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Will UK gaming prices go up?

Buy Digital, And do the primary account share with someone. Then boom, All games half price. Me and my bro do this, Pay half for all games we both want.
This could potentially put GAME under massive pressure again if they end up having to either eat some of the increase or lose out to the online discounters and supermarkets even more.

On the other hand I could see digital sales falling and a swing back towards physical as the digital prices are far more likely to rise than physical ones will, especially a few weeks after launch.


It's like going back to the 90s. I remember when Virtua Racing on Megadrive as £69.99. And SNES games regularly cost £50-60.
Turok £70 on N64 back then, I remember as my parents could only get me one game, Turok was out of the question. A friend at school had it and we were all very curious, I thought he had everything the world could offer lol.


As a Canadian who has been through this song and dance more than once: the worst part is when your currency goes back up and game prices don't go back down.


I feel for people like you in the coming years, it hasn't sunk in yet.
The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.


I'm not really a politics person but...based on what? What do we even have to bargain with? We have literally nothing any other countries want. Our export is bare minimum.
Do you think companies can just lose the millions of sales in the UK. For example when Unilever wanted to raise there prices just one of the UKs supermarkets stopped buying from them and within a week they dropped the price increase.


The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.

Do you think companies can just lose the millions of sales in the UK. For example when Unilever wanted to raise there prices just one of the UKs supermarkets stopped buying from them and within a week they dropped the price increase.



I doubt it (or at least it would be stupid of them to do), hardware may have higher costs in the future but in terms of software the UK market is still one of the most competitive in the world for retail pricing and it's also quite sensitive to changes too, higher prices would do nothing but kill overall sales and likely end up with even fewer AAA titles doing well and prices would quickly tumble anyway.


While we are still at the mercy of Europe probably, we will not start the leave untill March next year and could take a year or more to actually leave. Until this our trade deals are still going via the EU and you can be sure those Euro bureaucrats will hike every price they can. When we are finally free it is down to the UK to strike deals directly with other countries without paying the Euro premium also the pound will have recovered and stabilized and you can be sure we will have a stronger barganing position.

Will we shyte, smh.


If the pound stays at current levels or drops further, then yes. Brexit or not, it's cold, hard economics

The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.

Man I can't wait 10 years until I turn 40 and they clue me in on the super secret economics that only people who run on blind nationalism seem to know, because none of you guys seem willing to articulate it
Do you think companies can just lose the millions of sales in the UK. For example when Unilever wanted to raise there prices just one of the UKs supermarkets stopped buying from them and within a week they dropped the price increase.
Your comparison to food products is flawed (food is mostly produced in your own country anyway).

Instead you should be looking at how currency fluctuations affected luxury goods like games, computer hardware and such.

When Canadian dollar depreciated games prices went from 60 to 70 and then up to 80.
When Russian ruble depreciated game prices skyrocketed (don't have exact numbers but you can look it up).
When GBP depreciated Apple increased their product prices by up to £500. Also, computer component prices are also constantly increasing in the UK, just more quietly and so far didn't make big waves in the media.
Game price increase in UK is inevitable, and I think it's already starting because I see some new AAA games for £59.99 on amazon.uk


Welcome to Canada

New releases went from 59.99 in 2013 to 79.99 now when our dollar went in the tank.


The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.

Fucking hilarious.

Yes, I'm sure Japan will be begging to be able to sell Dragon Quest XIII at a loss in the UK, in exchange for your highly valuable exports of Princess Diana mugs and previously unsold copies of stand-up comedians' autobiographies.

Just keep your head buried in the Daily Mail and recite Rule Brittania, should block out any reality about the falling pound sinking in.
No point panicking until it's happened but it's why I've got preorder prices covered right now. Got all the games I wanted preordered months ago so I should be fine for them at least. Not going to sidetrack the thread but thanks for reminding to call my neighbour an idiot for voting brexit.
No point panicking until it's happened but it's why I've got preorder prices covered right now. Got all the games I wanted preordered months ago so I should be fine for them at least. Not going to sidetrack the thread but thanks for reminding to call my neighbour an idiot for voting brexit.

I should preorder all the stuff I want now so then I can't get screwed over when it does eventually happen.


Fucking hilarious.

