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famousmortimer: Xbox One OS and Xbox Live issues bouncing about as we approach launch

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It's not about getting a PS4 instead of an Xbox, but I just think that unless you REALLY need to play the Xbox launch games, being an Xbox One early adopter is very risky bet.

Even before all the 180s, there were rumours that the Xbox development was behind schedule. Once you throw the major changes from the 180s into the mix, it would have completely fucked with everyone schedule. If they were behind then, they'd be utterly (x)boned now.

Unless MS can crunch like no-one has crunched before, the Xbox One will either launch with a bunch of issues, or just have major features not present at launch. But you'll still be paying the Live tax for these broken/missing features if you're an early adopter.

If you still have a 360 it's not quite like that but I see your point...A refund for missing features or Store credit would be a nice gesture.
i am not saying everything will be so smooth. but if everyone thinking the ps4 will be smooth online day one, then he is highly mistaken.

usually it takes some time to sort things out/bugs etc. specially when there is no public beta test for the software.
This seems very reasonable to assume, and yeah, when it comes to online services getting hammered on day one with new accounts, account edits, mass settings changes, cloud storage being set up and synched, background patching, media sharing, and day one digital downloads of several 40GB+ games... well yeah, I'd advise lowering expectations a bit.

But then again some of these services require a subscription fee, which can make an audience a lot less patient.


This delay stuff gets brought up in every thread. Can we stop and be reasonable?

Microsoft will not surrender the holiday season to a PS4/WiiU faceoff. They can spin any bugs/errors as just growing pains that will go away in a never stated time frame.
So all these insiders sitting on info they aren't sharing. Spill the beans!

I can understand why. It's very possible every issue on both system will be fixed by launch.

In that scenario leaking info is just harming the brands.

At the same time I want to know as a consumer so I don't invest in a broken product.


Junior Member
Who's this clown and why people so quick to believe this? See him everywhere now, with everything anti microsoft and arguing with Penello.

This is huge and I doubt Microsoft, can slip up on something they already had.

The clown that leaked the DRM situation and spear-headed the anti-DRM movement?

The clown that backed up Matt, Gopher, and Cboat about yield issues?

The clown that called the Driveclub delay?

The clown that leaked us the lower resolution on XB1 games?

The clown that against insiders like CBoat, Kagari, and Verendus called that the PS4 would not be launching until November?

You got some learning to do, young one.
Go to the thread here on GAF about the Xbox Tour. It's within the last few pages. Guy shot his own videos of several of the games.

Are you reading more than GAF? They're dev units that are on the tour.

Nope. I read this on GAF a few days ago in the BF thread. Again, could have been wrong, that's why I asked.

Still, strange that JackFrags is showing X1 single player and PS4 MP for his feed.
Not recently. Windows 8 is not good, and neither is the latest Office. Even with 8.l it's inferior to windows 7.

That's UI design (cough Metro) that's bad, by most accounts windows 8 is faster than 7. Anyways it's entirely possible their OS design as is is terrible because who knows if they sent in their best and brightest from the windows team. From the accounts of confusion/clusterfuck at MS I wouldn't be surprised if it was composed mostly of xbox software developers with direction from higher ups, hence why it may be fucked.


I always liked Schreier. Even in my pre-Gaf days. He and Totilo were two of the writers I respected the most even as I stopped frequenting Kotaku.

P.S. I haven't posted in this thread yet because I've been trying to catch up with every page over the last hour and a half. That dream is a fallacy methinks. :p

I respect Jason. I think Jason is a good guy. He throws himself in the lions den frequently and even brushes off the LOL Kotaku people. I don't know how he does it. Gies, I don't have anything personal against him, hates us I guess and wont' show up. To be fair, it's probably better for him. I think he's probably a nice person in real life. It's probably hard for him to be the but of so many jokes here. Brad is like the Dark Knight and shows up just to smack some fools. Jason is good people. Really, he's good people.
Yup, thats right. Someone else firing some shots, dawg.

And I agree. But what was the point of linking that to Kevin Dent's dismissal? Just that anyone has "fired shots" at Cboat? Yeah, that happens. Hahaha.

I'm not trying to fight or anything, I just really thought you were confused as to the source of the blogpost/tweet given the context.


Well let's not go crazy now, bugs and other issues doesn't make it unusable, just a tad frustrating to very frustrating. Also sometimes admitting there is a problem before release can be very damaging. Every news outlet would pick it up and drive the message to consumers that the Xbone is a troubled device in need of more time in the oven, not exactly a vote of confidence. However, if people have issues with the UI and online features it will spread on message boards and word of mouth and such, but it won't get nearly the same attention as admitting there is a problem and then delaying it. Also never underestimate a buyer's willingness to defend the $500 spent on a device, even if there are grand issues there will be those that will justify their purchase in some form.
If the crashing is to believed that is a broken console. Crashing the console while playing MP every few minutes is broken. It's the suits high up that are hell bent on getting this console out at the same time as Sony that should be getting the blame. They probably don't care, just get it out the door and we will deal with the rest later. It's going to bite them in the ass big time I think.


