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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 18

Oh shit.

So Mr. Spiral King was trying to save humanity with fear because if they went over a million in the population the moon wasn’t gonna have any of that. I hope I see who these anti-spiral people are soon. Aside from the Star-Trek reject robots I've been seeing so far.
Nia ;___;
She better be able to go back to her old self. I don’t think Simon will be able to handle the loss of another loved one.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to say about Roissu. I mean, everything’s screwed up now with the citizens and there has to be someone to blame, and he’s going to make Simon a political scapegoat?

What the hell happened to him?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon SuperS] 138
Yeah, the Amazon Trio are the best thing of this season. It started kinda weak with Tiger's Eye just trying to pick up girls on the street, but their plans to seduce women get more over the top with each episode. And how can I hate on a 2D car chase sequence, anyway?

Ami-chan was cool. She's no Reika!
I think this counts as :firehawk?
You'd think all that fighting evil stuff would be a great exercise.
The plot of Hakkenden is honestly the weakest part of the show. Really needs to be addressed in S2.

The characters are actually pretty good (barring Shino) and so is the music.

I thought it was serviceable and there were definitely parts where I wanted to know what happens.

But, thinking back, I do agree that I liked the large amounts of characters in the show.

El Sloth

The Girl who Leapt through Time

This was a cute movie and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Incredibly bittersweet, amazing animation, great soundtrack, stellar English VA cast, amazing storytelling. But seriously, I did not need these feels in the middle of the day. Beautiful damn film. Why I never watched it prior to now is beyond me.
Exactly the same way I felt after I watched it. Wondered why I waited so long and was mad that I had just ruined my own day.


No Scrubs
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 18

Oh shit.

So Mr. Spiral King was trying to save humanity with fear because if they went over a million in the population the moon wasn’t gonna have any of that. I hope I see who these anti-spiral people are soon. Aside from the Star-Trek reject robots I've been seeing so far.
Nia ;___;
She better be able to go back to her old self. I don’t think Simon will be able to handle the loss of another loved one.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to say about Roissu. I mean, everything’s screwed up now with the citizens and there has to be someone to blame, and he’s going to make Simon a political scapegoat?

What the hell happened to him?

And shit only gets realer from there

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Hoshi no Umi no Amuri 1

Haha! You all thought I was going to watch Umi Monogatari, but I started watching the other anime with "Umi" in the title instead!
I'm still going to check Umi Monogatari out. Probably.

So, uh...what the heck did I just watch.

I don't know what this was, but it was pretty amazing I think. There was CG characters that didn't look like ass (what is this has my whole life been a lie) and STUFF HAPPENING EVERYWHERE and GIRLS FLOATING AROUND IN SPACE where they CAN'T BREATHE except when they can because of INCREDIBLY USEFUL UTERUSES and AIR CANDY.

And there were MISSILES EVERYWHERE and LASERS EVEN MORE EVERYWHERE and ROBOTS and GATTAI (except not really) and GIRL-ON-GIRL KISSING with bizarre twists and WAS THAT AN IMPROMPTU TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE. And there is a STRANGE RABBIT COMPUTER THING that talks in TWO DIFFERENT VOICES because WHY NOT and is AWESOME except when it loses its batterytail and then it's kind of useless really.

I...I don't think my mind was ready for this.

Oh shit, hahahaha, yesssssssssss. :D


Futari wa Precure Slash Star 37

No Saki and Mai flirting with each other in this episode (aww), but lots of SCHOOL FESTIVAL ANTICS! Everybody loves school festivals, and Saki's class are putting on the classic school festival standby: a haunted house attraction!

The episode did a good job of getting across how tough it was for everyone working behind the scenes. As is always the way, the preparations went on literally down to the wire - and I'm not even misusing the word "literally" here, because the big crisis at the last moment was just that: a shortage of wire to hang the black curtains on. Since it wouldn't be much of a haunted house without the proper black backdrop, Saki volunteers to hold up the final curtain herself - and inadvertently becomes the scariest part of the whole attraction, as all the visitors are terrified by her occasional movements coming from behind the black curtain covered in creepy masks!

