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Sony CEO Kaz Hirai: PS4 is first and foremost a game console


Sony has a very clear message: PS4 is all about the videogames.

You forgot the "Plus other stuff, more details on that later." bit of it.

Not sure why that gets glossed over. Both are going to be media and games boxes, slanting more towards media as the generation winds on if past generations are any indication. For some reason that's bad for one, and okay for the other?
You forgot the "Plus other stuff, more details on that later." bit of it.

Not sure why that gets glossed over. Both are going to be media and games boxes, slanting more towards media as the generation winds on if past generations are any indication. For some reason that's bad for one, and okay for the other?

People are too caught up looking at a single tree rather than the forest and taking the PR words as truth rather than looking at it for what it is. You may as well be quoting Kaz saying our games are the best and banking on that as being the truth and hard fact.
You forgot the "Plus other stuff, more details on that later." bit of it.

Not sure why that gets glossed over. Both are going to be media and games boxes, slanting more towards media as the generation winds on if past generations are any indication. For some reason that's bad for one, and okay for the other?

Announcing your games console by showing games and saying you're going to focus on games, with all the other 'entertainment' shit coming later = good.

Announcing your games console by showing 'entertainment' shit first, pretty much saying your focus is on 'entertainment', and telling gamers to 'wait for e3' = bad.

I'm not really sure why that's so hard to understand for so many people here.
You forgot the "Plus other stuff, more details on that later." bit of it.

Not sure why that gets glossed over. Both are going to be media and games boxes, slanting more towards media as the generation winds on if past generations are any indication. For some reason that's bad for one, and okay for the other?
What kind of other stuff do you have in mind.


Announcing your games console by showing games and saying you're going to focus on games, with all the other 'entertainment' shit coming later = good.

Announcing your games console by showing 'entertainment' shit first, pretty much saying your focus is on 'entertainment', and telling gamers to 'wait for e3' = bad.

I'm not really sure why that's so hard to understand for so many people here.

The hardware and available resources backs that up as well. Enough said.


YES its a game console.


So good.


At the end of the day, the PS4 and Xbone are going to be pretty much identical consoles.

They'll release the same month, cost roughly the same, have 95% identical game lineups (with exclusive DLC depending on platform), they'll match each other on most of the OS features like suspend/resume and game recording, they'll share many of the same media apps (Netflix, Hulu, etc) and non-game functions. They'll both allow you to play your own movies or do photo slideshows and have 3D/4K support, Blu-Ray movie playback, their own digital movie and music stores...

GAF is falling for PR talk right now - Sony and Microsoft are both after the exact same thing (control of the living room) they just chose a different marketing angle at the outset.


Because, they're playing off what happened to Microsoft to gain favor. The fact that he's explicitly pointing this out now should be obvious to that. They started with games, but anyone who has even a grasp of what's going on knows that Sony would have to talk about services sooner or later. They just chose to talk about them at a later point in time where as Microsoft got it out of the way first. Both were going to talk about that stuff and both were going to talk about games. The only difference was the order of the reveal. This feels more like Sony just taking advantage of the situation for some good PR rather than one system being more about games than the other.

Sony revealed their console first, and the message is the same as what Kaz Hirai's interview in the OP.

MS is sending the absolute wrong message sectioning off a chunk of their already underpowered (compared to PS4) piece of kit for media functions which is not what you buy a games console for.

And it's because of MS which is why Sony is getting blasted with such questions where all they have to do is re-iterate what they've already revealed for free political points.

As the interview said, get the gaming stuff out of the way first, then focus on the media functions much like the PS3 where they coined the phrase "it only does everything" a few years after launch.
Announcing your games console by showing games and saying you're going to focus on games, with all the other 'entertainment' shit coming later = good.

Announcing your games console by showing 'entertainment' shit first, pretty much saying your focus is on 'entertainment', and telling gamers to 'wait for e3' = bad.

I'm not really sure why that's so hard to understand for so many people here.

Let's flip things around here. Let's say Microsoft's unveiling didn't blow up in their face like it did and everyone was excited about how not only it played games but all the extra stuff it could do and how it unified everything. Don't you think Kaz at D11 might be stressing how they can do other things besides games instead of the quote we got?
At the end of the day, the PS4 and Xbone are going to be pretty much identical consoles.