Maxis Redwood
I'm looking forward to the launch of these consoles and the discussion surrounding their launch more and more every day.


Scheier alluded to an upcoming article. Be patient.
All this tip of the iceberg and cryptic fear mongering just reeks- to me at least- of self promotion. Seriously, I read Tea Party blogs all the time for fun, it's the most basic technique. "you won't believe XYZ" and then, it's fucking nothing.

Not saying their cant be problems, and I'm definitely glad I'm getting a PS4 at launch- buuuut it seems silly to put all these dudes on a platform and get worked up about stuff they won't even reveal.


I have an Xbox1 on pre-order, but I'm starting to think paying $500 for the privilege of being a beta tester may not be the smartest thing I can do with my money (getting a PS4 as well when some of the Sony exclusives hit, likely when The Order drops). I still like a lot of the ideas behind the Xbox1, but its starting to sound like every division in Microsoft saw the Xbox Live and 360 installed user based and decided they wanted their piece of that sweet, sweet incremental services revenue.

  • Hey you guys have voice chat right, lets use Skype instead
  • Well we've built out Azure for cloud services, lets integrate that for...stuff
  • Entertainment division - Well we're already selling movies like iTunes, what if we could integrate with the TV services they are already hooked up to, then we could integrate web ad tracking with tv ad tracking
  • Why build a dedicated OS when we already have Metro for Windows 8?
  • What if we could use Kinect to sell conference call services to businesses?
  • etc...

Won't comment on the other stuff because I don't know enough about their decision making, but I think you're pretty off about the Azure piece. The thinking here is probably more along the lines of:

They already have access to a public cloud infrastructure platform (which from everything I've read is pretty solid. I say this as someone who works for a direct competitor of Azure) and they have a desire to provide certain functionality and Azure is likely a really good fit. It's a bonus that they have Azure available because otherwise they'd have to build out their own cloud infrastructure for XBL, or use another cloud provider like AWS (not likely). If they're having problems with cloud-specific parts of XBL, its likely an issue with the way they're interacting w/ Azure and not Azure itself (I admit that's a guess as I have not yet played with Azure's API so I don't know what its quirks are). Regardless, having Azure as a resource to them is an advantage. Sony is likely building their own cloud environment to power PS+ functionality, or partnering with one of the major cloud vendors.


MS should delay the launch instead of having a bucket load of people returning the consoles and create an angry user base. But when did common sense last prevail in the corporates.
OK, going back to the pages I missed. Holy damn, this sounds horrible:
...But I'm getting a ton of tweets and I'm sure you guys have questions and I'm still talking to my contact and I wanted to share this exchange.

Him: I can explain why this would be a challenge to fix, if you need some clarification.

Me: Yes, please!

Him: Alright, the problem stems from the fact that it's both launching on the 22nd, and each team has had to write their system to write their party system to handle party hand-offs from the OS side. So if you change the way the way the system handles matchmaking or parties or voice chat in parties or voice chat in games, you run the risk of breaking every released game's individual API, because you have to account for how each individual game's XBL functionality is written. However, the way it is now is a huge cluster mess of probs.

So, in a weird way, they can't fix it on the OS side. What you could do is you could write an all encompassing XBL-API and hand it to each dev. But then you'd have to make that the standard, the OS side would have to be patched to recognize only api handshakes from the game to the OS with that particular code. Meaning some games would still end up breaking, but it'd be fewer. And it'd be more future proof.

No word on what MS is going to do about it though, and with the trouble they are having pushing online clients to Thunderhead to begin with.

They have bigger fish to fry if they want their next 6-months of titles to launch on time.

How has this core functionality not been wrapped within a common API across all games? Why the various methods? Why does each game have to do their own work with what should be low level black box calls?


All this tip of the iceberg and cryptic fear mongering just reeks- to me at least- of self promotion. Seriously, I read Tea Party blogs all the time for fun, it's the most basic technique. "you won't believe XYZ" and then, it's fucking nothing.

Not saying their cant be problems, and I'm definitely glad I'm getting a PS4 at launch- buuuut it seems silly to put all these dudes on a platform and get worked up about stuff they won't even reveal.

Holy fuck. It's called due diligence. Some of these guys have more on the table than a screenname. Give it some time. You cannot possibly believe after everything we've seen that there isn't something about to blow up.