Though initially it looks like anything that can go wrong absolutely will, the attraction is of course a success in the end, so that just leaves one other event to be worried about - the comedy show that Kenta and Miyasako are due to perform on the big stage. Initially, Miyasako gets stage fright due to lack of confidence (he hasn't even worked up the nerve to tell his parents he's doing a comedy performance at all), but after some encouragement from Mai, who overcame some similar confidence issues last episode, he works up the courage to go through with it, and the show is a smashing success.

Oh and Kintoresuki attacked the Cures with an Uzaina or something. Miracle Drop 4 of 7 get! (I think?)


Poet Centuriate
Exactly the same way I felt after I watched it. Wondered why I waited so long and was mad that I had just ruined my own day.

yeah now I bet I feel like Lava feels like right now. Plus I'm still recovering from Toradora! myself

Speaking of which, I hope Lava is doing ok.
Is Hakkenden really any good? I never gave it much of a chance.

Excellent story with supernatural elements, fun lovable characters, and memorable FAYLAN op and the ed from one of the va's is catchy. Source material for the story is from one of my favorite faces in manga, so I liked it before going in. Additionally it has close and deep character interaction so definitely look into it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Aku no Hana 13
It is difficult to respect the artistic vision of this show when its shackles of the medium drag it down so often. I can't really accept an ending like this when the pacing has been so poor on a regular basis. This episode was an uninteresting and sour note to go out on.
Minami-ke Okawari 1

This wasn't as bad as I initially thought it would be. The way Kana plays off of Chiaki and Kana being hilariously dumb/annoying are still there, though it did have its share of dull moments. I hope Hosaka appears soon because he's the greatest man of all time.
Speaking of which, I hope Lava is doing ok.
I've sealed myself in a freezer as a precaution. Every so often I think back to those final moments and get lost in a blissful daze. And if it weren't for this chamber's low temperature I'd start to melt again. I'm really tempted to embrace my puddle form though. It just felt... right.


Subete no aware
Aku no Hana 13
It is difficult to respect the artistic vision of this show when its shackles of the medium drag it down so often. I can't really accept an ending like this when the pacing has been so poor on a regular basis. This episode was an uninteresting and sour note to go out on.
Wow, really? I mean... I guess I can't fathom how you could respond that way to the episode or the series, but if that's how you feel...


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 18

Oh shit.

So Mr. Spiral King was trying to save humanity with fear because if they went over a million in the population the moon wasn’t gonna have any of that. I hope I see who these anti-spiral people are soon. Aside from the Star-Trek reject robots I've been seeing so far.
Nia ;___;
She better be able to go back to her old self. I don’t think Simon will be able to handle the loss of another loved one.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to say about Roissu. I mean, everything’s screwed up now with the citizens and there has to be someone to blame, and he’s going to make Simon a political scapegoat?

What the hell happened to him?

O god I'm reading all your impressions with a smile on my face just thinking how you are going to react in the next episodes. :D

I want the blu-rays so bad


Futari wa Precure Splash Star 38

Oh man, there's a big celebrity manager guy in town shooting for a TV show, and out of nowhere, he invites Saki to come and see him at his office! Suddenly the whole town is awash with rumours that Saki is going to become a big TV star. Well, it's hard to blame them for jumping to that conclusion. Saki would clearly be the best idol ever - just look at that smile!

Not everyone is thrilled about the idea of Saki going off to become a celebrity, though. Mai, while happy for her, is clearly torn apart by the idea of the two of them being separated. And Flappy and Choppy are extra worried, because Saki leaving town wouldn't just mean everyone would be lonely - it would also mean no more Precure! (Incidentally, I'm glad this was at least raised as a concern, since back in the first generation when Honoka was facing a similar "should I leave town forever" dilemma, I seem to recall nobody even mentioned the effect that eternal separation would have on the girls' Precure activities. That always seemed a little odd to me.)

Turns out there was never any real need for worry, though - Saki is her parents' daughter through and through, and would never leave the town and people she loves, no matter how tempting the offer. The only thing she was getting stressed about was how best to turn the offer down! Yeah! You go, Saki!

