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Seinfeld is the Unfunniest Sitcom of All Time

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I actually found The Parking Garage to be horrifically unfunny. I think at that point I was realizing how small the budget for this show was. And I understand what they're trying to do with the humor (similar to Curb) but unlike Curb it seems really forced and unnatural.

- The goldfish joke, where were they going with that?
- I get it, parking garages are big and it's difficult to remember where you parked. Not funny.
- Peeing in the corner and getting caught. Not funny.
- Using the same excuse to the guard. Not funny.

I'm honestly trying to understand what you guys find utterly hilarious about these episodes. I don't get it.

It's like Satan is making you saying these things.

I've never seen anyone say any of these. You're a fucking troll.


I remember enjoying Seinfeld when I was a kid, but I just can't watch it now. There are some funny moments, but most of it just isn't that great.

Blade Runner is a nostalgia thing I think. If you hadn't seen it back then, I don't think it'll be enjoyable now. It's that way for a lot of older films, for many people.


Seinfeld and Blade Runner.

I'll bet The X-files is a cheap Fringe knockoff and Law and Order SVU is the greatest series on television.
Seinfeld is a sitcom about neurosis and characters who are perpetually unreflective no matter how big of a clue bat the universe tries to hit them over the head with.

The humor lay in examining how far the characters go to justify and defend their own self delusion. I don't think it's something everyone can get into, and I'm also not sure how well younger people would get it at all. (One could argue that headstrong young people are, themselves, still too unreflective about their own obsessions and ego to get why it is funny to see it mocked.)

But the thing is, what does make it more timeless that a lot of comedy is how well written and constructed it is. A Seinfeld plot is pretty clinical and detailed in how it takes apart the inner workings of neurosis. And how people set themselves up to be hoisted by their own petard. A lot of comedy ages badly because it's based on getting chuckles out of whatever sheer stupidity happens to be socially relevant in its particular era. What is trendy. Seinfeld is about the inner workings of the common, every day insanity we all have, so once you get acclimated to the characters and their environment, it makes sense no matter the year.
Well said.
I remember enjoying Seinfeld when I was a kid, but I just can't watch it now. There are some funny moments, but most of it just isn't that great.

Blade Runner is a nostalgia thing I think. If you hadn't seen it back then, I don't think it'll be enjoyable now. It's that way for a lot of older films, for many people.

I first watched Blade Runner in 2001, when I was 21. I thought it was just about the best thing ever.


Ban the OP. He's also forbidden from watching Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee or whatever it's called.

If you didn't enjoy both CYI and Seinfeld, you're not allowed to come into the party.


Get Inside Her!
So true. I can't trust the opinion of anyone who thought Friends was a good show.

Yep - when someone says they like friends i just automatically assume they cannot tie their own shoelaces.

If there was actual humor no offense would be taken.

I am sorry you have had such a poor experience with the television situational comedy called Friends. It must be difficult when people like things that you do not much care for, as in some cases here, it would appear to affect your opinion of individuals at a basic human level. I am sorry that my ability to process and enjoy humors of its variety has caused you distress.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Im kinda with the "Blade Runner = overrated" myself... But I recognize that's because it had been totally cannibalized by a million anime and videogames since... And I saw those first.


...I never understood the humour much, not until I graduated high school and went to college, I started discovering the genius comedy of the show.

I didn't really get into the show until I was a Junior in high school (6 years ago).

As I got older I understood the humor of the show I loved how well it nailed how normal people respond to situations in which they have to think on their feet. It wasn't like the typical sitcom in which a character makes a mistake and goes "OOOPS!!! Sorry!!! ::looks at camera, shrugs shoulders, audience laughs::"... it felt like "real life" for lack of a better way for me to put it.

I also love how things end up connecting at the end of episodes so well and how the connections aren't forced. They are smartly set up.

The show is great.


The funniest? Frasier, by far for me. The farce in it goes to extremes I've never seen any other show other than Fawlty Towers possibly.

I didn't dislike Friends either, I just didn't think the characters of Rachel or Phoebe were at all funny in any way.


How could you like Curb and not Seinfeld? I swear Larry David is George Costanza for real.
Yeah, that's what I don't get. They are exactly the same guy.


Ok, I actually feel a bit better now, thanks for this amazing post, post of the month!

Seinfeld is a sitcom about neurosis and characters who are perpetually unreflective no matter how big of a clue bat the universe tries to hit them over the head with.

The humor lay in examining how far the characters go to justify and defend their own self delusion. I don't think it's something everyone can get into, and I'm also not sure how well younger people would get it at all. (One could argue that headstrong young people are, themselves, still too unreflective about their own obsessions and ego to get why it is funny to see it mocked.)

