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"You're under a citizen's arrest, put your hands on the car and prepare to die."


Holy fuck, and I was thinking it was going to be about on of those "I am my own nation, you can't arrest me!" types of people.
But no, it a guy fucking flipping his shit over a fucking small thing. How can they do anything without blood spurting out of their head?
saw this yesterday


When he puts the kid 'under citizens arrest' - so funny!

first day of school holidays motorway traffic is not good.


Well, the man is a total wanker of course.

But the woman in the car can't stop but antagonizing the situation either.

Gosh, poor Police officers having to deal with all this British White Trash screaming in their ears.

At least the other man and the 11 year old stay calm. But then the other 2 do enough screaming for all of them.


never left the stone age
This is hilarious as fuck.

This is the Dark Souls: You're Under Citizens Arrest, Prepare to Die Edition of road-rage incidents


What a fucking bellend. Simon has way more patience than I. Not sure I could put up with the old fool manhandling me like that.


Couldn't watch it all... Did the cops turn up at the end? Gah, curiosity is getting the better of me. Will watch it again and skip to the end.

Conduct yourselves like grown ups. There's a fucking child in the car.


Unconfirmed Member
Video said:
*points to woman* You're under citizen's arrest! ... *points to man* You're under citizen's arrest! ... *points to kid* And I'll tell you what, you're under citizen's arrest too!

Dude's like an angry Oprah

"You're under a citizen's arrest... YOU'RE under a citizen's arrest...... and you know what?! YOU'RE under a citizen's arrest!!!"

"Ya plonker!!"

lol this is great but I would have dropped him after one warning about touching me again.
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