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Nevada Poll: GOP-Trump 45% Rubio 19% Cruz 17% DEM-Clinton 48% Sanders 47% (CNN/ORC)

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It's even more insane when you consider how many candidates are still in the race to split the vote.
The primary calendar puts the establishment candidates' supposed best states in the middle of March, and those states are winner-take-all. Ohio and Florida.


Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Jeb Bush just got contact lenses and got rid of the glasses. He wants to look cool, but it's far too late. 1% in Nevada!

People in brash hairpieces shouldn't throw stones.
Jeb won't leave since he is convinced he can make a comeback once the winner take all states start voting. Same thing with Rubio and Kasich.


Can anyone explain why polls for caucus states are so unreliable? (Serious question)
Everyone votes at the same time. If you don't make it to your caucus site at 7 PM (Iowa) or 11 AM (Nevada), you aren't voting.

In a primary, you usually have 12-14 hours to cast your vote.
Hillary 69-26 advantage with voters 55+, Sanders 56-38 advantage with voters under 55... Hillary with a 48-47 edge in the overall poll. Must have been an old group they polled given the percentages.

Also, Hillary won every single "who would do better with X" issue question. All of them. Even the economy, which can feel like the only issue Sanders seems to talk about. God damn. How much of this is just boiling down to Bernie Sanders, likeable irascible Jewish grandpa who yells about the world at Thanksgiving dinner, v. Hillary Clinton, long-known politician that people don't seem to like that much.

Maybe people are tired of this rigged system that Hillary herself benefits from. Remember the media still has a black out on Bernie. A lot of my fellow Latinos are just barely learning about him.


Neck and neck for the Dems is terrible for Clinton; even if she wins the Nom shes likely to be very disliked by Whites and likewarm amongst minorities. Clinton's minority strategy cannot be based on polling so low with Whites; her supposed advantage is now looking like her consolation prize.

The fact shes purely on the defence of her minorities and in no way trying to gain traction around the White working class especially is a pretty bad sign for her campaign.


People in brash hairpieces shouldn't throw stones.


boiled goose

good with gravy
yeah her performance in the primary should be worrying in regards to her electability in the general

She is a terrible campaigner. Why is she running for President again?? You need a vision and a message.

"More pragmatic than Bernie" is a terrible message.

It's the same reason Republicans can't poke trump. "Less racist than Trump"doesn't quite appeal to the gop

boiled goose

good with gravy
Neck and neck for the Dems is terrible for Clinton; even if she wins the Nom shes likely to be very disliked by Whites and likewarm amongst minorities. Clinton's minority strategy cannot be based on polling so low with Whites; her supposed advantage is now looking like her consolation prize.

The fact shes purely on the defence of her minorities and in no way trying to gain traction around the White working class especially is a pretty bad sign for her campaign.

And Bernie s record with minorities is almost indisputably better.. it's only a matter of time.

Real Hero

There's not a single thing that is inspiring about Clinton, I'm not saying she would be bad president but there's not single thin to latch onto with her.
I live in Vegas and I wouldn't trust the democratic polls too much, its a shit show. Everyone with a land line is getting phone calls up the ass by pollsters and political ads, to the point where many people just aren't answering the phone or even disconnecting it anymore. They don't poll mobile numbers and just about everyone under 30 now only has mobile phones and no land lines. I'm pretty sure you will see Hillary win the caucus with around 70% end of the day, and Trump win the republican side with around 40-45%.

And as mentioned above, who the hell knows what turnout is going to be like. You can only vote in the Republican caucus if you registered as a R in the last election. The democratic caucus is open to all eligible voters, but its on Saturday at 11am.

There is a completely seperate Primary in June to select party candidates for everything else, the caucus this saturday is JUST for the presidential candidate. There's a big push to change the system to hold the full primaries in Feb with all candidates selected, and doing a regular primary ballot that gives everyone all day and presumably vote by mail as well / early voting.


She is a terrible campaigner. Why is she running for President again?? You need a vision and a message.

"More pragmatic than Bernie" is a terrible message.

