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SCOTUS strikes down gay marriage bans, legalizing marriage equality nationwide

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Another issue the Republicans will needlessly harp on only to lose the current and next young generation.. Why can't they see there is nothing to be gained from this? Things are shifting fast dramatically - thankfully, for the good of the USA.

They see it but they just can't do anything about it. Their rhetoric over the past two decades has become so extreme that they've left themselves no room for nuance and put themselves in the position to alienate Independents/Moderates or lose the base that is frothing at the mouth over social issues that they've been all too happy to leverage up until now. They've not just dug their own grave: they're actively filling it in.
After a few more conservative politicians and southern states make asses of themselves, how quickly does this whole thing become a non-issue?
61% of Republicans aged 18-29 supported gay marriage in Feb 2014:

With the speed at which things are changing, Republicans aged 30-50 are probably close to even by now...
I think it's funny that 18-29 Republicans are still more conservative on this than 65+ Democrats.

Like I understand it's still a fairly party-line issue but come on.


Water is not wet!
Me too. It's a great picture but the reactions tell me there's something else to it. I feel like something just whooshed over my head.

i think the ladies that run U-haul are lesbian? At least thats what i took from it.


Nvm lol ive even heard that and i didnt make the connection.


listen to the mad man
I think he's talking about people who potentially got married because of this ruling, and my not have thought it through as well as they perhaps should have. I personally doubt it will be common problem.

Where I'm from has a population equivalent to the least populous states (around Wyoming). It got SSM by court order. In the first five years of SSM there were 14 same-sex marriages. Not thousand. Just 14.

Maybe they all ended up getting divorced, but even if so, I doubt that would qualify as a divorce epidemic. ;)


There's a common stereotypical joke that goes along the lines of, "What does a lesbian bring on a second date?"

A U-Haul.

Thanks! There's even a wikipedia article on it lol.


Ooooooooh. Now i get it



Can't wait for the next few polls. I wonder how long it will take to get to 70%. I think we're going to continue to see fast change on it. I wouldn't be surprised at 70%+ in 2016/2017.


After a few more conservative politicians and southern states make asses of themselves, how quickly does this whole thing become a non-issue?
61% of Republicans aged 18-29 supported gay marriage in Feb 2014:

With the speed at which things are changing, Republicans aged 30-50 are probably close to even by now...

Seriously, these charts give me hope. There are some loud idiots, but American society might finally be pulling together. Thanks, mortality!


Some fun YouTube videos from the history of ~~~The Internet

Diane Savino (New York State Senate)'s speech from the floor, 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCFFxidhcy0

Zach Walhs speaking about his two moms to the Iowa House when debating a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMLZO-sObzQ

New York vote as it passes gay marriage, 2011: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6Ad4phxOCo

CNN, election night 2012, when Maine and Maryland upheld their gay marriage laws, shitty quality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-t8XPg4NX8

The moment where the crowd realizes the anti-gay marriage amendment in Minnesota was defeated, 2012 (this is one of my FAVORITES, start at 2:54 if you're impatient): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQZxF_roWyk

Crowd reaction to Minnesota passing gay marriage, 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAxKA-MoUts


Some fun YouTube videos from the history of ~~~The Internet

Diane Savino (New York State Senate)'s speech from the floor, 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCFFxidhcy0

Zach Walhs speaking about his two moms to the Iowa House when debating a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMLZO-sObzQ

New York vote as it passes gay marriage, 2011: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6Ad4phxOCo

CNN, election night 2012, when Maine and Maryland upheld their gay marriage laws, shitty quality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-t8XPg4NX8

The moment where the crowd realizes the anti-gay marriage amendment in Minnesota was defeated, 2012 (this is one of my FAVORITES, start at 2:54 if you're impatient): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQZxF_roWyk

Crowd reaction to Minnesota passing gay marriage, 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAxKA-MoUts
Memory lane. These videos made me feel a little better back in high school and onward.


Here's an article about the current landscape in Texas.


By the end of Monday, more than 110 of Texas’ 254 county clerks were issuing same-sex marriage licenses, according to a Dallas Morning News survey. That included several county clerks who oppose gay marriage and who represent conservative swaths of Texas.

“I don’t agree with same-sex marriage, no. But you have to set your personal beliefs aside when you’re an elected official,” said LeeAnn Jennings, the clerk of Jones County, which includes the northern tip of Abilene.

Other counties, however, have resisted issuing the licenses, citing, in some cases, difficulties in updating software.

A few said they simply weren’t going to license same-sex marriages, even at the risk of being hit with lawsuits.

“I just have beliefs that gay marriage is against my religious liberty and my religious convictions,” said Katie Lang, county clerk in Hood County, southwest of Fort Worth.

