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Screenshot Saturday: NeoGAF Edition - A showcase of games by the community


This week screenshot of (FreezeME)



Hi guys, never posted in here until now. This is a game I'm working on called Due Process. I'm currently an animator/artist. There was a thread on Gaf a few months back, but it died. It's a FPS tactical shooter in the vein of the old Rainbow Six and SWAT games. This is where our art currently is at!

I've wanted to post in this thread since it started, but I've been late to the party. Been really busy haha

New concept art!

Node plays Due process!

First Trailer

Due Process


Congrats on the IndieFund pickup!

New art is lookin' tasty.


This and Ghost Song are like my two most anticipated indie games.

And that one 16-bit-lookin'-action-platformer that had a great demo and will probably never come out. = (

Edit: Iconoclasts

Uahh! You cannot imagine how I feel about you thinking my game is one of the most anticipated for you:) Thanks so much!
It is not my game, but Tetropolis with its current Kickstarter is CRIMINALLY overlooked. It is an extremely unique and ambitious tetris themed metroidvania with freaking map manipulation!

Have some gifs here:



I think this post fits the creativity of this thread, this idea just an not be overlooked. We need more threads like this where we can support this kind of outside the box thinking.
Had a question for the folks who post here/check the thread out, kind of related to the Tetropolis post.

I do weekly Screenshot Saturday posts in the Indie GameThreads, listing the most interesting or promising games I see on Reddit and TIG and the main SS page. Do you think we should keep this thread to games by GAF devs only or should I also post about those other games here?
Had a question for the folks who post here/check the thread out, kind of related to the Tetropolis post.

I do weekly Screenshot Saturday posts in the Indie GameThreads, listing the most interesting or promising games I see on Reddit and TIG and the main SS page. Do you think we should keep this thread to games by GAF devs only or should I also post about those other games here?

My Tetropolis post was a one off, but we probably should leave this place to GAF games. I probably should have posted that in another thread.


Can it be Video Saturday this time?

Here's a small showcase video of the latest prototype! It's all (and only) about the VN segment.
I'm going back to the fighting segment now, to make it a whole lot better and link it to the VN. It's back to 2D animation for a while, then!


Cross-posting from the Indie Dev thread: I would like to show some of the progress that has been made over the last couple of weeks on Beat Beat Shooter.

First off a Custom Path Editor was added for enemies in the Level Editor, now you can alter their movement behavior however you want, in case you can't find what you want on the other predefined patterns:

We also changed the ship's design here's a comparison between old and new:

The new design comes with more dynamic wings that move depending on the direction and speed you're going and a trail for the rockets, making it easier to locate your ship on screen:

And lastly a GIF showing the trail's movement:



Saturday in the park
I think, it was the fourth of July
Saturday in the park
I think, it was the fourth of July

1-3, The Rocky Road. Night Level!


After this part, the gravity changes, and it becomes THE MOON

It is not my game, but Tetropolis with its current Kickstarter is CRIMINALLY overlooked. It is an extremely unique and ambitious tetris themed metroidvania with freaking map manipulation!

Have some gifs here:



I think this post fits the creativity of this thread, this idea just an not be overlooked. We need more threads like this where we can support this kind of outside the box thinking.

Tetroidvania? This looks pretty awesome.

Reading threads like these makes me want to take another stab at making a game.


GIF Saturday!


What's better than a single lifebar? Why, more bars, of course!

Now, the opponent's health meter works correctly, and I've added another player gauge linked to a whole other system: the style meter. During the match, your actions can increase or decrease this meter, and at the end of the match, anything in the gauge will be added to your reputation, so it's a good incentive to put on a show! If you play with the gauge off, the reactions of the audience will help you see if they react positively or negatively to what you do, so this should all work out nice... in theory. We'll see when the audience is actually there!


Neo Member
Hello all! This is my first time posting on NeoGaf, found it through reverse traffic from my game's website actually. I am quite surprised I had never come across NeoGaf before, pretty awesome.

But here are a couple shots from the game I am creating "Nobody's Planet" www.nobodysplanet.com


Hello all! This is my first time posting on NeoGaf, found it through reverse traffic from my game's website actually. I am quite surprised I had never come across NeoGaf before, pretty awesome.

But here are a couple shots from the game I am creating "Nobody's Planet" www.nobodysplanet.com


Hey, welcome to the forums! Nice to see you here, learned about your game last week. (I had mentioned it on my blog Indie Game Enthusiast). I had posted about Nobody's Planet in the August Indie Games thread, maybe that's where the traffic came from? Really like the visuals and aesthetic, eager to see more
I'm pretty sure this is my first time posting here!

I've brought with me a screenshot from VizionEck's campaign.


It's showing off the "graveyard" area.


Neo Member
late Saturday night screenshot from my disturbing glitch nightmare, Memory of a Broken Dimension.

late Saturday night screenshot from my disturbing glitch nightmare, Memory of a Broken Dimension.


This continues to look incredible. The shader stuff you're doing is wild! Also your title is absolutely the best. Can't wait to play!


Neo Member
Hey, welcome to the forums! Nice to see you here, learned about your game last week. (I had mentioned it on my blog Indie Game Enthusiast). I had posted about Nobody's Planet in the August Indie Games thread, maybe that's where the traffic came from? Really like the visuals and aesthetic, eager to see more

Oh wow! Thanks for posting about it. Any publicity is great at this stage. My PC recently died... Motherboard caught on fire. So gotta get it up and running again before core development can resume.
late Saturday night screenshot from my disturbing glitch nightmare, Memory of a Broken Dimension.