I respect Jason. I think Jason is a good guy. He throws himself in the lions den frequently and even brushes off the LOL Kotaku people. I don't know how he does it. Gies, I don't have anything personal against him, hates us I guess and wont' show up. To be fair, it's probably better for him. I think he's probably a nice person in real life. It's probably hard for him to be the but of so many jokes here. Brad is like the Dark Knight and shows up just to smack some fools. Jason is good people. Really, he's good people.
I have to say, it was really awesome to see Jason stick his neck out for GAF like that. Especially since as you said, he often gets reamed here whenever he posts for his Kotaku affiliation.

Definitely good people right there.


I also find gafs constant use of this vague, evil sounding term "suits" hilarious, if not totally off the mark. I am one of these people, technically, (work corp. finance), and I will say that these people making decisions are waaaaaay more savvy than y'all give them credit.
Still haven't read anything in here... my wife just turned old (aka the same age as me) and everything is exploding at once which was my master plan all along even though I pay for my website/podcast.

Anyway, the source I've been talking to has read this. He said...

"If anyone wants to know why I didn't report this earlier to an insider, its because I didn't think it had a chance to be there at launch.

Like others have said, these things have issues up to launch. But I was buying into the "they'll have it fixed in time" like everyone else. Then when the architecture for XBL on X1 was explained to me, and where they were at with fixing issues, and what else was waiting to pop up and I heard what others were going through, I realized that it wouldn't be fixed. It still might, but it looks bad from this angle."

And evidently "matt" verified something. I don't know who matt is and I don't know what her verified. But that's what my source says. It's fucking hard to keep up with this shit.

While I'm feeling surly. #PS4NoDRM - you guys write about it and have podcasts about it, and - yes - I remember all that said we were hopeless.

Cod 720p - Sure seemed to be a topic on podcasts this weekend. CheapyD confirmed it several days later and Gies responded to him about how it likely won't be fixed.

Right now Ben Kuchera is telling everyone to doubt me. Most who don't follow this forum probably are. People who do follow this forum know I had the ps4 reveal, the xb1 reveal, the xb1 e3 (12/15 games!), the ps4 reveal, the only person on this forum going against cboat/etc that the PS4 wasn't launching in October, the driveclub delay, cod 720p... any now this.

So was it a long con? Did I get inside info on all of that shit so I could screw everyone at the very last second? I would almost believe that if it wasn't sony. They aren't that competent. I actually offered myself, sexually(not sexually), to Adam Boyes early last summer and he said "You aren't qualified."

I'm not. But evidently I can still do some shit from out here. And I'm so goddamn poor Im selling off my ps4/xbox1 preorders that I made on day one that I won't get. Yeah, I'm that guy.

Anyway, when this is also correct, and we'll wait till the end of november for that to happen, if you're going to base your website/podcast on what I say you can just reach out to me. My fucking email in everywhere. I get 1900000 spam messages a day, just to keep it open to people. I think I just won a million british pounds. But the point is that if you're going to talk about what I bring up... talk to me. I'm smart-ish. Im slightly funny. I also don't make a penny off of any of this. My blog is on wordpress, the ads give them money. My podcast, like wordpress, costs money. So I spend about $300 a year doing what I do. This year I've gotten a lot of donations (thank you if you're reading!) which cover this year but not all years. Not that I think all years should be covered. I'm not great at making podcasts (or good... mediocre, maybe?).

My email is blowing up. I have about 100 comments to read - not tonight, to be truthful I started drinking heavily after posting. I'm anxious, you guys kinda scare me. But I'll read the comments. And the tweets. And if I see links in from n4g or reddit or 4chan or wherever I'll read all of that as well. I always do. Does that make me egotistical? Or paranoid? Or drunk?

Everyone spewing bullshit at me - lets talk on November 22nd. It's a deal.
MS should delay the launch instead of having a bucket load of people returning the consoles and create an angry user base. But when did common sense last prevail in the corporates.

Delaying games (DriveClub, Watchdogs) is easier than delaying a console which is being marketed as the primary partner of the NFL, is sitting on the back of SUV's touring the USA, and being demoed at multiple malls across the country.


I also find gafs constant use of this vague, evil sounding term "suits" hilarious, if not totally off the mark. I am one of these people, technically, (work corp. finance), and I will say that these people making decisions are waaaaaay more savvy than y'all give them credit.
The hell are you even talking bout now?


That's UI design (cough Metro) that's bad, by most accounts windows 8 is faster than 7. Anyways it's entirely possible their OS design as is is terrible because who knows if they sent in their best and brightest from the windows team. From the accounts of confusion/clusterfuck at MS I wouldn't be surprised if it was composed mostly of xbox software developers with direction from higher ups, hence why it may be fucked.
It has the same problem though the XB1 could potentially have, which its really two OSes with a communication layer between, and that layer doesn't work all that well. So you get shit things like two versions of IE that sort of talk together but are in no way seamless.
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