While the county clerks’ decisions are trickling out, revisions to insurance coverage and other benefits for the state’s 311,000 employees emerged almost in unison on Monday.

Pretty good progress for essentially one full day. Some pretty good quotes from clerks.

Responses from county clerks around Texas when asked whether they were issuing same-sex marriage licenses Monday:

“We will be as soon as our software is updated. We made contact with our vendor, who said they are working as fast as they can to update it. As soon as they do, we will be.”

— Crane County Clerk Judy Crawford

“I signed an oath that I would uphold the law that has been handed down to me. Our forms have to be revamped, so on Wednesday I will be able to issue them. Unfortunately, I am having to do this because I have to uphold the law as an elected official.”

— Freestone County Clerk Linda Jarvis

“We’re going to, but haven’t had anybody come in yet.”

— Foard County Clerk Debra Hopkins

“My marriage license isn’t ready. I would tell them that I can do the application, because we could type that up ourselves. But the marriage license, which is the keepsake that they take home with them, we don’t have yet. I personally wouldn’t want white-out on my marriage license. But we are working on getting those.”

— Goliad County Clerk Mary Ellen Flores

“I'm issuing one right now.”

— Gonzales County Clerk Lee Riedel

“We are abiding by the AG’s request that we wait three weeks. It is my understanding that they have three weeks to appeal to Supreme Court decision.”

— Gray County Clerk Susan Winborne

“I’ve ordered new marriage licenses, and if anyone wants the old ones with the genders crossed out, we’ll issue those too.”

— Hansford County Clerk Kim Vera

“I just have beliefs that gay marriage is against my religious liberty and my religious convictions. My religion is nondenominational. I’m a Christian. We have not gotten any [applications], we have not got the paperwork.”

— Hood County Clerk Katie Lang

“I don’t agree with same-sex marriage, no, but you have to set your personal beliefs aside when you’re an elected official.”

— Jones County Clerk LeeAnn Jennings

“It’s appearing like we may have to do it because of the oath that we take even though personally we may disagree with it.”

— Tyler County Clerk Donece Gregory

“I don’t have a choice. I guess I will.”

— Ward County Clerk Natrell Cain


Nice video collection, ivysaur. I remember a few of those.

This has long been one of my favorites, from Iowa. Context: the Iowa supeme court has just ruled the state gay marriage ban unconstitutional. The GOP minority leader has asked the Democratic majority leader to cosponsor a constitutional amendment to define marriage between a man and a woman. (In Iowa, it takes the majority leader and minority leader to both sponsor a constitutional amendment bill to get it to the floor.)

This was his response.

It's only two minutes long, but I still find it very powerful. "You guys don't understand. You've already lost." That was in 2009.
Nice video collection, ivysaur. I remember a few of those.

This has long been one of my favorites, from Iowa. Context: the Iowa supeme court has just ruled the state gay marriage ban unconstitutional. The GOP minority leader has asked the Democratic majority leader to cosponsor a constitutional amendment to define marriage between a man and a woman. (In Iowa, it takes the majority leader and minority leader to both sponsor a constitutional amendment bill to get it to the floor.)

This was his response.

It's only two minutes long, but I still find it very powerful. "You guys don't understand. You've already lost." That was in 2009.

That is amazing and so simple and do powerful


Time editorial by Elizabeth Warren.


Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in Obergefell that “the generations that wrote and ratified the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment did not presume to know the extent of freedom in all of its dimensions, and so they entrusted to future generations a charter protecting the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we learn its meaning.” Some would prefer to pretend otherwise, but the Constitution did not come with an owner’s manual of how-to instructions for working through every conceivable situation across the centuries — instead, it outlined principles to serve as guideposts. Applying the Constitution’s terms to unforeseen circumstances does not go beyond the job of a judge; that is the job of a judge.

In America, because of our Constitution, senseless discrimination – discrimination that demeans the worth of our neighbors and our coworkers and our family members – cannot survive when it is brought out of the darkness. It has never been easy for us to shine the light on such discrimination. But when we see it, when we stop looking away and finally acknowledge it, it is never long before we formally recognize what is compelled by our Constitution. We recognize what has always been there: equality and dignity under the law, for all Americans, no matter who they are.

When looking at this equal marriage decision, Chief Justice John Roberts asserts that the Constitution “had nothing to do with it.” He’s wrong. Our Constitution had everything to do with it — with the liberty of two adults to have their love treated the same as that of any other couple. And it is because of the tireless work of jurists, lawyers, husbands like Jim Obergefell, and countless other LGBT Americans who stepped forward to speak out, that our nation will no longer look away from what our Constitution requires.


