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Speaking in tongues -- anyone experienced it?

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I used to think it was crazy.

The first time I experienced it my mother was praying while driving. I thought she was having a seizure or something and we are going to crash and die.

I was like "mom MOM are you ok the road!". She shook out of it and explained she was fully in control of everything except her tounge (it sounded like gibberish to me)

Years later I was pickIng up my wife from work. My best friend called me and told me goodbye he was about to commit suicide. I felt so helpless and started praying an outpouring to the lord. All of the sudden I lost control of my tongue and started speaking gibberish.. Wife got in the car and looked at me like I was crazy (felt like I was yet at the same time filled with "sonething" the spirit I guess). For the entire 45 min ride home gibberish. came from my mouth including music (humming?) like a monk, of which I had very little control. It was a Wierd feeling ... Like you are totally in control of yourself yet there is an outpouring from your mouth ... I guess that's where the saying "filled with the spirit" came from.

It eventually subsided ... My friend I finally got ahold of and he didn't go through with the suicide.

Ever since then I've been able to talk in tongues basically on command although I rarely do it. I'm really not a good Christian, at the time I barely went to church although I've started back recently.

Not sure what to think of it although I've thought about seeing a Pentecostal pastor just to talk about it.

You have to understand GAF, while I'm not "atheist I hate God and the church" GAF, I'm definitely not Jesus bible pumping GAF either (does that exist lol).

Anyone else have an experience with tongues?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew


I lost my shit at this line:

"(felt like I was yet at the same time filled with "sonething" the spirit I guess)"

This post made me think of the King of the Hill episode where Bobby joins the XTREME christian group where he MCs at "Messiah Fest".
Does it count as speaking in another language if no one understands that language?

On the other hand, fast uptake of a language that people do speak and understand does happen.
The only one worth talking about:

The Best song on the great album.


Yes, several times I have spoken tongues with Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and a stray dog. I declined his offer to come with him into the woods.
Plenty of explanations for glossalia:


The material explanation arrived at by a number of studies is that glossolalia is "learned behavior".[71][75] What is taught is the ability to produce language-like speech. This is only a partial explanation, but it is a part that has withstood much testing. It is possible to train novices to produce glossolalic speech. One experiment with 60 undergraduates found that 20% succeeded after merely listening to a 60-second sample, and 70% succeeded after training

What a fraudelent preacher had to say about it:

"Tongues is something you learn," he emphasized. "It is a releasing that you teach yourself. You are told by your peers, the church, and the Bible -- if you accept it literally -- that the Holy Ghost speaks in another tongue; you become convinced that it is the ultimate expression of the spirit flowing through you. The first time maybe you'll just go dut-dut-dut-dut, and that's about all that will get out. Then you'll hear other people and next night you may go dut-dut-dut-UM-dut-DEET-dut-dut, and it gets a little better. The next thing you know, it's ela-hando-satelay-eek-condele-mosandrey-aseya ... and it's a new language you've got down."


Meh ... I used to think it was freaking crazy too.

I've always been an "at distance" Christian. Family is super religious but not really me. Anyways this happened about 2 years ago and I really haven't talked about it with anyone. Was curious if anyone else experience it ...

I suppose 3 years ago I'd be posting a sarcastic whitty post too in response to an OP like this.


I lost my shit at this line:

"(felt like I was yet at the same time filled with "sonething" the spirit I guess)"

This post made me think of the King of the Hill episode where Bobby joins the XTREME christian group where he MCs at "Messiah Fest".
PASTOR K: Dude, you don't have to act or dress a certain way for God. You can hang with him any way, anywhere. Don't you think Jesus is right here in this half-pipe?

HANK: I'm sure he's a lot of places he doesn't want to be.


In the mormon church every first sunday was fast and testimony meeting where people would get up and bear their testimony about the truth of the church.

There was this one guy that more than once would get up to the podium start his testimony and then end it in gibberish and would later claim that it was him speaking in tongues. lol.
Meh ... I used to think it was freaking crazy too.

