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Will we ever get a Ghostbusters 3D re-release a la Jurassic Park/Titanic?

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I know I know, nobody cares about 3D. Well I do and I enjoyed the hell out of Jurassic Park 3D, even if the IMAX version was a bit blurry. The T. Rex escape scene was worth the price of admission alone. (And the blu-ray looks even better in my opinion). Plus, seeing it in the theatre for the first time made it even more of a thrilling experience.

ANYWAY... Ghostbusters is another one of my favorite movies of all time (of which I haven't experienced in theatres either) and the film begs for a 3D conversion. The ghosts charging and fleeing scenes, the vertical pans, proton streams, STAY-PUFT SCENE!!! Who wouldn't want this?

Will we get one? Would you want it? Seeing this film get the same treatment (or better) as JP3D would be heavenly. I think the only blemish, SFX-wise, are the super-imposed gargoyle dogs. But should they fix them or not, I'll be there day one.

Examples of scenes that can potentially be enhanced with 3D (showcasing depth, verticality, spatial dynamics, moving particles and of course the popular "coming right at you" effect):







And obviously many more.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I wasn't too blown away by the 3D in JP, but it wasn't off putting like other films. Just having Ghostbusters in theaters again would be glorious. A lot of the theaters in my area show JP in 2D as well and I've already been back twice for those 2D showings


I wasn't too blown away by the 3D in JP, but it wasn't off putting like other films. Just having Ghostbusters in theaters again would be glorious. A lot of the theaters in my area show JP in 2D as well and I've already been back twice for those 2D showings

They showed Ghostbuster in Theaters a year or two ago during Halloween. It was awesome.
I'd love to just see this movie in a theater. I wasn't born yet, and its my favorite movie. I'd just love the experience.

This. I grew up watching it on TV and VHS but I don't think I ever saw the original in theaters. They occasionally show it in LA but I've missed every time, and I would LOVE to see it, if not in 3D then at least restored, on the big screen.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Let me at least get Ghostbusters II on Blu-ray first.


Will we ever get Ghostbusters 3? I hope so, but not likely. Sony is releasing the original Ghostbusters on a 4k remaster bluray later this year...

Where the hell is my Ghostbusters 2 bluray first, Sony!??!?

I would be first in line! Unfortunately the short theatrical run that it had last year didn't do that well I don't think... (me and a friend were the only ones in my theater that thursday night :()


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.


I guess I'm lucky...I see Ghostbusters 1 and 2 in theaters many times during Halloween. However we have a pretty big Ghostbusters state franchise, as well as Tennessee, that work with us and allow it to happen ^_^

But yes, Ghostbusters in 3D would be glorious.
Library ghost is such a great scare gag. Traumatized me when I was six years old in the theater.

There are definitely some bits that would work well in 3D, and Ghostbusters is shot a little better than most comedies, but I think it would still be a little too flat overall.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This was the first movie that I snuck into. I saw Gremlins that day, too.
The Blu-ray is shit, but in ways that would probably only worsen with a remaster.
I would still welcome a 3D theatrical experience, or another 2D one.

Library ghost is such a great scare gag. Traumatized me when I was six years old in the theater.

Lol, my sister was not quite six at the time and she thought that was funny.
Library ghost is such a great scare gag. Traumatized me when I was six years old in the theater.

There are definitely some bits that would work well in 3D, and Ghostbusters is shot a little better than most comedies, but I think it would still be a little too flat overall.
You think? Because I feel the opposite with all of the city camera pans and such. Maybe a few in door dialogue scenes but I'd hardly say "flat overall".



Dat opening! Imagine 3D?!
You do not want this. They would probably go back and redo all the ghost effects with CG.
They wouldn't need to. They hold up very well and hold a lot of the movie's charm. JP wasn't redone, just slightly retouched to improve the original transfer's sterility.
"Ok, im opening the trap guys, dont look directly into the trap."
*hits switch*
"I looked at the trap, ray"

One of my fave things about the movie are all the little jokes like the one above that are easily missed on the first viewing.

This too:
Ray: You know, it just occurred to me that we really haven't had a successful test of this equipment.
Egon: I blame myself.
Peter : So do I.


Gold Member
"Ok, im opening the trap guys, dont look directly into the trap."
*hits switch*
"I looked at the trap, ray"

One of my fave things about the movie are all the little jokes like the one above that are easily missed on the first viewing.

This too:

All those little things are why this remains my favorite movie ever made.


I'm against 3D but I'm for this. I'm so conflicted right now.


It was great seeing Jurassic Park on the big screen again, and Ghostbusters 2 was the first movie I remember seeing in a theater. That said retro movie nights are pretty popular these days, it's not that hard to find Ghostbusters on the big screen (if you're patient), I did but the print was not in the greatest shape.


The film stock's too cheap to make it look good after conversion, I'm guessing. Don't know why cheapo film was so popular in the '80s.


The film stock's too cheap to make it look good after conversion, I'm guessing. Don't know why cheapo film was so popular in the '80s.

They did a 4K remaster of GB when they did the process for the original bluray. 4K BluRay of GB1 is enroute


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oh god, my tax returns... 4k television upgrade.... Oh god this is a real possibility.

Some of the worst color grading I've ever seen... now in 4k.

Seriously does adding 3D into a movie even do anything? Make a new Ghostbusters movie.
I've seen the movie many, many, many times and I'll never see it for the first time again. But seeing it in 3D will be the closest thing to that. I happen to like the added layers and depth of 3D films and this movie is filled with cinematography that'd look pretty damn great.


yes, but I mean the actual demonic dog before he possesses Tully

when he crosses the road chasing him..I was 9 and it fucking scared the living balls off me

Ditto. Terror Dogs were the scariest thing to me as a kid. I was probably 8 when I saw it the first time, but even today those dogs are the still the most frightening thing in the movie.

So maybe GAF knows... did the dogs EAT Lois and Dana? Did they absorb them? How exactly did that whole thing go down?


at last, for christ's sake
Ditto. Terror Dogs were the scariest thing to me as a kid. I was probably 8 when I saw it the first time, but even today those dogs are the still the most frightening thing in the movie.

So maybe GAF knows... did the dogs EAT Lois and Dana? Did they absorb them? How exactly did that whole thing go down?

I always thought they kind of "eat" them but with no actual dismemberment, since the people at the reastaurant see Tully standing there and screaming while Vinz possesses him.

but im not sure
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