They'll release the same month, cost roughly the same, have 95% identical game lineups (with exclusive DLC depending on platform), they'll match each other on most of the OS features like suspend/resume and game recording, they'll share many of the same media apps (Netflix, Hulu, etc) and non-game functions. They'll both allow you to play your own movies or do photo slideshows and have 3D/4K support, Blu-Ray movie playback, their own digital movie and music stores...

GAF is falling for PR talk right now - Sony and Microsoft are both after the exact same thing (control of the living room) they just chose a different marketing angle at the outset.

If that's the case then how come one is dedicating more resources and ram for games than the other?


At the end of the day, the PS4 and Xbone are going to be pretty much identical consoles.

They'll release the same month, cost roughly the same, have 95% identical game lineups (with exclusive DLC depending on platform), they'll match each other on most of the OS features like suspend/resume and game recording, they'll share many of the same media apps (Netflix, Hulu, etc) and non-game functions. They'll both allow you to play your own movies or do photo slideshows and have 3D/4K support, Blu-Ray movie playback, their own digital movie and music stores...

GAF is falling for PR talk right now - Sony and Microsoft are both after the exact same thing (control of the living room) they just chose a different marketing angle at the outset.

Yes Sir.
As someone who really enjoys new technology i am just not that excited about Sony's system. So what...its a game system. I have already had game systems. I want a box that can do more than just play a fing game. The all-in-one appeals to me and the game system does not. If i only wanted a game system i would just get a WII U....

you are exactly the type of person MS will market the X1 to.

There's nothing wrong with that, but there it is.
Announcing your games console by showing games and saying you're going to focus on games, with all the other 'entertainment' shit coming later = good.

Announcing your games console by showing 'entertainment' shit first, pretty much saying your focus is on 'entertainment', and telling gamers to 'wait for e3' = bad.

I'm not really sure why that's so hard to understand for so many people here.

Lets be 100% truthful here.

MS would get blasted just as hard if they talked about more games at the reveal and then spent E3 only talking about the services and features. No matter which conference they used to reveal the other functions people would have been crying. E3 is the games conference so they saved all their games for then.
At the end of the day, the PS4 and Xbone are going to be pretty much identical consoles.

They'll release the same month, cost roughly the same, have 95% identical game lineups (with exclusive DLC depending on platform), they'll match each other on most of the OS features like suspend/resume and game recording, they'll share many of the same media apps (Netflix, Hulu, etc) and non-game functions. They'll both allow you to play your own movies or do photo slideshows and have 3D/4K support, Blu-Ray movie playback, their own digital movie and music stores...

GAF is falling for PR talk right now - Sony and Microsoft are both after the exact same thing (control of the living room) they just chose a different marketing angle at the outset.

They may have similar features, but the quality of these features will be different and the specs of the PS4 make it clear that Sony values the quality of our gaming experience highly.


Since when is the XB1 not about video games, just because they shown off media features, doesn't mean it's not focused on games. I don't get the logic some of you make sometimes.

Let's go feature for feature of what we know for things that may be gaming related.

Both will play BRs--which have a non gaming application.
Both will have internet browsers--again a non gaming application.
Both will support media purchases--Zune for Xbox and Sony's store for the PS4
Both will support services like their previous incarnations--Netflix, Hulu, etc.

XB1 has Skype and Cable functionality, but is that bad?

I can understand being skeptical and angry about MS over it's proported ''features''--DRM, always online, mandatory Kinect. But let's not kid ourselves thinking that the XB1 is not a gaming machine first and foremost. Non-gamers are not buying an XB1 when they can buy a Roku/Apple TV for much cheaper if they want a media box, plus pay for Live? C'mon, that's not happening.
Lets be 100% truthful here.

MS would get blasted just as hard if they talked about more games at the reveal and then spent E3 only talking about the services and features. No matter which conference they used to reveal the other functions people would have been crying. E3 is the games conference so they saved all their games for then.

Well I would think so, most here aren't interested in those features.
At the end of the day, the PS4 and Xbone are going to be pretty much identical consoles.

