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Capcom announces a special new event for Mega Man's 25th anniversary!


The only announcement I'm waiting to hear from Capcom now is that they're declaring bankruptcy and auctioning off their IP's.


something slighty positive, and the fans are ruining it =/ plain to see who is worse here.

Yes we are ruining their idea of a 25th Anniversary Celebration. By making the fans win the lottery. That's it.

We are ruining it? Just like we ruined Legends 3, right?
Came in expecting a mobile game...leaving even more disappointed...knife->wound->twist->add salt->add lime->twist again->add lemon...(to be continued...)


Yes we are ruining their idea of a 25th Anniversary Celebration. By making the fans win the lottery. That's it.

We are ruining it? Just like we ruined Legends 3, right?

Oh I am sorry is this event actually about the 25th Anniversary??? No other then them offering a 25th Anniversary Statue as a Prize this has nothing to do with the 25th Anniversary itself. The OP is making it out to be about the 25th Anniversary, Not Capcom.

So yes you are ruining it. As for Legends 3 it wasn't green lighted it wasn't even pre-alpha. 1000's of games like that go unnoticed all the time. The difference was Legends 3 was pushed so hard by its creator without it obviously going through the proper channels.

So the one at fault that is not Capcom but Inafune for not following protocols, simple as that.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh I am sorry is this event actually about the 25th Anniversary??? No other then them offering a 25th Anniversary Statue as a Prize this has nothing to do with the 25th Anniversary itself. The OP is making it out to be about the 25th Anniversary, Not Capcom.

So yes you are ruining it. As for Legends 3 it wasn't green lighted it wasn't even pre-alpha. 1000's of games like that go unnoticed all the time. The difference was Legends 3 was pushed so hard by its creator without it obviously going through the proper channels.

So the one at fault that is not Capcom but Inafune for not following protocols, simple as that.


See, the joke is that Capcom is offering a product related to the 25th anniversary of Mega Man during the 25th anniversary of Mega Man for a Mega Man game, therefore qualifying it as a 25th anniversary promotion.

We get something Mega Man related, allowing us fans a chance to experience another awkward attempt by Capcom to interact with fans when they have no direction for the series. It's a win-win.

Goon Boon

Oh I am sorry is this event actually about the 25th Anniversary??? No other then them offering a 25th Anniversary Statue as a Prize this has nothing to do with the 25th Anniversary itself. The OP is making it out to be about the 25th Anniversary, Not Capcom.

So yes you are ruining it. As for Legends 3 it wasn't green lighted it wasn't even pre-alpha. 1000's of games like that go unnoticed all the time. The difference was Legends 3 was pushed so hard by its creator without it obviously going through the proper channels.

So the one at fault that is not Capcom but Inafune for not following protocols, simple as that.

This sounds really REALLY reminds me of a capcom unity post, what with the hostility towards megaman fans. Either way, Capcom themselves stated this.

Unfortunately it was not felt that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project met the required criteria, and it is with regret that we must announce that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project has been cancelled, meaning that Capcom will not be releasing the Prototype or the full game.

This wasn't related to progress either, since the prototype, a $2 purchase, had a healthy amount of content, as the only journalist to play it discussed.


I played for about three hours. I was surprised how much content there was in the Prototype Version, considering that it seemed like it was essentially going to be a playable demo. Not only were there a good number of missions, but after completing all the missions you could simply explore the environments and talk with NPCs, or you could go to the debug room to see even more behind-the-scenes stuff. I definitely could have spent more time playing the game than I did (and I would have if I’d known it was going to be my only chance to play it!)

I would say so. It contained a lot more content than many other pricier downloadable titles.

Yet it was cannibalized for resources and characters in EX Troopers, a game which heavily bombed (I think it sold less than 20,000 copies at launch). The game was cancelled out of spite for Inafune leaving Capcom.



See, the joke is that Capcom is offering a product related to the 25th anniversary of Mega Man during the 25th anniversary of Mega Man for a Mega Man game, therefore qualifying it as a 25th anniversary promotion.

We get something Mega Man related, allowing us fans a chance to experience another awkward attempt by Capcom to interact with fans when they have no direction for the series. It's a win-win.
Thats not a joke its a misconception to cause trouble where it was not needed.

Red Mage

Oh I am sorry is this event actually about the 25th Anniversary??? No other then them offering a 25th Anniversary Statue as a Prize this has nothing to do with the 25th Anniversary itself. The OP is making it out to be about the 25th Anniversary, Not Capcom.

So yes you are ruining it. As for Legends 3 it wasn't green lighted it wasn't even pre-alpha. 1000's of games like that go unnoticed all the time. The difference was Legends 3 was pushed so hard by its creator without it obviously going through the proper channels.

