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The state of NeoGAF

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Unconfirmed Member
[Redacted as the member no longer wishes to be associated with this website, and the reputational damage and distress caused by association with this website. In addition, the user considers that the action of the management, and the nature of the site and members of its community, renders the original terms and conditions of this site void, and it unconscionable for either side to be bound to them. The user reasserts their IP rights in all content and does not give any authority for its continued usage on this website. Despite requesting that the user's account be deleted, in accordance with data protection rules which apply to this website over multiple jurisdictions, the admin team have failed to delete this account, requiring the user to take its own steps to ensure the valid deletion of data.]


Man, y'all with the "he fostered this toxic culture" need to reflect hard. The people who jumped ship weren't asking you anything any decent person wouldn't do: listen, have respect, and try not to be indecent. They asked that you don't disregard women's views in video games, politics, or any other part of society. They asked you don't upset when LGBT people asked you to use their preferred pronouns. They asked you to not shit on minorities brutalized or murdered by police officers because they may have smoked weed in college. They asked you to be reasonable and have empathy for everyone. They asked you to not listen to hate and / or spread it. They asked you to care a little bit about more than just yourselves. A lot of y'all couldn't do that. You hated being decent because you felt entitled to your status. You didn't want to be challenged or be told you were doing things wrong or bad.

Y'all didn't care. They weren't toxic, y'all were. But even now you won't care. Why would you? You never cared to begin with.

You were living in LalaLand my man. They had their blacklist,they had their untouchables/ favourites.


Gold Member
I never jumped to any conclusion. I hope everything turns out well for you. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with some people? Random statement by some random girl, and people goes mad?
Okay, let's be real Evilore. You created this. You fostered this toxic community that destroys people the minute they have the slightest whiff of them doing something they don't agree with. Even if you didn't do it, you deserve the outrage from the culture that you allowed to persist on your fucking message board for so many years. This didn't just happen recently. This shit has been going on for sooooo long now and it's become increasingly insufferable in the past several years.

So, if you're asking why there's a witch hunt, you don't need to look very hard. You had every opportunity to stop this outrage culture a long time ago. And you didn't. And it's come back to bite you in the ass so hard.

Too damn right! The mods are also a massive problem on this forum. They add to the whole issue by banning anyone with a difference of opinion. The recent Pewdiepoe issue was disgusting where people wouldn’t read what other posters were saying, then say they were sticking up for him/enabling him. That’s just one example and now this has come back on Evilore. NeoGAF isn’t a place of reasonable discussion as much as it likes to pretend itself to be.


To be 100% fair, most of y'all "oppressed" views were toxic, racist, misogynist, and always 100% shitposting because y'all hated discussions because your ego and pride couldn't stand being wrong so lashing out was the best option.
Man, y'all with the "he fostered this toxic culture" need to reflect hard. The people who jumped ship weren't asking you anything any decent person wouldn't do: listen, have respect, and try not to be indecent. They asked that you don't disregard women's views in video games, politics, or any other part of society. They asked you don't upset when LGBT people asked you to use their preferred pronouns. They asked you to not shit on minorities brutalized or murdered by police officers because they may have smoked weed in college. They asked you to be reasonable and have empathy for everyone. They asked you to not listen to hate and / or spread it. They asked you to care a little bit about more than just yourselves. A lot of y'all couldn't do that. You hated being decent because you felt entitled to your status. You didn't want to be challenged or be told you were doing things wrong or bad.

Y'all didn't care. They weren't toxic, y'all were. But even now you won't care. Why would you? You never cared to begin with.

I appreciate you, Subpar Spatula.
I know some feel that moderation has become too strict here as of late, but NeoGaf is about the only gaming environment I know where people of color and members of the LGBTQ community openly step forward for discourse with no fear of repurcussions. It's exactly that environment that was fostered through the strict moderating, at least that's what I believe. It also is what made Gaf so special. Losing that isn't a win, but a loss.
I had largely stopped coming to gaf for gaming news years ago and had been coming here mostly for a fairly streamlined feed of news that I found interesting/relevant in off-topic. I just hope the community I enjoyed for mature discussion on social and political issues survives somewhere. Unforunately, it's been made clear that this won't be that place and, even if it were, I don't know that I'd be comfortable continuing to carry discussions here. I'm just very disappointed.


Ain't that the truth.