They'll release the same month, cost roughly the same, have 95% identical game lineups (with exclusive DLC depending on platform), they'll match each other on most of the OS features like suspend/resume and game recording, they'll share many of the same media apps (Netflix, Hulu, etc) and non-game functions. They'll both allow you to play your own movies or do photo slideshows and have 3D/4K support, Blu-Ray movie playback, their own digital movie and music stores...

GAF is falling for PR talk right now - Sony and Microsoft are both after the exact same thing (control of the living room) they just chose a different marketing angle at the outset.

What's with the constant downplaying of everyone lately.


This goes for everyone...are we so jaded?

Maybe just Maybe, he isn't lying? and maybe they will focus on the games.

i took it as "we know who buys this shit early so we are going to focus on those guys first and then add to the userbase later..thus it's about the games". The only people who buy day 1 are gamers (and scalpers lol). That's basically what Kaz is getting at.

I do thin the sentiment that Microsoft won't have any games is silly tho.
Lets be 100% truthful here.

MS would get blasted just as hard if they talked about more games at the reveal and then spent E3 only talking about the services and features. No matter which conference they used to reveal the other functions people would have been crying. E3 is the games conference so they saved all their games for then.

I am sure they will have their partnerships for the services and tv stuff at e3.
Lets be 100% truthful here.

MS would get blasted just as hard if they talked about more games at the reveal and then spent E3 only talking about the services and features. No matter which conference they used to reveal the other functions people would have been crying. E3 is the games conference so they saved all their games for then.

Why do you ever have to spend such a large chunk of time talking about non-gaming functions for a console? Are people really expecting Sony to spend a large chunk of tie talking about those features at E3? According to one insider they've got so many PS4 games to show that they might have to push any PS3 or Vita talk out of the conference.
It didn't end up with that. I'm talking about now.

Sure, but let's look at it from Microsoft's point of view. They plan for 8GB of RAM, and know that Sony is aiming for 4. That 3GB hit dedicated to the OS and other stuff doesn't look so bad at the time and they push forward on that because in the end they still have way more RAM than Sony and memory shouldn't be an issue. Sony pretty much caught Microsoft with their pants down by announcing 8 GB of RAM. Developers were targeting 4 GB of RAM for a memory foot print. From Microsoft's view how, can you honestly think that they didn't feel at the time they still were sitting pretty with memory?

Now here's another question; do you understand how the reserved resources have changed for the PS3 over its lifetime? You'd be surprised how dramatic it has been. Every SDK release in developers would get some more back. It was great to see in the changelog. To think that Microsoft's 3GB of reserved memory is static is foolish. I'm betting that will be reduced over time to try and keep things on equal footing for third parties.
Let's flip things around here. Let's say Microsoft's unveiling didn't blow up in their face like it did and everyone was excited about how not only it played games but all the extra stuff it could do and how it unified everything. Don't you think Kaz at D11 might be stressing how they can do other things besides games instead of the quote we got?

But Sony have been saying this from the unveiling of the PS4, it's not like they're suddenly saying it because of the backlash from MS. It wouldn't surprise me if Kaz is emphasizing it again because of that, but it's nothing new. And of course they're going to be saying what we want to hear, and as long as they can back that up, then surely that's a good thing? They should be focusing on 'core' gamers at the start of a console's lifecycle. Taking into account stuff like XB1's OS being a lot more taxing than the PS4's, it's not exactly a surprise that they're going to remind people that the PS4 is "being built for gamers".

I know a lot of it is PR bullshit, but people in this thread are acting like there's some conspiracy against MS and that every piece of news for Sony is automatically greeted with praise whilst the opposite happens for MS. It's brought up in pretty much every thread about Sony/Microsoft now.

Also your scenario is all hypothetical, it doesn't really matter.

Lets be 100% truthful here.

MS would get blasted just as hard if they talked about more games at the reveal and then spent E3 only talking about the services and features. No matter which conference they used to reveal the other functions people would have been crying. E3 is the games conference so they saved all their games for then.

I don't believe they would've. They could've spent half an hour out of 2 hours at e3 talking about media stuff, and sure people would've complained, but it wouldn't have been anywhere near as bad as the reaction that they got.