So the one at fault that is not Capcom but Inafune for not following protocols, simple as that.

Wow... a Capcom apologist. I didn't think these guys still existed.

What is that from, btw?


Unconfirmed Member
Thats not a joke its a misconception to cause trouble where it was not needed.

Relax. You'll enjoy GAF more by not being so stuck up, friend.

We're not laughing at Capcom-Unity--we're merely appreciating the irony behind the whole situation. Being a moderator there doesn't give you power here.


Well he is a moderator on their forums.
A fan being a moderator isn't uncommon, and it is easy to get there when you take you time to keep a logical mind on matters such as this.

Research and understanding goes a long way. Sadly I can not say the same for some of the responces here.


"And on a sadder note, we at Capcom have to announce that our good friend and work buddy *giggle* Megaman also known as Rockman died at the young age of 25."

Goon Boon

A fan being a moderator isn't uncommon, and it is easy to get there when you take you time to keep a logical mind on matters such as this.

Research and understanding goes a long way. Sadly I can not say the same for some of the responces here.

Except you don't understand why it's illogical for Capcom to cancel a close to complete quality budget digital offering (hell, it was going to be $2) that was understood by it's potential buyers to be a work in progress. It cost them more money to cancel it than it did to just ship as is. It was a spite cancellation.

A lot of people don't like when a company does something stupid and irrational that hurts their fans.
"Hey guys! How about a reminder of all those games you'd want? What? That Inafune game got shitloads of dollars? Nah, we don't need to let him make anymore games... have a statue contest!"


So we got a 3DS case, a fan game, and eight of us will get these statues?

Am I missing anything?

Edit: Forgot the OST Compilation.


I don't get why people are freaking out over this. It's just a Capcom Unity contest, what do you expect?

People want a new game and Capcom to not even utter the name Mega Man until it's announced. They also want it immediately. Any mention of the IP in the mean time is an insult to the fanbase.


Research and understanding goes a long way. Sadly I can not say the same for some of the responces here.

I can only assume you haven't been following the development of games like Mega Man Universe and Legends 3. Yes, you can excuse them as much as you want when you don't have a clear idea of how things went down. I can imagine myself doing the same about a game I only just heard was canceled two years ago or so. For the actual fans though, you have no idea how disrespectful and disappointing this attitude has been. If you call them professional for taking such decisions, you're completely ignoring how amateur they come off by making a fool out of themselves to their audience.

At least Mighty No. 9 is still coming, and thankfully with fewer chances of being canceled, not being by Capcom and all.


Relax. You'll enjoy GAF more by not being so stuck up, friend.

We're not laughing at Capcom-Unity--we're merely appreciating the irony behind the whole situation. Being a moderator there doesn't give you power here.

I find this post pretty funny. Unless I somehow missed it, I don't see where he promoted his mod status at said forum and somehow implied he had any power. He's simply pointing out how dumb the comments in this thread are and the fact that it's just people who see a capcom thread and rush in to post how they wish capcom exploded.
I find this post pretty funny. Unless I somehow missed it, I don't see where he promoted his mod status at said forum and somehow implied he had any power. He's simply pointing out how dumb the comments in this thread are and the fact that it's just people who see a capcom thread and rush in to post how they wish capcom exploded.

In all fairness, if any group of people would ever be justified in wishing Capcom exploded, it's Mega Man fans.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm just glad Mega Man's getting representation in the next Smash games. I love him to death, but it's time to move on with Mighty No. 9. Capcom in its current state has no idea what to do with our beloved Blue Bomber.


I find this post pretty funny. Unless I somehow missed it, I don't see where he promoted his mod status at said forum and somehow implied he had any power. He's simply pointing out how dumb the comments in this thread are and the fact that it's just people who see a capcom thread and rush in to post how they wish capcom exploded.

This is a huge overstatement if I ever saw one. No one wishes Capcom exploded. Predicting it? Maybe. But is this forbidden when the company has taken so many wrong decisions? But I digress. People are actually hoping Capcom finally gets serious about their other (non MonHun and SF) franchises. I can at least speak for myself when I say that I'm happy for games like Ace Attorney 5 and Strider and hoping this unusual support can continue with other widely requested IPs.

I see no unjustified hate or bias against Capcom in this thread. Just fans being angry about genuine, factual events.


I don't even like Megaman that much and this is the saddest 25th birthday ever...

EDIT: Welp, looking forward to Mighty No 9

Still better than Metroid's. It's why you should never believe anyone who says Other M was good. It was so bad that Nintendo cancelled Metroid's birthday.
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