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GOP preparing for brokered convention if Trump is to win nomination

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Trump can't win a general, but neither can anyone else the GOP has on deck. They're pretty much just choosing the method by which they go down in flames at this point. It seems very likely that a major split will happen soon, possibly resulting in a new party.
That's one way to ensure the Republicans lose the election. If Republicans nominate Trump, I think the message is clear that's who they want for president, and brokering won't change that


Its either

1) Let Trump be the nominee and let the election play out, or

2) Heavy handedly give the delegates to Rubio/Bush or the candidate of their chosing through backroom horsetrading. This will make Trump supporters lead a revolt that will most definitely tear the party apart.

Looks like they're goinf with option 2.


Interesting times. Since both Trump and GOP hive mind aren't in great shape to win an election the resulting blow could be very lucrative for Democrats. If Trump takes a seat on the far right I'd assume everyone else will have to move left.
Republican leaders have signaled that they're prepared for this.


Seems silly to me, if true, but honestly I think republicans are fucked either way. Trump can't win a general, and if they take the nomination away from him and he runs independent, their chances in the general go from slim to zilch.

Especially if he runs independent. Either they fuck the voters and the process and fuck themselves. Or they don't. And fuck themselves.

Which is great really. They had the wake up call at the last presidential election to stop solely catering to white Christian men. They ignored it. Their chickens have come home to roost.

To be honest, I think ignoring Trump is for the better, as it sends the message *sooner* that they aren't the racist party. Which if they want any chance in 2018 going forwards, they need to do as soon as possible.

Either way they lose. That way at least they're taking a step away from being the racist party.


I'd say the RNC might have given up the White House in 2016 as a bad job now and are figuring out how to pick a candidate that won't have a destructive impact on down ticket races.


I wasn't alive for the last third party race, but what exciting times we live in!

This election may be seen as the desisive turning point for politics for the rest of our lifetime.

It's just so
terrifying my god what is this American life.
Especially if he runs independent. Either they fuck the voters and the process and fuck themselves. Or they don't. And fuck themselves.

Which is great really. They had the wake up call at the last presidential election to stop solely catering to white Christian men. They ignored it. Their chickens have come home to roost.
True. Trump, though despicable and modern day George Wallace asshole, is simply appealing to the base. Republican voters are buying what Trump's selling by the truckloads, so can you really blame him? It's the product thats toxic and acidic. No two way around this.
Trump is Palpatine, isn't he?

No, Trump is The Boss.


The world will never know what Trump did. Future generations will revile him; in the GOP as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor who fled third party, and the Democratic party as a monster who unleashed a wave of racism and white supremacy. He will go down in history as one of the worst presidential candidates to ever live.
Man, this could be the rise of a powerful right wing populist third party.

It seriously could.

Who could have seen such a thing coming even a year ago?

I half expected "The Tea Party" to become a thing, but never thought it had a chance of being more than a large fringe. Trump supporters on the other hand are numerous and surprisingly loyal to him already.


The RNC is fucked, they hate their top guy, and no one else on their roster is good.

Would be hilarious except for the racism.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Trump can't win a general, but neither can anyone else the GOP has on deck. They're pretty much just choosing the method by which they go down in flames at this point. It seems very likely that a major split will happen soon, possibly resulting in a new party.

Basically. I think that this isn't about winning 2016, but seeing what can be salvaged. They should have looked at all of this after 2012 but whatever


You emboldened the crazies and led 50 years of McCarthy like bullshit against your tivals, built up conservative talk bs to further embolden your people and lunatic fringe. Now it's all coming to a head. Republican party, you made your bed and all that, I'm sure you can finish the rest of that saying.
Democracy be dammed we gotta give it a candidate who can be bought.

Do you want one viable party or two? If it's the latter then you want them to start distancing themselves from racist/sexist/anti religion shit that the general public don't like, even if their dwindling party members are doubling down on it. If they just cater to the bigots, their party gets smaller and smaller and smaller.

I mean, I guess eventually another party might form... but many smart republican strategists saw this disaster coming years ago, with changing opinions and changing demographics. Even some who thought they could carry the last presidential election on the white male Christian vote thought it would be the last time they'd get away with it.

Perhaps their gains in 2014 made them think everything was hunky dory... when really, it was just terrible voter turn out.


Could this be the end of the Republican Party?

I think it's the exact opposite. The Republicans will get trounced in this election and then institute massive reforms to appeal to more people. This is going to be their wake up call rather than their death. A party can't survive alienating women, minorities, and empathetic men.
A brokered convention would be the top tier outcome, I think. The ultimate symbol of the party dysfunction, from which no one would emerge happy.


If Republicans nominate Trump, I think the message is clear that's who they want for president, and brokering won't change that

That is not true. Republican primary voters are not a representative sample of Republican general election voters, so the candidate who wins the primary is not necessarily the candidate most Republicans want.
Trump is either going to get the nomination or run as an Independent and completely fuck up the GOP's already meager chances of winning the presidency. Trump's ego has been so consistently stroked in this charade that I don't see him letting it go if he gets beaten in the primary or, worse yet, screwed by some procedural shenanigans that the GOP cooks up. He'd rather lose the election for himself and the GOP than lose face backing out on his own volition.
It's time to cut ties with Trump. The more popular he grows with Republican voters, they more marginalized the values of the Republican party become. The Republican party needs to steer their base closer to the middle before its too late.


It's time to cut ties with Trump. The more popular he grows with Republican voters, they more marginalized the values of the Republican party become. The Republican party needs to steer their base closer to the middle before its too late.

How do you propose they do this?
It's interesting for those of you that feel this is the GOP exorcising the xenophobic, misogynistic, racist element of the party when the people the GOP would rally around aren't exactly all that different (just slightly less vocal).


Wasn't some kind of agreement signed where Trump had to support whoever won the nomination?

Does that not work both ways?
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