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Someone just refused to take a picture

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Once And Future Member
Is this normal? Was with my friend near the Kabukiza theatre in Tokyo and she wanted to take a picture. She asked a lady probably in her 40s nearby who was standing around "Could you possibly take a picture of us please?"

The reply: "No, sorry."

Am I ridiculous for thinking that is unreasonable or borderline rude?

Not "Sorry I can't, I need to be somewhere" or "Sorry, I'm looking for a taxi / my friend / whatever" just "Nah, sorry can't do it" then continuing to stand around the same area. I can't imagine myself ever giving that reply.

Straight after a nice old lady accepted (who actually was a little busy with her friends), checked multiple times if it was ok or if we wanted to take another / move to another place / take it horizontally. Such an amazing contrast.


Edit: Afterthoughts -

I'm kind of more sad about the responses to this thread than I thought I would be, to be honest. I think the responses about how asking the question and expecting a yes was me being entitled are quite good and something I hadn't thought really about. I just saw it as a kind of social contract but, having considered it, I really think you can't assume that about other people or enforce it on them if they don't want to. It's a two way street. Keeping 'no' as a neutral response and then being more happy when you hear a 'yes' is a great way of thinking about it.

The other point about whether the lady in question actually had something pressing to do and didn't need to tell me is another good point. You can put yourself in the unfortunate situation of calling out people who use disabled parking spaces who look fine but have an invisible illness if you go around assuming everyone explain their situation to you like that. She didn't owe me anything.

On the other hand some of the responses aimed directly at me were perhaps uncalled for? One guy told me to leave the place I live because of this, another made quite a mean spirited parody thread personally insulting me when they know nothing about me. It's fine to make fun of me or the triviality of this issue and thread it took a whole 2 minutes of my day to create, but when you get to the point of personal insults it seems a little unnecessary. I doubt any of those people would say that to me in person. I guess that's the anonymity of the Internet, but my image of gaf was a little better than that.

Anyway, not something I'm going to bother too much about. Just thought it was worth saying. Almost bed time here and I have work tomorrow. Have a good night guys. :)



Gold Member
She didn't want to, she politely told you no, she doesn't owe you an explaination.

I don't see the problem.


People don't owe you that. Be thankful for those that do you a favor, as they aren't obligated to do anything for a stranger.


When I was in Tokyo, a photographer in front of the summer palace refused to take a picture of my family because he would only photograph Japanese.

We even offered to pay upfront. Real racist asshole.
She didn't want to, she politely told you no, she doesn't owe you an explaination.

I don't see the problem.

She doesn't owe you shit op get over yourself.

You asking for a picture is just that asking. The fact u expect it just because u ask and say please kind of means you're the one being an asshole.


What's wrong with you? Also I ain't taking a pic for no one, ya would get a flat out no from me too hell I'd probably just ignore your ass.


Once And Future Member
It's not that I think she owes me anything, it's just me trying to put myself in her situation and imagine why I would ever refuse a simple request from a passerby that has the possibility of making them happy with almost zero effort from myself. I guess it was the lack of kindness that jarred me? Is this something I shouldn't expect from people? Sorry if expecting that is "entitlement", but :/

Sorry no, not gaf thread worthy. Now if the lady started hitting on you, that's a 30 page thread.
As I kind of expected typing it this is already by far the most popular thread I've made in years here. Asking people to take a picture may be the new tipping.


It's rude and pretty outside the norm, I'd say. I've traveled alone a lot and asked strangers to snap photos of me plenty of times across Europe, never had a single person ever say no.
It's not that I think she owes me anything, it's just me trying to put myself in her situation and imagine why I would ever refuse a simple request from a passerby that has the possibility of making them happy with almost zero effort from myself. I guess it was the lack of kindness that jarred me? Is this something I shouldn't expect from people? Sorry if expecting that is "entitlement", but :/
Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?

No one has to be on your page or thinkingabout what you want to do at any time or just look out for your consideration.

The fact you think someone should help you just because you asked makes you only less deserving of anyones help.

Fuck man what's up with you. Nobody owes you shit. Just ask the next person ffs and see what happens.

If I knew you were thinking this when asking me to take your picture I'd tell you to fuck right off straight up.


semen stains the mountaintops
It's rude and pretty outside the norm, I'd say. I've traveled alone a lot and asked strangers to snap photos of me plenty of times across Europe, never had a single person ever say no.

I've also never seen anyone refuse to take a picture, hell, I've seen plenty of people actually ask if we needed them to take a picture for us.

They don't have to take a picture but it seems a bit rude to say no.
Man this makes you sound significantly more rude and assholish than someone who politely said no could ever be.

Like it's not even that you're overthinking it or anything, but this attitude is just so fucking poor.
No, OP, there is nothing rude about that. You need to remember that not everyone is an out going, happy go lucky scamp and some people just really have a hard time in any kind of social situation.


She said no, and added sorry to it. You're overreacting, some people probably have a lot of shit to worry about and rather not deal with tourists. No idea about how it is in Japan, but in the majority of places, the locals who aren't trying to sell you shit don't want nothing to do with tourists.


Op the mistake you made was asking.

You should have forcibly thrust your camera into her hands and made her take the photo.

What's up with Japan though. Surely there should be laws against refusing such things.

On a more serious note. Do you know how many germs could be on your camera? It could have been encrusted in fecal matter / seminal fluids for all we know. Really it's hard to make a definitive call when we only know one side of the story.
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