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Welcome @Majornelson to NeoGAF

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Welcome aboard, Major. I read the posts thus far and I saw you were planning on doing some kind of console comparison with the PS4 and Xbone. Obviously your call, but for me, I'd prefer if a third party did that on their own. Someone like Anandtech or someone that knows their stuff and isn't a biased party. Nothing against you, but if you or Sony put up a comparison chart comparing their console with the competitors, it's going to highlight the positives and downplay (or ignore) the negatives. And these comparisons will come once they're both on sale and can be taken apart to see what's inside.

Welcome to GAF!
I am sure the account was created to gauge reactions to Xbox One and 1st party titles. I am sure we will not see him post about things hardly


Welcome Larry, it's great to have you here. Looking forward to November 22nd. You'll have to excuse some of the posters, console wars are really active and normally quite logical posters have forgotten themselves in a haste to shout about shills etc etc. They've just forgotten their manners and their ability to further discussion in a meaningful fashion. Hopefully normal service will resume after the launches of the next gen consoles and we can all get back to enjoying good threads, good insight and some good friendly banter instead of the crap that we are all having to put up with at the moment.
One more thing before I head off for my nightly Xbox One play session: I will respect what NeoGaf is over here and won't roll in spouting empty marketing buzzwords or phrases. I'll try to answer questions as directly as I can with respect to my NDA.
If I can't answer anything, I'll keep my mouth shut. As a gamer and member of the gaming industry, I am really excited for this Holiday and what great gaming it will bring.

I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.


Hey Larry.

Can we expect MS to have a presence in Japan this gen when it comes to games? I ask this because Lost Odyssey was well received by the people who played the game.


Welcome aboard, Major. I read the posts thus far and I saw you were planning on doing some kind of console comparison with the PS4 and Xbone. Obviously your call, but for me, I'd prefer if a third party did that on their own. Someone like Anandtech or someone that knows their stuff and isn't a biased party. Nothing against you, but if you or Sony put up a comparison chart comparing their console with the competitors, it's going to highlight the positives and downplay (or ignore) the negatives. And these comparisons will come once they're both on sale and can be taken apart to see what's inside.

Welcome to GAF!

Where did he say this? :eek:


Welcome Larry, it's great to have you here. Looking forward to November 22nd. You'll have to excuse some of the posters, console wars are really active and normally quite logical posters have forgotten themselves in a haste to shout about shills etc etc. They've just forgotten their manners and their ability to further discussion in a meaningful fashion. Hopefully normal service will resume after the launches of the next gen consoles and we can all get back to enjoying good threads, good insight and some good friendly banter instead of the crap that we are all having to put up with at the moment.


Welcome sir!

Major Nelson

Neo Member
Major's here? Looks like my shift at GAF is over!


No no no Albert. Your shift is far from over. This is all you.


Just what NeoGAF needs... more astro turfers.

I don't think you know what that word means. An astro turfer is someone pretending to be a grass roots supporter, who is actually hired by a corporation. I don't think Major Nelson has ever hidden the fact that he works for Microsoft.

Welcome aboard, Major. I read the posts thus far and I saw you were planning on doing some kind of console comparison with the PS4 and Xbone. Obviously your call, but for me, I'd prefer if a third party did that on their own. Someone like Anandtech or someone that knows their stuff and isn't a biased party. Nothing against you, but if you or Sony put up a comparison chart comparing their console with the competitors, it's going to highlight the positives and downplay (or ignore) the negatives. And these comparisons will come once they're both on sale and can be taken apart to see what's inside.

Welcome to GAF!

You can somewhat get a preview of what his comparison will be like. Just check out his XBOX360 VS PS4 five part comparison on his blog from years ago. I don't think the PS3 had a single advantage due to the power of the 360 and Sony's history of "over promising and under delivering."

Its an AWESOME read. Link is at the top. There are several quotes that will look familiar. He and Penello have used them again 8 years layer.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
We have many explicit PR reps on NeoGAF, so there's no issue. The rules are strict and straightforward: no self-promotional threads, no artificial bumping, no pasting PR materials. PR folks can participate by answering questions, clarifying positions, or by participating as normal, all in their own words. It's mutually beneficial but does not color the discussion, and anything said by a PR rep is taken with an appropriate bag of salt. "He lied to us!!!! Evil mean person!!" is not a position that makes any sense if you apply an iota of sense and critical thought to what a PR rep's job is.
Hello Major, thanks for the Titanfall meme :)

I was almost worried we wouldn't be getting a next gen equivalent of "Riiiiiiiidge Racer" up until that interview ;)


We have many explicit PR reps on NeoGAF, so there's no issue. The rules are strict and straightforward: no self-promotional threads, no artificial bumping, no pasting PR materials. PR folks can participate by answering questions, clarifying positions, or by participating as normal, all in their own words. It's mutually beneficial but does not color the discussion, and anything said by a PR rep is taken with an appropriate bag of salt. "He lied to us!!!! Evil mean person!!" is not a position that makes any sense if you apply an iota of sense and critical thought to what a PR rep's job is.