Yes, I'm sure Japan will be begging to be able to sell Dragon Quest XIII at a loss in the UK, in exchange for your highly valuable exports of Princess Diana mugs and previously unsold copies of stand-up comedians' autobiographies.

Just keep your head buried in the Daily Mail and recite Rule Brittania, should block out any reality about the falling pound sinking in.

Yeah thanks for the racist stereotyping. I am sure the EEC are falling over themselves to secure the best deal on obscure JRGs for us poor fools in England. Try doing some real research then come back with something relevant. Besides we have a good relationship with Japan and Nissan is make a large invesment in its Car factories in England over the next couple of years.
The question in general depends on margins really. Hardware tends to be pretty thin so that will go up. For example Nintendo, I seem to recall for most the world the DSi was something like 20% more than the DS Lite. For the UK it was more like 60% more.

Now software, if UK prices don't get up it helps out mainland Europe gamers like it did for that period when the € was strong in 2013...until the UK gets it's new relationship then there will a case of cheaper if customs don't snatch it/using amazon because they're about the only retailers that understand how to recalculate tax.

Digitally, Nintendo will rise prices to be sure. For the UK they raised digital prices when DSi launched £7=€10 to £9=€10 (existing things grandfathered) and kept it at that to this present day. As soon as it becomes £1=€1 you can be sure that'll be the new standard. Suffered from £9=€10 for too long? They don't care.
and that is why I don't buy with £s on the eShop even if it means having no NNID on my 3DS and needing multiple ones on my Wii U which with switch being a handheld (which traditionally has one user) leaves me a bit worried which one I choose

Nintendo also reacted pretty quickly (a few months) to Russia and its rouble issues by practically doubling prices but giving some warning. In the past things like Australia and South Africa they were a little slower on but those were much smaller changes (I'd say they are quite similar to Canada).

When Russian ruble depreciated game prices skyrocketed (don't have exact numbers but you can look it up).
I know PC can play by different rules but in Russia the Steam store did not change by a great deal but Valve managed to implement something special there. Region restricted gifts (this has also helped Steam emerge into China and South Asia). This prevented people outside of Russia from taking advantage of the relatively lower prices (having a look at a selection of popular games on steam these are 40% less than $ at minimum and 70% less in the case of Civilization V).

For consoles though. Yeah I was under the impression price increases happened.
they'll get this xmas out of the way to still have good sales figures then start working everything up in the new year, new games at a higher prices, new hardware (switch) at numerically equivalent prices to dollars/euros and old hardware at the very least wont get prices cuts an offers when the rest of the world does


While we are still at the mercy of Europe probably, we will not start the leave untill March next year and could take a year or more to actually leave. Until this our trade deals are still going via the EU and you can be sure those Euro bureaucrats will hike every price they can. When we are finally free it is down to the UK to strike deals directly with other countries without paying the Euro premium also the pound will have recovered and stabilized and you can be sure we will have a stronger barganing position.

Oh dear fucking lord...



The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.

Sure keep telling yourself that and maybe just maybe it might come true along with unicorn and fairies descending down from the heaven and the UK will be a utopia paradise where everything is just fine.

But fact remains that the pound is dropping and prices of food, clothes, electronic, etc will rise or have already risen.

Voting leave was a mistake and I don't think people who voted or the members of the leave party fully understood that till they won or actually had a plan in place in the event they won and that's part of the reason why the pound dropped.
The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.

Uh. The uneducated are by far more in support of brexit than the educated, for one thing. And our services industries, both financial and research are seriously feeling the strain of brexit already and we've not even triggered 50 yet. Let alone actually leaving.

But there's a brexit thread over in OT for that.


The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.

Many nations have a rich history which is meaningless in 2016.

UK better sort its shit out because I am looking to buy property abroad in EU and it's terrible at the moment.


Yeah, I'm pretty worried about this too. I'm still holding out on the retailers continuing to undercut each other for the foreseeable future. GAME (god I feel dirty whenever I buy something from this company) and the UK PSN store might try and get away with £50 Day 1 releases, but SimplyGames and TheGameCollection will hopefully have my back.


Already have. Nintendo have adopted £1 = $1 for Picross 3d 2, which they never usually do.
I don't think that's related to the weak pound, but to 3D 2 getting a physical release in the EU while being digital-only in America.