And of course in the end it turns out that
it wasn't Saki the manager guy was interested in scouting at all. He caught a glimpse of Moop and Foop when they fell out of Saki's bag, and thought they were so cute he wanted to use them as props.
Yeah, I could see that one coming right from the beginning of the episode.
Silly manager. You should have been scouting Saki, she's way cuter than those measly mascots. If you want to scout a mascot, at least go for Choppy, she's pretty adorable.
Arata The Legend 12 (end)

Mixed feelings on this ending, it didnt resolve how I wanted it too but at least left a nice message for all of the characters involved.
Kadowaki still HinoharaObsessed and will make him submit to him and Hinohara at least promising to change Kadowaki's heart, so I did end up feeling good about this ending episode
. Otherwise just lots of the other stuff resolved too fast or was just tease tease tease. Second season possible?

9/10 anime for me and would buy if its ever licensed, will also get the manga too. Also Genesis Aria for one of the best OP-songs of the year. I hope Sphere does more.


Eggs in a Car that smells like Roses and symbolizes like, sex with your mom or something 30

Somebody kissing your eyeball isn't usually what people refer to as their first kiss. Although Sugou in Sword Art Online must have spent months programming how to lick the tears from Asuna's ducts, so clearly he considered this a romantic moment, too.

Man, Utena, how you gonna cockblock your friend Wakaba like this? So what if the dude has a fiance?
He's fucking yours.
Man, Guidance Counselor lady, maybe if you ever actually tried to guide or counsel Utena, you'd know about the weird ass cult she's in, instead of worrying about her shorts all the time.

:lol Wakaba is Best Girl. This scene and episode in general have made me realize I really enjoy the scenery in this show. They make good use of colors. Which I guess sounds boneheaded about a show where colors are thematic and blah blah blah, but I dunno, the scenery is just very colorful and enjoyable to look at. And the music. Like not all the crazy lyrics think about it and you'll go crazy stuff so much as the instrumental pieces that play in the backgrounds of scenes. I like that a lot.

Anthy's kinda beginning to creep me the fuck out, though. Definitely bad juju vibes coming off that girl. Foot Fanservice. WHY. Soooooooo Anthy is officially scary as fuck.


Arata Kangatari Episode 12

Total garbage.
After watching 12 episodes of this, I still have no goddam idea why Kadowaki hates Hinohara so much.
Wounded pride over being "looked down on" and thinking HInohara let you win a track race suddenly makes you want to kill him at all costs. Right.
Fuck this show.


Poet Centuriate
I've sealed myself in a freezer as a precaution. Every so often I think back to those final moments and get lost in a blissful daze. And if it weren't for this chamber's low temperature I'd start to melt again. I'm really tempted to embrace my puddle form though. It just felt... right.

i know it


Aku no Hana 13

That's... a really weird way to end a series. Maybe it's just because I've already read the manga but I feel like the "preview" is showing a bit too much and the placement of it was kind of awkward. The reuse of that certain song was odd too. It worked wonderfully in episode 7 but here it was like "oh this again? well okay then."

Though I'm sure those that love the series were more than ecstatic to see the promise of more material being adapted so good for them. Unfortunately the series never did reach the high that was episode 7 after that but it was still a good anime. It's quite something to behold when a talented director, a beautifully subtle soundtrack, and an amazing background art team can create something greatly enjoyable from a source material that I don't really like.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 19

When the hell did this show become so depressing?

This really is Code Geass all over again. I mean, Yuri Lowenthall and JYB’s characters are now enemies with each other. It’s Suzaku VS. Lelouch all over again.

FUCK YOU ROSSIU. It was bad enough seeing you sentence Simon to death, but you also send him in Gurren Lagann with Kittan’s sister with a bomb. I don’t care what she thought of the situation, you have stooped low man. Real fucking low.

Seriously he went from being just a cool little background character to one of my most hated characters. See folks, THIS is how you do a betrayal in anime. You don’t have them pose as a friend and backstab them saying that they were evil all along. You make a character betray another character with one thing. Time.

In other news, Simon and Viral are now cell mates. Oh boy.

Wow, really? I mean... I guess I can't fathom how you could respond that way to the episode or the series, but if that's how you feel...

