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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Do you find the lack of control you have as a screenwriter frustrating?


It’s enough to drive you to write novels. Almost. This is the immutable law of the business: the only screenplays that aren’t tampered with are the ones that aren’t made. Making a movie is an ensemble act. Writers are not authors out there. And scripts are not books. They’re blueprints. You work with others or you’re gone.




Do you find the lack of control you have as a screenwriter frustrating?


It’s enough to drive you to write novels. Almost. This is the immutable law of the business: the only screenplays that aren’t tampered with are the ones that aren’t made. Making a movie is an ensemble act. Writers are not authors out there. And scripts are not books. They’re blueprints. You work with others or you’re gone.

See? I'm not making this stuff up! :)


Very educational, and also one of the reasons I love manga because I feel it doesn't stifle creative vision as much as other visual storytelling mediums.

This has me wondering, how much of what Koimoku paints actually happens in the manga industry?


If you want to be able to translate your own screenplays directly to screen, just become a director/producer with several massive blockbusters to your credit.


If you want to be able to translate your own screenplays directly to screen, just become a director/producer with several massive blockbusters to your credit.


You wouldn’t want to direct your own screenplays?


It is sort of a natural law that if you have any kind of significant success as a screenwriter, the next thing to do (according to Darwin or someone) is to parlay that into some kind of deal where you’ll end up directing. Why would anybody want to stay a screenwriter, constantly handing your stuff over to other people to execute? On the other hand, I don’t know anything about directing, but what I’ve seen I don’t like. It takes over your entire life, physically, mentally, emotionally. If I weren’t a novelist and if I hadn’t written Clockers, I probably would’ve taken a stab at being a director, simply out of despair. Sometimes the fear of the unknown is not as great as the fear of things staying the way they are.


If you want to be able to translate your own screenplays directly to screen, just become a director/producer with several massive blockbusters to your credit.

Or just make lower budget movies and make sure you have great actors as your best friends. Works for Tarantino! :)
Bodacious Space Pirates 3

Unless they have invisible thrusters on those suits, zero gravity doesn't work like that.

Considering that they weren't attached to a line and it was their first spacewalk, I'd be shocked if those suits didn't have thrusters in them...

Milky Holmes 5

Pretty okay episode for one with
animal defacing!

I did have a pic of
Twenty's Beautiful Me
, but I dare not spoil the greatness for hosannainexcelsis.

Also lolCatMan

Beautiful Me, he is hilarious. :)

I've been watching this as well, and yeah, the dude just looks hilarious. I will say this, Milky Holmes themselves just aren't nearly as funny as 3-card, IMO. The main trio just come off as kind of flat characters, maybe because everyone else around them is so wound up and goofy. It's a very weird dynamic, I find myself watching for everything that happens around the main characters.
Main trio? You mean the main four characters, right? But yeah, the humor of the characters around them is often just as important to the humor as anything Milky Holmes do themselves, yes. That is true. I do think they're pretty funny at times, but the humor isn't always centered around them, sure. This becomes even more true once the police girls become major characters too, if they haven't yet at that point. Kokoro... :lol


Glass Fleet: The Legend of the Wind of the Universe 17


These are the eyes of a man who's seen some shit. A mirror most recently comes to mind.

"Would you just get to it already? I'm really not interesting in hearing about Eckardo's trouble with his love life." - Cleo of the Wind

In this episode the former general tries to tell Cleo of his parents tragic past after Cleo asks why he was abandoned. As the general tries to explain how it all went down, Cleo constantly rebukes him claiming that he's being irrelevant. Undeterred by Cleo's whining, the general continues his tale in the hope that it might teach Cleo something about the importance of love. Amazing.

I like how it's not so subtly hinted that Cleo has a twin. What with the baby crying after Cleo's mother kills herself and the general almost letting in Cleo on a big secret only to be interrupted by advancing enemies. I can only begin to image how such an amazing revelation could possibly play out later on.

The galaxy in revolution. Renaissance.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Rinne no Lagrange 12
I was pretty ready to write this show off just a few episodes ago but the season wrapped things up pretty nicely. It closes up the right things while still leaving lots open for the future, and I'm glad that things ended with Lagrange being able to end on its strong foot. So far the series is really best when it's playing up the spectacle, where the audio and visual elements really come to the forefront. There was plenty of that in these last two episodes and I'm hoping the series continues to push for that in the future.

For how good most everything else tends to look in this show the faces can really get wonky sometimes. I would not be surprised to find out Madoka is actually a fish person next season.