I've always been an "at distance" Christian. Family is super religious but not really me. Anyways this happened about 2 years ago and I really haven't talked about it with anyone. Was curious if anyone else experience it ...

I suppose 3 years ago I'd be posting a sarcastic whitty post too in response to an OP like this.

Glossolalia is an interesting phenomena, definitely not deserving of witty posts and puns, so please do ignore the offenders in question.
I'm guessing you've been exposed to it many times before in your life, and it has somehow become an ingrained way for you to deal with situations of great mental stress.


Neo Member
One year at the high school Christian summer camp I went to, I saw this happen, and some kid with a cast on his leg start walking.

Basically, in the middle of the worship service one of the kids began spewing gibberish, and then one of the pastors began "interpreting", saying it was passages of scripture. He then said that God wanted to heal someone tonight, and for that person to stand and walk to the front. One guy who had broken his shin a few weeks prior to the camp. He stood, threw his crutches down, and strutted confidently to the front of the room. The pastor claimed that God had healed the young man because of his great faith.

The next day, the guy with the healed broken leg showed up for breakfast without the cast or crutches. Everyone was amazed, praising God, and excited because of how amazing it was to witness a miracle.

After breakfast, as he was exiting the cafeteria, he unexpectedly fell.

He was rushed off to the hospital, not to be seen for the rest of the camp. None of the kids knew what happened until a month or so after the week long camp ended. He had been walking on a still fractured leg, and made it worse.

The adults chalked it up to him not having enough faith, and I bought it at the time. It's a sad and dangerous thing, in retrospect.
Paul lays out that tongues need interpretation.

When I was a kid my parents sent me to a spirit-filled summer camp. One night we were introduced to speaking in tongues and it was like a 3 hour thing in this massive worship hall.

The event handlers wouldn't let me (or any of the other campers) return to my cabin until I spoke in tongues. I was so frustrated and confused.

Here's a question, "Without interpretation where is the edification?"

I have a lot of questions about it and don't fully understand it to be honest.


Meh ... I used to think it was freaking crazy too.

I've always been an "at distance" Christian. Family is super religious but not really me. Anyways this happened about 2 years ago and I really haven't talked about it with anyone. Was curious if anyone else experience it ...

I suppose 3 years ago I'd be posting a sarcastic whitty post too in response to an OP like this.

There's nothing to it. You're just copying other people. It's 100% bullshit.


One year at the high school Christian summer camp I went to, I saw this happen, and some kid with a cast on his leg start walking.

Basically, in the middle of the worship service one of the kids began spewing gibberish, and then one of the pastors began "interpreting", saying it was passages of scripture. He then said that God wanted to heal someone tonight, and for that person to stand and walk to the front. One guy who had broken his shin a few weeks prior to the camp. He stood, threw his crutches down, and strutted confidently to the front of the room. The pastor claimed that God had healed the young man because of his great faith.

The next day, the guy with the healed broken leg showed up for breakfast without the cast or crutches. Everyone was amazed, praising God, and excited because of how amazing it was to witness a miracle.

After breakfast, as he was exiting the cafeteria, he unexpectedly fell.

He was rushed off to the hospital, not to be seen for the rest of the camp. None of the kids knew what happened until a month or so after the week long camp ended. He had been walking on a still fractured leg, and made it worse.

The adults chalked it up to him not having enough faith, and I bought it at the time. It's a sad and dangerous thing, in retrospect.

reminds me of the Benny Hinn show I used to watch before school as a kid


You wouldn't have done it without first being exposed to it.

You never hear of people who are removed from that stuff suddenly speaking in tongues.

Think about that.

I did actually. I had seen it literally one time in my whole life (in person) ... And my response was basically the same as the majority here (that shit craaaaazy).

Then it happened to me and forced me to reconsider.
There are plenty of reports of people speaking foreign languages when hypnotized or in altered states of consciousness. That doesn't mean there is anything "supernatural" at work. The brain is an amazing thing.

Similarly, I truly believe that some people are in an altered state when speaking tongues and don't have conscious control over it.