As a Dutchman I don't know what it'll end up doing. What I do know is that the pound crashing has caused me to import a lot more from the UK. Games are usually between €10-€20 cheaper depending on the website. And that's including shipment. It's just bizarre...


Uh. The uneducated are by far more in support of brexit than the educated, for one thing. And our services industries, both financial and research are seriously feeling the strain of brexit already and we've not even triggered 50 yet. Let alone actually leaving.

But there's a brexit thread over in OT for that.
Would you agree that the uneducated are more affected by eu policy than the educated ?


Yeah thanks for the racist stereotyping. I am sure the EEC are falling over themselves to secure the best deal on obscure JRGs for us poor fools in England. Try doing some real research then come back with something relevant. Besides we have a good relationship with Japan and Nissan is make a large invesment in its Car factories in England over the next couple of years.

Nice work accusing me of racist stereotyping, while you harp on about England's glorious days of empire, built on the oppression of people of colour. You are delusional.


The fact that I am 42 years old and not brain washed by the endless nonsense spewed by politicians and the uneducated I take offence at your comment. The UK will be in the best shape in years to come, don't believe everything that was reported during the great brexit debates most of it was scaremongering by the rich and entitled . It's not like the UK wasn't one of the biggest powers in the world for centuries before the EU.
As one from Commonwealth countries, I bid you wish luck in getting our free money from us in 2016


Nice work accusing me of racist stereotyping, while you harp on about England's glorious days of empire, built on the oppression of people of colour. You are delusional.
What colour were they blue or maybe green they are fucking people dude, describing them as people of colour is another racist comment well done you have really shown your calibre.


I think you will find that was America that flourished on the slave trade dude.
As for delusional we will see in the coming months/years but don't talk down to me you arrogant imbecile.


The British Empire's history of racial oppression stems to more than the slave trade.

Of which by the way Britain profited hugely from.


What colour were they blue or maybe green they are fucking people dude, describing them as people of colour is another racist comment well done you have really shown your calibre.

People of colour is not a racist term what are you even talking about?
While we are still at the mercy of Europe probably, we will not start the leave untill March next year and could take a year or more to actually leave. Until this our trade deals are still going via the EU and you can be sure those Euro bureaucrats will hike every price they can. When we are finally free it is down to the UK to strike deals directly with other countries without paying the Euro premium also the pound will have recovered and stabilized and you can be sure we will have a stronger barganing position.
Nice trolling. No one is this foolish. I know some leave voters, all left education at 16, none had a clue about politics, and even they were smart enough to know the pound would be screwed and prices would go up. They thought it was worth it for... fairly depressing reasons I won't get into here.

On topic, I think the question is "when" rather than "if". And with companies like Apple and Microsoft raising prices by 10-20%, and Tesco on the verge of doing so but currently absorbing the costs themselves, it won't be long. Seems like a lot of companies are still waiting for the government to trigger the leaving process first, just in case the public majority wakes up and makes it clear this economic suicide was probably a mistake.
Games were finally starting to come down from their RRPs (£55) to like 40-46 depending on the game. At minimum it will mean a return to enforcing full RRP and waiting longer before dropping pricing.

Stores may get around this increasing more loyalty type schemes in a "it's ok if we make less money as long as we know you are coming to us and not going elsewhere" move though such as discounting for preorders etc


When they go up it probably wont be by much. If they rise too much less people will buy them and thus the price will come down as stores try to shift stock. There is always the option to wait for price drops unless the game is an absolute must have, in which case it will be worth it anyway. The only people who will feel a real hit in their bank balance are the addicts who buy every new release on day one.
Would you agree that the uneducated are more affected by eu policy than the educated ?

Not really, no. But then I'm definitely biased because I hear stories about people either wanting to move to the EU or actually doing so at least weekly for job security because of this.

I think in general everyone is affected by EU policy a lot... But in positive ways.

Ban Puncher

While we are still at the mercy of Europe probably, we will not start the leave untill March next year and could take a year or more to actually leave. Until this our trade deals are still going via the EU and you can be sure those Euro bureaucrats will hike every price they can. When we are finally free it is down to the UK to strike deals directly with other countries without paying the Euro premium also the pound will have recovered and stabilized and you can be sure we will have a stronger barganing position.

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