You shouldn't spend most of your time not talking about games or hardware when you're unveiling a games console.


Because, they're playing off what happened to Microsoft to gain favor. The fact that he's explicitly pointing this out now should be obvious to that. They started with games, but anyone who has even a grasp of what's going on knows that Sony would have to talk about services sooner or later. They just chose to talk about them at a later point in time where as Microsoft got it out of the way first. You can't even totally fault Microsoft for wanting to focus on games at E3 when both companies get a lot of shit for talking about anything not related to the core gamer at their press conference. Both were going to talk about that stuff and both were going to talk about games. The only difference was the order of the reveal. This feels more like Sony just taking advantage of the situation for some good PR rather than one system being more about games than the other.

Again you are making such a simple thing so complicated. Sony, including their devs, have been saying the same thing since the start. The only thing changed was due to the MS fuck up, those statements have now become an advantage for them. They would have said the same if MS went a similar route but now it just comes with an added advantage. This doesn't mean their stance and PR is a response to MS as it never changed. MS just played right into a situation where Sony benefited.

The hardware is built with kinect and media functionality in mind. The hardware resources reserved, the hardware components used are all with their one box to rule em all mentality in mind. These are not steps taken over night. Even the name alone should give you a good idea of their approach. You can either go by what's known and facts OR you can just ignore it all. MS is pushing this as a all-in-one-Box.


The salt coming from all these Xbox fans trying to find anything negative on Sony is quite amusing to watch, It's as if Sony killed their puppy.

I understand this grudge match you have going on since the bad rep MS has been getting lately but seriously this is getting pretty sad. I don't need you to tell me what PR is, I think everyone on GAF knows that, all company does it.

Thank you.
Why do you ever have to spend such a large chunk of time talking about non-gaming functions for a console? Are people really expecting Sony to spend a large chunk of tie talking about those features at E3? According to one insider they've got so many PS4 games to show that they might have to push any PS3 or Vita talk out of the conference.

Because they are trying to sell more than a gaming console. There are a segment of consumers out there who are very intrigued by what their box has to offer. I dont know why thats hard to believe.
Lets be 100% truthful here.

MS would get blasted just as hard if they talked about more games at the reveal and then spent E3 only talking about the services and features. No matter which conference they used to reveal the other functions people would have been crying. E3 is the games conference so they saved all their games for then.

why are you in defense mode 24/7?

MS got blasted on the conference alone because those said features weren't mindblowing the little games we saw were meh. But honestly until the interveiws leaked the bombs of DRM out the general feeling was just meh. .

It then preceded to pile up with "bad" news.

It's weird that people are passive aggressively trying to hint that there is a bias at play but honestly if the two companies were switched, the sentiment would be the same.

And honestly I don't remember the last conference that GAF universally liked, outside of the RAM thing, the Sony conference was kinda met with a well that was cool I guess but I wish there were more games.

Why do you ever have to spend such a large chunk of time talking about non-gaming functions for a console? Are people really expecting Sony to spend a large chunk of tie talking about those features at E3? According to one insider they've got so many PS4 games to show that they might have to push any PS3 or Vita talk out of the conference.

It is Sony. They ALWAYS spend too much time talking about something no one at E3 cares about. Ideally all of the media stuff would be talked about in interviews or media packets but lets be real here...i am sure they want to show off the camera at the very least.
A product's success is determined by its perceived value proposition. This differs from its actual value proposition, as marketing can distort it.

The value proposition of the console which is most appealing to the most profitable and largest number of consumers wins. Sony's narrower focus is great and should be its primary focus, but I do hope that they have strong offerings outside of the pure 'play games' space, as the market demands it. Have it enable all major media streaming services, be able to buy and rent movies and music and access all common internet sites like youtube, etc. Expand the trophy system too. Improve the digital store extensively. Make it a convenient way for you to watch content over a network, and easy to set up and use (ie non tech folks can handle it). Allow it to stream content online to you over the net or over wifi.

Do that AND be the better games machine AND market better than you have in the past (crying baby?) and you'll do just fine.

