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When insiders reveal (and ruin) game announcements days before they're due to happen


They're journalists*. Their literal job is to report information to us. Withholding information so that Company A can have a surprise reveal is just as bad as withholding reviews until release day. They allow the game companies too much control.

It seems weird to me to treat the ebb and flow of a large corporation's marketing calendar like it was a piece of critically acclaimed entertainment that can be "spoiled" by revealing the plot in advance.


No, that's just fucking weird, like we should all be in thrall to the games PR hype machine.

Really fucking weird. Like "take a look at your life priorities" kind of weird.

Exactly what I was going to say. People need to stop being such gamers about this shit, and I mean that in a 100% pejorative sense.

Hype can go to hell.
Absolutely OP, wasn't it the Microsoft E3 conference this year that completely leaked? Even the order of announcements, it ended up just being a tick list.
It's worse than that. It's like being told what your gifts will be a week before the big day. Then you still have to wait to open them, but when Christmas Day finally arrives, each gift has lost a ton of the magic because it has lost the surprise entirely.

edit: Wow, I walked into the wrong thread. I agree with you, OP. I guess we're in the minority, though.

It's more like you're 16, and I tell you for your 18th birthday I am going to buy you a car. Watch this 30 second car commercial, see you in 2 years. by the time you get the car it won't look like this.
I don't mind leaks. Gamers are impatient. Especially when you have a company like Nintendo that stays silent for months at a time.
This is like complaining that you know a new Star Wars movie is coming because someone told you before the press release. Not that Poe's parents are Janna and Snoke, but that the movie exist

I completely don't get this, and this is from someone who loves watching the conferences and will stay away from Gaf the day of just so I can watch them if I'm not able to when they happen. So I at least understand wanting to see it as it was presented but leaks happening doesnt spoil that, not even when it's hours before the show.


Oh my god! Won't someone please think of the children marketing department?! So selfish! Spoilers for advertising! What an outrage!

As a dev (who has had the last 2 projects I worked on leaked) it sucks. It's not just the marketing department who is affected.


I think my problem with this are lacking tools of moderation(Like maybe blacked out thread titles with an announcement tag). It's not optimal when your best way to shape your experience for these things is plainly not using certain parts of the internet.

Other than that I have no problem with it. Even though I criticize the tools available I firmly believe that it's your own fault in 90% of all cases if you get spoilered by accident(getting maliciously spoilered by dumb friends or asses is a different case).

If people want they really can shape how they go into certain experiences and I think people should take responsibility for that.

^ imo, the best possible solution


get off the internet then

sounds selfish


MvCI & TLoU2 would have been huge surprises. But alas, they were leaked.

Naughty Dog going out of their way to produce a sequel to their critcally and financielly most successful title truly would've been a shock if it weren't for the leak.

sounds selfish

The only thing selfish is people thinking other people should go out of their way to keep fucking product announcements a secret.
The irony here is that probably over half of these 'insiders' aren't leaking information; they're employees, usually in some marketing position, that are intentionally releasing information prior to official announcements to increase awareness and build hype.

In 8 years, we only had maybe 3 or 4 incidents where someone 'leaked' information against company orders and caused an issue within the studio. And usually the problem with leaks for developers isn't the actual leak itself - but when the leak has either incorrect or incomplete information that needs to be corrected or the leak releases specific information that violates a marketing agreement and costs the publisher money.

But the other 20+ times we had a 'leak' about something upcoming it was actually our community or marketing teams doing exactly what they are paid to do - bring brand awareness and build interest in the product and/or the announcement.

So, this is a really weird thing to get mad about. A lot of leaks are game companies doing it to themselves because they know this shit gets you guys into a frothing frenzy.


I really don't care about "suprises" at game conferences. I even prefer knowing everything ahead of time.

Of course, the only reason being surprised even matters for the enjoyment is because so little actual game is shown more often than not. If you only get a logo, and you know it's coming, that's not really compelling.


I really don't understand how someone announcing something ruins an announcement. You just got the information earlier.

Does hearing about an announcement late ruin it as well?

You really don't see why some people don't want to be spoiled? Whatever the announcement was for is obviously still coming out and the person is excited for that but the initial impact is lost. In the grand scheme of things it's not a world-ending event but it's still nice to experience a genuine surprise announcement.

It's like the difference between walking into a surprise bday party not knowing it's happening versus your buddy telling you a day in advance that it's happening. The party is still the party and you still have fun at the party but the surprise element is gone.

The end result doesn't change but the impact is different.


I don't see the problem ? I hate being spoiled in game but this is totally different.
Announcement are PR stunt in order to make us buy day one... If i feel like the game deserve it, it won't matter when i saw it first.

It's a little anticlimatic to see that Ryu will be in Smash via a leak, but it made me happy nevertheless. I didn't saw Cloud coming, it was awesome as a reveal but it's still only a reveal, not playing it.

I don't want to protect myself from commercials that much.... But i can shut myself from everything before playing a game (like Persona 5, never saw a trailer past the first one)
I blame insiders leaking shit early, and those who love it, for why making announcements of announcements of announcements has become more prominent.

