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Black Lives Matter shuts down a Bernie Sanders rally

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No Scrubs

They want to know what he'll do in office, not what he's done in the past, and it's a fair thing to complain about. I totally agree with you that it's silly, but I can see where they're coming from and it's a valid position. Shit only gets done when you pressure candidates, look at Net Neutrality: we all flipped our collective shit and gave Obama a hard time until he leaned on the FCC and made it happen.


I don't get it. Why not go after someone who is actually supportive of racist policy? And if the argument is that Sander's might actually be receptive of their cause, then why are you trying to shut his shit down?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Protesters who claimed affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement stormed the stage during a rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in Seattle on Saturday, taking over the microphone and forcing Sanders to leave without ever speaking.

Well that's helpful.


They want to know what he'll do in office, not what he's done in the past, and it's a fair thing to complain about. I totally agree with you that it's silly, but I can see where they're coming from and it's a valid position. Shit only gets done when you pressure candidates, look at Net Neutrality: we all flipped our collective shit and gave Obama a hard time until he leaned on the FCC and made it happen.
Obama was already in office so it didn't hurt him. Not the case with Sanders.

And if this group was sincere, their message would be directed at Clinton too.
This is so absurd. Why are they focusing so much energy trying to hurt Sanders? I've never seen such misguided and misdirected hatred.

Seriously... what's worse is by targeting someone like sanders they risk losing the active support of the people who are traditionaly always been their allies. It's unbelievably counterproductive.
BLM doing their best to ensure their irrelevancy.

Pretty much, I was all about it until some groups started pulling head scratching stuff like this. I just wish the original purpose and message of the movement wasn't being overpowered by the seeming incompetence of some supporters.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
BLM is funded by Soros, a huge Clinton supporter.

Do you guys really believe this? A post with no citation of this claimed fact? It's really insulting to me.


Seriously... what's worse is by targeting someone like sanders they risk losing the active support of the people who are traditionaly always been their allies. It's unbelievably counterproductive.

Who's support: Bernie's? or white liberals?


BLM is funded by Soros, a huge Clinton supporter.

Do you guys really believe this? A post with no citation of this claimed fact? It's really insulting to me.

What do you mean? You just have to Google it and you can see it repeated across such acclaimed news sources as the Washington Times and Newsbusters. If the virulent crazy right wing fringe is printing it, it must be true, right?
I don't understand antagonizing Bernie, he is not the enemy.

The argument is that it has nothing to do with him being an enemy - he's not. It's about forcing him to acknowledge certain struggles and include black issues in his platform. The problem with this argument is that Sanders already had some of the BLM "agenda" in his platform before they began these protests. After the NetRoots fiasco he became more vocal and spoke about Sandra Bland and other issues. Yet this still happens.

About a third of the BLM demands list revolves around economic issues, most of which Sanders supports. He is also a proponent of criminal justice reform.

Ultimately the movement, like many others on the far left, isn't effective in large part due to the ridiculous insularity and inability to deal with minor disagreements with others.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
They want to know what he'll do in office, not what he's done in the past, and it's a fair thing to complain about. I totally agree with you that it's silly, but I can see where they're coming from and it's a valid position. Shit only gets done when you pressure candidates, look at Net Neutrality: we all flipped our collective shit and gave Obama a hard time until he leaned on the FCC and made it happen.

Pressure the people who aren't already doing stuff for you, not the people on your side.

They're idiots, and all they're doing is turning their existing allies away with these actions.
First off, this makes no sense, he's for all intents and purposes on your side. Secondly, Charlton Heston was a civil rights activist as well.

That last bit is actually entirely irrelevant in regards to Bernie, but just a fun fact. :)


Correct, but Clinton has not done any more than he has. She doesn't even have laurels to rest on. She has the opposite. She pushed the mass incarceration and "tough on crime" policies in the first place.

And yet no protest on her from BLM.

Hasn't Clinton gone on record this cycle as regretting those policies and her role in advocating for them? She is addressing the issue, which is the concern these protestors have with Sanders. He isn't, because he's focusing on economics as the centerpiece of his campaign. That's his prerogative, and theirs to think it's not addressing the systemic issues they see as the priority before us.


