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If you could change one thing about gamer culture, what would it be?

Toxicity of the online communities.

This is mine, more than anything.

Think of all that toxicity encompasses: sexism, racism, blind fanboyism, hostility towards new players genuinely trying to get better, intercommunity cannibalization over trivial issues...it would be wonderful to never see any of that stuff again.


Unconfirmed Member
If your answer to this isn't "the sexism and racism that runs rampant", I'm either really jealous of your blissful ignorance or you fucked up


Neo Member
The tribes that form around any videogame subculture (Sony fans, Xbox fans, Shooter fans etc) that's automatically hostile to anyone that doesn't belong.


Un Rama
Allow for there to be a critical middle ground. At the moment something can ether be 10/10 GOTY hype or Jesus fucking trash garbage lazy devs.

It'd be nice for everyone to be more critical and balanced (reviewers too)


only 1? UGH

Fanboyism. Just stop. Be glad games are where they are, competition is great between microsoft and sony. Just stop

runner up: Why are digital games the same price as physical games!!!!


A bit more positivity about the thing we love would be brilliant. We all want games to be the best they can be, but people need to realise there are limitations. You want a game to hit 60fps? People complain that the visuals suck, despite them being being scaled back as a design choice to hit the target (and not looking too bad regardless). Amazing graphics? Sucks that the game is only 30fps. It also translates over to reviews too, especially IGN. So what if IGN said Pokemon has too much water? It's a valid criticism. You'd be complaining too if 90% of the water levels in Mario were water levels. News flash, the short bullet points at the end aren't the only reason why the game can have 3 points knocked off it.

Just toning down the negativity would be fantastic.


I would make it so that there's no gamer culture. The stigma of immaturity that's still attached to it is never gonna go away because it's fed by every aspect of it: the sexism, the hype culture, the outrage culture, the elitism, the fanboy wars.


If I could change one thing, it would be to change the perception that such a thing as gamer culture actually even exists.

I play video games.
You play video games.
That does not mean we have anything in common of actual significance.
It does also not mean we are part of some secret society.
It means we happen to share the same hobby.
Nothing less. Nothing more.


About game development? Trying to make a game be all things for all people. I want a focused experience.

Gaming culture? I don't really associate with gamers, so I couldn't tell you. A lot of them are assholes though, so I guess there could be fewer assholes.
I would change that it started off male focused so early on. I think if the perceived gender balance of the "gamers" started off balanced and accurate, we'd have a lot better culture and healthier community.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Damn. I wanna say preorder bonuses. Like taking content out and punishing those who didn't preorder while giving those who did, the advantage.

Not sure.


The us versus them mentality which I feel contributes to the other problems in the community/gamer culture.


I'd be sad if the fanboys and platform wars went away.

I mean really... I can't fully enjoy any kind of enthusiast scene without fanboys. It's just no fun when everyone's open minded and even handed. I want to see passion. Schadenfreude. Salt. It helps me enjoy the hobby beyond just playing the games.


For every game company/publisher to have personable and very interactive (within their limits) community/PR people, like Aaron with the Sonic The Hedgehog twitter account.

Less like Pete Hines where you actively piss people off and don't elaborate on things.
People taking this shit too seriously. Like come on. They're video games.

This would help alleviate problems in multiple areas (obsessing over sales/review scores, general fanboyism and flame wars, slacktivists who don't care about anything political until their precious vidyagamez are under fire, and yes GamerGate).


I would usually say fanboy bullshit, because that shit is not fun and takes enjoyment out of reading forums and good discussion. But recently with alot of the shit I've seen, I would say toxicity from online communities especially towards anyone wanting better gender representation in their games would be a much more important change. Though fanboy shit could probably be part of online community toxicity.


existence of platform warriors, i suppose
those kind of people ruin discussions about games, at least pessimism has merits
It's so true. I don't need threads dominated by who has the comarketing rights to a game. Who gives a shit?
Outrage culture. It's infuriating.

The irony of that statement is not lost on me
The most frustrating thing about this is how quickly this knee jerk rage blows over, and yet developers/publishers still bow to these whims and thereby perpetuate the behavior. Like how suddenly it became a big deal last year that Assassin's Creed doesn't have a playable female character, so Ubi added a female lead to AC Syndicate with a relatively lukewarm response compared to the previous passion about the issue.
I think people get hooked on the feeling of power that comes from raging and instituting change, so they seek out things to get mad about.
For gamers to take a chill pill.

They are only games people...
It's fine for people to get passionate about their hobby, especially on sites like this. When fellow gamers belittle and insult each other though, that's crossing the line.


Hype/pre-order culture.

It's killing us as it means developers now know they can get away with putting games out that are half arsed or not even finished in some cases.

I don't care if you get a discount for pre-ordering, you are sending out a message that says you'll eat up any shit that is served to you regardless.

I've been guilty of it in the past and have learnt the hard way unfortunately. Stop this shit. That way maybe it will also stop the pre-order bonus fragmentation bullshit that is going on.

This is the correct answer. Agreed.
microtransactions and dlcs. go back to game is full and complete at launch, and top games get a substantive expansion pack (or two) a little down the road but no more season passes, microtransactions, in game speedups, f2p, preorder DLCs, etc.


It's ability to take criticism. A lot of the current problems with the culture stem from the misinterpretation that criticism is a negative aspect, and that any criticism against something that one likes is an insult to them personally.

The fact that so many seem to require mass approval to validate their own experiences and purchases is a dangerous trend, and one that leads gaming as a whole further down the path of homogenisation and stagnation.

The most glaring example of this I can think of is the reaction to the "Gamers are Dead" article that helped kick off the whole GG debacle. The outrage stemmed from a mass misinterpretation of the criticism that the article posed, and then a powerful, emotional, knee-jerk reaction that came from many feeling personally attacked due to that misunderstanding. I feel pretty safe saying that GamerGate wouldn't have happened had the culture as a whole had a better understanding of professional criticism.
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