Saw this in the Indie Thread, can't wait to play. Exploration and atmospheric glitchy weirdness, love that kind of stuff



A slightly longer (and larger) GIF showcasing some of the new/redone animation that got done this week.
Today, I've managed to get the style system working (the bar below the health bar), adding and substracting points depending on the use of repeated moves, or certain combos, or other special cases. It's very easy to gain points for now, so I'll have to rebalance things later, though.
There are also several other tweaks to stuff I couldn't figure out previously that make the whole thing better to control, like the distance at which the controller boxes for both characters repel each other, or the reaction time and capabilities of Little Sun's AI. The whole damage calculations have been rebalanced as well, and I'm in the middle of testing them with different possible states to see if all matches are possible! (except if you haven't trained at all in hard mode. You're going to get your ass kicked then, and it will be your fault). So all in all: inching forward!

A slightly longer (and larger) GIF showcasing some of the new/redone animation that got done this week.
Today, I've managed to get the style system working (the bar below the health bar), adding and substracting points depending on the use of repeated moves, or certain combos, or other special cases. It's very easy to gain points for now, so I'll have to rebalance things later, though.
There are also several other tweaks to stuff I couldn't figure out previously that make the whole thing better to control, like the distance at which the controller boxes for both characters repel each other, or the reaction time and capabilities of Little Sun's AI. The whole damage calculations have been rebalanced as well, and I'm in the middle of testing them with different possible states to see if all matches are possible! (except if you haven't trained at all in hard mode. You're going to get your ass kicked then, and it will be your fault). So all in all: inching forward!

I love your game and I'm looking forward to playing it.


(Game: Ghost Song)

The dash skill is performed with the bumpers. Left always dashes left, right always dashes right, regardless of what way you're facing. The subtleties here are that you only dash max distance if you hold the button the entire time, you can let go at any point for the preferred dash length, and landing with pinpoint accuracy as seen here takes some skill.

The other bit of subtlety is that a backdash (not seen here -- but it's a different dash animation and it happens if you dash left while facing right or vise versa) has a bit less distance than the forward dash.

click for full size webm.

Being a "metroidvania", obstacles such as this are natural things you encounter while exploring. You may wonder what's on the other side, you may wonder enough to try and bumble your way through without even having the requisite ability (in this case, dash) which leads to that odd sense of not quite belonging...


(Game: Ghost Song)

I like putting things in that hopefully make you wonder and try to put together some kind of story in your mind just by examining what's on screen. I have very little taste for hitting the player over the head with information or spelling very many things out.

click for full size webm.



Starting to fill these audience seats! Only about halfway through, but I'll get it done soon enough. Once they're all there, I'll go back to the referee and clean his whole process (for instance, the trailing speech bubble) and animate him as well.

Also, parallax! A very small one, but still. Depth!


Game: psyscrolr
Platform: Wii U eShop


On the last area of Stage 1-2, you will encounter a pit that will turn into Mega Man style scrolling.

YES there will be spikes.
(Game: Ghost Song)

I like putting things in that hopefully make you wonder and try to put together some kind of story in your mind just by examining what's on screen. I have very little taste for hitting the player over the head with information or spelling very many things out.

click for full size webm.

Wow! I LOVE the art design. *continues to read about the game*
So any Smash Bros fans here? The team and I are making a small Smash Bros inspired web-based game which we are releasing this week.

Here's some gifs!




Here's one for Malebolgia:


It's a quick shot of the combat with a basic enemy, the ghoul. He does his lunging attack, player does a backdash out of it and then a three-hit combo to kill the enemy.


Turnover. Honestly, nothing too exciting in this one -- a true WIP shot. Started blocking out the core visuals just the other day.


Showing the new, dirty looking vision cones, new sprites (grass, lamps, Experience HUD elements). Lots of work to go on this level.


It's been a struggle, but I think I've finally got a match intro that's fun. Here's an unfortunately soundless preview:


Perhaps I'll tweak timings/positions when I have fresher eyes on the whole thing, but for now this is getting close to what I intended!


It's been a struggle, but I think I've finally got a match intro that's fun. Here's an unfortunately soundless preview:


Perhaps I'll tweak timings/positions when I have fresher eyes on the whole thing, but for now this is getting close to what I intended!

You need to post this in the fighting game threads.


Neo Member
I'm making a modest, twitchy action game called Vacuous were you use thrusters to maneuver a ship through hazardous courses. The design philosophy leans very minimalistic. Here is a screenshot of World 3 Alternate (similar to Super Meat Boy's dark world stages):


If you want to learn more about it, check out my devlog on TIGSource: Vacuous Devlog


You need to post this in the fighting game threads.

Haha, thanks :-D Not sure I'd dare, as I'm still too afraid/shy of being laughed out of there because of the still visible jankiness of stuff (hit detection/effects, some of the leftover displacement stuff, etc), the closer parentage to beat'em all mechanics wise and the VN segment... But maybe when I have tightened the whole thing just right, and have some more adversaries to show, I will :-D

If someone has the courage I lack and want to do it in the meantime, feel free, I'd be humbled and honored actually :-3
I'm making a modest, twitchy action game called Vacuous were you use thrusters to maneuver a ship through hazardous courses. The design philosophy leans very minimalistic. Here is a screenshot of World 3 Alternate (similar to Super Meat Boy's dark world stages):


If you want to learn more about it, check out the my devlog on TIGSource: Vacuous Devlog
Hey, welcome! I'd been following your game on TIG. In fact I think I was the first to reply there. Game has come a long way since those first images


Haha, thanks :-D Not sure I'd dare, as I'm still too afraid/shy of being laughed out of there because of the still visible jankiness of stuff (hit detection/effects, some of the leftover displacement stuff, etc), the closer parentage to beat'em all mechanics wise and the VN segment... But maybe when I have tightened the whole thing just right, and have some more adversaries to show, I will :-D

If someone has the courage I lack and want to do it in the meantime, feel free, I'd be humbled and honored actually :-3


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