Its worth noting that Sony both has devices that do what the Xbox one does and actually Should be able to leaverage some music and movie content faster than microsoft due to their owned studios.

Has anyone with experience of both compared Xbox movies/music with Sony's Movies/music unlimited?


Ahhh E3 is so close, Gaf is getting good and heated, I love it.
My account wasn't activated in time for the PS3 launch but I will be here for PS4.
I just want to see new IP from both parties that is the only thing to get me really hyped.
I bought my PS3 to play heavenly sword and even though it fell short in some respects it totally delivered in others. What will be that PS4 game to get me to say I must have it???
The salt coming from all these Xbox fans trying to find anything negative on Sony is quite amusing to watch, It's as if Sony killed their puppy.

I understand this grudge match you have going on since the bad rep MS has been getting lately but seriously this is getting pretty sad. I don't need you to tell me what PR is, I think everyone on GAF knows that, all company does it.

Thank you.
It's odd to see explanations of the positive impressions happening because of 'just pr' ignoring, the indie and developer impressions and what the actual reveal consisted of.


The salt coming from all these Xbox fans trying to find anything negative on Sony is quite amusing to watch, It's as if Sony killed their puppy.

I understand this grudge match you have going on since the bad rep MS has been getting lately but seriously this is getting pretty sad. I don't need you to tell me what PR is, I think everyone on GAF knows that, all company does it.

Thank you.

Who's doing this lol?


I know; they did it right. Just saying that MS chose the opposite direction first and now E3 is all about the games. I hope Sony stays on games and doesn't veer into MS reveal territory.

I will believe it when I see it. I bet MS will spend good amount of time on e3 about its 'functionality' again.
I also realized that a lot of new juniors started popping up..

The Gaf gods are cruel...so many are going to die young thanks to this E3.


Sure, but let's look at it from Microsoft's point of view. They plan for 8GB of RAM, and know that Sony is aiming for 4. That 3GB hit dedicated to the OS and other stuff doesn't look so bad at the time and they push forward on that because in the end they still have way more RAM than Sony and memory shouldn't be an issue. Sony pretty much caught Microsoft with their pants down by announcing 8 GB of RAM. Developers were targeting 4 GB of RAM for a memory foot print. From Microsoft's view how, can you honestly think that they didn't feel at the time they still were sitting pretty with memory?

Now here's another question; do you understand how the reserved resources have changed for the PS3 over its lifetime? You'd be surprised how dramatic it has been. Every SDK release in developers would get some more back. It was great to see in the changelog. To think that Microsoft's 3GB of reserved memory is static is foolish. I'm betting that will be reduced over time to try and keep things on equal footing for third parties.

Thing is that despite MS's conference going one way or another, Sony had a clear vision where games take priority and you could see that clearly in the event.

I think many people here might be much more open to change and to the evolution of game consoles than they appear to be IF there's a real commitment in offering quality games first, and everything else second.
Because they are trying to sell more than a gaming console. There are a segment of consumers out there who are very intrigued by what their box has to offer. I dont know why thats hard to believe.

And that's perfectly fine. But as EdibleExplosives was pointing out, the line that both companies have drawn are pretty damn clear at this point. Sony's pushing all their chips to the center and betting on gaming while MS is pushing an entertainment console.


See here's the thing; I know console unveilings don't happen in one event. They happen over a period of several months. From the second Sony revealed the PS4, there were a ton of unanswered questions such as what is PSN going to be like, what's the OS going to be like what services are they going to give you and so forth. I knew those things were going to be coming at a later time and possibly at E3. Microsoft did the reverse, they showed off the OS, the services, and so forth and said games would be held back for E3.

MS rhetoric about games being held back was done after gamers began their outcry about the lack of focus on games during the presentation. We certainly could argue that E3 is a games event and it's reasonable to expect games there, but the tone MS created for the X1 was very different from Sony.

It's not really about the focus but what part of the puzzle they showed you first. There's no doubt Sony's system was going to have media, and there's no doubt the Xbox One will have games and in both cases we don't know the full picture of either platform. You can bet had this not blown up in MS's face, you'd hear bitching about showing off services at E3 for the PS4 because people complain about these things in the past. Look back at every E3 press conference in the last decade.