I did actually. I had seen it literally one time in my whole life ... And my response was basically the same as the majority here (that shit craaaaazy).

Then it happened to me and forced me to reconsider.

It only takes one time, dude. You remembered the incident clearly, and copied it subconsciously because you experienced a similar state of high pressure in a similar environment. Your mother did it because she saw someone else do it.


It only happens to me when I trip on DMT. Although i'm sort of "somewhere else" while it's going on so my friends tell me after the fact.


My sister says she saw my dad doing it at church one day. He's an evangelist, and watches religious tv obsessively. I remember people catching the spirit all the time at the local Baptist church growing up too. It's weird. There's some crazy in my family, so I just shrug it off as that. PEACE.
I did actually. I had seen it literally one time in my whole life (in person) ... And my response was basically the same as the majority here (that shit craaaaazy).

Then it happened to me and forced me to reconsider.

There's nothing crazy about it, it's just the way those people react in certain situations.
Everything points towards it being a learned behavior, and it looks like you've learned it as well.
It sounds to me like you are, or have been, a frequent church goes so your mind and outlook on things have been shaped by your fellow religious peers, so while you might have only experienced glossolalia in others once, you have probably heard people talk about throughout your life.


Sidhe / PikPok
Basically, in the middle of the worship service one of the kids began spewing gibberish, and then one of the pastors began "interpreting", saying it was passages of scripture. He then said that God wanted to heal someone tonight, and for that person to stand and walk to the front. One guy who had broken his shin a few weeks prior to the camp. He stood, threw his crutches down, and strutted confidently to the front of the room. The pastor claimed that God had healed the young man because of his great faith.

Hmmm what would I do if I ran a Christian summer camp and wanted to keep all the beds filled summer after summer...
You wouldn't have done it without first being exposed to it.

You never hear of people who are removed from that stuff suddenly speaking in tongues.

Think about that.

Are you saying that The Almighty God did not decide to convey his information through the lowly GAF poster Bamelin just for kicks?!?! What are the odds.

And you'd think that if God would like to communicate with people, he would just, you know, use a language everyone knows because, you know, he kinda created those people and languages and shit.

Oh well, God is the biggest douchebag around anyway.


I did actually. I had seen it literally one time in my whole life (in person) ... And my response was basically the same as the majority here (that shit craaaaazy).

Then it happened to me and forced me to reconsider.

english speakers speak in tongues using english phonemes. there's nothing supernatural about it. you may want to get yourself checked out.


Same here. I don't make a lick of sense on DMT, and my hearing goes almost mute. PEACE.

Yeah my friends tell me I start chanting rhythmically and sing basically. Can't really explain it because i'm not really understanding what i'm doing outside of my mind.


It only takes one time, dude. You remembered the incident clearly, and copied it subconsciously because you experienced a similar state of high pressure.

I don't know. It's not lime it was something I wanted to copy. Honestly I though it was scary and a little insane to be honest. I wasn't thinking about that incident when it started. Just praying inside for my buddy really hard mostly because I felt helpless to do anything for him (he had called me, said goodbye I'm killing myself then hung up his mobile and not answering).

So yeah I was definitely stressed out. Thing is since then I can "do it" at will but rarely do. It still freaks me out.


There's nothing crazy about it, it's just the way those people react in certain situations.
Everything points towards it being a learned behavior, and it looks like you've learned it as well.
It sounds to me like you are, or have been, a frequent church goes so your mind and outlook on things have been shaped by your fellow religious peers, so while you might have only experienced glossolalia in others once, you have probably heard people talk about throughout your life.

The church I went to growing up looked at "tongues" (and most pentacostals) dimly. I'd heard about being filled with the spirit but until that One time I thought I was going to die in the car with my mother I only had a "those people on TV are crazy" view of it.
I don't know. It's not lime it was something I wanted to copy. Honestly I though it was scary and a little insane to be honest. I wasn't thinking about that incident when it started. Just praying inside for my buddy really hard mostly because I felt helpless to do anything for him (he had called me, said goodbye I'm killing myself then hung up his mobile and not answering).