Rinne no Lagrange 12

Nice episode, though the lack of real mecha fight was a disappointment. For a show with giant robot in it, there has been so little time devoted to them compared to the rest.
I didn't realize this was the last episode too. So now to wait for July to see the second season? I really prefer when the seasons are kept back to back and not broken up.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Kid Icarus: Uprising: Palutena's Revolting Dinner Part 2

Palutena moé headtilt? Check.
Palutena kicking arse? Check.
Naked hot spring Palutena fanservice action? Check.

SHAFT redeemed.

Poyopoyo 12: There was a surprising lack of felines in this episode.


The Ano Natsu soundtrack is pretty good, with a nice variety of track styles. I forgot how "spacey" some of the music was (for lack of a better term), even though it makes sense for it to be so.
My favorite track is still the one they used for most of the dramatic moments at the ends of episodes, though some of the more peaceful piano solos and guitar tracks are really nice as well, especially the acoustic instrumental cover of the OP, sign. I need to start playing piano again, but I don't know if there's any sort of free lesson guides out there to get me back into it.


Kid Icarus: Uprising: Palutena's Revolting Dinner Part 2

Palutena moé headtilt? Check.
Palutena kicking arse? Check.
Naked hot spring Palutena fanservice action? Check.

SHAFT redeemed.

Poyopoyo 12: There was a surprising lack of felines in this episode.

Indeed. There MUST be a way to buy/preserve these videos forever.


Ozma 1

Even going in with lowered expectations there's really not much to see here. Not that you'd want to anyway since everything looks so ugly. Moving on.


Bodacious Space Pirates 12

The end of this adventure was a bit disappointing as plot goes, though gotta hand it to Marika for handling the situation in such a cunning way.
Didn't like the ED for this episode though.


aquarion LOVE - 13


I was laughing . . . then right after, manly tears.

(Pity about the mecha action, which still remains the weakest part of the show. The CG robots lack any sense of weight, the choreography sucks, and their designs are atrocious.)

I love this show so much. One day I will go back and watch the nine episodes I skipped.

I think . . . my life has been changed.

When I wake up in the morning, I'll never look at the world in the same way again. Everything will be different.

Gattai in peace, friends.

Mirai Nikki 23 I don't know if I should love her or hate her

Rinne no Lagrange 12 troll start -_- something did just feel a bit off about this ep


Very educational, and also one of the reasons I love manga because I feel it doesn't stifle creative vision as much as other visual storytelling mediums.
True, but think also on a Board of Directors from any given experienced studio sharing their creative input to shape up a project in behalf of/along with the chief director. That possibly makes it a collaborative effort more creatively heterogeneous, but originally creative, than what many illustrated novel writers and their editors can come up with, right? I think it really depends on the work in question.


Taiga is different from Kirino in that A) she has actual justification behind her personality beyond 'because violent tsunderes are hot' B) she actually cuts that shit out when it makes sense for her to do so. C) she doesnt have the hots for her damn brother.

sounds like something i'd like to watch


Birdy the Mighty DECODE 10



Let's share the fruit of fate!

I think a spinoff with the reporting adventures of Muroto and Hayamiya could actually work.

What's with the Japanese making miniature versions of our monuments?

Well, someone finally realizes Shyamalan is completely insane. Shouldn't have said that to his face, though. Shyamalan's belief that he has been specially chosen by fate is not unusual for sociopathic tyrants.

This just isn't going to end well, is it?
Especially since she kissed him. There's never a kiss in anime that leads to good things.
If you havent seen Toradora yet you should. By far the least annoying kugiloli.

I was loving Toradora until I woke up one day and it went from an amusing, sweet, tsundere-centered rom-com to a dramatic drama with drama-centered drama.

Agreed about Taiga though. I have a low tolerance for Kugiloli's but she's easily the most bearable.


Does that include myself if I use a mirror?

Some would say yes, I'd say no. It's an acquired taste maybe, but watching the characters put up with all they put up with provides a certain level of entertainment. Plus the action scenes are cool.


I just finished Cowboy Bebop. What a great show! Had some dull moments yes, and in the end it felt like it was rushed to finish, but still loved it immensely.


Subete no aware
Jesus. I wonder if each character will have their own bad impersonations of ethnic accents?

In the Hetelia dub, did whoever do that do the same thing!?
Ah, watched to the end of the clip. England gets the bad British accent but China just sounds like the other Japanese characters - like someone from whatever LA voice acting studio they used.


I just finished Cowboy Bebop. What a great show! Had some dull moments yes, and in the end it felt like it was rushed to finish, but still loved it immensely.

I wish i could relive the first time I watched Cowboy Bebop. It holds up really well and is just plain fun to experience.
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