everyone else


And to many people it was a politics forum. There was another entire side to the discussion here that was very active.

Yeah. For me it was a politics/movies/tv/EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN forum with some game discussion dangling on the side. The community was large enough that you could probably find someone to talk about virtually anything.

The place already feels so empty.
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