I don't want to get too much into my own sob story here but as a woman who was sexually assaulted by a man as a child, who spoke up about it only to see that man walk away scot-free with zero repercussions, this is just... I can't even describe it. It serves as a reminder of my place in the world, I guess. I liked GAF because it was a place that more or less respected women and minorities, a place where I could discuss video games without being reminded that I don't belong, a place where people could discuss issues of representation in video games without the discussion being drowned by cries of "SJW!!!". Now it's just another corner of the Internet full of neckbeards circlejerking about SJWs and virtue signaling. I'm just tired.

Just hang in there, hopefully GAF won't lose it's place. While GAF has its faults, in my view it had it's heart in the right place.


Nekketsu Kõha;252773559 said:
And you wouldn't be able to start the bait in the first place. Win win.

The difference is I don’t care if I’m banned for discussing politics or social issues.

It should be allowed, full stop.


Man, y'all with the "he fostered this toxic culture" need to reflect hard. The people who jumped ship weren't asking you anything any decent person wouldn't do: listen, have respect, and try not to be indecent. They asked that you don't disregard women's views in video games, politics, or any other part of society. They asked you don't upset when LGBT people asked you to use their preferred pronouns. They asked you to not shit on minorities brutalized or murdered by police officers because they may have smoked weed in college. They asked you to be reasonable and have empathy for everyone. They asked you to not listen to hate and / or spread it. They asked you to care a little bit about more than just yourselves. A lot of y'all couldn't do that. You hated being decent because you felt entitled to your status. You didn't want to be challenged or be told you were doing things wrong or bad.

Y'all didn't care. They weren't toxic, y'all were. But even now you won't care. Why would you? You never cared to begin with.

Yeah right, and when I asked for people to not start a rethoric of "whypipo" and how they aren't allies because of their privilege in a thread about a white person being run over by a car while protesting for the rights of PoC and other minorities I got shit on by those so, so loving and understanding OT people. Give me a break.

The problem is most of these people have no fucking clue if others are doing something wrong or bad, they just assume they do because this is 2017, Trump has won and racists are everywhere. And because there were so many of you who shared the same viewpoint you felt like you were morally in the right even when talking shit. It was toxic as all hell at times.


Neo Member
Junior member, but a 10 year lurker. Would also love a PM to the Discord chat - if anything, this whole debacle has made me realize just how important our voices can be. Would love the join the chorus of those who really want to make a change.

Onwards and upwards as they say, I dare say GAF as it's known for is done and dusted :(


But now I'm left wondering what the future is for this site

Help be part of the good things moving forward. The future of this site will be only as good as the community of the greatness of the people who make it as such.

Long as we have high engagement the right way here, the site will be fine.

It is up to us.

I can respect that and appreciate the response. I look forward to discussing games on here, just as I always have. I just don't want to downplay why people are upset about the accusation and EvilLore's response. I understand why people are leaving the site and respect that choice. Just hope we can keep having good discussions on here about games and the industry.


MULTIPLE witnesses have came out against him for the ass grabbing incident not long ago. Dude had a well documented sexual predator history with multiple witnesses. They just don't post at GAF for obvious reasons.

is it me, or saying that someone grabbing someone's else ass in a bar, makes that individual a "well documented sexual predator", devalues what someone who actually suffered from sexual predator went through
Whatever else can be said about the situation, it's very clear that Evilore's ability to lead the website has been fatally compromised. There is no future scenario where we look back at this moment and say "I'm really glad Evilore stayed on." Relative to the alternatives, he is nothing but a liability.

If Evilore cares about the community he has built, he will resign immediately.
Honestly the site is probably damaged goods. It was probably the most honest place for games discussion even with all it's faults. Because of its independence from the rest of the games media and game industry at large, it kept things focused and honest. Weeding out shills and the worst fanboys but also allowing honest criticism.

Even if you were a broke ass indie Dev and everyone loved you, if you put out a bad game then people would be honest. That honesty turned a lot of people away but you could never make an argument that the gamers opinions weren't the most valued. Aside from some gamer journalist/YouTuber worship the site never felt too biased to me.

Maybe it will stay that way but I can't imagine the industry caring as much about our opinions more here with all this insanity.

It was a cool thing when NeoGAF was born and that the GAF community got to live on for so long. I guess as long as someone's ego was attached to the site we should've seen that a straw would break the camel's back.


Nobody here is going to waste their time with this, you either believe it or you don't. If you were part of any community on here you'd know it, or soon will.

This. I mean... if they're paying attention they'd know. He's just trying to "prove you wrong".


For you.
Nekketsu Kõha;252773850 said:
Go away already. Or isn't ResistEra up yet?

