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AMA with Aliens Colonial Marines tester [verified]

Can you give any info on the new consoles?

we are making the new alien game with creative asembly who make total war. That game looks amazing. Very dark, very slow paced (in a good way). The textures and lighting look really really good. I've seen it running on a PC. The PS4 devkit looks like a computer. It looks as good rif not better running as any super high end pc. We did not have those controllers, but they look like what was promised.

I wonder he's referring to by "the new alien game."
So where did the hype for this game come from? I personally was never interested in it, but that's just me.

It was a game based on a popular license and made by a developer with several popular recent games. I can understand why people would have been hyped for it at one point.
Maybe at a small company. Not at a large company. And not when the testers are contractors (which this guy may be... The way he says he "kind of works for Sega but not really").

Contacting out testing odds very common for large companies.
Ours was a team of a hundred in a three-team office. It does happen - if he as working directly for Gearbox, it's possible he knew this stuff. Not saying it's likely, just that it doesn't immediately mean he's lying if he says this sort of thing. (FWIW: the way he talks about the new consoles is odd, because we've had specs for a lot longer than we've had devkits, and not just in head office. I'm guessing Gearbox have as well.)


Apply here for the chance to "play" next-gen games in summer in Madrid (Spain, Europe) at EA. I cannot guarantee it of course, so don't get yourselves too hyped.

Edit: Oh and anyone thinking that testers play the games on a retail console are mistaken.


Membero Americo
People keep on downvoting the guy. Feels bad.

It's either:

1. People keep not believing him and nothing happens.
2. He proves that what he said is true, Sega gets the word, he gets sued up the ass for breaking NDA.

If 2 doesn't happen, he's lucky.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What does down voting do?

Buries it. But I can't blame them, until there's proof this is just as possible as me posting "I am Gabe Newell, AMA" here/there and having people believe it.


I have zero trust on Randy Pitchfork, not the first time he disappoints:

-Duke Nukem controversy
-Defending mysoginist remarks
-Lying for years about Aliens CM

dude looks more like an all around salesman buffoon, than a developer.
I wonder he's referring to by "the new alien game."

Creative Assembly are working on an Alien game, rumored to be cross-generation:

We are seeking an experienced programmer with proven skills in the area of gameplay and multi-player games. The successful applicant will be working on a AAA multi-platform title on current and future generation consoles set in the Alien universe.



Gold Member
I already thought Gearbox were over rated, Borderlands is okay but nothing special, but this shit right here just makes me dislike them.

Though SEGA knew the game was shit and advertised the fuck out of it, I feel they had no choice, too much time/money already invested. Feel bad for SEGA, SEGA have been good lately.
OP should be updated:



Maybe at a small company. Not at a large company. And not when the testers are contractors (which this guy may be... The way he says he "kind of works for Sega but not really").

Contacting out testing odds very common for large companies.

I had an interview for Sega and it seemed to be contract work so I had work when it was there. I didn't get the job but that's how it seemed.


Gearbox. Timegate didn't do as much as gearbox. They were involved, but everything we said we said to gearbox. Timegate may have done it in the past, but when we had it gearbox were in charge


Also, everything he posted has been deleted now.
So Gearbox basically used the same strategy as Silicon Knights? Divert most of the resources that was giving them by their publisher on their own project and do the bare minimum on the publisher's project?

Now Randy just needs to sue Epic for their source code! Also post on here asking if we're with him or against him.
Welp, it seems like he deleted all his comments.

waywardchicken said:
Just want to say, as a developer, if you legitimately broke your NDA for fake internet points you deserve to lose your job.

His last post said:
Had gearbox and Sega not so knowingly lied to the public I would have no interest in doing this. Companies should know they cant do this.

beef_bistro said:
Yeah, in previous posts he's giving details about PS4 devkits? This is definitely breach of contract, because there's no way he DIDN'T sign an NDA.

Looks like Sony may have gotten word.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
summary of what I saw:

-Gearbox didn't care but did most of the game themselves
-Sega has received the game for the first time in the middle of 2012
-Gearbox used Sega's money to fund Borderlands
-WiiU version is even worse and have atrocius minigames like marking aliens on the scanner to deal more damage and managing heat when you open the doors. Sega thinks about cancelling it but for now development goes on.
-The game had much more sequences and cutscenes which were dropped later. You could actually explore Sulaco in the opening section.
-the game had squad management. One of the squads would turn on you later in the game
-Sega believed that they were getting Borderlands in Alien universe. There is a potential of the lawsuit.
-the original plot still sucked but was much better
-the new Alien game from Creative Assemble looks very good, slow-paced and has awesome graphics.

I think this is pretty much it.


I'm not so sure if a tester at Sega of Europe would know about what goes on inside of Gearbox, a studio in Texas.
summary of what I saw:

-Gearbox didn't care but did most of the game themselves
-Sega has received the game for the first time in the middle of 2012
-Gearbox used Sega's money to fund Borderlands
-WiiU version is even worse and have atrocius minigames like marking aliens on the scanner to deal more damage and managing heat when you open the doors. Sega thinks about cancelling it but for now development goes on.
-The game had much more sequences and cutscenes which were dropped later. You could actually explore Sulaco in the opening section.
-the game had squad management. One of the squads would turn on you later in the game
-Sega believed that they were getting Borderlands in Alien universe. There is a potential of the lawsuit.
-the original plot still sucked but was much better
-the new Alien game from Creative Assemble looks very good, slow-paced and have awesome graphics.

I think this is pretty much it.

Excellent summary. Thank you.
God damn. I had just finished texting my friend about the AMA since he had been looking forward to the game on the U and now all the OP's shit's been wiped! Looks like Sega's got some ninjas of their own


summary of what I saw:

-Gearbox didn't care but did most of the game themselves
-Sega has received the game for the first time in the middle of 2012
-Gearbox used Sega's money to fund Borderlands
-WiiU version is even worse and have atrocius minigames like marking aliens on the scanner to deal more damage and managing heat when you open the doors. Sega thinks about cancelling it but for now development goes on.
-The game had much more sequences and cutscenes which were dropped later. You could actually explore Sulaco in the opening section.
-the game had squad management. One of the squads would turn on you later in the game
-Sega believed that they were getting Borderlands in Alien universe. There is a potential of the lawsuit.
-the original plot still sucked but was much better
-the new Alien game from Creative Assemble looks very good, slow-paced and have awesome graphics.

I think this is pretty much it.

To add:

He said his favourite piece of the game is actually a mode that was extracted to be DLC called "Bug Hunt", which is basically just horde mode

He said the Wii U version was mostly developed by Demiurge

He also said he played an upcoming PS4 game's PC version...which means SEGA is working on a game that is on both PS4 and PC. New Sonic maybe?
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