But the thing is, what does make it more timeless that a lot of comedy is how well written and constructed it is. A Seinfeld plot is pretty clinical and detailed in how it takes apart the inner workings of neurosis. And how people set themselves up to be hoisted by their own petard. A lot of comedy ages badly because it's based on getting chuckles out of whatever sheer stupidity happens to be socially relevant in its particular era. What is trendy. Seinfeld is about the inner workings of the common, every day insanity we all have, so once you get acclimated to the characters and their environment, it makes sense no matter the year.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Forgive me if I'm wading into an issue of semantics here, but I never said the show is not funny. I said that I just don't find the show very funny. And I differentiate the two things because I see the first as commenting that the show is inherently bad, whereas the second is more like "The humor never clicked with me." I know the Costanza character is based on David, but perhaps the reason I've always preferred Curb is because David is more the focus. I feel like there's more of an everybody vs. Larry setup that's entertaining to see play out. When I've watched Seinfeld I haven't found any of the main characters particularly amusing. Maybe having multiple characters splits the focus too much for me. Maybe Seinfeld just feels too episodic. I'm really not sure. All I can say is I find myself more invested in David while watching Curb than I do in any of the characters while watching Seinfeld.

It doesn't mean I think Seinfeld is an abomination, but that like the popularity surrounding a billion other shows, musicians, films, etc, it just has never clicked with me in a way it obviously has with many in this thread. My favorite comedy shows include Home Movies, IT Crowd, Peep Show, Louie and others that have varying degrees of obscenity to them. I just took offense to the notion that shows are so identical that anyone who doesn't like them equally is just someone who gets off on hearing "fuck" all the time. It's simply not true.

I never said that. CYE deals with much more mature (subjects that couldn't be discussed on cable TV) themes compared to Seinfeld. That's what I meant by "Mature" and "edgy".

As for your opinion on Seinfeld, it's hard to discuss anything going off of that. Seems like to me something from it just rubbed you the wrong way. The character split (for me) makes Seinfeld seem constantly fresh, while the focus on David can make the show get a bit same-y feeling at times. Anyways, agree to disagree.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I swear Korey is a troll/joke character. I've had this suspicion for well over a year now. Are he and blame space friends of moderators or something? They seem to be some of the only two (besides drinky crow, Wario64, etc.) that get away with such rampant idiocy that is obviously written only to stir up a reaction from other posters (ie. for the lulz).

Ok if I stick around this thread any longer I may just get my first ban, my blood is starting to boil, now I know how those fan boys at the PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS threads must feel. Ugh!!
i bought the first 2 seasons on dvd for a couple bucks a few years back and watched through them. there were some laughs here and there but i wouldn't call it a funny show. i've caught a few of the later episodes on tbs from time to time (not sure what season) and it seemed funnier but seasons 1/2 aren't even in the same galaxy as curb or always sunny or a bunch of other shows that are funnier.

someday i'll check out seasons 3+ and hopefully get what everyone is loving. this would be a perfect show to be on netflix streaming :(


after my first time watching bladerunner when i was like 14... or however old i was, i said "uhh... what the fuck.... this movie sucked dick". then, about six years or so later i was taking some elective film class in college and we had to do a report on blade runner. what the story meant, the characters, the design, the visual clues on certain things and what they were trying to say and it gave me a new appreciation of the movie. now i love blade runner and consider it to be a classic!

i think some movies you watch just to enjoy them for what they are (like ferris buellers day off, for instance) and some movies you really need to think about the movie and find a deeper meaning for that payoff (blade runner)

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I was in my late teens during Seinfeld and I too think it's pretty awful. Have tried to watch it a few times as an adult as well and..yeah..it's just not good. For the record I also think Bladerunner is boring, the LOTR books are infinitely better than the movies, and the Vita is a great system. Clearly this forum is not meant for me.
We'll know for sure this generation is lost when someone posts

"The Simpsons only got funny after the 9th season, everything before that was lame"
We'll know for sure this generation is lost when someone posts

"The Simpsons only got funny after the 9th season, everything before that was lame"

I've come across a couple who do prefer the later episodes.

Something about the pacing being faster and the jokes being wackier or something.


I think this thread is a trap. The OP is gathering all of the Seinfeld haters so that they can all be rounded up and banned.

On a serious note, I fully agree with the OP. Seinfeld is just not funny. It has some funny and chuckle worthy moments, but they are so rare. The characters all suck and are simply not likable.

Friends on the other hand is an amazing show!!!


I've come across a couple who do prefer the later episodes.

Something about the pacing being faster and the jokes being wackier or something.

I think this thread is a trap. The OP is gathering all of the Seinfeld haters so that they can all be rounded up and banned.

On a serious note, I fully agree with the OP. Seinfeld is just not funny. It has some funny and chuckle worthy moments, but they are so rare. The characters all suck and are simply not likable.

Friends on the other hand is an amazing show!!!


I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
We'll know for sure this generation is lost when someone posts

"The Simpsons only got funny after the 9th season, everything before that was lame"

Haha..that reminds me..I also think Simpsons is fairly boring. I remember watching it in the early 90's for a season or two and thinking it was fine, but then realized it would be the exact same shit over and over. Think I tuned in again one time for the whole who shot Burns thing and that's probably the last episode I ever watched. The only tv I really carry from the early 90s with me is Married with Children.

Mr. Fix

I think this thread is a trap. The OP is gathering all of the Seinfeld haters so that they can all be rounded up and banned.

On a serious note, I fully agree with the OP. Seinfeld is just not funny. It has some funny and chuckle worthy moments, but they are so rare. The characters all suck and are simply not likable.

Friends on the other hand is an amazing show!!!

I get different opinions and all, but COSTANZA?
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