Care to tell how was diablo allowed on the forum if your bullshit statement was true or you can't back up your shit with facts?


Where did all the juniors come from?

They still members are they not?

Does this mean they are lesser? Does it mean exactly what?

what is your point?

I been stuck as junior member since 2012. The basis how one becomes a "legit member" isnt left up to the user, it was left up to mods.

why categorize people.... isnt that the type of shit that seemingly creates a hostile and toxic community?

Since i joined in 2012, vs your 2008, my posts per day ratio is higher than yours!

So get off your high horse and just chill.
Just hang in there, hopefully GAF won't lose it's place. While GAF has its faults, in my view it had it's heart in the right place.

Thanks, man. It's just heartbreaking to think GAF as I knew it might be gone. People who didn't like that GAF was too "liberal" have a million other places to go to for video games discussion, but what about me and others like me? Where do we go now? GAF was the only one of its kind. If it disappears we have pretty much no other community like it to turn to.


Removing all political discussion, lol.


So long GAF, and thanks for all the GIFs.



Just gonna join the "pm me the discord" choir

Thanks, man. It's just heartbreaking to think GAF as I knew it might be gone. People who didn't like that GAF was too "liberal" have a million other places to go to for video games discussion, but what about me and others like me? Where do we go now? GAF was the only one of its kind. If it disappears we have pretty much no other community like it to turn to.

I guess we can only hope resetera will be good


It’s pretty sad that the actions of one man have fractured the entire community like this. It’s a shame you didn’t sell up when you did Evilore especially after the first incident.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

I think you need to seek professional help and admit that you may have a problem. Now this problem coupled with your ego has killed the thing you love.

Sorry it’s gone down this way, I’m now pretty lost. Hopefully ERA will be ok but nothing is gonna be the same as it was, not NEOGAF, not ERA, not any other site.

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs.


Have we forgotten the time old adage of innocent until proven guilty? The accusations are indeed troublesome and upsetting but I’m not going to prosecute someone without any facts to support the claims. Maybe she’s telling the truth, maybe she’s not. How the fuck would I know? How the fuck does anyone beside Tyler and his ex know? This is the problem with the internet in general, everyone goes apeshit at the drop of a hat.

Let’s take a breath.
The difference is I don’t care if I’m banned for discussing politics or social issues.

It should be allowed, full stop.

Yet no one with different political views or even a small difference in nuance was allowed.

Seeing you cry oppression of freedom of speech is the ultimate irony as most of you used to make threads demanding US do away with the first amendment. Still remember the thread where people called the ACLU worse than Hitler.


This has been difficult for me to process.

I've been a member of NeoGAF since I was 13, having joined during the pre-release of Zelda SS for the Wii and using my middle school's private email. At first this was just a cute little gaming site for me to browse, speculate about video game theories, gawk at screenshots and read about tech specs (I'm an engineering major now, I think video games ended up informing much of that decision).

This site has been in the background of my adolescent life. When I would read academic papers or news articles, I would browse GAF to see what sorts of discussion would pop up around that. Conversing and debating with adults two to three times my age shaped my mind, improved my diction (especially since English wasn't my first language), and taught me to realize - adults are fucking clueless. Grown men and women could be just as inept as the teenage me - but I learned empathy.

I read anecdotes from people of all leanings. The lack of organization in Off-Topic led me to wander into so many different areas of discussion, good or bad, controversial or not. Even when I didn't participate, just reading what different people had to say, the arguments tossed back and forth - it was so valuable. It gave me the confidence to speak up, assert my identity and my positions.

People declare this place to be an echo chamber, but that has negative connotations I don't think belonged to this site. Even amongst hard liberals, there were disagreements. "Conservatism" took on different meanings due to international users. This place aided in my critical thinking, I was able to discern which threads were worth browsing, and what discussions were nuanced and worthwhile to join in on. And it still managed to be my quirky little fun gaming site, from "Zelda U" to BotW's DLC release.

It definitely seems... weird. But being born in 1998, I'm certainly one of the earlier generations to be 'raised by the Internet', so to say. It's a marvel to read about so many different experiences from so many different personalities, and this site has managed to sustain an air of civil discourse for so long. Even with the instances of absolute stupidity, idiocy, criminal activity... ultimately there was a corpus of members with good spirit and morals who were able to keep it going.

So to see this site reach this point... it's disappointing. It's disheartening. I'm 19, I'm still young, naive, stupid. I don't think the recent course of actions have been right. I think communication should have been more open. The countless sub communities of this site whose members have invested so much of themselves, deserve better. Now as I browse Gaming Side, I feel physically uncomfortable.