No, it's not. It's selfish to expect people to withhold information that others might be interested in.
Neither his scenario or yours sounds selfish...If my girlfrend witholds sec from me when I want it, she isn't being selfish.


If I'm being honest, I'm kinda relieved Emily Rogers and Laura Dale are taking breaks from posting Switch rumours. If NateDrake can do the same so I can still get some surprises out of the Jan 12th event, that'd be fab


People want attention.

But then we also have people leaking full storylines or scripts with information that may or may not be fully relevant months later.

People spoiling it with this shit (in my opinion). I try to stay away from that stuff.

However, when people just leak some information of the existence of an upcoming release or details about a new system, it's pretty cool. Leakers create some great hype sometimes.
I think it's a bit disturbing that so many here want pre-release info to be 100% controlled by publishers. What exactly do you want from game journalism?

Reviews, preview coverage, retrospectives, interviews, that sort of thing.

If gaming journalism amounts to listing off a series of announcements days before they happen then that's a sorry state for the field isn't it? I'm not even talking about journalism so much as insiders who don't even work in the industry, but are somehow able to obtain such information anyway. Twitter personalities, if such a thing exists.
MvCI & TLoU2 would have been huge surprises. But alas, they were leaked.

Something can still be a surprise in spite of not being revealed at a marketing event. Further, even armed with the info that the game is officially being worked on, there's still often a lot of questions that need answered or details that need fleshed out.


Naughty Dog going out of their way to produce a sequel to their critcally and financielly most successful title truly would've been a shock if it weren't for the leak.

As someone who didn't get spoiled, I thought the announcement was still at least a 6 months away and after ND opened the show was convinced they were done for the year and then I was wrong and feaking out at a fucking Stop sign. So much better than "TLoU 2 is happening at PSX", I still would have been really happy with that mind, but so close to it happening I'd rather just let Sony tell me.
If something is months from it's announcement I couldn't give a fuck though, I'll eat that shit up without a care.
I don't think this is really a problem. It wouldn't be an issue if most game reveals weren't really lame. Knowing that a new game you want is coming would still be exciting if the official reveal actually showed off the gameplay, visuals, etc. But a lot of the time what you get is a logo and maybe a CG trailer if you're lucky.


Reviews, preview coverage, retrospectives, interviews, that sort of thing.

If gaming journalism amounts to listing off a series of announcements days before they happen then that's a sorry state for the field isn't it? I'm not even talking about journalism so much as insiders who don't even work in the industry, but are somehow able to obtain such information anyway. Twitter personalities, if such a thing exists.

It's literally their fucking job to report on news. New videogames being announced is news.


No, that's just fucking weird, like we should all be in thrall to the games PR hype machine.

Really fucking weird. Like "take a look at your life priorities" kind of weird.

This. I don't care about the fun or the hype that are generated by corporates, just give the information, wether or not it's by official sources.
It doesn't really bother me. It's also not something you can change, being on the internet and all. You could always forego GAF around big conference times.

I blame insiders leaking shit early, and those who love it, for why making announcements of announcements of announcements has become more prominent.

This would happen regardless because it's a tool to build anticipation and hype.


I rather have NEWS than PR.

Don't tease, leak stuff whatever you want. But avoid spoilers =P

"Last of us 2 will be announced at PSX" awesome
"last of us 2 will be announced and will show the death of ellie" fuck you ><
on one hand i agree with OP, but on the other hand it's the companies that have created this hype culture over the years when it doesn't need to be made such a big deal
Sometimes the leaks can help or hurt. Remember, Sony's E3 2015 (AKA the greatest E3 conference ever) had its three big reveals (Last Guardian, FFVII Remake, and Shenmue 3) leaked well before the conference (one by Yu Suzuki himself). It didn't ruin the fun.

That being said, an announcement nobody sees coming, for instance the reveal of Cloud as a DLC character for Smash, is equally hyped because it's so insane nobody sees it coming and when it does happen it makes people lose their minds.

So I dunno. leaks can build hype for a show, but if you're going to watch the show anyway, I guess they're much nicer when people can't see them coming.


I want to know as soon as possible - when MVCI was rumored, I went nuts over it. It made me so hype the week leading up to PSX!

I think it would have been even more exciting out of nowhere. It was only about a week before the reveal that we heard confirmation. Seeing the reactions would have been more fun. We could have waited one more week for a bigger impact. If it's only something of that length, I'd rather whoever has the info to sit on it.
i dont mind it tbh, i didnt know a lot of games were leaked until i saw a lot of gaffers posting XGAFFERwasRight during the show

i just find it ridiculous that you are still demanding leaks and still have the gall to mandate how you want them


MvCI & TLoU2 would have been huge surprises. But alas, they were leaked.

I read the mvci thread here and when it was shown I was happy but the surprise had been ruined. I had not heard any rumor any tlou2 and that was like the best news of the day. There is something to not knowing and getting a surprise


Oh no, the announcements of the games are compromised


If we're lucky maybe the games themselves will stay good though!
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