It's the same reason Republicans can't poke trump. "Less racist than Trump"doesn't quite appeal to the gop

I'm borrowing Dan Carlin's idea but maybe we should have two presidents - one that is the face of the country and more of the cheerleader type and one that is the behind the scenes person / policy wonk type. The presidency is a big part popularity contest and saying you're more pragmatic and better at policy isn't going to get people excited. The guy that crunches the numbers is never getting elected.
Neck and neck for the Dems is terrible for Clinton; even if she wins the Nom shes likely to be very disliked by Whites and likewarm amongst minorities. Clinton's minority strategy cannot be based on polling so low with Whites; her supposed advantage is now looking like her consolation prize.

The fact shes purely on the defence of her minorities and in no way trying to gain traction around the White working class especially is a pretty bad sign for her campaign.

Minorities are how you win the white house. That's why she's focusing on them. And why the GOP has such a hard time with the presidency.


Nevada is a tricky place to poll but I love the trend of populism > establishment. Love that Trump is embarrassing the Bush family on the national stage over and over again. Everyone underestimated Sanders (and continues to do so), meanwhile Hillary and Co. is scrambling to raise money from big donors. Exciting times.
Hillary 69-26 advantage with voters 55+, Sanders 56-38 advantage with voters under 55... Hillary with a 48-47 edge in the overall poll. Must have been an old group they polled given the percentages.

Also, Hillary won every single "who would do better with X" issue question. All of them. Even the economy, which can feel like the only issue Sanders seems to talk about. God damn. How much of this is just boiling down to Bernie Sanders, likeable irascible Jewish grandpa who yells about the world at Thanksgiving dinner, v. Hillary Clinton, long-known politician that people don't seem to like that much.

Yeah but on economy Bernie is just 1 point behind. And for "most important issue" economy is #1 at 42% and in far distant 2nd place is healthcare at 19% and other issues barely breaking double digits. It always comes down to the economy for Democrats.


I live in Vegas and I wouldn't trust the democratic polls too much, its a shit show. Everyone with a land line is getting phone calls up the ass by pollsters and political ads, to the point where many people just aren't answering the phone or even disconnecting it anymore. They don't poll mobile numbers and just about everyone under 30 now only has mobile phones and no land lines. I'm pretty sure you will see Hillary win the caucus with around 70% end of the day, and Trump win the republican side with around 40-45%.


This sample includes 606 interviews among landline respondents and 400 interviews among cell phone respondents.


Hillary won every single "who would do better with X" issue question. All of them. Even the economy, which can feel like the only issue Sanders seems to talk about. God damn. How much of this is just boiling down to Bernie Sanders, likeable irascible Jewish grandpa who yells about the world at Thanksgiving dinner, v. Hillary Clinton, long-known politician that people don't seem to like that much.
They basically tied regarding the economy, and a majority of voters said that issue was most important.

I suspect you'll find other issues such as candidate trustworthiness and honesty that weren't asked would explain the swing to Sanders despite Hillary polling better in other traditional issues.

I live in Vegas and I wouldn't trust the democratic polls too much, its a shit show. Everyone with a land line is getting phone calls up the ass by pollsters and political ads, to the point where many people just aren't answering the phone or even disconnecting it anymore. They don't poll mobile numbers and just about everyone under 30 now only has mobile phones and no land lines. I'm pretty sure you will see Hillary win the caucus with around 70% end of the day.
Firstly, this poll includes a sizeable chunk of mobile sample. Secondly, are you saying more mobile sample would be better for Clinton??


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Wow. the big shock here is Sanders surging. I thought Hilary was a lock in outside of Iowa. but Sanders can pull off an upset here Hilary might become suicidal lol.
That would fit in with the polling we've seen from other states, they're basically splitting the white vote across the country (outside of New England).

It would fit but that's usually info you get from the crosstabs, not from the poll itself. Weird.

Please let it be Trump vs Sanders. A modern-day epic showdown. Will be incredible.

In that case it would by Trump vs Bloomberg vs Sanders. It would be an epic showdown indeed.
Hillary 69-26 advantage with voters 55+, Sanders 56-38 advantage with voters under 55... Hillary with a 48-47 edge in the overall poll. Must have been an old group they polled given the percentages.

Also, Hillary won every single "who would do better with X" issue question. All of them. Even the economy, which can feel like the only issue Sanders seems to talk about. God damn. How much of this is just boiling down to Bernie Sanders, likeable irascible Jewish grandpa who yells about the world at Thanksgiving dinner, v. Hillary Clinton, long-known politician that people don't seem to like that much.

Sanders did better in the "Would do the most to help the middle class" question.
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