I don't understand antagonizing Bernie, he is not the enemy.

If this is really purely an attempt to discredit Bernie so that that Clinton has (more of) a cakewalk, that's pretty disgusting.

I wouldn't say they're antagonizing him. He's just the only high-profile candidate anyone can do anything like this with.

Hilary has a wall of Secret Service around her.

Jeb is the same already, for being the brother AND son of a president.

All the Republican candidates tightly control any of their appearances.

Bernie is the only serious Presidential candidate anyone can even interact with.


“We will be able to say, loudly and clearly, that for repeat, violent, criminal offenders — three strikes and you’re out. We are tired of putting you back in through the revolving door,” remarked the then-first lady.
Clinton also noted that the crime bill would help build more prisons.

“We will also finally understand that fighting crime is not just a question of punishment, although there are many dollars in the crime bill to build more prisons,” she said. “It is also a question of prevention. We want to give police officers the tools to help young people stay out of trouble. We want to begin to give young people something to say yes to, not just to have to face the bleak, alienated streets that too often push them in the wrong direction.”


The argument is that it has nothing to do with him being an enemy - he's not. It's about forcing him to acknowledge certain struggles and include black issues in his platform. The problem with this argument is that Sanders already had some of the BLM "agenda" in his platform before they began these protests. After the NetRoots fiasco he became more vocal and spoke about Sandra Bland and other issues. Yet this still happens.

About a third of the BLM demands list revolves around economic issues, most of which Sanders supports. He is also a proponent of criminal justice reform.

Ultimately the movement, like many others on the far left, isn't effective in large part due to the ridiculous insularity and inability to deal with minor disagreements with others.

The argument may not, but these sorts of actions certainly portray them as seeing him as being their enemy. It's not an effective strategy to further their cause, IMO.

I wouldn't say they're antagonizing him. He's just the only high-profile candidate anyone can do anything like this with.

Hilary has a wall of Secret Service around her.

Jeb is the same already, for being the brother AND son of a president.

All the Republican candidates tightly control any of their appearances.

Bernie is the only serious Presidential candidate anyone can even interact with.

I feel like shutting down his rally so he can't even speak is antagonizing. Interaction would be great and I'm sure Bernie would welcome it. This was not interaction.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hasn't Clinton gone on record this cycle as regretting those policies and her role in advocating for them? She is addressing the issue, which is the concern these protestors have with Sanders. He isn't, because he's focusing on economics as the centerpiece of his campaign. That's his prerogative, and theirs to think it's not addressing the systemic issues they see as the priority before us.

That's complete bullshit.


Do you guys really believe this? A post with no citation of this claimed fact? It's really insulting to me.

Well, it seems to be true just by a good old google search. Personally, I think it is rather conspiratorial to then make the leap that Soros is some sort of mastermind, directing these protesters to crash and hound Bernie Sanders so as to give Hilary a boost in the polls. I mean, come on. The group is likely very de-centralized, Hilary doesnt need the help, and does BLM going after Bernie even help Clinton? I am rather skeptical that it does.

Huh, reading Pigeon's post, I actually looked at the sources and they seem quite suspect. So yea... even more conspiratorial than I thought


Hasn't Clinton gone on record this cycle as regretting those policies and her role in advocating for them? She is addressing the issue, which is the concern these protestors have with Sanders. He isn't, because he's focusing on economics as the centerpiece of his campaign. That's his prerogative, and theirs to think it's not addressing the systemic issues they see as the priority before us.

Bernie has spoken out against those issues multiple times for years and in this campaign.

These protestors seem to want him to devote his entire campaign to focusing on the issue.



This dude does loads of town hall meetings, I'm sure you could get the chance to air your grievances instead of being dickish about it.

Exactly, Sanders is trying to hold a conversation with voters, and is open to it. Too many town halls are sabotaged by assholes. No wonder our politics are fucked.


