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Islamic militants attack Nigerian college, slaughter dozens of students

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Suspected Islamic militants killed dozens of students in a pre-dawn attack Tuesday on a northeast Nigerian college, survivors said, setting ablaze a locked hostel and shooting and slitting the throats of those who escaped through windows. Some were burned alive.

Adamu Garba said he and other teachers who ran away through the bush estimate 40 students died in the assault that began around 2 a.m. Tuesday at the Federal Government College at Buni Yadi. It is a co-ed school about 70 kilometres south of Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state, and difficult to communicate with because extremists last year destroyed the cellphone tower there.Soldiers still are gathering corpses so he could not give an exact number of dead, said military spokesman Capt. Eli Lazarus.

Tuesday’s attack brings the toll from attacks blamed on Boko Haram to more than 300 civilians killed this month alone.

Didn't see this new attack posted, but I know last year, a similar attack was posted. It's absolutely disgusting how innocent kids and college students are caught up in the terrorist rebellion. It's gotten so bad, many are fleeing to neighboring countries to avoid being attacked by the militants.



Another newer link, says death toll so far now at 58 students, many were burned alive in the locked hostels. Has more information on how women were spared and told to go home, get married and abandon "western education".

Soldiers guarding a checkpoint near the coed government school were mysteriously withdrawn hours before it was targeted by the militants, said the spokesman for the governor of northeastern Yobe state.

Female students were spared in the attack, said the spokesman, Abdullahi Bego, though girls and women have been abducted in the past by militants of the Boko Haram movement, whose name means "Western education is forbidden."

This time, the insurgents went to the female dormitories and told the young women to go home, get married and abandon the Western education they said is anathema to Islam, Bego said. All of the dead were teenage boys or young men.


God fucking dammit. I don't even get the point of this attack? What message are they sending; no co-ed colleges?...

Was there no security or anything?
Enemies to learning are enemies to mankind. They're targeting the next generation that might actually be able to do something to change the state of things.
I genuinely wonder how fucked up you have to be for religion to override your innate morality, and to do something like this without thinking 'hang on a minute, this can't be right'




What do these nutjobs actually want?

What does indiscriminate murder actually achieve for them?

Since it's almost entirely guaranteed and believed to be the Boko Haram terror group, what they want is a pure Islamic state in Northern and Northeast Nigeria ruled by Sharia Law, and ending any westernization. They routinely attack Christian churches, schools, colleges, tourist areas etc.

It's pretty sickening. These were all young, college students killed while they were sleeping. Those who escaped through the windows were shot or had their throat slit.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
President Goodluck Jonathan told a news conference Monday night that the Boko Haram attacks were “quite worrisome” but that he was sure “We will get over it.”

WOW fuck that president

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I genuinely wonder how fucked up you have to be for religion to override your innate morality, and to do something like this without thinking 'hang on a minute, this can't be right'

It's sad and simple - you "other" the target of your hatred and violence, turning them into something that isn't human like you. Othering is built into human psychology as well. I'm sure people who consider themselves good, upstanding people experience it whenever they say, seethe that a murderer or child molester should be ripped to pieces by wild dogs. In their mind, the target has become "one of them", in those examples a class of monster.

People who go out and mass-murder in the name of some ideology have been similarly conditioned to see people who have partaken of the enemy ideology as one of "them" and not "us". Take it far enough, and basic human empathy can be circumvented.

Just look at the history of ethnic cleansing and how easily a population can be turned against a targeted minority group.


Is there nothing in their religion that simply states 'do not kill?'

Then again I doubt it would make a blind bit of difference. Religious nuts have a remarkable a ability to pick and choose their scriptures.


I think people should stop labeling them Islamic militants and only start calling them terrorists etc

Is there nothing in their religion that simply states 'do not kill?'

Then again I doubt it would make a blind bit of difference. Religious nuts have a remarkable a ability to pick and choose their scriptures.

There is in clear cut words that killing innocent is like killing all humanity


I think people should stop labeling them Islamic militants and only start calling them terrorists etc

But it seems like they spread their terror in support of Islamic beliefs so a better label would be Islamic terrorists.


But it seems like they spread their terror in support of Islamic beliefs so a better label would be Islamic terrorists.

Thats the issue here. there is no Islamic teaching which forbids getting education. they are just using these tactics to scare common people mostly because they dont want people to get educated and stand upto landlords or warlords in that area


Soldiers guarding a checkpoint near the coed government school were mysteriously withdrawn hours before it was targeted by the militants, said the spokesman for the governor of northeastern Yobe state.
fucking hell...
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