I dropped it at episode 8 (or was it 7), so I can totally understand the pacing complaint. A lot of the episodes of what I watched were just really uneventful, giving us maybe 2 minutes total per episode of meaningful content and character development.


So, after subjecting myself to the awful Rosario to Vampire, I have a a choice of watching Phantom: Requiem for a Phantom, or Eden of the East.



Omg yes, Faylan is singing another anime OP for BlazBlue in the Fall.

Makes sense. She seems to be the official OP singer for the series at this point (she did the OP for Continuum Shift Extend, and she's doing the OP for the upcoming Chrono Phantasma too).

I was actually pretty disappointed by her theme for Extend, to tell the truth, but that probably has more to do with the fact that it wasn't on the same level as the utterly godly Kotoko themes we got for the first two games than it has to do with Faylan herself. I know Faylan can put out some damn good stuff, so I hope her themes for Chrono Phantasma and this anime turn out to be top-notch.


Tragic victim of fan death
Makes sense. She seems to be the official OP singer for the series at this point (she did the OP for Continuum Shift Extend, and she's doing the OP for the upcoming Chrono Phantasma too).

I was actually pretty disappointed by her theme for Extend, to tell the truth, but that probably has more to do with the fact that it wasn't on the same level as the utterly godly Kotoko themes we got for the first two games than it has to do with Faylan herself. I know Faylan can put out some damn good stuff, so I hope her themes for Chrono Phantasma and this anime turn out to be top-notch.

OP for CSE was terrible. CS2 OP is still the best OP.


Subete no aware
I dropped it at episode 8 (or was it 7), so I can totally understand the pacing complaint. A lot of the episodes of what I watched were just really uneventful, giving us maybe 2 minutes total per episode of meaningful content and character development.
See, to me, that's Attack on Titan.


OP for CSE was terrible. CS2 OP is still the best OP.

That was the one that Asami Imai did, wasn't it? Yeah, that was pretty epic, too. I think I still prefer the Kotoko openings, though.

Poor Faylan just can't match up. I just had a listen to the live performance of her new theme for Chrono Phantasma and it sounds even more underwhelming than her Extend theme =/


Subete no aware
I'm not denying this (at least for episode 9-12). The difference for me is that's presented in an exciting way, even when nothing really happens.
See, the deliberateness of the direction and editing in Aku no Hana created infinitely more tension and excitement for me than all the yelling and screaming and zipping around in Attack on Titan. I guess it just depends what you are looking for though.
Usagi Drop 1-3

Wow, this is a really great series. It only took the first episode to hook me, but I've got a soft spot for stories that are heavy on the slice-of-life stuff.

Dog & Scissors 1

Eh. Not great, not horrific. I'll give it another episode or two.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 20

The feels hits just keep on coming. ;_________;

What’s this? A fight in this anime that doesn’t involve mechs? And it’s between Simon and Viral? What is this insanity?

Man, as much as I hate Roissu, I gotta say, the dude clearly does not want to be evil. He just doesn’t know what else to do. He may be a really hated character for me, but he’s surely a real interesting one. He really doesn’t enjoy what he feels that he needs to do. Still doesn't excuse him for pinning everything on Simon.

YEEEEEEEEEES BEST GIRL YOKO IS BACK. Oh man, new trinity of this show. Yoko, Simon, and Viral. YES.


Aku no Hana 13
It is difficult to respect the artistic vision of this show when its shackles of the medium drag it down so often. I can't really accept an ending like this when the pacing has been so poor on a regular basis. This episode was an uninteresting and sour note to go out on.

What I found interesting is that the first episode of aku no hana only covers 1/3rd of the uneventful first chapter of the manga, yet it's attack on titan that gets all the attention for having a 1:1 chapter episode.

Personally I preferred the silly rotoscope designs over the manga but dropped the show due to all the recycling of scenes and how extremely poorly paced it was.


Aku no Hana - 13 (END)

Someone, please, tell me right now that Part Two is confirmed. I need it. I need more of this show in my life.

It's beautiful, great, wunderbar, délicieux and oh-so-magnificently fucked up. It's AOTY already. Directing is awesome, soundtrack is perfect, background art is imaginative and the tension is nearly palpable.

I rate this series 10/10.
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