Hasn't Clinton gone on record this cycle as regretting those policies and her role in advocating for them? She is addressing the issue, which is the concern these protestors have with Sanders. He isn't, because he's focusing on economics as the centerpiece of his campaign. That's his prerogative, and theirs to think it's not addressing the systemic issues they see as the priority before us.
Lol, she caused the issue. But all is forgiven because she regrets it. Let's attack Bernie cause what has he done lately.


They want to know what he'll do in office, not what he's done in the past, and it's a fair thing to complain about. I totally agree with you that it's silly, but I can see where they're coming from and it's a valid position. Shit only gets done when you pressure candidates, look at Net Neutrality: we all flipped our collective shit and gave Obama a hard time until he leaned on the FCC and made it happen.

Why cant his past, and his present message speak for that, though? To me, that picture speaks volumes. And his entire campaign cant just be about this. He has multiple approaches, and his message is covering quite a many subjects.

This is a very big issue, yes, but what does the man have to do outside what he's doing now? ESPECIALLY since he's fighting an uphill battle to get ahead of Hilary?


Bernie? Really? The guy who was active in the civil rights movement back in the 1960's before these people were even born?

That is pretty fucking stupid IMHO.

Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.

Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.

But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.

Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.


The right has convinced everyone, even the minorities, that there's no possibilities to solve race relations because "we" and "them" are fundamentally diffferent. Their rethoric has effectively fueled an "us vs them" mentality that make every white/black man an enemy , meaning that actual policies that would work to curb poverty and racism are seen as an attack on either side because they don't only help "us" but also "them", meaning they're fundamentally against "us" because they help the "enemy".

People like Sanders that want to enact actual policies that would massively improve race relations in america and solve the biggest problem they have , social mobility, are seen as white Bourgeois ideas, european and inerhently racists because they don't live "with us" but they live "up there".
I'd argue it's also one of the reasons Trump is being so successfully, because he's not a politician that is proposing things, he's just showing an attitude that make people feel that he's not "up there" but "down with them". The "he's speaking his mind" "he's not a politician", "he's saying things that need to be said" shit.

Trying to fix things at the highest level only with things like "affirmative action" basically means admiting that there are issues at the base level that skew the opportunities, but does nothing to actually fix those differences that stem from things like poor schools being treated like shit, prison systems being used as cheap labor, and in general a system that screw poors and minorities alike. As much as i hate to admit, asians are still subject to racism, but since they're generally of higher income, you never hear about them being shot on the streets because they're "thugs". They are considered different and racists comments will still be there, but at least they're not constantly fucked up like blacks are.

It's impossible to fix racism in america if you don't fucking fix the fact that poors are essentially an underclass that has no chance to move up the ladder, enforcing negative stereotypes eternally. Sanders has the right idea, but will never be listened sadly. Instead we'll get a clinton corp loon that will continue to screw up the poors, remove their opportunities, force them into criminal activities and underskilled labor, forever enforcing the idea that they are "inferior".
Really starting to wonder how Hillary seems to avoid this ever happening to her.

Word on the street is she has ex-Blackwater running security for her.

Here's a DailyKOS description of what happened:

women from BLM started demanding the opportunity to speak. The man in charge tried to reason with them to wait their turn, but they became verbally abusive, so he gave them the mic. Bernie and his wife stepped to the side while one woman spoke. When the man in charge tried to get the mic back, she insisted that everyone stop for a moment of silence in memory of Michael Brown, which she explained meant 4 1/2 minutes, to represent the 4 1/2 hours Michael Brown's body lay in the street. Initially, the crowd protested, but eventually did as she requested. After that, she demanded that Bernie come over to her, speaking to him as if speaking to a dog. He stayed where he was. Then a woman who I think was part of the program began to explain that the program was about Social Security and Medicare and tried to make the connection between those programs and PoC. Then the man in charge spoke with Bernie, and Bernie and his wife made their way through the crowd, shaking hands with people along the way. Presented without commentary.