So yeah I was definitely stressed out. Thing is since then I can "do it" at will but rarely do. It still freaks me out.

There's nothing you need to worry about, all that happens is that your brainwaves change a tiny bit, so there's nothing inherently dangerous about glossolalia.



Laughed so hard.

It does sound like a stress mechanism though, like you shut down a little the first time unintentionally, but now it's a conscious ability.


MY family from my dad's side are all Pentecostals, as someone who was "religious" when I was younger I heard it all the time, It never made sense to me and it scared me more than anything, I once was made to pray so I could be "blessed" with speaking in tongues but it didn't happen to me, but I specifically remember the pastor say that we had to speak gibberish in order to achieve it, another thing I don't get is being "slain in the spirit" which is pretty much people who fall to the floor or pass out when they are prayed over, Pentecostals are probably the scariest branch of Christianity, I'm no longer religious (not that I ever was) but still that's a phenomenon I don't fully grasp
That story about your mother reminded me of when Nate tried to order a burger on Six Feet Under. AVM or something? I dunno if that was a realistic portrayal of the actual disease though
Being raised in a Bible Belt and being dragged all over the place, I've seen it a lot.

I was like 14 or so, and I'm in this little shack of a church in the middle of nowhere. Congregation of twenty or so, and the only people under twenty-five were me, some girl around my age, and this weird little ADD kid who would sit in the corner and twist and writhe around making squirrel noises through the sermon.

One Sunday they bring in these guest speakers. Missionary types who have been to Africa and Asia and seen the tired, misled masses and turned them on to Christ. They're going on about how great things are and a few people burst out into some tongues. Yeah, whatever, seen it all before. Then the speaker starts doing his jedi shit, "sensing" the room. "I feel a presence. I feel like it's telling me to... to look for someone in this room."

And whenever this happens, there's always some people tearfully muttering, "Yes, lord! Yes. Yes," or something.

He does the usual schtick. Some faith healing. Some people do their tongue stuff. Whole while, that weird kid's fucking bouncing off the walls. The guys keeps on. "I feel like there's someone in this room who needs help.... A young person."

If any young person needs help, it's that kid chewing the drywall, but I know this guy isn't even going to touch that stuff. I look over to the other teenager and the room and think, "Goddamn it." This asshole starts moving in on me. "Yes, yes! I feel it, God!" He's practically in my face. "I'm not going to call this person forward, but they know who they are, and I'm telling them they'll regret it for the rest of their life if they don't step forward." He doesn't have to call me forward because he's two feet from by face doing the Bela Lugosi hand thing. If I don't come forward, I'm the goddamn Devil.

Oh sweet Jesus. I give in and step up slightly. "YES! Yes, young man! Come forth." He and his sidekick surround me, and the preacher jumps in as well out of nowhere, like he wants in on this sweet salvation contact high. "Young man, we're gonna lay hands on you. We're gonna pray for you." He calls out. "AND WE'RE NOT LEAVIN THIS ROOM UNTIL THIS YOUNG MAN SPEAKS IN TONGUES!"

Oh fuck you.

I'm standing there as these three dickweasels give me a cheap back massage and cry about how they can feel the lord in me, and I'm thinking "Well, this is all news to me, because I'm feeling pretty bitter and annoyed right now." I stand there awkwardly for a few minutes, doing nothing. They're not letting up, so I give them a little hand raise, like I'm feeling it, when I most certainly am not. I figured this would be a compromise we could all live with. Nope.

"Congregation! Gather! Lay hands on this young man! Soon it will happen!" Jesus Christ, there's no way out of this.

So, I do it. I just shake my head and come forth with "Ahba, dahba... Aahhualahabadabbaiibajibiadabi."

"YES! Amen! Praise him! Look what the lord has done." Everyone starts clapping and crying, and I'm standing there feeling like a moron. I go and sit down, and I look over to the girl who's stifling back laughter amidst the massive celebration going on. Meanwhile that kid's got his shirt lifted above his head, elbow-deep in his bellybutton.
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