But on top of the Media services Microsoft is touting comes the revelation from the X1 event that the machine was built around media functions as opposed to game function. That is not to say the X1 can't play games or do it well, but that the system has 3 OSs , allocates over 1/3 of the RAM to the OSs and does not have similar hardware performance that Sony focused on.

It's like people have short memories here and can't correlate to how things have played out before. I see this as Sony taking advantage of Microsoft getting sucker punched and being kicked on the ground. Sony's just adding a kick too.

Everyone kicks everyone. That doesn't discount the disparity between Sony and MS and their goals they themselves communicated at their respective events.

Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of things Sony is saying, but what is more important is what they're actually doing such as how they're approaching developers, the system architecture and so forth. You guys are really eating up what Kaz is saying at face value though, which is another thing Sony is doing good at this time around, PR. That's all it is.

Developers have been speaking up about whats been occurring. Some of it's been managed PR but some has not been.
I really feel like the PS3's failure was the ass kicking that Sony needed to become a better company. Just about everything they've said regarding the PS4 sounds great.
Because they are trying to sell more than a gaming console. There are a segment of consumers out there who are very intrigued by what their box has to offer. I dont know why thats hard to believe.

The segment of consumers looking to spend on $400+ on a netflix box is pretty damn small.

These aren't selling points, which makes MS look ridiculous spending 90% of their conference time showing them off.
So... Microsoft was banking on the rumour that Sony was putting 4GB of RAM in their console and it blew up in their face?

It wasn't really a rumor. It was pretty much true that the system had 4GB of RAM. So yes, I think Microsoft felt they were comfortable where they were. Plus it's always easier to reduce the reserved resources than it is to ask for more. In fact it's near impossible to ask for more. 3GB is obscene for what they're doing I think so I can almost guarantee you that will go down in a short period of time.

Again you are making such a simple thing so complicated. Sony, including their devs, have been saying the same thing since the start. The only thing changed was due to the MS fuck up, those statements have now become an advantage for them. They would have said the same if MS went a similar route but now it just comes with an added advantage. This doesn't mean their stance and PR is a response to MS as it never changed. MS just played right into a situation where Sony benefited.

The hardware is built with kinect and media functionality in mind. The hardware resources reserved, the hardware components used are all with their one box to rule em all mentality in mind. These are not steps taken over night. Even the name alone should give you a good idea of their approach. You can either go by what's known and facts OR you can just ignore it all. MS is pushing this as a all-in-one-Box.

Again, you're missing the big picture. It's not about what Sony said first. It's about how Sony's schedule of revealing information of the PS4 played out and how Sony is taking advantage of the current situation. They planned to show games first and services at a later point in time. They now get to take advantage of the fact that they showed games first, still say services are coming, but play off of Microsoft's screw up. I'm not saying Sony is changing focus. I'm saying Sony is taking advantage of a situation that plays favor to them. That's not to downplay all the great things Sony is doing to work with developers. Heck I know for a fact that they are based on first hand knowledge. That doesn't make this any less of a good PR opportunity for Sony though.

The salt coming from all these Xbox fans trying to find anything negative on Sony is quite amusing to watch, It's as if Sony killed their puppy.

I understand this grudge match you have going on since the bad rep MS has been getting lately but seriously this is getting pretty sad. I don't need you to tell me what PR is, I think everyone on GAF knows that, all company does it.

Thank you.

Honestly, I'm definitely not an Xbox fan. Heck, I'd recommend people getting a PS4 over an Xbox One. I just think some people are putting emphasis on the wrong things.
Because they are trying to sell more than a gaming console. There are a segment of consumers out there who are very intrigued by what their box has to offer. I dont know why thats hard to believe.

I am one of them, my gaming PC already takes care of just games. I'd like a capable gaming entertainment device that I can share with friends/family. Sounds like Sony doesn't want to do that.


Banstick Emeritus
I also realized that a lot of new juniors started popping up..
We note.

We notice.

Hey, would anybody be interested in a thread where I detail some of the social agency email addresses that have come up during my offsite research into some of our more recently vocal members?

It's fascinating.
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