Great post I hope people read it and take note


Not bitter, just unsweetened
We have many explicit PR reps on NeoGAF, so there's no issue. The rules are strict and straightforward: no self-promotional threads, no artificial bumping, no pasting PR materials. PR folks can participate by answering questions, clarifying positions, or by participating as normal, all in their own words. It's mutually beneficial but does not color the discussion, and anything said by a PR rep is taken with an appropriate bag of salt. "He lied to us!!!! Evil mean person!!" is not a position that makes any sense if you apply an iota of sense and critical thought to what a PR rep's job is.

What happened with Hiro Protagonist?


We have many explicit PR reps on NeoGAF, so there's no issue. The rules are strict and straightforward: no self-promotional threads, no artificial bumping, no pasting PR materials. PR folks can participate by answering questions, clarifying positions, or by participating as normal, all in their own words. It's mutually beneficial but does not color the discussion, and anything said by a PR rep is taken with an appropriate bag of salt. "He lied to us!!!! Evil mean person!!" is not a position that makes any sense if you apply an iota of sense and critical thought to what a PR rep's job is.

you look so happy in your new avatar...
We have many explicit PR reps on NeoGAF, so there's no issue. The rules are strict and straightforward: no self-promotional threads, no artificial bumping, no pasting PR materials. PR folks can participate by answering questions, clarifying positions, or by participating as normal, all in their own words. It's mutually beneficial but does not color the discussion, and anything said by a PR rep is taken with an appropriate bag of salt. "He lied to us!!!! Evil mean person!!" is not a position that makes any sense if you apply an iota of sense and critical thought to what a PR rep's job is.

Great post.

Hopefully any unwarranted abuse to Larry (and any other PR reps) will not go unforeseen either.


I want to know what's being done for blind gamers. I didn't see Titanfall by the way due to the eye issue so felt that was quite an insensitive remark. Not everyone can see. What is being done for those of us who can't? Have you forsaken us?
Sup Major! One more "welcome" to add to the pile.

Just wanted to take this opportunity to give MS a shout out for all of the good times I had with my 360. As for the next generation, I'm going to switch over to Sony. Like others, I had major problems with the reveal, and almost all of them have been resolved with the exception of the price/value issue.

I haven't seen anything compelling enough to warrant the upcharge for the Kinect. I don't feel that it's my responsibility as a gamer to invest in a piece of hardware that has had every opportunity to WOW me on the 360 but has failed. It's up to MS to show me that it can do more for my gaming experience than act as a $100 microphone.

Unfortunately since I'm a one system per gen buyer I most likely won't be back until the following generation (unless there is a price drop to $419 with Kinect, or a Kinectless SKU at launch). Good luck, and I'll keep reading all of the Xbox threads and drool over Titanfall.


Welcome Major Nelson! I think it's so cool GAF have members like you.

Glad to see you got a good sense of humor since you enjoyed the GIF about you packing the Xbox One. You get a lot of PS4 questions, but lets not forget you're also competing against Nintendo and their Wii U console. It's not doing do well, but they hope to have a great boost in sells this holiday with their line up. What do you think about Nintendo and their situation?


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Welcome Larry :)
I like playstation and nintendo more than xbox, but it's great having you here.

Danny 117

Feel free to use this.

That's pretty hilarious.

I suppose you're not here to answer every last question but I might as well throw one out there:
Whilst in a skype video call and playing a game, can I see the video feed and the game at the same time through the snap feature? If so, how much real estate will each take up on my TV?
eg skype 50% game 50%


I love that the devs that post here like normal posters get no credit, but pr shills being pr shill are "good people"

How do we know who the devs are, though, unless they're tagged as such?

Regardless, I do like that the Microsoft guys are straight about who they are. I wish SCEA and NOA would do this too, not that they owe GAF anything.

Welcome fellas, and hope your launch goes well. Two months!
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