Slightly LTTP here, but this is so fantastic. What a great time to be alive, experiencing such an important milestone in the history of human rights. (It would have been nice if the US had joined other countries in legalizing gay marriage a little sooner, but considering all of the heel dragging we had to deal with, I'd say we did OK.)

I absolutely love the new NeoGAF logo.
Not even remotely on-topic, but the looking back reminded me of a blog that was going during the 2012 election of a Romney supporter descending into madness as more and more bad news comes about. Does anyone remember the link to that?


The 5th Circuit has ruled:

Appeals Court Takes Formal Step To End Texas, Louisiana Same-Sex Marriage Bans

SCOTUS ruling "is the law of the land and consequently the law of this circuit."

It's my understanding that Mississippi's order has come down just minutes ago. Now the officials in these three states have no excuse for any further delays.

I think there's only one parish in Louisiana that isn't issuing marriage licenses andjust a handful in Alabama and Mississippi. It's pretty much over.



I think there's only one parish in Louisiana that isn't issuing marriage licenses andjust a handful in Alabama and Mississippi. It's pretty much over.


Not yet.

There's an odd technicality of law here where Louisiana controls New Orleans' marriage licenses. Since everything is done via computer with the state, they still haven't updated "male/female" to "spouse/spouse." This should be resolved hopefully tomorrow, according to the last report.

Some folks have been going over to Jefferson Parish for certificates, and then they come over to New Orleans for a ceremony with the judge. We've been kinda picky.. we want "New Orleans" on the certificate.

So soon. Hopefully tomorrow or Friday; I'll give updates/pics!


The 5th Circuit has ruled:

Appeals Court Takes Formal Step To End Texas, Louisiana Same-Sex Marriage Bans

SCOTUS ruling "is the law of the land and consequently the law of this circuit."

It's my understanding that Mississippi's order has come down just minutes ago. Now the officials in these three states have no excuse for any further delays.

This story wouldn't be complete without noting that the Mississippi governor originally said he wanted to oppose the ruling, and, in response, the Mississippi AG withdrew as his counsel.


Just realized I never actually posted here. Don't have anything interesting to say, but just want to echo that this decision is fantastic and the new logo rocks. :)
The 5th Circuit has ruled:

Appeals Court Takes Formal Step To End Texas, Louisiana Same-Sex Marriage Bans

SCOTUS ruling "is the law of the land and consequently the law of this circuit."

It's my understanding that Mississippi's order has come down just minutes ago. Now the officials in these three states have no excuse for any further delays.

An annoyingly high number of counties in my area of Texas (West Texas) are still saying they have to update their software. http://www.myfoxlubbock.com/news/local/story/Clerks-on-Gay-Marriage/ywj08PoKkUGAKKR8MtE0AA.cspx


After waiting for 18+ years, it's done - I'm a married man!

We found-out this afternoon that our hometown courthouse was doing weddings & licenses, so we jumped on it ASAP (closing time today was 315pm, so this was really a rush). Tomorrow is a statewide holiday in obervance of July 4th, so there wasn't much time to get gussied-up. (well.. that, and we're not too stressful about getting dressed-up)

The happy couple, waiting for the judge to arrive for a quickie ceremony:

The certificate:

The wedding bands:

After we were done, we hurried home. We didn't want to leave our wedding present alone for too long, as he's only 8 weeks old and quite a handful:

The judge stayed a bit late to do the ceremony. She was tickled!

We've decided a long, loooong time ago against a big ceremony. But at some point in the near future, there's gonna be a house party. Oh yeaaah!
After waiting for 18+ years, it's done - I'm a married man!

We found-out this afternoon that our hometown courthouse was doing weddings & licenses, so we jumped on it ASAP (closing time today was 315pm, so this was really a rush). Tomorrow is a statewide holiday in obervance of July 4th, so there wasn't much time to get gussied-up. (well.. that, and we're not too stressful about getting dressed-up)

The happy couple, waiting for the judge to arrive for a quickie ceremony:

The certificate:

The wedding bands:

After we were done, we hurried home. We didn't want to leave our wedding present alone for too long, as he's only 8 weeks old and quite a handful:

The judge stayed a bit late to do the ceremony. She was tickled!

We've decided a long, loooong time ago against a big ceremony. But at some point in the near future, there's gonna be a house party. Oh yeaaah!

:) Congrats!

Now do the house with solar PV! :)


After waiting for 18+ years, it's done - I'm a married man!

We've decided a long, loooong time ago against a big ceremony. But at some point in the near future, there's gonna be a house party. Oh yeaaah!

Triforce emblazoned wedding bands? nice! and congrats!
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