There's no real reason for me saying all of this. I suppose I just want my perspective out there. I suppose I'm just procrastinating. I already knew I'd be posting less on this site due to college, but it's a conscious decision at this point. Gaming is getting more exciting - cool tech toys, great graphics, better and better games - I still want to browse and see all that in a well designed website, and I still want to be able to ask specific questions or PM people since sometimes users can be better than Google, but the atmosphere here has changed. And not for the better.


Nekketsu Kõha;252773469 said:
So it is ok to try and destroy anyone especially if you fail and now anyone who lets someone go from their job is an asshole and assholes in your book should be destroyed. Hope you get that discord invite.

I don't get the failing part tbh. The context of why and how someone is let go off the job is kinda important here and I already said he didn't get destroyed in any shape or form so how do you come to the conclusion I think he should be destroyed?
I see the reading comprehension skills and discussion culture of OT lives on. All I said is that Musk comes off as an asshole, that's all.
Have we forgotten the time old adage of innocent until proven guilty? The accusations are indeed troublesome and upsetting but I’m not going to prosecute someone without any facts to support the claims. Maybe she’s telling the truth, maybe she’s not. How the fuck would I know? How the fuck does anyone beside Tyler and his ex know? This is the problem with the internet in general, everyone goes apeshit at the drop of a hat.

Let’s take a breath.

Do you give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt after he bragged about assaulting women?


That I didn't know what happened with Amirox until this whole thing is a sign of something very wrong about the way things are (were?) handled on gaf.
How do you want people to feel they're part of a community if they're left in the dark for some huge, awful actions of one their prominent members. That HAS to change, whether it comes from a power trip or an inability to prioritize what's important.


Ain't that the truth.

I don't want to get too much into my own sob story here but as a woman who was sexually assaulted by a man as a child, who spoke up about it only to see that man walk away scot-free with zero repercussions, this is just... I can't even describe it. It serves as a reminder of my place in the world, I guess. I liked GAF because it was a place that more or less respected women and minorities, a place where I could discuss video games without being reminded that I don't belong, a place where people could discuss issues of representation in video games without the discussion being drowned by cries of "SJW!!!". Now it's just another corner of the Internet full of neckbeards circlejerking about SJWs and virtue signaling. I'm just tired.

Just hang in there, hopefully GAF won't lose it's place. While GAF has its faults, in my view it had it's heart in the right place.

I'm holding out hope that GAF will find new moderators that will allow proper discourse without it devolving into 4chan. That said I understand why people are abandoning ship...this whole thing is nuts.

The difference is I don’t care if I’m banned for discussing politics or social issues.

It should be allowed, full stop.

Once again, agreed. This disallowing of political discussion only makes this site worse...if we're ever going to put this ugliness behind us we're going to need to speak candidly.


Glad the site is coming back; hope piece by piece will be able to have OT and such back as well. Just hope people are able to calm down a bit and think logically going forward.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I honestly think a bit more containment of political speak would benefit the site. Politics became a sure fire way to derail a thread and was usually allowed. It also became a tactic for ban-baiting and dog-piling which was also usually allowed.

Let it exist in OT. Kill the shitposting around every single stupid Trump tweet. Give the political minded folks a place to chat but don't let it become the focus of this message board.

But then again, an awful lot of those who made the gaming side special are leaving, so who knows.

"Containment" can just turn things into more of an echo chamber, though.
Whatever else can be said about the situation, it's very clear that Evilore's ability to lead the website has been fatally compromised. There is no future scenario where we look back at this moment and say "I'm really glad Evilore stayed on." Relative to the alternatives, he is nothing but a liability.

If Evilore cares about the community he has built, he will resign immediately.

I'd agree with that. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the full timeline that the vice story put out makes a lot of sense. I don't hate him or am going to go crazy with the outrage, but I will probably have to leave if he stays.
Have we forgotten the time old adage of innocent until proven guilty? The accusations are indeed troublesome and upsetting but I’m not going to prosecute someone without any facts to support the claims. Maybe she’s telling the truth, maybe she’s not. How the fuck would I know? How the fuck does anyone beside Tyler and his ex know? This is the problem with the internet in general, everyone goes apeshit at the drop of a hat.

Let’s take a breath.

Even if Evilore is innocent, the delay of his response and the changes made to the site are completely indefensible.


If anyone has a PM to the discord, I would love one too; I need to fuel my Odyssey hype with the classic crew, and I also want to attend the Reset Era midnight launch!
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