The focusing on Bernie has made BLM look weak - going after Sanders because he's tried to keep his campaign as open and as accessible as possible, while not a quip at other candidates' events - and the words being spoken at the Sanders rally soars into hyperbole (coming from me, I know, a hoot, but still) that makes it impossible to have an honest discourse. It's put the candidate who would do the best for BLM's goals into a lose-lose situation. Either get extra security and cut them off, looking like a racist pseudo-progressive, or keep letting them dominate and shut down events before they can even start, not even letting him speak and talking down to him like this is getting ridiculous. Scanning Twitter there were progressives of all races expressing frustration about this, and now the meme going around is they were bought out by Hillary/Soros.

At the end of the day shit like this is just going to get Hillary elected, or worse yet, get whoever winds up the Republican nominee elected - which would only make things even worse for black Americans. Sanders is the best thing we've got going and Hillary has one of the most racist records a Democratic candidate in recent history has under her belt. It's foolish to think she'd do anything BLM demands while taking kickbacks from the prison-industrial complex.
Bernie really is amateur hour.. decvades of 'experience' but can't answer to this?

Why don't they you know...target some Republican rallies? You know, the people that really need to realize that, hey black lives DO matter.

Granted I wouldn't blame them if they were fearful if they did since...well..........you know.

that's like asking panhandlers for money. they have money in the pan!
Of all the politicians they could target, they go against Bernie Sanders? HE'S NOT YOUR ENEMY for the love of everything.

But the people who listen to him are most likely to resonate with the message of Black Lives Matter. If they protested a Trump rally, that's just blind noise. By protesting Sanders, they get the attention of an audience willing to help.


Lol, she caused the issue. But all is forgiven because she regrets it. Let's attack Bernie cause what has he done lately.

Oh, she didn't help, but I'm hardly going to say that her being First Lady and advocating for her husband's policies makes her solely culpable.
I wouldn't say they're antagonizing him. He's just the only high-profile candidate anyone can do anything like this with.

Hilary has a wall of Secret Service around her.

Jeb is the same already, for being the brother AND son of a president.

All the Republican candidates tightly control any of their appearances.

Bernie is the only serious Presidential candidate anyone can even interact with.

How is not even letting the man speak not antagonizing him?


Water is not wet!
They want to know what he'll do in office, not what he's done in the past, and it's a fair thing to complain about. I totally agree with you that it's silly, but I can see where they're coming from and it's a valid position. Shit only gets done when you pressure candidates, look at Net Neutrality: we all flipped our collective shit and gave Obama a hard time until he leaned on the FCC and made it happen.

You make it sound like they just made their presence known during the QA session. They seized the stage and he didnt speak. This is the second time this has happened.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.

Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.

But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.

Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.


Your grievances are fine, but your anger is COMPLETELY misdirected. You are protesting your closest ally. You are sending a message to someone who already gets the message. You are being stupid.


Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.

Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.

But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.

Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.

Please explain how he's supposed to engage with people who rip the mic away from him and refuse to get off the stage and allow him to speak.
Nobody cares about what Bernie did back then.

Really, Bernie is being so incredibly stupid about this that, frankly, I would be concerned about a man so lacking in common sense running our country. All Bernie would have to do to snuff all this out is engage them. Truly engage the movement. Just once. Because we're not going away, and simple lip-service and your stans constantly shoving it down our throats that he marched with Dr. King like we really ought to give a fuck about that is not going to cut it. Just listen, let the dialog happen.

But nope! It's more Old Man Bernie "get off my lawn!" dismissiveness, displaying beyond all shadow of doubt that, no, he really doesn't give a fuck.

Bernie already lost the black vote with the Netroots fiasco. This was just him closing the door on ever getting it back.

They certainly aren't acting like they want to be engaged right now. I completely understand the frustration but the anger towards Bernie sanders is misdirected.

Velcro Fly

Yeah engage them as they take over his rally and not even allow him to speak

There have to be better ways to do this


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
That her apologizing and proposing reforms is keeping them off Clinton's back, or that they don't see what Sanders is talking about as getting to the heart of the matter?

It's bullshit that they could compare the two candidates and their records and come away thinking Sanders is the/a problem. There is likely no other candidate running that has spoken out more on these issues than Bernie.

This is either corrupt fuckery or complete stupidity.
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